Re: CS>on reducing blood pressure

2002-05-04 Thread CKing001
So what do you eat on a REGULAR basis.
Do you alternate?

-Destiny shapes our ends, but our middles are of our own  chewing.

On Fri, 3 May 2002 23:30:49 -0500, "Carl George"  wrote:

>I use to have blood pressure readings of 170/100. Now, I usually have readings 
>of 130/80 or 120/70. And I did it by just changing the type of food I ate.
>When I followed the SAD (Standard American Diet), I got the 170/100 
> readings. 
>When I changed to a raw food diet (mostly freshly squeezed juices, with 
> salads and fruits), the readings went to 130/80.  And it did not take very 
> long. A week at the most. 
>Now, anytime I go back to the bad foods (sugars, breads, processed foods, 
> etc.), my blood pressure goes back up.
>Then I go back to my raw foods program, and blood pressure goes down. 
>I can regulate my blood pressure by choosing the type of foods I eat. 

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Re: CS>on reducing blood pressure

2002-05-03 Thread Duncan Crow
Hi Jennifer;

That's what it's there for... see also Doctor Rath's site.
He co-wrote a peer-reviewed paper on this subject with Pauling and his info
may be newer or somehow better than the book's information. I do know he has
nice graphics on the site.

See also the SomaLife gHP if she can afford it. If a person could look and
feel at 90 like they're only 60, many or most will if they can afford to.
The video on the site is marvellous and goes into organ
regeneration and all that.

Duncan Crow

- Original Message -
From: "Jennifer Popp" 
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: CS>on reducing blood pressure

| Duncan, can I forward this info to someone suffering from high blood
| pressure and not on this list? It's my mom and she's just starting to
| investigate taking control of this issue through nutrition and natural
| means.
| BTW I just got a Linus Pauling book from the library for a significant
| this weekend. I can't wait :-)
| Thanks in advance,
| Jenn Popp
| Healthy Paws Bones and Raw Food Diet
| - Original Message -
| From: Duncan Crow
| | To lower blood pressure naturally you can use amino acids l-lysine and
| | l-proline with hi-dose vitamin C, Linus Pauling style. He advocated
| | b-complex (take it with folate) as well.
| --
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| List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>on reducing blood pressure

2002-05-03 Thread Noel White
Hawthorne berry powder(capsules) nd coQ10 are also effective for
lowering blood pressure.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>on reducing blood pressure

2002-05-03 Thread Jennifer Popp
Duncan, can I forward this info to someone suffering from high blood
pressure and not on this list? It's my mom and she's just starting to
investigate taking control of this issue through nutrition and natural

BTW I just got a Linus Pauling book from the library for a significant read
this weekend. I can't wait :-)

Thanks in advance,

Jenn Popp
Healthy Paws Bones and Raw Food Diet

- Original Message -
From: Duncan Crow
| To lower blood pressure naturally you can use amino acids l-lysine and
| l-proline with hi-dose vitamin C, Linus Pauling style. He advocated
| b-complex (take it with folate) as well.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>on reducing blood pressure

2002-05-03 Thread CKing001
Yeah, I LIKE argenine...
I LOOOVE argenine
Even if it didn't do a da*n thing for blood pressure.(wink,wink,nudge,nudge)


"OLD" IS WHEN... Your sweetie says, "Let's go upstairs and make love" and
 you answer, "Pick one, I can't do both!"

On Fri, 03 May 2002 08:26:04 -0700, Duncan Crow  wrote:

>Well, l-arginine is very important to the heart muscle.

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