re: just a one question

1995-12-23 Thread Tara da Costa
hello! :)

hello there and merry christmas. i have been off the list for a while now 
and i'm just wondering about something. what's going on with the les 

the tapes are presently being run-off by tara lee :) we are beginning to
work on cover art/sleeve design/zine stuff etc..
should be done sooon! :) -- famous last words ;) im getting a bad rep
lately on the slacker tip..

amis du sloan thingie? i wrote tara da costa about it a while ago, but i 
haven't gotten anything back from her. is it happening? did it happen? 

oops i think i might have accidentally deleted the msg :(
etc..?? and zine-wise..has anyone on the list offered any new 'issues' 
since this summer? i know, i'm really really off..just clueless.

yah there's been lotsa new stuff! i hope all the zine kids email you w/
details :) if not email me and ill hook ya up w/ some addresses :)
as for us, there is a summer ffiction out w/ lotsa interviews and stuff.
fall ish. coming soon (heehe late as all heck):) email me if yr
interested. :)

merry christmas, everyone! :) :) :) have a ravin' holiday! ;) ;)

tis the season to kill lawlor
fa la la la la la la la la --herbal E
tara :) :)
freakin fish is a elf who loves crack

ps/ new grand joined the sonic unyon klan! treble charger are moving to
new york? whats the deal. and did anyone else read the sloan tidbit in the
stink? ohboyohboyohboyohboy :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Seasons Beastings..

1995-12-23 Thread Brendan Ryan
I just fealt like posting cause it feels like a while since I have last 
done so.. I just wanted to tell those people who (about 3 months ago) 
said that Al Tuck was a poor opener for the Super Friendz.. 

You are all sooo wrong
.On Thurs I saw the New Al Tuck band.. Al Tuck  New Action?.. 
hmm..? But yeah, this is only my second time ever to see them play and I 
liked this show much better than the first.. in particular, the new 
guitar/organ player (name please?) was incredible on guitar.. I can't belive 
some of the licks this guy came up with, he rules.. and I think that Al 
can sing just fine.. or maybe I'm just tone dealf, I dunno.. But I can 
totally see Al Tuck being a great opener for the Friendz.. In a way all 
of the (Al Tuck) guitar noodeling is very Matt Murphy. So I have to say 
that I think they would have been a match made in heaven, straight up. 

Oh, and I hope to see you all at the Cinnomin Toast xmas shindig at the 
crappy old Birdland tonite.. I know it is probably too late to find out 
but, who else will play besides R West?.. I hear that Dusty Sorbet will 
also play.. who else?.. anyone?.. hmm. This would be a great time for 
another last time ever, we swear Sloan show.. don't you think? Not that 
that would be a bad thing though.. au contraire mon amie.. Well, whatever, 
pipe talk.. Merry Christmas sloan net.. 

Smashing Dumb-Kids,
Brendan with Butterfly Wings..

best o' 95, dec 22

1995-12-23 Thread James R. Covey
From: Mark Kenneth Mullane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 for these ones...
 1) best east-coast band- Tim Robbins Experience
 2) best non-east-coast band- Pavement
 3) best east-coast LP- they all put me to sleep
 4) best non-east-coast LP- Wowee Zowee - pavementi
 5) best east-coast EP or single- State Champs nevada downs
 6) best non-east-coast EP or single- GUV'NER -knight moves ep
 7) best live performance (a single date, a single band please!)- TRE anytime 
 8) best video (EC or non)- Superfriendz only for the non-band rock scenes 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Helen Luu)

1) best east-coast band

Thrush Hermit

2) best non-east-coast band

The New Grand, Sonic Youth, Sebadoh

3) best east-coast LP

Twice Removed

4) best non-east-coast LP

Washing Machine (SY), Blinker the Star (self-titled)

5) best east-coast EP or single

The Great Pacific Ocean (TH)

6) best non-east-coast EP or single

Vroom!!! 7 (Salmonblaster), 
Playing It/Ready Steady Go 7 (Trout aka the new grand)

7) best live performance (a single date, a single band please!)

I thought Sloan's last performance at Edgefest 3 was great..

8) best video (EC or non)



From: Elizabeth Greenan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 1) best east-coast band
Eric's Trip
Sloan (even though they broke up,_i think_, that new 
   album's pretty good, fuck you brendan)

 2) best non-east-coast band
Sonic Youth
smashing Pumpkins
Silverchair (I'm joking)

 3) best east-coast LP
Superfriendz - mock up, scale down

 4) best non-east-coast LP
I dunno, Smashing punpkins, I dunno

 5) best east-coast EP or single
Sloan - Stood Up/ Same old Flame
Thrush hermit - TGPO

 6) best non-east-coast EP or single
Beats Me :(
 7) best live performance (a single date, a single band please!)
Probably that Thrush Hermit show in Charlottetown that my mom 
wouldn't let me go to g

 8) best video (EC or non)
Crush With Eyeliner - R.E.M (the best video of all time, yay for the
the japanese REM, ha ha Peter buck's a girl :)
Friends of P - The rentals - that focising thing is cool
10 lbs - Superfirndz - a classic


ps have a merry christmas all of sloan net :)

 _James R. Covey [EMAIL PROTECTED]_sloan net is a discussion of the
 ___| | ___   __ _ _ __  _ __   ___| |_  halifax / east coast music scene
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