Re: Sloan Lyrics-Medium Rare

1995-12-06 Thread C. Trowbridge
> "american groove" is an MC5 song.

don't mean to be picky but..."american ruse" is an MC5 song. "New York 
Groove" is an Ace Frehely song. "Groove is in the Heart" is a Deeelite 
song. "We're an American Band" is a Grand Funk Railroad song.
I don't know any "American Groove", though it would be in good company as 
a song title...

Re: Sloan Lyrics-Medium Rare

1995-12-06 Thread James R. Covey
adam asks:

>I realize this may be a difficult request to fulfill, but would anybody 
>have the lyrics to Pillow Fight, Rag Doll, and Laying Blame.  Also, is 
>American Groove an unrecorded song?

"american groove" is an MC5 song.

here's my personal transcription of "pillow fight":


if you start a pillow fight, i don't wanna get involved
you're so restless; i need my rest -- just please leave me alone
this event will go unresolved, as have all the rest
save your feathers; i'm so drowsy so i'm saving you my breath

'cause i've been thinking about it lately
i know i've been put to the test
'cause i've been thinking about you lately

you keep a journal; everybody knows my thoughts sit in my head
if i put mine down in words i couldn't bear to have them read
i never have a thing to say and i can't make up my mind
that's my excuse right now, it's my usual line

but i've been thinking about it lately
i feel i've been wasting your time
but i've been thinking about you lately

it's the hardest thing to do -- just getting back at you
not something i want to do -- just tell me when you're through
it's the hardest thing to do -- just getting back at you
not something i want to do -- just getting back at you

if you start a pillow fight, i'll just thank my lucky stars
if i remember to close my door instead of leaving it ajar
this event will go unresolved, as have all the rest
save your feathers; i'm so drowsy so i'm saving you my breath

but i've been thinking about it lately
i know i'm dumb sometimes
but i've been thinking about you lately
i know i'm dumb sometimes
but i've been thinking about it lately
i know i'm dumb sometimes
but i've been thinking about you

 _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_sloan net is a discussion of the
 ___| | ___   __ _ _ __  _ __   ___| |_  halifax / east coast music scene
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That hoax thing

1995-12-06 Thread Paul Landry
I don't know, call me sensitive but I found this whole Sloan album 
rumour to be pretty stupid (I did fall for it *blush*).  I mean I 
went out to New Minas (not just cause it rhymes) and asked the sales 
clerks if they had it and stuff and they looked at me like I was 
crazy.  I also am the only Acadia student on the Sloan net so I felt 
somewhat responsible for informing all the Sloan fans around here 
about the (then existent to me) album.
Yeah, the rumour spread and for a while everyone was happy.  Then 
I found out it was all a hoax and felt pretty stupid.  Not because I 
fell for this little joke, because to call something a joke I must 
find it funny.  I don't know about you guys but you know I would kind 
of like to have another Sloan album in my collection and was giddy to 
the point of hugging people I hardly knew in the light of the news.  
Call me bitter about the whole thing and if you're gonna partake 
in something like this again how about not emailing me about it, just 
email Deryl or something.

Gonna go drown my sorrows in draftily yours,
Paul Landry

ps.  If you're gonna cut me up over this try to do it well, ie. Mr. 
Catano style.

Re: Review of Superfriendz, Al Tuck and Pluto

1995-12-06 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Wed, 6 Dec 1995, Jeremy Harris Clarke wrote:

> > and pop sensibilities- but the SFZ have a noisier, more distorted sound that
>   ^
> what the hell are pop sensibilities?  i see it written in all kinds of 
> reviews and it sounds really stupid.  does it mean something?  it sounds 
> like some kinda hidden political agenda.

i would imagine that "pop sensibilities" means that the zrtist or artists 
in question have an understanding and appreciation of pop music cliches 
and formulas and are not afraid to use them in their music.  eg, the 
superfriendz usage of four-part harmony, standard verse/chorus/bridge 
song structures, open chord rock and roll, etc, etc.  it's a phrase used 
to imply that the band creates their music within a historical framework, 
encompassing, rather than shunning, the canon of pop music.


Re: Sloan Lyrics-Medium Rare

1995-12-06 Thread Andrew . Rodenhiser
Adam Kozyra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:

}I realize this may be a difficult request to fulfill, but would anybody 
}have the lyrics to Pillow Fight, Rag Doll, and Laying Blame.

Those lyrics were tagged onto the end of Deryl's recent post of Sloan 
lyrics (weakass attempt at appeasing everyone :)

If you didn't keep them write me and I'll send you a copy.

On that note, I heard a snippet of Laying Blame on CKDU this afternoon, 
except it was the Roger Daltrey version:

"J-just as l-long as I-I h-have y-you"

The DJ promptly shut off the stuttering cd and played a Frank Black song.

At least it shows that this dead band gets enough airplay to wear the disc 

1001 atopical posts,

Strawberry shortcake

1995-12-06 Thread Matt Hennessey

Hey folks, this is Matt from Charlottetown.  It's been about 
a week since I have written about a Charlie town band, but you're in 
for a treat as far as I'm concerned.
Strawberry, the Island's best band started off three years 
ago with an interesting mix of players.  Pat and Deirdre, guitarist 
and vocalist respectively, along with Craig (percussion) who is I 
believe Chris Murphy's cousin, and Mike who played the typical 
drumset.  Pat and Deirdre are the only founding members left.
Anyhoo, their first gig ever was in front of hundreds of 
people at our annual Canada Day festival in Victoria park, most 
thought they really sucked because they didn't jam out any Guns and 
Roses (though Pat is a huge G'n'R fan).  And the fact that they 
played all their own songs had a very divisive effect.  I thought it 
was cool what they were doing but also saw the room for improvement.
Contrary to popular belief, Strawberry didn't really become 
an overnight success here in Charlottetown.  Of course all the cover 
bands and Haywire wannabes were still around, actually they still are 
around.  Still, Strawberry along with Stil and Down formed the 
underground scene, more or less.
Strawberry then got the chance to record a 7" split single 
with Plumtree.  It wasn't exactly the way they planned on recording 
but they were happy nonetheless.  The next time someone sees Pat 
tease him about his bass playing but don't tell him I said so.
Scott (guitar) and Brian (bass) joined after Craig left the 
band and finally their sound was shaping up into a strong rythym 
oriented band in which they wanted.  They released a demo by 
themselves in May or June of this year and is utterly amazing 
considering it is done on 8 track.  They actually relaesed a tape 
before that but it is not quite as musically strong.
Simon then replaced Mike as the drummer to form the present 
group of Strawberry.  They have finished recording their CD I think 
but I don''t know when they plan to release it.  One piece of advice, 
pick it up, they are incredible.  
\   Some people may have saw them previous to this past Halifax 
Pop Explosion and may not have liked them very much, or so I've 
heard, but let me assure you, they are a totally changed band with 
all the ingredients that holds Strawberry together still present.
Now here are some helpful little tidbits to break the ice to 
the guys/gal if you ever see them.

Pat - bowls 250, loves movies, especially Clerks and Dazed 
and Confused, he is nice as hell and will jam with anyone who knows a 
few Motley Crue tunes.
Deirdre - is obsessed with Bob Wiseman, hates Dynasty and 
jocks, plus is an avid indie advocate and anti christ to any cover 
band, she's real smart and a pleasant lady to talk to.
Simon - what can I say, the guys got a clock in his head and 
a smile on his face the whole time, friendly and helpful, he lives on 
Harley street and is a self professed preppy, plus the oldes member 
at 25.
Scott - loves to make posters, they are infamous around the 
Island, and stickers and what not, used to play clarinet in high 
school (as did I) and shines while singing and playing his Gibson SG 
for the guys from Strawberry's alter ego side band Good Guy Eddie 
Featuring Former Members Of Chilliwack (Pat's the only member to 
actually play for Chilliwack...just kidding).
Brian - that groovin' bass player is one of the funniest guys 
I know, loves "crack" (inside joke) and telling people that he was 
not the bass player for the Me 7" single, yet another joke poking fun 
at Pat.
So there you go folks, as usual any questions just let your 
fingers do the talking.



1995-12-06 Thread Peter Dale King
hi yhis is my first post to sloan net, anyway i just want to comment on
potatobug, these guys are definately headed for somthing good, they have a
sound that appeals to everyone, they're heavy, fast, poppy, and probably
the most talented band in st.john's, i myself am in the john kenneth wilks
blues band and jeremy mentioned and have played with potatobug guitarist 
ritchie perez and drummer brian downton, they are amazing.  i would pick 
these guys over any other band on the east coast to spend my hard earned 
money on, they totally blow away all these crappy weiner indie shit bands 
that a lot of you hold in such high esteem.

yo' pal
percival jones

Re: Birthday! + That Damned 'Before I Do' Monlogue

1995-12-06 Thread Andrew . Rodenhiser
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Bozikovic) wrote

}Well, well... Andrew's (the non-Iron-Maiden-fan ;) - I presume, anyway) b-day
}is December 5th? And that would imply that 
}yours, Andrew, is the 6th; today. Which also happens be mine! 
}Happy birthday.

Hey, I knew there had to be a mathematician out there.  Didn't it happen 
once before that 3 of us had a birthday on the same day and James "mr 
probability" Covey informed us that the odds were quite good in a crowd of 
Happy birthday Alex!

}sorry for the somewhat limited Sloan relevance.
}although I shouldn't be apologizing, considering some of the crap that's been
}going by lately.

dittus maximus.

}including what I think is a phone number.
}does ANYONE (Mr. Covey, Sir?) have any idea what the hell he's talking about?

Casino taxi?

Sorry, this is getting a bit silly.  I archive all the remotely relevant 
messages from this lists in the philanthropic hope of getting them on a 
web page/ftp site (HELP WANTED!) and last month was the first time I kept 
more than 200 messages (in the early days there were less than 100 a 
month, and idle chatter was a welcome diversion).  Why is it that with the 
band broken up there is more to talk about?  It seems that folks are more 
willing to talk about other bands now that there's little REAL news about 
Sloan (but lots of fake news).  Which reminds me of some of the weird 
experiences Plumtree had when they were just starting out.  They had this 
cool van with a custom paint job and a dog with a speech impediment...

Shooting for 1000 posts a day,
Birthday boy

Re: Birthday! + That Damned 'Before I Do' Monlogue

1995-12-06 Thread Alex Bozikovic
Andrew Rodenhiser, [EMAIL PROTECTED], wrote:

>A happy 28th birthday to some other guy named Andrew, who is a year and a 
>day older than me and used to play drums in a certain local band which is 
>defunct and does not have a new album coming out.

Well, well... Andrew's (the non-Iron-Maiden-fan ;) - I presume, anyway) b-day
is December 5th? And that would imply that 
yours, Andrew, is the 6th; today. Which also happens be mine! 
Happy birthday.

sorry for the somewhat limited Sloan relevance.
although I shouldn't be apologizing, considering some of the crap that's been
going by lately.

now, just to add some actual real Sloan content:

I've been listening to _2R_ lately quite a bit (even more than usual), and
this is really starting to bother me. 
In "Before I Do"... I've been able to make out the first section of Andrew's
monologue, and I've explained before that it comes from a Change of Heart
song. but after the instruments get loud, he goes on for an extra minute or
so, and you can just make out odd words,
including what I think is a phone number.
does ANYONE (Mr. Covey, Sir?) have any idea what the hell he's talking about?

the other drummer,
a l e x

PS You sneaky bastards did not fool me, even for a second, with the "Shaken
By The Speed" thing.

Re: Review of Superfriendz, Al Tuck and Pluto

1995-12-06 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, rod thurber transcribed the following from the 
Kevin Smith review in the Georgia Strait:

[note: pluto do not suck. only justin sucks. :) ]

> being a sucker for the type of lo-fi, lemon drop pop found on the SFZ's
> Murderedords debut album, Mock Up, Scale Down.  Live the group's

i don't know too much about the technical end of production, but i'd like 
someone to please explain how _mock up, scale down_ can be considered 
"lo-fi"...i always figured lo-fi meant something along the lines of 
poorly recorded, albeit on purpose a lot of the time. this is not the 
first time i've seen someone refer to this album as "lo-fi" - perhaps the 
single and their cassette could be called lo-fi as the sound is pretty 
bad in parts, but their cd? i don't know about that.

> and pop sensibilities- but the SFZ have a noisier, more distorted sound that
> leans a bit to the Eric's Trip end of the spectrum.  And while each group

i don't understand why people insist on comparing east coast bands to 
*only* either eric's trip or sloan. in my lame opinion as a record reviewin' 
hack, i fail to see any sort of similarities between eric's trip (noisy, 
distorted, etc) and the super friendz (relatively clean but jangly at 
times guitar sound). put me in my place, though, if i'm wrong.

oh well, what the hecky thump does this guy know anyway, he referred to 
al tuck as "pleasant background music". :)

one of *four* sloannet al tuck fans,
tara lee :)

Remember Montreal.
"Hard Times Won't Stop Us."
- Women Looking Forward

Thruster homepage

1995-12-06 Thread michael j adams

the Thruster homepage:

new jale demos

1995-12-06 Thread Michael Carr
hi, i thought you people would be interested in hearing about a new Jale demo
tape i borrowed from a friend, and man, it sure sucks. on the tape it says "
top secret, " no wonder, i wouldn't want anyone hearing this either.  not
only are the songs bad, but the titles rae the cheesiest: " Back on track,
Blue streak, depite 1 and 2, storm, sorry sentimental, your band SUX, so shy,
soon baby, and too far gone, just to name a few. out of all 23 songs i
couldn't find one that was good enough to play on my show at CHRY.  i mean
really, 23 songs on a demo?  who's the dumbass behind that?  so, for all you
who are so anxiously waiting for the big new release,

the scoop on sloan

1995-12-06 Thread Tim McAuliffe
Hey, you wacky kids!

I have been informed that the upcoming release from Sloan will not be of
the "musical" nature, though it will have some music on it.  The new
release is actually a project that Chris and Jay thought up over nine
years ago, when the two were freshmen in senior high. In school Chris was
super piopular while Jay was not, in fact, the two met when Chris was
beating up a friend of Jay's.  Jay started to cry which made Chris feel a
bit guilty.  It was then that Chris decided to take Jay under his wing and
motivate him to be cooler.  After teaching him how to bong, how to tape
the back of his baseball cap, and how to secure his coffee thermos to the
back of his Mountain Gear knapsack; Jay was ready to hang with the in
crowd.  Chris figured that he could motivate others much the same way he
motivated Jay, so he decided to record a series of motivational cassettes.
The tapes have a simple and easy to follow format, with Chris discussing
the benefits of a confident personality and a friendly demeanor.  Jay
sings a couple of short songs about his growth from a ninth grade nerd to
a tenth grade jock. One of the songs is rather emotional, it deals with
the emotional hardship Jay felt when he had to give a wedgie to one of his
former nerd friends.  All in all, a great release from the boys in the


Bob "big business" Baxter

Re: Pillow Fight

1995-12-06 Thread Joyce Linehan

On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, cp wrote:

> > > on which release is the Sloan song "Pillow Fight"?
> > 
> > It's on, "Nevermind the mollusks"  It's a small compilation with 
> > sloan, jale, eric's trip and...someone help me with the last one!!
> that'd be Idee Du Nord.
> just where are they now?

Theyre on hiatus while Benoit Dugas goes to school in Halifax.

shiny decal tshirts suck :)

1995-12-06 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
rip off or tribute? al tuck named his first release after the Arhoolie 
record label out of California and then as if that wasn't bad enough :) 
his old bassist decides to rip off their logo for the Al Tuck and No 
Action shirts.  someone was saying (i think it might have been al but it 
could have been someone else) that the next design for an al tuck shirt 
was going to be a play on an AC/DC design only instead of saying "For 
Those About To Rock, We Salute You" it was going to say "For Those 
Opposed To Rock" and like be in that cool AC/DC style of writing 
with the phrase written on a cannon and everything.

one of three sloannet al tuck fans, ;)
tara :) :)

Review of Superfriendz, Al Tuck and Pluto

1995-12-06 Thread rod thurber
HEY marc brown,
Here is that review of the gig @ the Starfish(don't smoke pot there
they'll throw you out, it happened to this guy I know) on Nov 17.  Actually
I'm going to leave out PLuto cuzz they suck.
The review appeared in the Georgia Straight written by Kevin Smith.

[skip Pluto part]

The Super Friendz, who played second on the bill are the latest sensation to
come out of the overhyped Halifax music scene.  While not wanting to add to
the saturation of media praise for all things Haligonian, I must confess to
being a sucker for the type of lo-fi, lemon drop pop found on the SFZ's
Murderedords debut album, Mock Up, Scale Down.  Live the group's
good-natured whimsy and ragged presence easily charmed the already primed
Given that Sloan bassist Chris Murphy - no relation to SFZ guitarist
Matt Murphy - briefly played drums in SFZ, comparisons between the two bands
are inevitable.  And there are similarities - especially in vocal harmonies
and pop sensibilities- but the SFZ have a noisier, more distorted sound that
leans a bit to the Eric's Trip end of the spectrum.  And while each group
shares and vocal duties among the band members, Matt Murphy dominates the
SFZ live performances.  He sparks the show throwing himself into the songs
and tossing off spasmodic guitar leads while jumping about the stage-and
occasionally into the audience.  Once he gets going , guitarist Drew Yamada
and bassit Charles Austin almost seem to step back and let Murphy do his thing.
Al Tuck and no action didn't fare as well as the other two acts on
the bill.  Granted, it's tough opening a show with only a few half
interested folks by the stage, but that was the least of Tuck's problems.
His mid-tempo, country flavoured songs were pleasant background music but
lacked energy and suffered from very poor sound. Presumably Tuck's strength
is his songwriting, but his mufflrd vocals made the lyrics impossible to
decipher.  Too Bad.

***There marc brown you owe me something for typing all of that in, I gotta
get a scanner.

Peace Buddy,

P.S - I'm listening to Revenge (New Order side project) The 80's rock, marc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] everything depends
BC is a distinct society, Mr. Chretien nothing is always
   everything is sometimes
 You'd be wanting the regular size fish??  nothing is everything