RE: [SLUG] Virtual Pirvate Network

2000-08-26 Thread Dave Kempe

search the net. However i do recommend poptop. will find it. its works quite nicely


> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Carlo Nizeti
> Sent: Sunday, 27 August 2000 4:48 PM
> Subject: [SLUG] Virtual Pirvate Network
> okay,
> My mission is to set up a VPN, so that windows & linux clients can connect
> to it. Does anyone know any good, easy to configure, not over the top
> packages. I dont really care about 1 billion bit encryption and all that
> junk, just want it to work..
> Any help is appreciated.
> Carlo
> --
> Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too
> dark to read."
> -- Groucho Marx
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

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[SLUG] Virtual Pirvate Network

2000-08-26 Thread Carlo Nizeti


My mission is to set up a VPN, so that windows & linux clients can connect
to it. Does anyone know any good, easy to configure, not over the top
packages. I dont really care about 1 billion bit encryption and all that
junk, just want it to work..

Any help is appreciated.


Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too
dark to read." 
-- Groucho Marx 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Re: Need timezone help....

2000-08-26 Thread Angus Lees

On Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 02:24:19PM +1000, Bernhard Lüder wrote:
> I just installed a machine with the wrong time zone.
> Now when I set my time to a time server on the web it sets the time to GMT
> (I think) not EST.

two possible problems here:

1. you've told your machine the wrong timezone. so things like
date(1) show something other than "EST"

2. you've set the bios clock to the wrong timezone. when linux starts
up, it reads the bios clock and converts this to GMT, and uses GMT
internally for all time calculations (cos thats the only real way to
handle daylight saving, etc robustly). the bios clock will either be
in GMT (if you are doing things The Right Way), or local time (if you
run windows/dos as well)

hwclock(8) messes with the bios clock. if "hwclock --utc" matches your
local time, then your bios clock is set to GMT.

> How can I change this? I have tried to change the time zone with Linuxconf,
> but it does not seem to take it.

if its (1):

/etc/timezone is a symlink to the timezone data for the current time
zone. eg, mine is:
 madcow:~> ls -l /etc/localtime
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   36 May 11 04:07 /etc/localtime -> 

this is used by glibc, and so is standard (although the actual zone files
may be in /usr/lib/zoneinfo, if you have a non-FHS compliant distro)

your distro may have some other way of letting it (the distro) know
about what the timezone is.  different distributions store this info
in different places. eg: my debian system stores this info in
/etc/timezone, and (on debian) all this is configured by tzconfig(8).

if its (2):

again, distro specific.

on debian, /etc/default/rcS contains:
  # Set UTC to yes or no
if your bios clock is set to GMT.

on redhat, i'd guess both these things are in /etc/sysconfig somewhere
(do some grep(1)ing and intelligent guessing, it shouldn't be too hard
to find)

 - Gus

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Re: [SLUG] Intellimouse Explorer troubles

2000-08-26 Thread Jeff Waugh

> James Wilkinson wrote:
> Section "Pointer"
>   Protocol "IMPS/2"
>   Device "/dev/mouse" # /dev/mouse is symlinked to /dev/psaux
>   Resolution 100
>   Buttons 7
>   ZAxisMapping 4 5
>   SampleRate 150
>   BaudRate 9600
> EndSection

Section "Pointer"
  Device  "/dev/psaux"
  Emulate3Timeout 50
  Resolution  200
  ZAxisMapping4 5
  Buttons 7

That's my setup, which works.

GPM is evil, but you've mentioned that it's banished, so that shouldn't be
getting in your way.

Mine has never done that at all, and I'm using the same X settings I was
when I set the machine up.

I hope that works! :)

- Jeff


Ye shall be cursed to fall in love so easily, and yet be so
 cold of heart as never to express it.

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Re: [SLUG] quick dsp problem

2000-08-26 Thread Alex Salmon

ah er yer sorry
let me clarify
Mandrake 7.1
full install base cd & the 1st applications cd
he is using X 4 (but could this effect even console stuff)
he says he hasent done anything w/ DrakConf that may effect anything or so
he says.
He hasent had any sound at all even during/after install

I telneted in and checked out the sym links and dsp links to /dev/dsp0

The sound volume on speakers is up and it works fine in win but cause it
cant access dsp it complains when he tries to open kmix or other mixers.

Where are sound configerations kept. (is x sound handled the same as
console sound). Im wondering if i can reset it somehow.

thanks all

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Tom Massey wrote:

> Alex Salmon wrote:
> > As far as i can tell the install of M 7.2 went pretty seamlessly
> > (luckey basted).
> Extremely lucky I'd say, since Mandrake have only released 7.1 :-) But
> just checking though - do you mean MDK 7.1, or MDK 7.02? (There's a
> reasonable difference - 7.02 is generally more stable, less beta stuff
> to play with, but then 7.1 is more likely to support cutting edge stuff,
> even if it sometimes breaks - eg Reiser FS, XFree 4.0). Both 7.02 and
> 7.1 should support a SB Live out of the box though. The original release
> of MDK 7 had a lot of bugs, if your friend is using this, that may be
> the problem. Seems like there were no unusual error messages during
> install though?
> > The sound works fine in win which suggests not harware
> > probs but who knows.
> No, I doubt it's a hardware problem.
> > what exactly is dsp is it just a direct link to the
> > sound card.
> Not entirely sure myself. A DSP is a Digital Signal Processor, it's a
> processor dedicated to high speed signal processing. At a guess, I think
> that /dev/dsp would be linked to the DSP on the SB Live. I've got
> /dev/dsp - /dev/dsp3 on my Mandrake 7.1 box with SB Live. If your friend
> doesn't have these, then I think that something went wrong during the
> install. Have a look in /dev, try 'ls -l /dev/dsp*'. /dev/dsp should be
> a sym link to /dev/dsp0, then you should see /dev/dsp0 - /dev/dsp3. If
> your friend has /dev/dsp0 etc, try doing 'ln -s /dev/dsp0 /dev/dsp'.
> This will create the sym link that may be missing for some reason, and
> thus causing complaints about the missing /dev/dsp. (Though I have no
> idea how this could happen).
> > is there any other was oss drivers
> Yes, there are, the ALSA project  supports
> SB Live. You may also like to look at .
> But, if your friend is using Mandrake 7 or above, this should not be
> necessary, and it could actually complicate things if you try installing
> drivers that Mandrake doesn't know about.
> > or what about esd
> esd is not actually a sound card driver, you need to have your sound
> card configured properly with the right drivers so that it can talk to
> esd. I don't think you'll find any help from esd in this case.
> > how do
> > they communicate w/ the hardware.
> This is a mystery only entrusted to the truly elite. (Not me :-)
> > He is running windowmaker if that
> > changes anything.
> I don't think the window manager should matter here.
> > Is there a way to reinstall all sound stuff or do i just tell hi to back
> > up /home and reinstall.
> Tempted to say 'Yes reinstall', because I know that Mandrake should do
> this all for you, but I'm still interested in working out what's wrong.
> You may have some luck using DrakConf, try looking in 'Hardware
> configuration', which I'm guessing your friend has already played with.
> I'm unwilling to check this for you, because it usually crashes my box
> while trying to work out what to do with my ISA NIC, but there may be
> something in there. The fact that it played the test sound is
> interesting, suggests that sound may have been working before your
> friend saved whatever he had done (or something along those lines) -
> what exactly did he do in there? Interested to know: exactly what
> version of Mandrake we're talking about, whether there's any /dev/dsp*
> files at all, anything else that's in the box - network cards,
> winmodems, other sound cards, elephants etc, anything else your friend
> has done. Your friend hasn't installed the SB Live after installing
> Linux has he?, that would change things. If you really can't work out
> what's wrong, then in this circumstance I'd suggest you try a reinstall,
> taking careful note of everything that happens, and not mucking around
> with the sound card at all afterwards. Are you certain that the sound
> card didn't work after the original install, and that it wasn't just a
> matter of turning up the volume?
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

Sometimes i sit and think, Other times i just sit.

This universe shipped by weight, not by volume.  Some expansion of the

[SLUG] Sending command to another term/shell/tty?

2000-08-26 Thread Pigeon

Dear all,

I'm wondering if there's an app to send a command to another shell

Say from one telnet connection I want to do an "ls -la" in another
telnet connection?

I tried cat "ls -la" > /dev/ and this basically displays the string
in the other side, but not an actual command.

I've been thinking of using screen too but it doesn't seem to have
something like this...

And also is that possible to do something like this programmatically?
(Say in C or perl?)

Thanks in advance.


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[SLUG] Need timezone help....

2000-08-26 Thread Bernhard Lüder


I just installed a machine with the wrong time zone.

Now when I set my time to a time server on the web it sets the time to GMT
(I think) not EST.

How can I change this? I have tried to change the time zone with Linuxconf,
but it does not seem to take it.

Where is the data held, that determines the timezone?


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RE: [SLUG] Redhat printtool.

2000-08-26 Thread Dave Kempe

The other option is installing something like webmin.
Its printer facilty seems to be quite nice. Can't remember if it autodetects
Debian tho.

course its got heaps of other nice features. a great way to get ya conf
files written for you.. then edit em by hand later.


> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Umar Goldeli
> Sent: Sunday, 27 August 2000 10:40 AM
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] Redhat printtool.
> I ended up installing lprng, apsfilter and all the other goodies
> neccessary... it all generally works beautifully now, apart from remote
> printing - but I'll figure that out eventually.
> Danke all.. :)
> //umar.
> > There's another alternative: apsfilter. This is especially good
> when your
> > sysadmin has installed lprng, this making it difficult to use printtool.
> > It comes with a console tool for defining queues in printcap that can
> > automatically determine (in most cases) the type of file being
> printed and
> > invoke the right filter chain.
> >
> > I was lazy and just whacked the SuSE RPM onto the work RH
> system and it worked.
> > But it's not hard to build from source.
> >
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

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Re: [SLUG] daylight saving

2000-08-26 Thread Ben Leslie

> Can anyone confirm that current Linux distributions understand our about
> to happen daylight saving change?
> Danny.

My Debian potato and debian woody boxes all made the change without a problem.

The NT box and Win98 box that are also in the office didn't change :(.



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[SLUG] Re: Corrupted Partition Table?

2000-08-26 Thread Angus Lees

On Sat, Aug 26, 2000 at 06:48:54AM -0700, Joe G wrote:
> Any suggestions, please, before I finally give up and
> delete my unsaved personal files?  I believe my
> partition table is the corrupt part; before this
> happened, my wife had allowed Norton Utilities from
> Win95 to "repair" a supposed change in my Master Boot
> Record.

have a look at "gpart"

it'll look at the disk and guess the filesystems. then rebuilds the
partition table for you. excellent program, very fast, etc, etc.

tho if you've messed with the disk too much, it may be too far gone.

the gpart web page (i'll let you do the web search) has statically
linked executables that you should be able to copy onto a bootable
linux floppy.

 - Gus

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Re: [SLUG] Redhat printtool.

2000-08-26 Thread Umar Goldeli

I ended up installing lprng, apsfilter and all the other goodies
neccessary... it all generally works beautifully now, apart from remote
printing - but I'll figure that out eventually.

Danke all.. :)


> There's another alternative: apsfilter. This is especially good when your
> sysadmin has installed lprng, this making it difficult to use printtool.
> It comes with a console tool for defining queues in printcap that can
> automatically determine (in most cases) the type of file being printed and
> invoke the right filter chain.
> I was lazy and just whacked the SuSE RPM onto the work RH system and it worked.
> But it's not hard to build from source.

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Re: [SLUG] PHP/Oracle + MySQL

2000-08-26 Thread Lewis Tay

Hey folks,

The reason that I used Hotmail for SLUG mails is that I do travel a lot, so 
I can have access the SLUG from overseas, another reason is I can use 
Outlook express to read Hotmail, and save some emails if necessary.  Please, 
I am not a MS fan.

As you know that we all receive more than 100 slug emails, by sending me the 
inquiries to another email account would save me some time and energy to 
read through the SLUG mail list. so I can make a quick response. OK?

This offer is genuie, however so far I had only received two inqueries.


>From: Patrick Kelso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] PHP/Oracle + MySQL
>Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 03:38:14 +1000
>Am I the only person who would think twice about applying for work with
>someone who uses one hotmail address to send email, and asks for replies to
>a yahoo address, does this bode well at all for their abilities to pay
>**top dollars**? Or am I just grumpy cause its 4:37 am and I cant get past
>this level in Vampire?
>At 09:38 PM 27/08/2000 +1000, Mighty Dragon wrote:
>>My employer is urgently looking for about three skilled PHP/Oracle and
>>PHP/MySQL programmers for short period, starts immediately for at least
>>one month, top dollars will be paid, anyone interested please contact
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] or on mobile 0416 278 676. 
>Patrick Kelso
> <-- Powered by Apache, coded in vi
>PGP Public Key
>Version: 3.12
>GIT/CC D++ S+: A--- C ub+ ul+ us+ P+ L++ E--- W++
>N++ o-- K- w O-- M V-- PS+++ PE-- Y PGP++ t+ 5+++ X++
>R !tv b DI+ D+++ G+ e h r y+

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

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Re: [SLUG] Redhat printtool.

2000-08-26 Thread Jason Rennie

> There's another alternative: apsfilter. This is especially good when your
> sysadmin has installed lprng, this making it difficult to use printtool.
> It comes with a console tool for defining queues in printcap that can
> automatically determine (in most cases) the type of file being printed and
> invoke the right filter chain.

Actaully while i think of it there is also CUPS.

the Common Unix Printing System.

Its kept over at and it is free.

I've heard ppl on thelist raving about it before. 

I was going to give it a go this time.


GnuPG Key 2450EEDC Jason Rennie<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Key fingerprint = 1A2B 5E34 B45A 2871 A488  99C7 7579 5FFC 2450 EEDC

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Redhat printtool.

2000-08-26 Thread Jason Rennie

> Firstly - the printers in question aren't postscript capable.. secondly, I
> would prefer not to have X on this machine.

Do you need to actually have X on the machine to run this ?

I thought you only needed the Tcl/Tk stuff i might be wrong.

But for what its worth, i have a headless box at home, that i have
aprinter attached to and i use the printtool to configure it just using
remote x display.

You could always use the rpint tool to get it up and running and then just
unistall the xlibs if you actully need them


GnuPG Key 2450EEDC Jason Rennie<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Key fingerprint = 1A2B 5E34 B45A 2871 A488  99C7 7579 5FFC 2450 EEDC

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] PHP/Oracle + MySQL

2000-08-26 Thread Patrick Kelso

Am I the only person who would think twice about applying for work with 
someone who uses one hotmail address to send email, and asks for replies to 
a yahoo address, does this bode well at all for their abilities to pay 
**top dollars**? Or am I just grumpy cause its 4:37 am and I cant get past 
this level in Vampire?

At 09:38 PM 27/08/2000 +1000, Mighty Dragon wrote:
>My employer is urgently looking for about three skilled PHP/Oracle and 
>PHP/MySQL programmers for short period, starts immediately for at least 
>one month, top dollars will be paid, anyone interested please contact 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] or on mobile 0416 278 676. Thanks

Patrick Kelso

[EMAIL PROTECTED] <-- Powered by Apache, coded in vi
PGP Public Key

Version: 3.12
GIT/CC D++ S+: A--- C ub+ ul+ us+ P+ L++ E--- W++
N++ o-- K- w O-- M V-- PS+++ PE-- Y PGP++ t+ 5+++ X++
R !tv b DI+ D+++ G+ e h r y+

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[SLUG] Intellimouse Explorer troubles

2000-08-26 Thread James Wilkinson

Ok, time to *ask* a question rather than give out the wrong ones ;)

I've just been installing Debian unstable (woody) on my new machine.
It's got a lovely Intellimouse Explorer (the silver one with the red
glowing aura around it ;), however, it will go haywire at random
intervals.  The pointer will shoot up to the top right hand corner,
possibly generating button events, too.

This is with gpm in text mode or in X.

I've found also that rolling the scroll-wheel somehow resets the mouse,
and then everything will be fine for another 37 seconds (where 37 is
really some random value).

I'm using XFree86 3.3.6, kernel 2.2.16.  gpm I have disabled, so it
doesn't come into the picture -- i don't use it anyway.

The relevant section of /etc/X11/XF86Config:

Section "Pointer"
Protocol "IMPS/2"
Device "/dev/mouse" # /dev/mouse is symlinked to /dev/psaux
Resolution 100
Buttons 7
ZAxisMapping 4 5
SampleRate 150
BaudRate 9600

The Buttons and ZAxisMapping values are for making the scroll wheel
work; the SampleRate, BaudRate and Resolution values I found from
another mailing list where a similar problem was mentioned.  The
recommended solution was to modify SampleRate until the mouse stablized.
I've adjusted the SampleRate value from 1 to 150 with no discernable
difference at all.

The bizzare thing is when I installed SuSE 6.4 Evaluation, on the same
hardware, this didn't happen at all.  Well, I lie... if you modified the
config using their excellent tool 'sax' then the mouse did go haywire,
but if you rolled the mouse wheel then it reset and _would_not_break_
until you modified the mouse config again.

I'm going nuts with this.  Quake 3 Arena's no fun when you randomly
look straight up and start firing in the middle of a skirmish.


"We're like sisters... with really different hair!"
-- Cordelia Chase, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] quick dsp problem

2000-08-26 Thread James Wilkinson

On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] generated:

>Indeed I did not, I said nothing about any of James's characteristics. :-)

It's just a figure of speech I use, no harm intended ;)

>However it was humble of him to correct himself. It's obvious he was never made
>to be a politician. :-)

I sincerely take that as the utmost compliment.


"We're like sisters... with really different hair!"
-- Cordelia Chase, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Redhat printtool.

2000-08-26 Thread ken

There's another alternative: apsfilter. This is especially good when your
sysadmin has installed lprng, this making it difficult to use printtool.
It comes with a console tool for defining queues in printcap that can
automatically determine (in most cases) the type of file being printed and
invoke the right filter chain.

I was lazy and just whacked the SuSE RPM onto the work RH system and it worked.
But it's not hard to build from source.

This mail sent via NLC WebMail:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] quick dsp problem

2000-08-26 Thread ken

> > Ken has just pointed out to me that I am in fact an idiot.
> I doubt that Ken would say that.
> Anyway, no one is an idiot for having a go with helping people.
> Sometimes people learn more by what not to do, rather than the correct
> problem. It is just that in this case the learning you provided was
> not what you intended.
> We've all been there and done that.

Indeed I did not, I said nothing about any of James's characteristics. :-)

However it was humble of him to correct himself. It's obvious he was never made
to be a politician. :-)

This mail sent via NLC WebMail:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Redhat printtool.

2000-08-26 Thread Terry Collins

Umar Goldeli wrote:


> It appears that the only simple('ish) way to setup non-PS printers is to
> use the silly printtool - but it's X only... or is it?

The simple way is to edit the /etc/printcap file by text editor. There
are basically two formats; local or remote; simple.

> "bugger around until the damn thing works"?

It will seem that way.
Special config for the filters I use is done in the general.cfg file
in the /var/spool/lpd/printer directory.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services 
   snail:  PO Box 1047, Campbelltown, NSW 2560.

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] quick dsp problem

2000-08-26 Thread Terry Collins

James Wilkinson wrote:
> Ken has just pointed out to me that I am in fact an idiot. 

I doubt that Ken would say that.

Anyway, no one is an idiot for having a go with helping people.
Sometimes people learn more by what not to do, rather than the correct
problem. It is just that in this case the learning you provided was
not what you intended. 

We've all been there and done that.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services 
   snail:  PO Box 1047, Campbelltown, NSW 2560.

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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Re: [SLUG] Corrupted Partition Table?

2000-08-26 Thread Howard Lowndes

This isn't going to help you with your present predicament, but it is a
good illustration of why you should use hard disks mounted in removeable
caddies rather than dual boot systems.

Even with systems using the same OS, esp Winfart, it is a good idea for
dad/mum to have the business systems on a different HDD than the kids,
then you just swap over the caddy when you want to use it.  No way then
that the kids can zap MYOB/Quicken/etc., or Nortons Useless can do any
unintended damage.

LANNet Computing Associates 

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Joe G wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've got a horror story to tell, and I'm wondering if
> there is still a way out of my predicament.
> The Win partition of my six-month-old dual-boot
> Win95-Linux system is still working properly, but my
> Linux filesystem appears to have gone crazy.
> When I tried to e2fsck an unmounted partition, the
> error message was that my superblock and my partition
> table contradicted each other.  I also noticed that
> some of my original partitions were missing.  
> I've tried reinstalling Linux without reformatting
> what I think is my /home partition, but as expected
> the installation did not work; it was going to require
> a full reformat of the most important parts of the
> hard disk.  
> Any suggestions, please, before I finally give up and
> delete my unsaved personal files?  I believe my
> partition table is the corrupt part; before this
> happened, my wife had allowed Norton Utilities from
> Win95 to "repair" a supposed change in my Master Boot
> Record.
> Thanks in advance for any replies.
> Joe
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

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[SLUG] Corrupted Partition Table?

2000-08-26 Thread Joe G

Hi everyone,

I've got a horror story to tell, and I'm wondering if
there is still a way out of my predicament.

The Win partition of my six-month-old dual-boot
Win95-Linux system is still working properly, but my
Linux filesystem appears to have gone crazy.

When I tried to e2fsck an unmounted partition, the
error message was that my superblock and my partition
table contradicted each other.  I also noticed that
some of my original partitions were missing.  

I've tried reinstalling Linux without reformatting
what I think is my /home partition, but as expected
the installation did not work; it was going to require
a full reformat of the most important parts of the
hard disk.  

Any suggestions, please, before I finally give up and
delete my unsaved personal files?  I believe my
partition table is the corrupt part; before this
happened, my wife had allowed Norton Utilities from
Win95 to "repair" a supposed change in my Master Boot

Thanks in advance for any replies.


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

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Re: [SLUG] quick dsp problem

2000-08-26 Thread James Wilkinson

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, James Wilkinson generated:

>Notice how the user root and the group audio have read and write
>permissions to the dsp device, but others do not.  Have a look at your
>own machine, and see who has rights to read/write the dsp.  Then either
>add yourself to the audio group (edit /etc/group, go to the line
>beginning with "audio" and add your username to the end) or you can
>chmod o+rw /dev/dsp and let the world read/write to the dsp.

Ken has just pointed out to me that I am in fact an idiot.  It's not a
permissions problem at all ;)  Next time I will go out on a Saturday
night and destroy brain cells rather than attempt to use them.


"We're like sisters... with really different hair!"
-- Cordelia Chase, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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[SLUG] thief abandons Linux notebook computer

2000-08-26 Thread ken

When Linux gets user friendly, this isn't likely to happen anymore. :-(

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RE: what users want (was RE: [SLUG] hrmm.. go Telstra)

2000-08-26 Thread John Wiltshire

From: Jon Biddell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


> So we'll let Mr Consultant install his M$ product (they don't want IT
> to have administrative control over it), then when I break it several
> times, maybe they'll see my point.

Actually, Checkpoint or FW-1 pretty much toast any Microsoft code (they
don't trust it) and use their own TCP/IP layers and packet filtering
mechanisms.  About the only thing they use NT for is the UI and the NTLM
authentication stuff.

I wouldn't bother breaking it.  You'll end up being thought a troublemaker
and no one will listen to your opinions, not to mention you'll get a black
flag as a potential hacker.  Write a report saying you believe it is a
"higher risk solution" with "potential for information leakage and/or loss"
to your boss and keep a copy.  If something ever happens you bring out the
report and say "I told you so" quickly followed by "I've planned for this
contingency and can implement a secure alternative as soon as you want it".

> Oh, and the fully side of all of this - the M$ solution that was
> demonstrated incurred a performance hit when "authenticating" through
> the firewall. They had been running for a week with the Linux one
> installed and didn't even realise it.

Not wanting to defend the solution, but it was probably doing a lot more
than the IPChains one I asssume you implemented.  If they were doing user
level authentication then there is no way you are going to avoid a
performance hit on any OS.  Of course the hit might be greater depending on
which OS you are authenticating against.

John Wiltshire

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Re: [SLUG] quick dsp problem

2000-08-26 Thread James Wilkinson

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Alex Salmon generated:

>[root@smithy]#play ./Message.wav 
>sox: Can't open output file '/dev/dsp' : no such device

# ls -l /dev/dsp

crw-rw 1 root  audio  14,   3  Jun 9 16:45 /dev/dsp

Notice how the user root and the group audio have read and write
permissions to the dsp device, but others do not.  Have a look at your
own machine, and see who has rights to read/write the dsp.  Then either
add yourself to the audio group (edit /etc/group, go to the line
beginning with "audio" and add your username to the end) or you can
chmod o+rw /dev/dsp and let the world read/write to the dsp.

Change the relevant parts for yourself (such as the name "audio", and so


"We're like sisters... with really different hair!"
-- Cordelia Chase, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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Re: [SLUG] quick dsp problem

2000-08-26 Thread Tom Massey

Alex Salmon wrote:
> As far as i can tell the install of M 7.2 went pretty seamlessly
> (luckey basted).

Extremely lucky I'd say, since Mandrake have only released 7.1 :-) But
just checking though - do you mean MDK 7.1, or MDK 7.02? (There's a
reasonable difference - 7.02 is generally more stable, less beta stuff
to play with, but then 7.1 is more likely to support cutting edge stuff,
even if it sometimes breaks - eg Reiser FS, XFree 4.0). Both 7.02 and
7.1 should support a SB Live out of the box though. The original release
of MDK 7 had a lot of bugs, if your friend is using this, that may be
the problem. Seems like there were no unusual error messages during
install though?

> The sound works fine in win which suggests not harware
> probs but who knows.

No, I doubt it's a hardware problem.

> what exactly is dsp is it just a direct link to the
> sound card.

Not entirely sure myself. A DSP is a Digital Signal Processor, it's a
processor dedicated to high speed signal processing. At a guess, I think
that /dev/dsp would be linked to the DSP on the SB Live. I've got
/dev/dsp - /dev/dsp3 on my Mandrake 7.1 box with SB Live. If your friend
doesn't have these, then I think that something went wrong during the
install. Have a look in /dev, try 'ls -l /dev/dsp*'. /dev/dsp should be
a sym link to /dev/dsp0, then you should see /dev/dsp0 - /dev/dsp3. If
your friend has /dev/dsp0 etc, try doing 'ln -s /dev/dsp0 /dev/dsp'.
This will create the sym link that may be missing for some reason, and
thus causing complaints about the missing /dev/dsp. (Though I have no
idea how this could happen).

> is there any other was oss drivers

Yes, there are, the ALSA project  supports
SB Live. You may also like to look at .
But, if your friend is using Mandrake 7 or above, this should not be
necessary, and it could actually complicate things if you try installing
drivers that Mandrake doesn't know about.

> or what about esd

esd is not actually a sound card driver, you need to have your sound
card configured properly with the right drivers so that it can talk to
esd. I don't think you'll find any help from esd in this case.

> how do
> they communicate w/ the hardware.

This is a mystery only entrusted to the truly elite. (Not me :-)

> He is running windowmaker if that
> changes anything.

I don't think the window manager should matter here.

> Is there a way to reinstall all sound stuff or do i just tell hi to back
> up /home and reinstall.

Tempted to say 'Yes reinstall', because I know that Mandrake should do
this all for you, but I'm still interested in working out what's wrong.
You may have some luck using DrakConf, try looking in 'Hardware
configuration', which I'm guessing your friend has already played with.
I'm unwilling to check this for you, because it usually crashes my box
while trying to work out what to do with my ISA NIC, but there may be
something in there. The fact that it played the test sound is
interesting, suggests that sound may have been working before your
friend saved whatever he had done (or something along those lines) -
what exactly did he do in there? Interested to know: exactly what
version of Mandrake we're talking about, whether there's any /dev/dsp*
files at all, anything else that's in the box - network cards,
winmodems, other sound cards, elephants etc, anything else your friend
has done. Your friend hasn't installed the SB Live after installing
Linux has he?, that would change things. If you really can't work out
what's wrong, then in this circumstance I'd suggest you try a reinstall,
taking careful note of everything that happens, and not mucking around
with the sound card at all afterwards. Are you certain that the sound
card didn't work after the original install, and that it wasn't just a
matter of turning up the volume?

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[SLUG] Redhat printtool.

2000-08-26 Thread Umar Goldeli


Being new to the world of squirting ink onto dead trees - I am currently
fiddling with the latest version of ghostscript/rhs-printfilters and other

Firstly - the printers in question aren't postscript capable.. secondly, I
would prefer not to have X on this machine.

It appears that the only simple('ish) way to setup non-PS printers is to
use the silly printtool - but it's X only... or is it?

Assuming that I don't want to use printtool or it is X only - how does one
setup the appropriate "filters" for a particular printcap entry? Is there
a site where one can find a collection of files per particular printer, or
specs per printer - or is it "bugger around until the damn thing works"?

Danke muchly..


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[SLUG] PHP/Oracle + MySQL

2000-08-26 Thread Mighty Dragon

My employer is urgently looking for about 
three skilled PHP/Oracle and PHP/MySQL programmers for short period, starts 
immediately for at least one month, top dollars will be paid, anyone 
interested please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or on mobile 0416 278 
676. Thanks

[SLUG] Apple Network Servers

2000-08-26 Thread Carlo Nizeti

this is a bit of a long shot..

Any one in the slugger community had any expirence setting up as ANS (apple
network server) under linux or i suppose even AIX.


 One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas
I'll never know.
Groucho Marx (1895-1977) 

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Re: [SLUG] quick dsp problem

2000-08-26 Thread Alex Salmon

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Tom Massey wrote:

yep it is a pentium 3 500 with 96 mb of ram or so..

As far as i can tell the install of M 7.2 went pretty seamlessly 
(luckey basted). The sound works fine in win which suggests not harware
probs but who knows. what exactly is dsp is it just a direct link to the
sound card. is there any other was oss drivers or what about esd  how do
they communicate w/ the hardware. He is running windowmaker if that
changes anything.

Is there a way to reinstall all sound stuff or do i just tell hi to back
up /home and reinstall.

thanks all

> Alex Salmon wrote: 
> > My friend is new to linux and is trying to get everything working. He
> > uused DrakConf to get sound drivers working it played the test no prob but
> > gave an error about somthing to do w/ dsp he cant remember.
> > 
> > when he tries to use play the following happens
> > 
> > [root@smithy]#play ./Message.wav
> > sox: Can't open output file '/dev/dsp' : no such device
> > 
> > what could this mean it is a sound blaster live
> I assume he's using Mandrake 7 or above (because you mention DrakConf),
> and so I'm puzzled a bit. I've personally installed Mandrake 7 and 7.1
> on a machine with a SB Live with no problems at all - ie, Mandrake
> correctly detected the card and installed drivers for it, no need to
> change anything. So - did the install go OK? Any strange error messages?
> I'm vaguely wondering if sound was working OK, but your friend broke
> something using DrakConf? In my experience, you should be able to
> install Mandrake 7 and above and use a Sound Blaster Live without any
> further configuration. Do you have any other info about his machine?
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

Sometimes i sit and think, Other times i just sit.

This universe shipped by weight, not by volume.  Some expansion of the
contents may have occurred during shipment.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] quick dsp problem

2000-08-26 Thread Tom Massey

Alex Salmon wrote: 
> My friend is new to linux and is trying to get everything working. He
> uused DrakConf to get sound drivers working it played the test no prob but
> gave an error about somthing to do w/ dsp he cant remember.
> when he tries to use play the following happens
> [root@smithy]#play ./Message.wav
> sox: Can't open output file '/dev/dsp' : no such device
> what could this mean it is a sound blaster live

I assume he's using Mandrake 7 or above (because you mention DrakConf),
and so I'm puzzled a bit. I've personally installed Mandrake 7 and 7.1
on a machine with a SB Live with no problems at all - ie, Mandrake
correctly detected the card and installed drivers for it, no need to
change anything. So - did the install go OK? Any strange error messages?
I'm vaguely wondering if sound was working OK, but your friend broke
something using DrakConf? In my experience, you should be able to
install Mandrake 7 and above and use a Sound Blaster Live without any
further configuration. Do you have any other info about his machine?

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Re: [SLUG] N E 1 know about COMTECH education services sydney?...

2000-08-26 Thread DaZZa

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Jon Biddell wrote:

> Oh, and some of the female instructors are seriously cute too ...:-)

*That* goes without saying. :) Well, it does for anyone who has ever been
there, anyways!


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Re: [SLUG] daylight saving

2000-08-26 Thread Howard Lowndes

One machine running RH6.0 changed at 2:00 this am.  I expect the others
running later distros to change tomorrow morning at the same time.

LANNet Computing Associates 

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Danny Yee wrote:

> Can anyone confirm that current Linux distributions understand our about
> to happen daylight saving change?
> Danny.
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

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RE: [SLUG] daylight saving

2000-08-26 Thread Richard Ames

Redhat 6.2 and 6.1 have it right.  The zoneinfo files are provided by


> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Danny Yee
> Sent: Saturday, 26 August 2000 6:22
> Subject: [SLUG] daylight saving
> Can anyone confirm that current Linux distributions understand our about
> to happen daylight saving change?
> Danny.
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

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Re: [SLUG] daylight saving

2000-08-26 Thread Chuck Dale

A recent message on BUGS gave the way to check:

$ zdump -v Australia/Sydney | fgrep 2000
Australia/Sydney  Sat Mar 25 15:59:59 2000 UTC = Sun Mar 26 02:59:59 2000 EST 
isdst=1 gmtoff=39600
Australia/Sydney  Sat Mar 25 16:00:00 2000 UTC = Sun Mar 26 02:00:00 2000 EST 
isdst=0 gmtoff=36000
Australia/Sydney  Sat Aug 26 15:59:59 2000 UTC = Sun Aug 27 01:59:59 2000 EST 
isdst=0 gmtoff=36000
Australia/Sydney  Sat Aug 26 16:00:00 2000 UTC = Sun Aug 27 03:00:00 2000 EST 
isdst=1 gmtoff=39600

FreeBSD prior to 4.0 needs an update. Don't know about Linux distros.
Debian woody here looks happy.


Wrote Danny Yee on Sat, Aug 26, 2000 at 06:21:47PM +1000:
> Can anyone confirm that current Linux distributions understand our about
> to happen daylight saving change?
> Danny.
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

   [ charles hamilton dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] daylight saving

2000-08-26 Thread Danny Yee

Can anyone confirm that current Linux distributions understand our about
to happen daylight saving change?


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