Anyone get Slide WebDAV working with Weblogic?

2005-06-02 Thread Charlton Chris

Hi -  

I'm having problems getting Slide working with Weblogic8.1 SP4 (it works
fine with Tomcat), and am wondering if anyone else has had more luck and has
got it working.

I've followed searched throught the mail threads, and followed the advice on
the weblogic config in the Llide wiki, and it (apparently) deploys nicely -
however a browser call to http://localhost:7001/slide/ returns a 404 file
not found, and connecting with DavExplorer returns DAV Interpreter: 400 bad
The weblogic log looks like the following (for the davexplorer failed
ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)',
26-May-2005 13:39:14, root, OPTIONS, 200 "OK", 311 ms, /index.jsp
ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)',
26-May-2005 13:39:20, root, OPTIONS, 200 "OK", 50 ms, /index.jsp
ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)',
26-May-2005 13:39:20, root, PROPFIND, 400 "Bad Request", 20 ms, /index.jsp
I thought it could be the default of WLS of not generating a directory
page... so in my weblogic.xml I included
but that didn't sort it.
This may well be a really obvious one- but I can't see what is the problem.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
Other config information that might be useful :
I'm using WLS 8.1  SP4 on WinXP, with JDK1.4.2_5 (though also tried with the
beta of wls9.0 and got the same problem - I swapped back to 8.1 wondering if
it was the behaviours of 9.0 that was causing the problem). I'm using the
default file based repository (as specified in a vanilla domain.xml). There
are no errors in the wls log as it starts up, just lots of INFO messages as
various things are initialised.

I'm using BASIC authentication (and that seems to be functioning correctly -
I was also using basic authentication in the Tomcat setup, and that both
seemed to be working, and the webdav bits were working too). In WLS, the
authentication seems to be working correctly, however the webdav bit is not

Thanks in advance for any help,

Chris Charlton

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WebDAV - Exchange - Question : Tasks with attachments

2005-06-02 Thread Mark Breitner

I know this is not a slide-only question but maybe someone knows the answer.

I want to create an exchange task (already done) with several attachments in
it (not yet done).

Who knows how to create these attachments for tasks in exchange  ?

Thanks in advance

Mark Breitner

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Re: Store object

2005-06-02 Thread Martin Kalén

Guillaume Chervet wrote:

Do you know where I can find more informations about slide? I don't
understand the store system. I am using (org.apache.slide.content) but I
don't find how to store some java objects. I can store "String" object
using this example, but nothing
Do you know how it works?

If you can serialize your objects, you can use Java serialization to
byte array or ObjectOutputStream/ObjectInputStream and store the
contents by calling:

void store(SlideToken token, String strUri,
   NodeRevisionDescriptor revisionDescriptor,
   NodeRevisionContent revisionContent)

The NodeRevisionContent is the Slide API object carrying the content
itself and you need to attach content to it like so:
  NodeRevisionContent content = new NodeRevisionContent();
  content.setContent(bytes[] or char[] or Reader or InputStream);

To understand how to use the API it's a good idea to browse through
different methods in the WebDAV servlet implementation. Or you can
try WCK for an API that might be easier to "digest" than the full
Content / Storage etc in Slide.


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Re: Deadlock in Slide 2.1 RC 1 /Tomcat 5.0.29

2005-06-02 Thread Martin Kalén

Scott Lewis wrote:
We are working with/using the Slide libraries (2.1RC1) on Tomcat (v 
5.0.28 currently).   We are having what seems to be a deadlock condition 
inside the Slide server code.

Are you using different RDBMS-based stores pointing to the same database?

I have a reproducable case where Slide from CVS HEAD (pre-2.2) deadlocks
if permissions for two stores are configured to the same DB through
DBCP pools in each store.

(My usage pattern is that I share permissions in DB but have content for
one URL-tree on disk and content for another URL-tree in RDBMS.)

When Slide loads the initial permissions entries from Domain.xml on
a blank DB it will deadlock when it tries to grant permission on one
store and calls assertUri for the root note just created by the other

I haven't had time to debug this further or work on a patch, but you
can easily verify if your condition is similar by starting Tomcat in
JPDA debug mode, attach a debugger with the Slide source code available
and check if the deadlock is in a executeUpdate call to your JDBC driver
called from grantPermission and assertUri on top of that in the stack.


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Re: Deadlock in Slide 2.1 RC 1 /Tomcat 5.0.29

2005-06-02 Thread Martin Kalén

Scott Lewis wrote:

Is there a version of Slide that runs on 5.5 (jvm 1.5)?

P.S. Slide kernel from CVS HEAD runs fine under Tomcat 5.5.x,
at least with JRE 1.4 and the Tomcat compatibility JAR installed.

I have not tried with either JRE 5.0 or the Slide WebDAV servlet.


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Re: Deadlock in Slide 2.1 RC 1 /Tomcat 5.0.29

2005-06-02 Thread Scott Lewis

Hi Martin,

I'm not using RDBMS at all...just FileSystemStore (or whatever the class 
name is), so it sounds like this probably isn't the same thing.

Thanks though.


Martin Kalén wrote:

Scott Lewis wrote:

We are working with/using the Slide libraries (2.1RC1) on Tomcat (v 
5.0.28 currently).   We are having what seems to be a deadlock 
condition inside the Slide server code.

Are you using different RDBMS-based stores pointing to the same database?

I have a reproducable case where Slide from CVS HEAD (pre-2.2) deadlocks
if permissions for two stores are configured to the same DB through
DBCP pools in each store.

(My usage pattern is that I share permissions in DB but have content for
one URL-tree on disk and content for another URL-tree in RDBMS.)

When Slide loads the initial permissions entries from Domain.xml on
a blank DB it will deadlock when it tries to grant permission on one
store and calls assertUri for the root note just created by the other

I haven't had time to debug this further or work on a patch, but you
can easily verify if your condition is similar by starting Tomcat in
JPDA debug mode, attach a debugger with the Slide source code available
and check if the deadlock is in a executeUpdate call to your JDBC driver
called from grantPermission and assertUri on top of that in the stack.


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Re: Retrieving namespace definition / store properties

2005-06-02 Thread Martin Kalén

Brusic, Ivan wrote:

I am trying to access the /slide/namespace/defintion/story/contentstore
properties defined in domain.xml via code.  NamespaceConfig obviously
doesn't have them, and there are no get methods defined in ContentStore.
I am basically trying to retrieve the value of path to the content root.
Is this at all possible?

I didn't find any easily accessible API methods to retrieve this.

However, if you are using an EmbeddedDomain and don't mind extremly
ugly code (major hack-warning!) the answer is:
 yes, it is _possible_
(bot not supported by the API, not nice or clean,
 and as far as I could see not possible under a strict JRE
 security model since the hacky solution includes looking
 up protected fields by reflection).

//EmbeddedDomain domain;
//...init domain...

String namespaceName = "yourNamespace";
String principal = "yourUser";
String uri = "/your/path/of/choice";

String key = "rootpath";

Namespace ns = domain.getNamespace(namespaceName);
CredentialsToken credentials = new CredentialsToken(principal);
SlideToken slideToken = new SlideTokenImpl(credentials);
Uri slideUri = ns.getUri(slideToken, uri);
slideStore = slideUri.getStore();
if (slideStore instanceof AbstractStore) {
  try {
Field contentStoreField = 
ContentStore contentStore = (ContentStore) 
contentStoreField.get((AbstractStore) slideStore);
if (contentStore instanceof AbstractTxFileStoreService) {
  Field storeDirField = 
  System.out.println("storeDir=" + 
storeDirField.get((AbstractTxFileStoreService) contentStore));
  } catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Could not retrieve storeDir");

I wonder why it's only possible to retrieve Domain level config
params easily using the API? Any Slide developer care to comment
on the API thoughts behind this? (Maybe it's just considered
not to be a generic use-case.)


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Re: Deadlock in Slide 2.1 RC 1 /Tomcat 5.0.29

2005-06-02 Thread Martin Kalén

Scott Lewis wrote:
I'm not using RDBMS at all...just FileSystemStore (or whatever the class 
name is), so it sounds like this probably isn't the same thing.

OK. No, then I don't think it is related since "my" deadlock has to do
with transaction isolation between the two different DBCP pools.

Thanks though.

NP! :)


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Newbie question - where to find a good explanation of http content request/response

2005-06-02 Thread stephan
Hi there,

It has probably been asked a million times, so my apologies since I was 
unable to web the answer.
I'm seeking a deeper understanding of the webDAV protocol and what happens 
"on the wire"
I know there are the methods GET, POST, PROPFIND, MOVE, COPY etc.I'm not 
so clear how the conversations look like
e.g. when the client sends a PROPFIND /test/ HTTP 1.1 header, what else 
would I need. What would the server answer, (To my understanding a 207 
Multi-Status response header and an XML body) which of the 
requests/response pairs are common, which of them carry a body, how does 
that body look like?
Slide is handling all this, I'd just like to understand it. Could you 
point me to URLs or books with the information I seek?

Thx and have a great day!
:-) stw