Re: [SLUG] [otish] Netscape meets php4 + DHTML + layers

2000-11-07 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Is this some inherent netscape thing? I was under the impression that
> netscape 4 had layers before they became standard, (and perhaps foolishly)
> assumed that they would keep up the trend.

Netscape "DHTML" and IE "DHTML" are entirely different beasts. You will have
an absolute dog of a time making pages that work across many different
browsers, platforms, etc. Your best hope is to use a templating system, one
template for each browser, and let a stub script choose the appropriate
template after it detects the browser and then fill it from the database.

Yes, to achieve a 100% website functionality success rate, you will be
writing different web pages for every browser. Refer to and


  If there are people on the other end of this website you care about, or
  are an audience of people from whom you wish to take money (this is the
  web, isn't it?) then STAY AWAY FROM THIS EVIL, EVIL stuff.

  It's unnecessary fluff and you'll end up redesigning it when the
  complaints start rolling in.

Humourously enough, you get a bonus relevant opinion in the random sig

- Jeff (who will indeed buy a drink for the first person to tell me I
  replied to the offtopic post. Apologies, etc.)


Web development with PHP is like injecting pure rust with a 
high-pressure hose. For pain relief.

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[SLUG] [otish] Netscape meets php4 + DHTML + layers

2000-11-07 Thread Arthur Barton

just a quick question...
I find myself having to fix other people code, (its good coding, as long as
you only use ie), and the problems are numerous.
The main problem is that the pages in question have approx. 8 DHTML layers,
the data from which is drawn (using php) from a database.
by now i have about 10 / 15 'if NS4 then blah, else BLAH'. For the main part
this seems to work, but layers themselves do not.
The actual layers are visible, but they are arranged down the page, one
after the other, not doing their funky floating layer thing.

Is this some inherent netscape thing? I was under the impression that
netscape 4 had layers before they became standard, (and perhaps foolishly)
assumed that they would keep up the trend.

Unfortunately, i havent got the site live yet, other-wise i would include a
URL. Any help at all would be appreciated. (ive been trying all day).


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Re: [SLUG] presentation packages

2000-11-07 Thread Craige McWhirter

Only the following:

- Applixware
- StarOffice
- Wordperfect

All do a fair job. Sorry, no URLs off the top of my head.

Alexander Else wrote:

> Hi,
> Looking for a linux app to do presentations with.  Found MagicPoint on
> freshmeat, does anyone have any opinions regarding this package or have
> another recommendation?
> Alexander.



Apt-get a clue. Apt-get Debian.

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[SLUG] presentation packages

2000-11-07 Thread Alexander Else


Looking for a linux app to do presentations with.  Found MagicPoint on
freshmeat, does anyone have any opinions regarding this package or have
another recommendation?


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Re: [SLUG] Network/Security fest

2000-11-07 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Is that the 25th of this month???

Yes. As announced in the announcement above or below (depending on the
configuration of your mailer). :)

- Jeff


  "Life is short. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly." - Robert Doisneau  

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Re: [SLUG] Network/Security fest

2000-11-07 Thread Michael Sztachanski

Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > Is this event still alive.
> Hi there,
> Yes, definitely - I just posted news of a date change in fact. We're now
> holding it on the 25th.
> - Jeff
> -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- --
>   We're kind of like Canada, only we hate ourselves more, and it's
>   wetter around the edges.
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

Is that the 25th of this month???

Michael Sztachanski
Snr. Technical Engineer

Turbolinux Aust. Pty Ltd
Lvl1, 255 George Street,
SYDNEY NSW Australia 2000
Ph: +61 2 9252 6011
Fx: +61 2 9252 6022

+  On the Sixth Day the GODs created LINUX   +
+  and on the Seventh Day they rested and+ 
+  surveyed what they had done and they saw  + 
+  that it was GOOD! +

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Re: [SLUG] Port 445 Scan

2000-11-07 Thread Kevin Waterson

Jeffrey Borg wrote:
> Hi
> I have had over the last few weeks thousands of attemps at port 445 on my
> server (not a network scan - although it has been a network scan a few
> times) these attacks are just at one host. (from one host!)
> Now I have dug up that this is the new 'SMB' port for windoze 2000 etc..
> called DS But I was curious to any other uses for tcp port 445
Looking in rfc1700

we find 
microsoft-ds 445/tcp Microsoft-DS
microsoft-ds 445/udp Microsoft-DS
# Arnold Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As far as I know this is a paging protocol so should be covered in
Port 445 is I think, Direct Host, It is how Windows 2000 does
its file sharing now instead of NetBIOS. Win NT used Net BIOS
on ports 137-139. Windows 2000 still supports that, however
NetBIOS is being replaced with port 445 for sharing DNS and LDAP

Much was made of this with the reported allegations of the NSA.KEY
which was reported to give a backdoor in the system.

Many exploits exist for this port such as

Any scans on this port would likely to be script kiddies
trying their luck.


Kind regards

Kevin Waterson

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Re: [SLUG] Toshiba Tecra notebooks and X

2000-11-07 Thread tom burkart

On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, CaT wrote:

This makes it work!


AUSSECPhone: 61 4 1768 2202
339 Blaxland Rd., Ryde NSW 2112

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Re: [SLUG] Toshiba Tecra notebooks and X

2000-11-07 Thread Gareth Walters

- Original Message -
From: "tom burkart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 10:33 AM
Subject: [SLUG] Toshiba Tecra notebooks and X

> Has anyone got any experiences with the top end Toshiba Tecra notebooks
> and installing X on them?
> In particular:  Has anyone gotten the S3 Savage/MX chipset to work with a
> resolution greater than 640x480?

I had a pretty new Tecra 8100 that I managed to get working at 1024x768 for
my boss.
The tricky bit if I remember correctly was tweaking the XF86Config (once I
realised the Xserver was working ok). I don't have the machine anymore but I
remember searching and found an config file that was excellent.
However I also noticed there are a lot of web sites with info and varying
ways of getting it to work satisfactorily depending on the model.

Good luck.

---Gareth Walters

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Re: [SLUG] Network/Security fest

2000-11-07 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Thanks you. Maclug with thus be on on the 18th (I didn't want to clash).

:) Thanks to Anand, 'cos he first realised.

> Debian is the theme, but we do whatever. Formal announcement later.

Need some shock troops?^W^WDebgeeks?

- Jeff


 It's not just a song! It's a document of my life!  

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Re: [SLUG] Toshiba Tecra notebooks and X

2000-11-07 Thread Michael Still

On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, tom burkart wrote:

> Hi peoples!
> Has anyone got any experiences with the top end Toshiba Tecra notebooks
> and installing X on them?
> In particular:  Has anyone gotten the S3 Savage/MX chipset to work with a
> resolution greater than 640x480?

The LCD screens are really thingie too... I have a Portege 3110 CT if
modelines etc would help.



Michael Still ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 - Panda PDF Generation Library (
 - GPG Public Key at

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Re: [SLUG] Network/Security fest

2000-11-07 Thread Terry Collins

Jeff Waugh wrote:

> Yes, definitely - I just posted news of a date change in fact. We're now
> holding it on the 25th.

Thanks you. Maclug with thus be on on the 18th (I didn't want to clash).

Debian is the theme, but we do whatever. Formal announcement later.Jeff
Waugh wrote:

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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Re: [SLUG] "idled" daemon

2000-11-07 Thread Michael Still

On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Rachel Polanskis wrote:

> On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Stephen Robert Norris wrote:
> > Sydney Uni used to do this too - the privacy laws stopped them, as they needed
> > the student IDs to be "private" so they could use them to give out exams
> > results etc.
> Could you please elucidate on this?
> Any information you have would be much appreciated.  
> I would also be interested in seeing any relevant documentation or 
> rulings that support this.  Is there anyone at USyd that I can talk to 
> that knows more?

Its not just USyd. University of Canberra went through the same process...



Michael Still ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 - Panda PDF Generation Library (
 - GPG Public Key at

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Re: [SLUG] Network/Security fest

2000-11-07 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Is this event still alive.

Hi there,

Yes, definitely - I just posted news of a date change in fact. We're now
holding it on the 25th.

- Jeff


  We're kind of like Canada, only we hate ourselves more, and it's  
  wetter around the edges.  

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Network Security Fest Date Change

2000-11-07 Thread Jeff Waugh

   SLUG Network Security Fest DATE CHANGE
   now on Saturday 25th November

We had previously asked for contributors to the Network Security Fest to be
held on the 18th of November... For a few reasons, this date turns out to be

 1) Terry Collins is holding a MacLUG event on the same day,

 2) Dave Kempe (the organiser) is meant to be at a wedding,

 3) Angus Lees (committee person, 31337 h4><0r) is supposed to be
celebrating his daughter's birthday.

So, we're shifting it back to Saturday the 25th of November. This is the day
after our normal monthly SLUG meeting.

We are still looking for people to give presentations and talks on many
aspects of network security. If you'd like to give a talk, please post your

Dave will provide more information regarding talks and location soon, which
will go up on the website for all to see. We can only fit about 30 people
comfortably in the venue, so please register on the website after about 7pm
tonight. ;)

- Jeff


 She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had already  
  lost it.  

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[SLUG] Port 445 Scan

2000-11-07 Thread Jeffrey Borg


I have had over the last few weeks thousands of attemps at port 445 on my
server (not a network scan - although it has been a network scan a few
times) these attacks are just at one host. (from one host!)

Now I have dug up that this is the new 'SMB' port for windoze 2000 etc..
called DS But I was curious to any other uses for tcp port 445


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Re: [SLUG] Toshiba Tecra notebooks and X

2000-11-07 Thread CaT

On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 10:33:22AM +1100, tom burkart wrote:
> Hi peoples!
> Has anyone got any experiences with the top end Toshiba Tecra notebooks
> and installing X on them?
> In particular:  Has anyone gotten the S3 Savage/MX chipset to work with a
> resolution greater than 640x480?

I neither have a Toshy or an MX chipset... but... I do have an IX
chipset and I believe the same server handles both. Try this:

I have my server running at 32bit 1024x768 8)


'We do more then just sing and dance. We've got a brain too.'
-- The Backstreet Boys

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[SLUG] Bind address already in use

2000-11-07 Thread Mark Langford

Hi there

I recently was trying to fix a problem on one of our linux boxes we use to display 
pictures (like driving a Ferrari and 40km/hr) with X from our SCADA units via a slip 
line.  I was receiving a "Bind - address already in use" error message at the end of 
the X start up messages.  I began to think that the mouse signals were coming out the 
same serial port as the picture data going in as our screen cursor would scroll across 
the screen indefinitely out of control and sometimes screen pages also would change 
out of control.

I'm not exactly sure how I fixed the problem but it has gone away (permanently ??).

The things I know I have done to fix the problem :-

In the XF86Config file I set the mouse to /dev/null (as we are not using it) and 
because of this now I receive a message "/dev/null unable to get status of fd 
(inappropriate ioctl for device) but I guess that is OK.

I found a lock file in /tmp directory called .X0-lock with the contents being 351.  I 
deleted the lock file but found it was created the same when I rebooted next time.

We use Redhat and a uname -r reveals 2.0.36 as the kernel number.

I occasionally find that I can run a slip line off one of the serial ports but not the 
other (this machine being an example of that).  Is there a command/utility that can 
test whether the serial port is OK or is there a file that needs editing.  Permissions 
on the serial ports are the same.

Thanks for you time
Mark Langford

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SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Toshiba Tecra notebooks and X

2000-11-07 Thread tom burkart

Hi peoples!
Has anyone got any experiences with the top end Toshiba Tecra notebooks
and installing X on them?
In particular:  Has anyone gotten the S3 Savage/MX chipset to work with a
resolution greater than 640x480?


AUSSECPhone: 61 4 1768 2202
339 Blaxland Rd., Ryde NSW 2112

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[SLUG] MP3's causing Floating Point Exception.

2000-11-07 Thread Steven downing

Hi Sluggers,
Once again I need to delve into the collected knowledge bin for some help.
Running Debian Potato on a Cyrix 6x86 with an ALS-100 soundcard.  The soundcard runs 
under the Soundblaster kernel module.  My problem is that all the mp3 programs from 
Potato all bomb out after a random amount of time with a floating point exception.  it 
happens either from the console (mp3blaster) or in X. Random time means from just 
getting it started (i.e not actually playing yet) to having played up to 5-10 songs.

Things I've tried so far include:
New kernel (2.4.0-test7)
Running xmms or whatever and just leaving the machine alone.
Stopped cron, or anything else I could so they couldn't wake up and interrupt.
Strace showed they all ran hapily gathering data from the files playing etc until it 
gets killed by SIGFPE.
Gimp, bzflag, koules etc etc all run, so if it's a processor floating point bug it's 
pretty esoteric.
Chaning plugin to go straight to sound card, not through EsD. (xmms and freeamp).

I've got a mail in to debian-user, but I thought I'd run it by the Sluggers too.
thanks all

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Re: [SLUG]

2000-11-07 Thread Simon Bryan

Thanks for that everyone, and the gentle reminders about looking a little 
harder next time. :-)

> On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Simon Bryan wrote:
> > Anyone know where I can get this from?
> > 
> >
> > 
> > for Redhat 6.1 if that matters.
> I haven't checked it out thoroughly, but reports
> this as the first-up link:
> and the web page looks fine. Let us know how you go.
> --
> Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services
> "Tired of being a crash test dummy for Microsoft? Try Linux" 

Information Technology Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OLMC Parramatta

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Re: [SLUG] Network/Security fest

2000-11-07 Thread paul

Is this event still alive.


> This is just a reminder that we still are seeking an organiser for the
> Network/Security fest to be held November 18th.
> The Committee is seeking highly motivated individual(s) who love to be
> challenged to volunteer to organise the Network/Security fest to be held
> 18th Novemeber.

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[SLUG] No ads redirector like

2000-11-07 Thread Holroyd Engineering Services

Anyone know of another beside

They've stopped accepting anymore members.


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RE: [SLUG] Re: Squid.....

2000-11-07 Thread Ian Ward

>>1) cache surfing of squid cache
>>2) per ip address / host  accounting / reporting of sites visited and
>>bandwidth used

>>If they can be run via a browser that will be a bonus.

I found that sqmgrlog was the best.  It publishes a nice history log to html
with a date/time matrix so the suits can see the hourly useage.  I found it
by following the links on the main squid org pages.  The URL I have is now
dead, but I know you will find it easy enough.

Another one is squidclients, that produces a nice summary log with each PC's
totals. (good for inter-department billing).

If you are using proxy authentication, then the logs will be sorted by
username instead of hostname.


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[SLUG] Nagle - thanks

2000-11-07 Thread Howard Lowndes

I really must record my appreciation for the assistance that Sluggers have
offered in trying to solve the Nagle algorithm problem.  It was proving an
embarrassment for me with a client who has demonstrated enormous faith by
installing Linux throughout his organisation across two states.  That
faith is now enhanced by demonstrating the ability to provide a solution
by being able to modify the code to suit.

I would particularly like to thank Ken Yap for identifying the probable
cause of the problem in the first place, and chesty for providing the
three essential lines to modify telnet.

This action is a magnificent example of the co-operative nature of Open

Long may the Penquin reign.

LANNet Computing Associates 

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[SLUG] Re: Squid.....

2000-11-07 Thread Tim and Marcelle Sutton

Thanks for the help all! It works now...although it seems a bit slow..I will 
have to check out the rest of my settings.

Can anyone name any good  apps for squid that will do :

1) cache surfing of squid cache
2) per ip address / host  accounting / reporting of sites visited and 
bandwidth used

If they can be run via a browser that will be a bonus.

Nature to all things fixed the limits fit,
And wisely curbed proud man's pretending wit.
As on the land while here the ocean gains,
In other parts it leaves wide sandy plains;
Thus in the soul while memory prevails,
The solid power of understanding fails;
Where beams of warm imagination play,
The memory's soft figures melt away.
-- Alexander Pope (on runtime bounds checking?)

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Re: [SLUG] Using squid

2000-11-07 Thread Alvaro Mantilla Gimenez

Ok...te answer is simple:

cache_peer parent 3128 0 no-query default
acl all src
never_direct allow all


Alvaro Mantilla Gimenez
Ing. de Sistemas Informaticos
Universidad Latina de Costa Rica


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Re: [SLUG] Nagle

2000-11-07 Thread Scott Howard


> Is anyone able to confirm, or otherwise, whether the ability to enable or
> disable the Nagle algorithm is still in the 2.2.x kernels.

Out of interest, why do you want to disable nagle?

In almost all cases turning off Nagle on a host basis (as opposed to a
connection basis for some connections) is a bad thing.

For a telnet session, the only thing gained by turning it off is that if
you're over a high latency link the connection will be less jerky (but with
a very significant increase in bandwidth usage - up to about 10x as much
data can be transmitted with Nagle disabled!).


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Internet Gaming / Investments Opportunity

2000-11-07 Thread newinvestmentz


The Newest Internet Gaming Concept That Works Just Like Any Stock Exchange!!
Find Out About Our Incredible Pre-Launch Opportunity, And Secure Your Position Today!!

Some Of The Benifits Include:
*Private Trading Area*
*Bank Account*
*Real Time Transactions*
*Live Chat*
*online Casino Action*

Visit Us Today At Http://3638141293/39/1053539/trading.html
For More Information And Be Contacted Live By A Representative

This Is A Weekly Mail List.  To Be Removed Permanently Email 
with "remove" somewhere in the subject line.  PERMANENT REMOVAL!!

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Re: [SLUG] Proxy log analysis

2000-11-07 Thread Jon Biddell

On Tue, 07 Nov 2000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > Does anyone know of a GOOD proxy log analyser for Linux ?  Must be
> > able to read MicroSloth proxy formatted files and produce
> > semi-believable stats, as well as interesting piccies for the suits.
> As opposed to semi-believable piccies producing interesting stats for the
> suits?

As opposed to the mindless garbage that Microsloth's analyser spews



"It is irresponsible to connect a Windows machine to the Internet"
John Wiltshire - SLUG

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Re: [SLUG] Proxy log analysis

2000-11-07 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Does anyone know of a GOOD proxy log analyser for Linux ?  Must be
> able to read MicroSloth proxy formatted files and produce
> semi-believable stats, as well as interesting piccies for the suits.

As opposed to semi-believable piccies producing interesting stats for the

- Jeff


  "One World, one Web, one Browser." - Microsoft promotion  
 "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler  

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Proxy log analysis

2000-11-07 Thread Jon Biddell

Hi gang,

Does anyone know of a GOOD proxy log analyser for Linux ?  Must be
able to read MicroSloth proxy formatted files and produce
semi-believable stats, as well as interesting piccies for the suits.

--  Regards,


"It is irresponsible to connect a Windows machine to the Internet"
John Wiltshire - SLUG

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Re: [SLUG] Dual boot Linux & Dos/wfwg

2000-11-07 Thread Herbert Xu

Michael Lake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> SUSE 6.4 installs the Reiser filesystem and this is
> incompatible with NFS on other non-Reiser filesystems. You
> get a choice at install time; if u want fast reboots after
> probs go Reiser if you need to run NFS go ext2. 

If you want future upgradeability to ext3 then ext2 would also be the choice.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Home Page:
PGP Key:

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Re: [SLUG] Nagle

2000-11-07 Thread Herbert Xu

John Ferlito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   what distro are you running. Remember it's telnet should be
> under GPL therefore it has to come with source. So it should just be as

Not quite, telnet is BSD :)
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Home Page:
PGP Key:

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Re: [SLUG] md5 passwords

2000-11-07 Thread Herbert Xu

John Ferlito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   anyone remember how to switch debian over to md5 passwords after
> you've finished the install?

Reconfiguring base-config at an appropriate priority should do the trick.
If you've purged the package just reinstall it.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Home Page:
PGP Key:

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Re: [SLUG] Dual boot Linux & Dos/wfwg

2000-11-07 Thread Jeff Waugh

> One possible problem. I found that it was usually better to set up
> the boot sector of the Linux partition as the repository for lilo.

Do that, and then install GAG. As seen on Freshmeat.

- Jeff


I get my kicks above the .sigline, sunshine.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Using squid

2000-11-07 Thread Tim and Marcelle Sutton

Greetings sluggers

Any squid boffins out there? I am trying to solve two problems with squid:

1) I want to use squid against a parent cache also running squid.

I tried:

cache_peer parent 3128 3130 no-digest 

I also tried:

cache_peer parent 3128 7 no-digest 

To avoid doing ICMP queries.

Both give me something along the lines of:


The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL: 

The following error was encountered: 

 Connection Failed 

The system returned: 

(110) Connection timed out

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again. 

Your cache administrator is root. 

Generated Tue, 07 Nov 2000 08:41:43 GMT by 

Does something need to be done on the parent to enable my cache to cascade 
through it? I have normal user access to the cache. Basically what I am 
trying to do is share one internet point on our lan with some caching etc. At 
the moment I am using the wwwoffle proxy to do the job which works very 
nicely, but now my boss wants to keep track of who is visiting which sites so 
I want to use squid's accounting features. I would prefer not having to ask 
the parent cache admins to adjust their squid config as I work in a _very_ 
bearocratic environment and that would involve filling out tons of crappy 
motivations and request forms!!

2) Otherwise is it possible to get squid to pipe it's requests to wwwoffle 
running on port 8080?



tim @

"The picture's pretty bleak, gentlemen...  The world's climates are changing, 
the mammals are taking over, and we all have a brain about the size of a 
-- some dinosaurs from The Far Side, by Gary Larson

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