
1995-12-14 Thread Jon Bartlett
kudos to the lmb for his performance on bnw last night.  i always
start laughing when he comes on the radio.  it's like- "hey, i know
this person".  well, i don't "know" james but i know him.  whatever.
anyway, the sloan scandal thing was pretty funny and i could hardly
contain myself.  secondly, i'd just like everyone to know that i'm
selling t-shirts that have "len are assholes" on the front.  it's sort
of a rip off of the tide logo, which i thought would be cool.  on the
back it sez "bum tip records" sort of ripping off the fun trip logo.
they're going to be $10 and i've got a limited supply so order
uphipsters unite!  jon (nb: i like candy pop and drew...but marc...)

le phone call avec mr. campbell

1995-11-22 Thread Jon Bartlett
well i finally got to talk to monsieur campbell today.  it was really
good.  first of all, to the guy from mt. a that was saying "why
doesn't he subscribe to sloannet?" you should all know that murder
invited him down to watch the proceedings in the last few days ever
since i posted that fax.  i think he enjoyed it.  miss's post got him
a little mad because he's going to do something with strawberry when
their cd comes out.  he appreciated john shaft's post for the defence
attorney.  anyway, i had a lot of misconceptions about him and i was
sorry for that.  i think talking to him really gave me a better idea
of what really goes on and i suppose gave me a more realistic view of
his situation.  i think what we talked about most was the fact that
he's got to get stuff to see it and hear itetc.  he said he would
be interested in doing stuff if he thought it worth while and people
put some time into planning.  if you've got a major gig thing
happening, let him know well in advance and he'll do stuff.  even
outside of halifax.  well, that's about all the important stuff.  i
doubt that too much will change but if everyone pitches in once
in awhile, we could help make some kick ass television and get bands
we like/ are in some exposure.  one thing i was wondering, is there
anyone out there in pei/nfld who would like to help me out with
distribution out there for my label.  also anywhere west of toronto.
i would love to talk.  later kids, jon

mucheast: the reply

1995-11-20 Thread Jon Bartlett
mike campbell faxed me on friday, sorry thursday, with a response to
my fax.  first i just want to say that my fax had nothing to do with
that pei thing and i take no credit for it.  that was planned and done
and taped long before, well before anyway i sent my fax.  his response
is long, so read at your leisure.  he does make some good points.
some.  but my overall take of the thing is that his attempted
validations for all my complaints are lacking.  slacking.  it just
doesn't cut it, but no matter how i put it to the guy, he just won't
get it.  he's in the right, and i'm in the wrong.  it's an ego thing.
so read and enjoy.  i loved it..

 to: john bartlett (jon!) from: campbell mucheast -the show that
sucks- subject: i can't believe i spent the time writing rock 001

  hey john (jon!!),

  thanks, i guess, for your recent fax concerning the pitiful state of
my show- mucheast.  it's gratifying to know that there are those out
there who understand exactly how difficult it really is to produce a
one hour weekly television show by oneself.
  before i start, and really where does one start, let me correct a
few of your loopier assertions: - i have been to fredericton twice (as
well as the tobique reserve near perth andover)
 - i have been to p.e.i. twice - i have been to nfld. twice, in fact i
did two shows from there featuring a dozen bands.  (i realize that by
introducing facts into this discussion i might not be replying to your
fax in kind)

   now here is where the going is tougher- stay with me, here's some
math.  i've done 45 shows generally they average 5 items per show.
that's 225 pieces.  so if i understand correctly, you suppose i could
find 225 "new" bands if only i would- "get off of (my) birland stools,
sober up a little, and look for it"!!!  sorry john (jon!!), you
suppose wrong.  the reality of the situation is that as much talent as
there is in the
region there isn't THAT much that is ready yet.  here i suspect is
where we will differ philosophically.
i do not believe that it is my job to beat the bushes all over
atlantic canada checking basements and garages for bands that haven't
even gotten it together enough to know that if they have an
independent release, the prudent - no OBVIOUS- thing to do would be to
contact me, send over the cd with a decent bio and some sort of gig
itinerary.  that way i'll know they exist.  it doesn't mean i'll do
womthing with them but it's a start!  if the band doesn't have
anything recorded and play sporadically for their friends, i'm sorry
that doesn't constitute grounds for national television exposure.
musically of course one man's pleasure is another man's poison.  i
guess if you're so confident that your taste is the only taste and
bands like "sandbox, sunfish and the big picture make awful music
anyway..." then you've a lot more gall than i do.  i wouldn't for an
instant assume that only things i like are worth liking.  obviously a
percentage of stuff on the show will be things i'm not particularly
into but then again i'm also responsible for placating the celtic
community, the fold communtiy, the mainstream, etc. etc.  another
misconception you seem to have is that travel is free.  it isn't and i
am sorry to say that my budget isn't what i'd like it to be but the
upshot is i'm not at liberty to jump in the "r.v." (pathfinder
actually) and toddle off for days flushing out talent.  as for
birdland- what's your beef?  they're the only club in the region that
books decent stuff.  however, i have shot in the mcinnes room, the
grawood, the gorsebrook, lower deck, my father's moustache, the oasis,
 vinnies etc.  i'm sorry but one has to be based somewhere and like it
or not halifax it is.  i like fredericton but waiting for someone to
play the dock every once in a blue moon does not a happening scene
make.  anyway, john i appreciate that you took time to express your
concerns.  if you want to contribute to the rehabilitation of the
hurtin' "crapeast" i suggest you round up some of this "amazing
talent" teach them how to use stamps, or a phone or fax machine and
enlighten me!

  best regards, mike campbell mucheast

   p.s. was that too harsh?

a fax i'm sending to mucheast

1995-11-07 Thread Jon Bartlett
hey guys.  the subject line says it all.  due to the constant whining
of everyone on the sloannet about mucheast and my own personal
abhorrance (is that a word catano?) of the show, i have decided to do
something that i thought about doing long ago.  tell them they suck.
i know this sounds mean or something, but in this message that i'm
transmitting to them this afternoon, i also include alternatives which
will help the show improve.  chances are, this letter will be laughed
at and garbaged, but i don't care, i will continue these letters
(kinda like that guy in the shawshank redemption) until some changes
are made.  i encourage you all to do the same.  their fax number is
(902) 453 2843.  let's fight.  here's my fax:

dear mucheast,

 greetings from fredericton, nb.  the reason behind this letter is
that i've been watching your show since its conception and i think
about time i share my feelings about the show.  when i first heard
that a new program was going to air on muchmusic, i got a little
excited at the concept of seeing something that didn't annoy me on the
nation's music station.  my idea was that the program was going to
take a one hour in-depth focus of music from the atlantic region every
week.  i soon found out, though, that my vision was far from reality.
instead, the show mucheast takes a one-hour slot each week and
basically wastes it away talking with whoever is playing at the
birdland that week.  sadly, most of the bands that are featured (at
least 50%) are from out of town and just happen to be doing a maritime
tour.  not only are they from out of town, but they are frequently
well established artists from west of the maritimes.  this wouldn't
bug me too much if it wasn't for the fact that the
show mucheast remains in and broadcasts from the halifax-dartmouth
area every week.  the way i've been seeing it, you might as well dub
the show muchhalifax or muchbirdland.  the pseudonym that i've heard
used the most is crapeast.  why is this you ask?  well, the resentment
of myself and many other viewers stems for many reasons:

  (1) a station that calls itself an alternative medium must act as
such.  the reality is, though, that muchmusic is our ONLY alternative,
canada's only video station.  it pains me to watch muchmusic, it
really does.  i don't want to see the same shitty videos week after
week.  variety is essential.  this brings me to mucheast.  lately,
you've been interviewing artists whom you already interviewed earlier
in the year.  why?
there are so many new bands- so much fresh home-grown talent that is
just waiting to get some attention.  all you have to do is get off of
you birdland stools, sober up a little, and look for it.  the maritime
music scene is more exciting now than it has ever been.

  (2) instead of giving exposure to bands that have already gotten
"their glory" by being signed or whatever, look to the people that
haven't tasted success yet.  besides, bands like sandbox, sunfish and
the big picture make awful music anyway.  c'mon- let's get a little

  (3) (there is) no moving around.  rarely does the show feature
footage from outside of halifax.  i know it's convenient to stay
within halifax
but the r.v. could take you anywhere in atlantic canada within half a
day's drive.  i think you've been to moncton twice to interview the
monoxides but you haven't been to fredericton or saint john yet, to my
knowledge ( i just found out that they have been here once.  but
still...).  newfoundland is also ready and waiting, as is p.e.i.  with
a little research, you would find growing music scenes in all of these
areas.  these places could really benefit from national television
coverage and it would be great for all of canada to experience and get
a taste of these scenes.  i could point you to contacts and do some
work in that realm, if you want.  well, i think that's basically all i
have to say.  i know a lot of this note was really harsh, and i'm
sorry, but i really feel compelled
to share my views about the program because i'm not alone and i don't
think that many people have stood up to say anything.  let's work
together and make this something special.  i'm confident that this
program can really improve upon the points mentioned, and if it does,
it is my belief that it will find itself on the cutting edge of
television programming.

  good luck and best wishes, and if you'd like to discuss this matter
further, i'm ready and willing to talk, jon bartlett

thrushing by voices (urge blows)

1995-10-29 Thread Jon Bartlett
i also hit the metropolis last night, in anticipation of a grand
event.  it was cool to get to meet joel for the first time, because i
had never talked to him before, and i just happened to run into him as
he parked the mighty tour school bus out back before the show.  thrush
hermit really did a great job, and i was going to record it, but they
had already started by the time i got in there.  so that sucked.
guided by voices were great, and ed and i were annoying to all of the
audience members.  for all of you that were there, ed was the guy that
threw the t-shirt up on stage and we heckled and yelled the whole
show.  mitch mitchell was a sight to behold as he rocked in his own
little (completely drunken) world and spat beer back and forth with
craig (temp. drummer from the method).  bob was great, and in fine
form with mic swings and cheezy leg kicks.  and jim and tobin were
sedated as usual.  i taped the gbv aspect of the show, but it sounds
awful because my recorder was actually on the stage, and little vocals
can be heard.  the t-shirt thing was also a problem, but i ran into
manager-for-life, pete jamison out back, who sold
happily for $10, two t-shirts to me and ed (that's $5 each folks, that
guy is a charm).  i had a chance to talk to bob after for a bit too,
and i got somewhat of a funny audio clip that i'm going to use on the
tribute.  well, enough babbling.  later, jon (glad to be home after
his 11 hour bus ride)

where is tara lee? / melissa!

1995-10-18 Thread Jon Bartlett
does anyone know the whereabouts of tara lee wittchen.  she left
halifax at 3 pm yesterday (tuesday) and was headed my way
(fredericton) with plans to call me and stuff.  it is now wednesday
evening and there is no sign of her or fire engine red.  if anyone has
any information as to their whereabouts, please contact crimestoppers
at 1 800 222 tips.  or me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

also, melissa of pei, are you in the audience?  i need to talk to you
so could you please e-mail me so i can get yer address?  thanks.
later, jon

Re: from chris "coyote" logan

1995-10-18 Thread Jon Bartlett
interesting.  and perhaps having a point???  i get into this type of
discussion everytime i go down to Backstreet Records here in
Fredericton and Mark Carmody is working.  he always goes on about how
this whole eric's trip thing is just boring, and how sub pop is just
feeding all this generical crap (i.e. friends of dean martinez, 5ive
style) aimed at selling to 12 year old kids.  and i start to hear his
point, how music should strive to be original and new, but i don't
know man.  i mean i like to think that i have an open mind about
music, and look to all corners to find what i can.  and i feel like i
am having the same attitude as coyote boy towards the people i'm
surrounded by.  i guess the main thing is to ensure that you are
listening to the music for the MUSIC.  and not the garbage that
surrounds it.  i'm all for getting up in 70's attire, but i'm not urge
overkill.  music is not about style.  it's about fun, not violence and
sex (where did logan get that crap?).  it's about being creative, and
as for rock and rollyou heard lenny-it's dead.  jon bartlett