[SLUG] Web server with 4 virtual hosts behind firewall

2002-12-19 Thread Chris Barnes
Hi people,

I've been asked to setup a web server with 4 virtual hosts...no big
deal, but eventually I will also be asked to put that web server behind
a firewall.

here's the basic idea:
4 domain names each with their own IP
Web server is Apache configured with 4 virtual hosts.
Firewall is ipchains (could be iptables but i havent had enough
experience with it to be comfortable configuring it)

the firewall will drop every packet except those aimed at www, dns, and

So here's the question.

If each domain has its own IP address does that mean that I will need to
bind those ip addresses to the internet interface on the firewall? If so
can anyone explain how I can bind multiple ipaddress to 1 interface.

If if tell ipchains to only allow www,dns, and ssh on the internet
interface, will it allow connections aimed at any of the 4 ip addresses
or will it only allow the first one bound to the interface?

I'm quite new to this so I dont know if i'm going in the wrong direction
so your feedback/suggestions would be most appreciated :)

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[SLUG] sendmail rejects

2002-12-19 Thread Kevin Waterson
I am getting a bunch of sendmail errors like the one below.
What is this, mail seems to be coming in ok.

Dec 19 22:44:51 mail1 sm-msp-queue[2894]: gBG63ltp001066: to=kevin, ctladdr=root 
(0/0), delay=3+05:41:04, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=relay, pri=8130011, 
relay=localhost.ctv.com.au., dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by 

Kind regards
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
Kevin Waterson
Byron Bay, Australia
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] sendmail rejects

2002-12-19 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Dec 19 22:44:51 mail1 sm-msp-queue[2894]: gBG63ltp001066: to=kevin, ctladdr=root 
>(0/0), delay=3+05:41:04, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=relay, pri=8130011, 
>relay=localhost.ctv.com.au., dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by 

Is your domain ctv.com.au? localhost.ctv.com.au is So if you're
not accepting mail for whatever domain this mail was addressed to on that
machine, it won't go through. :-)

If ctv.com.au is not you, yell at someone who caused the mail to want to go
to localhost.ctv.com.au.

- Jeff

  "We've got a great drummer and a great singer. Those are the key  
positions. When you find a singer and a drummer this good, you don't
  leave them." - Stone Gossard, Pearl Jam   
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] sendmail rejects

2002-12-19 Thread Kevin Waterson
This one time, at band camp,
Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is your domain ctv.com.au? 

> localhost.ctv.com.au is So if you're
> not accepting mail for whatever domain this mail was addressed to on that
> machine, it won't go through. :-)

thanks for the reply...
the mail was sent to ctv.com.au

kind regards

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
Kevin Waterson
Byron Bay, Australia
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] Web server with 4 virtual hosts behind firewall

2002-12-19 Thread Marty Richards
Hi Chris,

> If each domain has its own IP address does that mean that I 
> will need to
> bind those ip addresses to the internet interface on the 
> firewall? If so
> can anyone explain how I can bind multiple ipaddress to 1 interface.

Two options here, which may or may not be practical depending on your IP
1) Bind the addresses to the web servers and route to them. Use ipchains on
the firewall for access control
2) Bind the addresses to the firewall and port forward relevant requests to
the internal/DMZ web servers

Option 1 is generally the best if its do-able. Option 2 can create mildly
tricky issues if you want to see the real IP's of the web page requestors in
your web logs.

If you want option2, you'd use something like

ifconfig eth0 main.ip.address.x network.mask.x.x
ifconfig eth0:2 second.ip.address.x network.mask.x.x

etc. You may need to enable aliasing in your kernel if not already enabled.
> If if tell ipchains to only allow www,dns, and ssh on the internet
> interface, will it allow connections aimed at any of the 4 ip 
> addresses
> or will it only allow the first one bound to the interface?

If you configure subinterfaces as above you will have multiple internet
connections and can apply ipchains to each one. If you route, you can still
do much the same.


Netway Networks Pty Ltd 
(T) 8920 8877 
(F) 8920 8866 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Exceed substitute?

2002-12-19 Thread Lester Cheung
I found weirdX useful sometimes.
tightvnc works better imo.


On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 02:12:14PM +1100, Peter Rundle wrote:
> Nathan,
> depending on the number of windoze desktops you need you might
> like to try this.
> Run virtual desktops using XVnc on the box where "Abaqus" is
> installed. You can run the most basic of window managers such
> as black box. Then use tightVnc on the windoze boxen to access
> each desktop and then run Abaqus on the virtual desktop.
> One advantage is that Abaqus can keep running even if the windoze
> boxen is shutdown, or you can move to another windoze box and
> view the same abaqus instance.
> Pete
> P.S BTW Vnc is freeware and tightvnc is good enough to use over
> a 33K modem.
> P.P.S yes I've read the advocacy comments about derogatory use of
> words re *that* evil empire but given that they choose to steal a
> common english language word and make a brand out of it I choose
> to refer to their brand as "windoze" so that when writing about
> "windows", the reader understands that I'm refering to a gui window
> on a users desktop.
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Netmeeting and Linux Server

2002-12-19 Thread Lester Cheung
check ipmasq howto:

basically there is a kernel module for 2.2 kernels and there is a H.323 gateway.


On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 12:45:00PM +1100, Simon Bryan wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone any experience running MS Netmeeting from MS desktops thorugh a
> RH7.2 server?
> The server provides Proxy and firewall and Optus cable connection.
> _
> Simon Bryan
> IT Manager
> OLMC Parramata
> ICQ#: 137562751
> _
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Bir suikasti doðru okumak - Hablemitoðlu suikasti isaret fisegi

2002-12-19 Thread Turkiye 2023

Türkiye yeni döneme 

1) Ýktidara gelir gelmez yanýna bir Ermeni patriðini alarak, Hristiyan kliselerine 
mülkiyet hakký
tanýyacaklarýný açýklayan dünyadaki tek "Ýslamcý" parti ünvanýna sahip bir AKP,

2) Türk ordusu ile iþgal kelimesini yanyana kullanan bir dýþiþleri bakaný (Rum deðil 

3) Yaþam sýnýrýna geldikleri için her türlü ahlaksýz teklife açýk hale gelen ve 
sýrtýna çantasýný alýp
Avrupa'ya gidebileceði gibi ham hayallere kapýldýðý için her türlü tarihsel, kültürel 
ve milli bilinçten
yoksun omurgasýzlaþtýrýlan bir halk,

5) Türkiye'nin küçük bir aynasý haline getirilen Kuzey Kýbrýs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde 
Rum/AB rüþvetine
sarýlan kýþkýrtýlmýþ kitle ile Türkler arasýnda iyice gerilen bir ortam ve bu 
gerilimi, Mehmet Ali Birand
, Çengiz Çandar gibi aldýklarý parayý sonuna kadar hakeden kalemler aracýlýðý ile 
iyice týrmandýran,
yabancý istihbarat örgütlerinin propaganda aracý haline dönüþen bir basýn,

4) Ülke savaþa sürüklenip, ülke topraklarý ABD'nin üssü haline gelirken, hala imam 
hatiplerdeki baþörtüsü sorununa müdahil olmaya çalýþarak,
ülkede milliyetçilikle müslümanlýklýk arasýnda çizgi çizmeye çalýþanlarýn ekmeðine yað 
bir MGK baþkaný

ile girmiþken, Türkiye'deki yabancý istihbarat örgütlerinin
nasýl cirit attýðýna dair çalýþmalarý ile tanýnan ve en son Alman vakýflarýna yönelik 
Almanya'yý ciddi þekilde rahatsýz eden (AKP'nin son Avrupa seferindeki gözden kaçan 
tavizlerden biri -
Kýbrýs'ýn verildiði bir masada Alman vakýflarýna yönelik baskýnýn arka plana itilmesi 
verilen tavizin lafý mý olur) Doçent Dr. Necip Hablemitoðlu bir suikaste kurban 

Hablemitoðlu bir çok açýdan önemli bir isimdir : 

1) Uður Mumcu'dan sonra yabancý istihbarat ajanslarý(Alman, ABD, Ýngiliz, Ýsrail)
 ve bunlarýn paravan örgütlerine yönelik
en ciddi çalýþmalardan birini yapan isimdir. Bu çalýþmalarý Almanya baþta olmak
üzere Türkiye'yi yörüngelerinde sabitleþtirmek isteyen emperyal güçleri ciddi þekilde 
rahatsýz etmiþtir.

2) Ayný zamanda, Müslüman olduðu zannedilen fakat Türkiye'de Ýslamý Hristiyanlaþtýrmak 
(dinler arasý
diyalog senaryolarý) gibi bir misyon verilen Fettullahçý kadrolara yönelik 
çalýþmalarý, "Ýslam"
üzerinden yapýlacak manipülasyonlara açýk kapý býrakmaktadýr.

3) Hablemitoðlu, Türklerin Ýslamiyet öncesi köklerine aðýrlýk veren bir isimdir. Bu 
özelliði ile
zaman zaman, Türklük ile Ýslam arasýnda çizgi çekmek isteyen ve bu yolla toplumdaki 
muhafazakar çevreleri
diðerlerinden ayrýþtýrmayý planlayanlar tarafýndan suistimal edilmiþtir.

4) Devlet içinde baðýmsýz ve büyük Türkiye için çabalayan kadrolarla yakýn temas 
halindedir. Bu kadrolar,
büyük fakat jandarma Türkiye ile büyük fakat koloni Türkiye isteyen kadrolara karþý 

Hablemitoðlu suikastinin arkasýndaki güçler konusunda bütün bu arka plana raðmen somut 
bir þey söylemek zor olsa da,
cinayetin hemen sonrasýnda medyaya yansýtýlan bilgilerin niteliði, suikastin 
kurþun aþamasý ile sýnýrlý tutulmadýðý ve sonrasýnýn da düþünüldüðü þüphesi 
.. Cinayetle ilgili kamuoyunu çabuk yargý vermeye ve soruþturmayý yürütenleri de 
yanlýþ yönlendirebilecek
bir bilgi akýþý gözlenmektedir. Sadece bir kýsmý alýnabilen bir araba plakasýnýn hemen 
basýna yansýmasý ve Hablemitoðlu'nun
bomba tehditleri aldýðý için arabasýnýn kapýsýný uzaktan açmaya baþladýðý (bu artýk 
herkesin yaptýðý bir uygulamadýr ve bombalý
saldýrýya tedbir niteliði taþýmaz) ve dolayýsý ile saldýrganlarýn bunu haber alarak 
silahla öldürmeye karar vermiþ olabilecekleri
yolundaki "medya" tespitleri bu kuþkularý arttýrmaktadýr. Bu suikastin arkasýnda dýþ 
güçler var ise, bunlarýn
izini HaberTurk gibi bu gibi zamanlarda çok deðerli kamuoyu oluþturma iþlevi görmek 
için kurulmuþ olan basýn-yayýn
organlarýný takip ederek rahatça görebilirsiniz. Psikolojik savaþýn paralý askerleri 
paralarýný bu gibi zamanlarda hakederler. 

Türkiye 2023 olarak Hablemitoðlu suikasti hakkýnda yukarýdaki tespitlere dayanarak 
kolaycý çýkarýmlar
yapmak yerine, þu deðerlendirmemizi dikkatinize sunmak istiyoruz :

ABD'nin Irak'a yerleþmesi esas planda sadece bir ara adým olup, esas plan bölgenin 
yeniden yapýlanmasýdýr.
Bu yapýlanma, Türkiye içindeki güç mücadelesinin de sonucuna baðlý olarak Türkiye'yi 
de içermektedir.
Türkiye 2023, ABD'nin Irak'a yerleþmesini tamamlamasýndan sonra (bu illa Baðdat'ýn 
iþgali ve Saddam'ýn devrilmesi anlamýna
gelmemektedir), Türkiye'yi de planlarý arasýna dahil eden güçlerin planlarý 
doðrultusunda, milliyetçilik-din
ekseninde çalkantýlar beklemektedir. Fakat Hablemitoðlu cinayeti, bu çalkantýlarýn 
tahminimizden de
erken gelen bir iþaret fiþeðidir.

Bu çerçevede toplumu gittikçe gerginleþtirilen ve polarize edilen Kuzey Kýbrýs Türk 
Cumhuriyeti ile
, dýþ güçlerin maþasý olma konusunda çok aceleci ve acemi davranan AKP'nin, iktidarda 
olduklarýný zannederek
askeri-oligarþik güçlere karþý seslerini daha sert bir biçimde yükseltmeye baþlayacak 
kýrýlgan tabaný (Vakit'in bugün attýðý "Ýþ

[SLUG] Mandrake 9 CDs

2002-12-19 Thread Robert Maurency

I'm after some Mandrake 9 CDs (so I can have a go at replacing my W2k

Does anyone know where I can get them (without downloading)?

Thanks in advance!

Robert Maurency
IT Department
Ascham School
+61 2 8356 7004

This mail, including any attached files may contain
confidential and privileged information for the sole
use of the intended recipient(s). Any review, use, 
distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited.
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receive information for the recipient), please contact 
the sender by reply e-mail and delete all copies of
this message.
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] Mandrake 9 CDs

2002-12-19 Thread Jon Biddell
There was a 2CD set available on the cover of APC a couple of months ago
(I have them here but there's no date on the cover, and I can't find the
magazine !!!)


=> I'm after some Mandrake 9 CDs (so I can have a go at 
=> replacing my W2k Laptop).
=> Does anyone know where I can get them (without downloading)?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Mandrake 9 CDs

2002-12-19 Thread Kevin Saenz
You could buy them from either www.everythinglinux.com.au or
www.lsl.com.au. Everythinglinux is in Sydney, lsl is in melbourne.

> Greetings
> I'm after some Mandrake 9 CDs (so I can have a go at replacing my W2k
> Laptop).
> Does anyone know where I can get them (without downloading)?
> Thanks in advance!
> Robert Maurency
> IT Department
> Ascham School
> +61 2 8356 7004
> www.ascham.nsw.edu.au 
> *
> This mail, including any attached files may contain
> confidential and privileged information for the sole
> use of the intended recipient(s). Any review, use, 
> distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited.
> If you are not the intended receipient (or authorised to 
> receive information for the recipient), please contact 
> the sender by reply e-mail and delete all copies of
> this message.
> *
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Mandrake 9 CDs

2002-12-19 Thread Chris Barnes
I have the Mandrake 9.0 cds from the cover of the APC magazine and from
what i can remember it was the october issue.

If you like i can copy the cd-roms and send them to you.

On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 09:04, Robert Maurency wrote:
> Greetings
> I'm after some Mandrake 9 CDs (so I can have a go at replacing my W2k
> Laptop).
> Does anyone know where I can get them (without downloading)?
> Thanks in advance!
> Robert Maurency
> IT Department
> Ascham School
> +61 2 8356 7004
> www.ascham.nsw.edu.au 
> *
> This mail, including any attached files may contain
> confidential and privileged information for the sole
> use of the intended recipient(s). Any review, use, 
> distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited.
> If you are not the intended receipient (or authorised to 
> receive information for the recipient), please contact 
> the sender by reply e-mail and delete all copies of
> this message.
> *

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[SLUG] weird Mac scanner file format

2002-12-19 Thread jimd
What format is this, please? gimp doesn't know it nor does file 
$ od -c barbara/Lindsay1 | head
000   F   S   P   A 003  \0  \0  \0 037 004  \0  \0 211 003  \0  \0
020 030  \0  \0  \0   h 030  \a  \0   h 030  \a  \0 001  \0  \0  \0
040  \0  \0  \0  \0   Ð   î   +  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
060   0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0   `  \0  \0  \0 006  \0  \0  \0
100  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0   d  \0  \0  \0   x  \0  \0  \0
120 036   À   +  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
140  \n  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0   B   a   c   k   g   r   o   u
160   n   d  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0 020  \0  \0  \0 001  \0  \0  \0
200  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0   B   M 226   ¿   +  \0  \0  \0
220  \0  \0   6  \0  \0  \0   (  \0  \0  \0 037 004  \0  \0 211 003

and how do you read it?

Jim Donovan
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Kernel Messages

2002-12-19 Thread Terry Collins
Howdy Folks

Where do I go to investigate kernel messages like this below?
Google will show me hundreds of similar, but nothing that really helps
me understand what is going on.

Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer
dereference at virtual address 0012
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel:  printing eip:
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: c014d728
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: *pde = 
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: Oops: 
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: via82cxxx_audio uart401 ac97_codec
sound soundcore binfmt_misc nfsd parport_pc lp parport autofs nfs lockd
sunrpc tulip ide-cd cdrom usb-uhci usbcore ext3 jbd
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: CPU:0
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: EIP:0010:[]Not
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: EFLAGS: 00010202
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: 
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: EIP is at dnotify_flush [kernel] 0x38
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: eax: 4000   ebx: 0002   ecx:
db4ba900   edx: db4baa08
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: esi: d7cf9240   edi: d0b3b740   ebp:
b988   esp: c77a3f8c
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: Process python (pid: 2401,
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: Stack: d7cf9240  d0b3b740
c0138edf d7cf9240 d0b3b740 d7cf9240 0005 
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel:0005 c0138f43 d7cf9240
d0b3b740 c77a2000 c010893b 0005 b97c 
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel:40047b18 0005 0005
b988 0006 002b 002b 0006 
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: Call Trace: [] filp_close
[kernel] 0x3f (0xc77a3f98))
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: [] sys_close [kernel] 0x43
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: [] system_call [kernel] 0x33
Dec 20 03:07:00 dragonfly kernel: 

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   Wombat Outdoor Adventures 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] sendmail queue

2002-12-19 Thread Kevin Waterson
How long does a mail stay in the mail queue for?

Kind regards

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
Kevin Waterson
Byron Bay, Australia
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] sendmail queue

2002-12-19 Thread John Clarke
On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 10:48:29AM +1100, Kevin Waterson wrote:

> How long does a mail stay in the mail queue for?

Depends upon your MTA configuration.  Sendmail's default is five days
with a non-delivery warning sent after four hours.  Look for these
directives in your .mc file:

define(`confTO_QUEUEWARN', `4h')dnl
define(`confTO_QUEUERETURN', `5d')dnl


GPG key id: 0xD59C360F
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] One for the brains trust.

2002-12-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have a linux firewall on the end of a ppp link to Telstra Direct.

It's a Pentium II box, 2.4.19 kernel.

Very standard config.

The modem 'link' stays 'up'.

But there are intermittent 'outages'.

Every so often there is an outage of 4 minutes, 57ish seconds.

This happens with the following periodicity

An outage every eight hours of 4 mins.

Then after a few days, outages occur more frequently.
Ping times seem pretty long as well in general.

I've noticed this on another link using 2.4 kernel with an HDSL link to DavNet.

Any clues?

Regards & happy pagan festival to all.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] One for the brains trust.

2002-12-19 Thread rod
Can you characterise the outage in more detail?  
Does the ppp peer remain pingable? 
(ie is the problem upstream of the modem link)

If not do you see activity on the modem txd led when you try to ping?
(ie is the problem in your box or modem)


> I have a linux firewall on the end of a ppp link to Telstra Direct.
> It's a Pentium II box, 2.4.19 kernel.
> Very standard config.
> The modem 'link' stays 'up'.
> But there are intermittent 'outages'.
> Every so often there is an outage of 4 minutes, 57ish seconds.
> This happens with the following periodicity
> An outage every eight hours of 4 mins.
> Then after a few days, outages occur more frequently.
> Ping times seem pretty long as well in general.
> I've noticed this on another link using 2.4 kernel with an HDSL link to DavNet.
> Any clues?
> Regards & happy pagan festival to all.
> Markt
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] weird Mac scanner file format

2002-12-19 Thread Ian Wienand
On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 10:18:41AM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> What format is this, please? gimp doesn't know it nor does file 
> $ od -c barbara/Lindsay1 | head
> 000   F   S   P   A 003  \0  \0  \0 037 004  \0  \0 211 003  \0  \0

did you try running the 'file' command on it?  What program was it?
If it was some proprietary thing then your only option is to reverse
engineer it.

>From a quick google it could be some part of a word document?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] One for the brains trust.

2002-12-19 Thread Steven Evans
One of 2 things.

1) It could be a line fault or something like that, hence it sounds like a
problem with telstra, give them a call and ask them to look into it.
2) Telstra doesnt provide reliable service to world+dog.  Move to a more
reliable ISP.  RequestDSL comes to mind, they have outages once a year.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, 20 December 2002 11:12 AM
Subject: [SLUG] One for the brains trust.

I have a linux firewall on the end of a ppp link to Telstra Direct.

It's a Pentium II box, 2.4.19 kernel.

Very standard config.

The modem 'link' stays 'up'.

But there are intermittent 'outages'.

Every so often there is an outage of 4 minutes, 57ish seconds.

This happens with the following periodicity

An outage every eight hours of 4 mins.

Then after a few days, outages occur more frequently.
Ping times seem pretty long as well in general.

I've noticed this on another link using 2.4 kernel with an HDSL link to

Any clues?

Regards & happy pagan festival to all.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Netway Networks Pty Ltd 
(T) 8920 8877 
(F) 8920 8866 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Web server with 4 virtual hosts behind firewall

2002-12-19 Thread Chris Samuel
> Two options here, which may or may not be practical depending on your IP
> configuration...
> 1) Bind the addresses to the web servers and route to them. Use ipchains
> the firewall for access control
> 2) Bind the addresses to the firewall and port forward relevant requests
> the internal/DMZ web servers

another possibility may be:

3) Swap the domains to name based vhosts, CNAME or A them to the firewalls
external interface and port forward 80/tcp to the web server in the DMZ.

Thus any new hostings can be done by configuring a vhost and adding a new
CNAME/A record.  No messing around with ip aliasing.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: Re: [SLUG] General question Re: Securing Redhat Linux IS: question re: sshd

2002-12-19 Thread Chris Samuel
> Can you explain why you exclude sshd?

Buffer overruns ? ;-)

Properly protected from the outside it should be OK though.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] General question Re: Securing Redhat Linux

2002-12-19 Thread Chris Samuel
> If you spend enough time on it you can convince yourself that any box is
> "secure". Secure systems is one area where debian excels though. Debian
> packaging policy means that old, reliable software is used in favour of
> newer, possibly more functional, but possibly also less secure software.

NB: This is not a Debian bash, I've just got very little (tending to zero)
experience of it.

I would hope that Debian, whilst keeping to more elderly software,
back-ports security fixes to their distribution ?

Also, given that some software releases happen because of security fixes,
you may well find that older software is not always more secure.  I remember
the old sendmail "bug of the month club" times, where those unlucky enough
to still be using that MTA would be updating their software on a fairly
regular basis to try and keep up-to-date with the fixes.  Fortunately we
were using Smail, and then Qmail. :-)


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: WAS: Re: [SLUG] General question Re: Securing Redhat Linux

2002-12-19 Thread Chris Samuel
> If there is no port for them to logon to
> then how can they gain access unless they are a local user?

Buffer overruns in your IDS or libpcap ? :-)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Mandrake and apache error

2002-12-19 Thread Chris Samuel
> Mind you apache.apache is strange, but I guess thats mandrakes way. Debian
> www-data.www-data.

Same difference IMHO, it's just a user to own the web files, and not the
same user that owns the config files.

Chris (trying to catch up on emails)
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] General question Re: Securing Redhat Linux

2002-12-19 Thread Jeff Waugh

> I would hope that Debian, whilst keeping to more elderly software,
> back-ports security fixes to their distribution ?

"Like, totally."


(If you go back in the LWN archives, there's a comparison between distro
security practices. It's a bit different now, because Red Hat have improved
enormously, but Debian was on top back then, and I'd be surprised if they
weren't still there, or nearby, now.)

- Jeff

  "Love never misses the chance to put the boot in." - Kelly, SLOU  
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] General question Re: Securing Redhat Linux

2002-12-19 Thread Michael Fox
Quoting Chris Samuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > If you spend enough time on it you can convince yourself that any box
> is
> > "secure". Secure systems is one area where debian excels though.
> Debian
> > packaging policy means that old, reliable software is used in favour
> of
> > newer, possibly more functional, but possibly also less secure
> software.
> NB: This is not a Debian bash, I've just got very little (tending to
> zero)
> experience of it.
> I would hope that Debian, whilst keeping to more elderly software,
> back-ports security fixes to their distribution ?

security fixes for anything on the current stable release are always available 
on security.debian.org for example :)
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug