SuperFriendz article in _Watch_

1995-12-13 Thread Helen Luu
Okay, I was asked to post this so here it is:

(comes from the Dec. 1995 _Watch_.. there's also a photo of the SFZ.. but
look! No tight shirts! ;))

These days, being a part of the Canadian music scene just isn't
what it used to be. The Hip have become just another roadside attraction,
Sloan seems to be in perpetual hiatus and everyone is listening to
brit-pop.. Who will help us reclaim our Canadian pride? Well, my money's
on Super Friendz, another great band from Canada's east coast. ANd like
all new bands, their life is touring.
We have been on three tours where we've played to people who have
basically never heard our music before,says Drew Yamada (guitar). With a
comment like that, you can tell Super Friendz have already had their share
of bad touring experiences, including gruelling drives from gig to gig.
Once we had to drive from Toronto to Edmonton between shows. We drove for
36 hours straight. We lost it. It was fun, Drew recalls. 
As for their music, Super Friendz' sound brings new meaning to the
word eclectic. There are four band members, three of whom write songs and
each of whom has a distinct style. All memebers sing too, making for some
nice harmonies. Formed in 1993 in Halifax by Matthew Murphy (guitars),
Yamada and Charles Austin (bass), Super Friendz was originally an acoustic
band. Then, in 1994, after various drummers - including Thrush Hermit's
Cliff Gibb and Sloan's CHris Murphy - played with them, Dave Marsh took
over and Super Friendz as we know them was created. (guess they forgot
about SFZ new drummer extroadinaire)
In New York they have a nickname for Canadian bands, says
Yamada. They call us ham n' eggers. Hopefully, Super Friendz will
elevate Canadian music above the level of breakfast food. 

Re: Superfriendz in Toronto Star

1995-12-10 Thread Helen Luu

There's also an article in _Watch_ magazine/newspaper thingy whose distro
includes Toronto area high skools and I *think* also sum 241 pizza stores?
If there's interest, I'll post it.. if not, I'll save my fingers.. :)


hey kids!
   to y'all who live in toronto and/or the surrounding area, there's 
an article on the superfriendz in today's What's On section of the 
toronto star.  just to let you know, in case you want to pick it up.  
someone might want to post the article for the non-ontario sloan-netters, 
but it's quite long, and i don't have the time. 



Re: New Sloan Album?

1995-12-03 Thread Helen Luu

Well.. James, I hate to be the fly in your ointment.. but, I just 
finished listening to the new Sloan record, Shaken by the Speed. it  
(and I know this word is tabu) rawks.. ten new songs. 55 minutes. I'd 
say it sounds alot like the State Champs.. but I don't want to start any 
rumors I can't control.. I can't believe I am the first person to notice 
this release!!.. You guys are asleep at the switch. Go check it out!

Ol'Dirty Brendan..

Whut?? U mean they already have sumthing out? Or is it not coming out for
awhile and only certain promo-type ppl get to hear it now?

Okay, I want sum details, details, details.. :)



1995-10-08 Thread Helen Luu
did everyone hear realtime last night?  
they played the state champs record, the song gaited dancer
at 45rpm!
it's a 33-1/3 record!

Hehehe.. I had never heard em before and I was wondering y the vocals were
so uh.. unique.. ;).. I actually thought she? he? (ack! u can't even tell
that..) had vocals like that and I even decided that if they got rid of
the vocalist, they would sound much better.. oops.. :P


Hrm.. same guy or an imposter?? ;)

1995-10-08 Thread Helen Luu
I was just flipping thru an old copy of Chart magazine (Sept/94.. the one
that had the Sloan flexi) today and I came across sumthing kinda weird..
in the article about Sebadoh, Lou Barlow sez After I went to Halifax
[last September], I thought it would be a good idea to release something
on a Canadian label..blah..blah.. Then this kid, Mike Gitano (hmm..
Gitano? Catano? I dunno man.. ;)), had Bill Baker from Mint records call
me.. blah..blah.. So, that's my suspicious finding.. could this be *the*
Mike Catano? Or is there rilly a Mike Gitano out there in Halifax? :)

BTW, is SloanNet just slow today or is there sumthing wrong w/ my
account seeing as I had no mail today at all? Could sumone possibly e-mail
me so I can stop my state of panic? Heh.. thanx.. 

Bubblegun Records compilation

1995-08-21 Thread Helen Luu
Okay, here is the info. for this compilation CD:

Bands on it: The New Grand, Frizbee, Blanket, Sifter, Scratching Post,
Treble Charger, Thrush Hermit, Radioblaster, Yet Another Posse, and Tre.

It's called Blow Hard  Pop and it costs $13 bux (includes shipping)..

Write to: Bubblegun Records, P.O. Box 23004 380 Wellington St., London,
Ont., N6A 5B0..


Re: wool sock cancellation???

1995-08-13 Thread Helen Luu

Hey yall.
Second post here may be off topic butIs it true that Wool-Sock
( featuring none other than Treble Charger, Hip Club Groove, Hayden, 
 and millions more) near Toronto was cancelled ? I though I heard that on
Fax. Anyways, just curious...

I heard that it has just changed location.. it was at the X-Club in Hamilton..

Also, on a further from topic note, does anyone have anything from Hayden
other than the 'everything I long for' CD and the 'Mild and Hazy' 7 I
could send for. I met him here in Ottawa tonight with TDC and co., but he
had no copies left of the 'in september' 7 song tape. :( He was very nice
though and I look forward to meeting him again when he comes back.

I picked up the In September tape at HMV in the Eaton Centre believe it
or not.. not too long ago.. u should write Hardwood Records to see if u
can order it.. it still seems to be available..

Re: Sloanfest vs. weddings

1995-08-06 Thread Helen Luu

To all you lucky souls going to Sloanfest tomorrow: Good luck and have a 
blast.  Rock the Murderecords booth for me.  Those of us at weddings (I'm 
heading to Philadelphia, Pee-eh!) would much rather be there with you.  
Say a sad au revior to the guys.  My life has been changed forever.

Question: Assuming it is possible to back order copies of Chart magazine, 
which issue had the Sloan flexidisk?

It was the Sept/94 issue.. call em at (416)363-3101 or fax at
(416)363-3109 to find out if they're still available (w/ the flexi-disk
intact!).. good luck!


Edgefest single and other stuff

1995-08-06 Thread Helen Luu
  whining I didn't get that single!! Did NE one else get it? I have no
idea what happened w/ that becuz standing in that line up (and it started
to POUR :P), I thought I was one of the first thousand grumble, grumble.
  Well, I won't give u an account of Edgefest 3 becuz I am sure sumone
else will do a much better job at it.. but I will say that SLoan was
AMAZING, Hardship Post did a cover of COax Me which was very different
but good, and Thrush Hermit I found disappointing becuz they didn't play
NE of their own stuff which I was looking forward to.. The Local Rabbits
on side stage were ok (these guys r energetic -- big understatement :))
but I have heard them better live.. the sound system at the side stage
wasn't the greatest I guess and so u couldn't hear the vocals very well
(too bad cuz Ben has a very kewl voice).. NE way, looking forward to
readins sumone else's review.. 
  Oh yeah, BTW, how did the SloanNetter's
meeting go? I couldn't make it on Friday and I was planning to maybe meet
ppl at Edgefest but I never got the chance to read NE SLoanNet mail until
today for the past little while, so I didn't know 'bout the meeting
spots.. :( 


Re: Thrush Hermit lyrics...

1995-07-28 Thread Helen Luu

 I know this is pointless but it's sort of been bugging me lately...
you know the part in TH's Every Morning I reread the postcards  
where the line is:  I _ all your postcards/I have glued them to 
my wall/Every morning before breakfast...   Well, anyone know what 
that missing word might be?  
suffering from severe 
teenage angst,

Hi.. it's I have saved all your postcards.. 

SuperFriendz/HipClubGrooveDates ....... (fwd)

1995-06-27 Thread Helen Luu
Hey all.. I thought this might be of some interest to ppl so I decided to 
forward this (from my other account which would explain y I'm at Toronto 
rather than the usual Carleton -- not that anyone cares but.. :P)


'Kay here goes...


The Super Friendz
w/ Thrush Hermit
24thWinnipeg Ozzie's
w/ Thrush Hermit
29thKitchener   Volcano (tent.)
30thToronto The El Mocambo
w/ The Inbreds, Wooden Stars 
  and Tristan Psionic
1st Toronto Lee's Palace
2nd HamiltonX-Club
w/ Tristan Psionic
3rd Kingston   Muldoon's (tent.)
4th London The Embassy Hotel

3 dates w/ The Local Rabbits
5th Ottawa  The Pit
6th MontrealSoundgarden
w/ The Poumons
7th Quebec City(?)
w/ The Poumons  

Hip Club Groove

1st Toronto Canada day show

2nd Ottawa  Barrymore's
6th Toronto Rivoli
7th London  Embassy Hotel
8th Oshawa  Eclipse
9th HamiltonX-club
17,18th Saskatoon   Amigo's
19thCalgary The Republik
20thEdmontonSkate Park
21stEdmontonRenford Inn
28thWhistlerThe Boot Pub

1st Banff   Wild Bill's
2nd Canmore Drake Inn
Murderecords Box 2372 Halifax Central Halifax N.S. 
B3J 3E4 Canada. e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ Re: Sloan's Liniment]

1995-06-09 Thread Helen Luu
Okay, I thought why not add my 2 cents in so here goes...
A friend of mine plays in a band and one of his band member's
names is.. well, maybe I shouldn't put down his whole name
in case he doesn't like that so.. well, his name is J--- Sloan. Kewl.:)
