re: setting up a show

1995-12-31 Thread Brian Wieser
just my own two cents -- you can check out the massive article/piece on 
setting up shows (spec. all ages) in the august '95 Discorder magazine, 
which is on line (and fully hyper-texted!) at
brian, who's just returned from the completion of another self-promo'd show!

bud nipping?

1995-12-03 Thread Brian Wieser
i hold in my hot little hands a copy of this new sloan release.  
in my humble opinion, it actually sounds more like van halen.  it truly 
takes them in the direction we all know they wanted to go in, but were 
always held back from whilst on geffen.  patrick's two-handed tapping 
performance is truly a tour de force, perhaps only topped by chris 
murphy's john entwhistle-esque bass playing.  Further, the string section 
was most effective.  I wasn't aware that David Foster was still arranging 
music these days but i guess you can never say never?  
well, maybe not.


Re: sloan, geffen, matador

1995-11-21 Thread Brian Wieser

On Tue, 21 Nov 1995, Gord Dimitrieff wrote:

> great bands they have also, i really have no sound basis for this,
> but i belive that sloan had played a national tour before being
> signed?  at least i think they were signed after some geffen-guy saw
> them in vancouver (which means that they had to *get to* vancouver first)..

as best as i know, that's part of musicwest lore, that Sloan was signed 
because of Musicwest, but i thought i'd heard the truth of the matter was 
that the deal was *signed* in vancouver, and nothing more was the result 
of the tour.  am i right? wrong?

brian, who's _finally_ got a copy of DGC rarities...

PS -- the superfriendz shows this weekend were great!  friday with pluto 
and al tuck (pluto headlined, speaking of major label types...lotsa 
virgin LA people were there) tuck went over okay i suppose, but 
they're too quiet for a bar like the starfish room.  i wish i could have 
seen them saturday at the railway club, which must have been the ideal 
venue, but i somehow wound up at the sfz all ages show;) which i daresay 
was better than their performance the night before.  even better than 
them tho, was thee smugglers who followed them up quite well.  Lotsa 
people, lotsa great bands (6!) and just a really neat time...

Re: "you shouldn't believe everything you read"..

1995-10-06 Thread Brian Wieser

> ok, so i read in one mag (i think it was _chart_) that alyson (macleod) 
> has joined hardship post (as we all know) BUT hardship post as we know it 
> will cease -- i think i read (and i'm not so sure anymore so if i'm wrong 
> flame me via private e-mail) that she'll play guitar, seb on bass, and 
> mike on drums, and alyson will become the primary song writer!?!?! 

!@&@! Exclaim just reported that it was a new band, not giving the 
impression that it was ending HP, and that they've played around as 
Speedo -- how are they, anyone?


Re: new Sloan album

1995-10-01 Thread Brian Wieser

On Sun, 1 Oct 1995, McHugh,Janet;Med; wrote:

> Perhaps, but most big record contracts sorta state that if you break up 
> then you can't play together for a set period of time under any moniker 
> otherwise you are still under contract. I heard that Sloan had such a 
> clause in their contract with DGC so.I dunno, what does that mean. 
> Either they aren't breaking up for real or they've mutually ended their 
> contract with DGC? Just some thoughts.

when i interviewed patrick last year, he said there was a "window" in 
their contract following twice removed which would allow either Sloan or 
DGC to back out of the contract (and remember when everyone was saying 
twice removed was going to be the album that would get them dropped from 
DGC?)...i don't know any specifics other than that tho...


Indie-List Volume 4 No. 39 - ridin' in the car car (fwd)

1995-09-26 Thread Brian Wieser
attn: all indie-heads.  just in case you've never seen/heard of this, 
it's just a really neat digest of reviews and things, usually weekly and 
usually a lot more up to date.  there's a good long review of edgefest in 
the middle third of this email, but you wade through some interesting 
stuff to get there.  just thuoght some of ya might like it...

brian, who won't be going to popx:(

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 1995 12:01:38 -0500 (EST)
From: Eric Sinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Bloofga Matic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Indie-List Volume 4 No. 39 - ridin' in the car car

Hard as a rock,
Harder than a rock.


  Indie List Digest!

Sept 24, 1995

 Volume 4   Number 39


Laika   SWIM~   TOO PURE
Super Friendz, Jale, Edgefest 3
got to get to omar's house
ANNOUNCE: Fringe Music web site
AD: the miracle of levitation compilation cd
AD: Nation of Lies

welcome to the ever-lovin Indie-List, the first one of the Fall of 
'95. It's already rainy and cool in Chicago, and the shows are rolling 
in faster than we can report 'em. (incidentally, is it a coincidence 
that I *dreamt* about buying new records the other night? due to 
unemployment, i haven't bought a new record since, em, July.) onward.

on Monday the 11th, saw Pram & The Sea & Cake at Lounge Ax. Pram 
were, for the most part, enjoyable, with plenty of tinkling keyboard 
and drony, sonorous melodies. It was electronic-sounding music that 
gave the impression of being a little bit precious and antiqued. 
Occasionally they lapsed into "jamming," always an unfortunate sign in 
my book, but for the most part it was atmospheric and loopy.

I seem to review Sea & Cake constantly, so I won't go into great 
detail. They played what seemed to be a lot of new material, and a new 
CD threatens to appear soon.

More show reviews from us to follow in our next installment



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joep Vermaat)
Laika   SWIM~   TOO PURE

Finally!  The weather has turned bad again.  Again I'm able to sit in 
my room without making pools of sweat.  Sitting behind a new Pentium 
computer, writing while music is blasting through the room.  These have 
been, and still are, busy times for a music journalist.  Lots and 
lots of excellent things have been coming this way.  Too Pure 
festival, Matador package show, Mu-ziq concert, all together with many 
interviews.  So expect some great stuff in future postings: Catherine 
Wheel, Mu-ziq, Tarnation, Bailter Space, and many reviews.  The Two 
Pure will soon be up and running again.  Loz, my partner in music, has 
finished his busy studying and finally got enough money to catch up 
with me.  With out a doubt, he'll be buying more records than me soon.

But let's get started.  In this posting, the long-awaited Laika 
article.  Swim~-records-review.  And the Too Pure live experience.


Experimental, avant rock, art rock, post rock, isolationism, all names 
of categories in which Laika has been put during the past year.  Without 
a doubt they belong in those kind of catagories, together with Disco 
Inferno, Pram, Moonshake, Seefeel, Main and Bark Psychosis.  But 
saying they belong there will probably scare most readers and 
inexperienced listeners.  Which is pity, because while Moonshake (of 
which Laika used be one half) often was too sharp and painful to 
understand in one go, Laika slips into your ears and brain without a 
problem the first time you hear it.  Musically they have more in 
common with for instance Luscious Jackson, ambient house or triphop.  
"Yeah, it's just like triphop, but much much faster," says the smiling 
face of the group, Margaret Fiedler.  "That kind of music is a lot 
better compared to what the inkies are supporting at the moment, 
Elastica, Blur, Supergrass and Menswear.  I detest the so-called 'new' 

During the interview Margaret slags off almost any band I mention.  
Even bands Laika has been compared with.  Smiling she excuses herself, 
"I almost never buy records of contemporary music.  So I base my 
opinion on what I've heard on the radio or have seen live.  At home I 
listen to a lot of jazz and dub.  So please don't put any names of 
the bands I slag off in the article.  I know a lot of these people and 
I know if they read this, they are going to hate us." The frustration 
against all those popular non innovative music is understandable.  But 
while Laika are being ignored by press and public, they get a lot of 
praise from fellow musicians.  They were asked to support The Young 
Gods for a major part of their tour.  And earlier this year Tricky 
asked them to work with him on an EP.  "He called Too Pure after he 
heard the record.  A wonderful compliment.  But he got very busy after 
the release of 'maxinquaye'.  Our schedules haven't met since.  But I 
think we'll soon get together.  A lot goes wrong.  We were going to 
do a r

rare chris murphy recording circa 1991!

1995-09-08 Thread Brian Wieser
i was just wandering the CiTR cd library, when i happened to pull out a 
cd entitled "North By Northeast" anyway, wouldn't ya knowit, but 
track 5 is by Chris Murphy! it's a celtic number, and he plays fiddle on 
this instrumental track.  
and it says he's from boston.  and it's probably not too likely that this 
is thee chris murphy thee from halifax, but i just thought i'd mention 
it.  actually, it's a comp of stuff from boston from '91.  there's even a 
track by an old Mark Sandman (of Morphine) group called "Early Men"

nothing notable, just wasting bandwith brian

c'est incroyable!

1995-09-05 Thread Brian Wieser
for those of you with music plus, check it out, like now!  jale is on -- 
i think it's jennifer and eve, talking some in french, some english.  
hey, my french is only good enough to understand hockey games, and i can 
figure out what they're saying.  ANyway, i think they're on for another 
10 mins, and i don't know when it repeats.

au revoir!

superfriendz*pluto*all ages*vancouver* <---cheezy plug:)

1995-08-10 Thread Brian Wieser
hey'all, thanks for the murder #s.  Here's the scoop

SAT. AUG. 19

The Mach 3's
The Tonebursts (formerly known as Plus Guests)

St. James Community Square, 3214 W.10th Ave. Vancouver
show 7:15pm, tix $5 adv. from track, scratch, zulu or from me $6 at the door
all ages

Tell yer friends -- i expect to se every sloannetter from west of the 
Lakehead there:)


Re: the hardship post in calgary/ zumpano!!!!

1995-07-22 Thread Brian Wieser

tara lee wrote...
> i didn't watch zumpano or six finger satellite. who cares.
who cares??? who cares zumpano are one of th finest bands on this 
or any other fine planet.  Yeah, they're outerworldly!  

Sloannet content: hardship post were scheduled to be interviewed by 
nardwuar thee human serviette for his show today.  About a minute into 
the interview, after speaking with Mike a voice pipes up "this is 
sebastian...blah, blah..." and 
about 30 seconds later it was realized that it was in fact carl newman of 
superconductor/zumpano:)  Quite the humourous "interview," and it's not 
actually known if that was matt who portrayed himself.

..and an interview of marc gaudet was also aired on the show if anyone cares

-brian, who will sadly be attending the supergrass show (are they any 
good?) instead of hardship post on monday

Re: Sloan's Linament

1995-06-10 Thread Brian Wieser

> >you know, i'm really enjoying this thread of "how many tangents
> >can we go on from the name 'sloan'?", believe it or not.  

always remember and never forget: sloan, ferris beuller's girlfriend!

sizzling teens

1995-05-27 Thread Brian Wieser
the same night sloan played Vancouver in 1993, at another venue in town, 
one of those blaise pascal side-projects were playing.  Their name?  The 
sizzleteens.  As i understand it, that's where the name came from 
(someone correct me if i'm wrong?)

more money market conspiracies!

1995-04-08 Thread [Brian Wieser]
Ok everyone, just in case you weren't following the happenings on the TSE 
this week, seems like there may be some corporate restructurings which 
would make the halifax music scene look as follows...

sloan   jale, ET, hardship post
  | |
  | |
DGC records sub pop records
  | |
distributed by MCA  partially owned
  | by Time Warner
soon to be ownedcontolling interest
by Seagram'sowned by Seagram's
\   /
 \ /
thus establishing hegemony by a canadian corporation in the east coast 
scene! *Sniff* don't it make you feel proud?:)


Sub-Pop/Warner stuff...

1994-12-13 Thread [Brian Wieser]
hi all...ok, so if warner has indeed bought 49% of sub-pop, here's how it 
looks to me

   /  \
51% owned by the same peopleWarner Bros Records (49%)
   Time/Warner - 100% WB Records
Seagram's, who owns the largest single block of Time/Warner (~11%)
The Bronfmanns, who own a controlling interest in Seagram's

Thus, Sub-Pop's fate is now in the hand of a few wealthy Canadians!  :)

well, i think this is somewhat accurate...someone please correct me if i'm 
brian comes the net

1994-07-08 Thread [Brian Wieser]
Alrighty...the new Discorder is mostly on the net.  There're still some 
rough spots, and i'm looking to clean them up, but for now it seems we've 
got some problems in the translation from Mac Pagemaker to IBM rtf 
formats - hopefully it'll get remedied by next week sometime, but for now 
I can't remember if i posted this before, but if not here's what to do
1. telnet to UBC by selecting the UBC gopher at any of the myriad of ways 
to get here
2. at the View UBC prompt, choose "the campus"
3. choose "the student"
4. choose "AMS - the UBC student association"
5. choose "AMS clubs, constituencies and service organizations"
6. choose "service organizations"
7. choose "CiTR general information"
and that should get you there - it's buried right now but i'm trying to 
get other gopher sites to connect directly to it - again, it's kind of 
messy but it should be cleaned up sometime next week.  Anyone got other 
ideas as to what could go there?
