>Well.. James, I hate to be the fly in your ointment.. but, I just 
>finished listening to the new Sloan record, "Shaken by the Speed". it  
>(and I know this word is tabu) rawks.. ten new songs. 55 minutes. I'd 
>say it sounds alot like the State Champs.. but I don't want to start any 
>rumors I can't control.. I can't believe I am the first person to notice 
>this release!!.. You guys are asleep at the switch. Go check it out!
>Ol'Dirty Brendan..

Whut?? U mean they already have sumthing out? Or is it not coming out for
awhile and only certain promo-type ppl get to hear it now?

Okay, I want sum details, details, details.. :)


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