[SLUG] Linux Installation Problems - Please Help

2006-03-17 Thread Bolero

Hello Everybody,

I resend this email in text mode since somebody complaint about the 
first HTML version, which apparently could only be read in text mode 
incl. all formatting characters etc., additionally apparently loading 
your server unnecessarily due to HTML mode.

I am new to Linux (RH C4) and after some weeks of stuffing around to get
even the basics working, I am asking for help.

My setup:

MoboD945GTP (onboard Sigmatel audio, onboard video)

Processor   Intel P640

RAM 1GB, 2GB L2 Cache

HDD 2 off SATAII, WD 160GB in raid 0,
incl. prim. Active C:/ partition with XP Pro SP1

HDD 1 off SATAII, SG 160GB NTFS, 1 swap partition 2GB,
1 Linux root partition 15GB)

Monitor Hitachi CML171SXW

Modem   External Siemens SpeedStream 4200 (as supplied by
		Telstra Bigpond), presently used via USB connection, Ethernet 
connected to 2nd PC for 2nd Internet


I bought the ‘RH Fedora 4 Unleashed’ book incl. DVD, kernel 2.6.11.  The
installation as 2nd OS went OK, partitioning and formatting 2 GB swap
and 15GB root partition (both primary) with Disk Druid and using Linux
front end for selecting either OS (Windows XP Pro SP1 or Linux RH Core
4).  I got the following ‘issues’:

Problem 1   Can’t establish a working ADSL Internet connection

Problem 2   Video only works in 1280x1024 resolution, for me too
small to be comfortable with

Problem 3   Can’t get audio working

Problem 1 – ADSL Connection

The installation program does not ask me to setup my network connection,
which I tried under ‘Setup Internet Connection’ as well as ‘Network’.
My modem is not listed and that’s were the trouble starts.

Somebody advised that I should setup the connection using DHCP instead
of PPPoA (listed when I access the modem thru Windows).  Even with the
1200 odd pages book I got, the instructions are to me at least very
confusing.  The same applies to Stanton Finleys installation notes.

It appears that I have to download and install some program.  With the
Internet not working under Linux this is not possible.

Problem 2 – Monitor Resolution

The monitor’s HorizSync frequency range is picked up by the installation
program incorrectly.  As soon as I change this to the correct info as
per manual, I get an ‘Out of Range’ signal after reboot.

The vertical refresh rate is correct and I have not changed this one.

The monitor’s support pixel resolution I had to change to cover all
resolutions available in acc. with the manual.

I tried and re-installed Linux at least 15 times with various
configurations of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, both altering horizontal
frequency as well as pixel modes.  The only resolution that works is the
monitor’s native one, i.e. 1280x1024.

Problem 3 – Audio

During the installation I am ask to test sound, which does not work.  I
get the message ‘Audio will not be available on your system’.  No
further info, that’s it.

I have installed as part of the mobo drivers Sigmatel as the audio
driver, in acc. with the mobo installation instructions.

On the Intel website, for my motherboard, there is a network, video and
audio driver for Red Hat Linux available, (…._1.3_RHEL4_U1.TAR.GZ).

Should I download and install the individual drivers in Windows?  Will
my Windows OS still work? What chance is there that the Linux RH
problems I have will be fixed?  I have to say that at this stage I
cannot afford to loose Windows since this is the only thing I have that

To make matters even worse, two days ago I was changing from Linux (with
the above hiccups) to Windows using Acronis OS Selector when suddenly
nothing worked.  After re-booting I got a black screen with a blinking
underscore cursor on the top left, nothing else.

The only way to get into the system was by using an Acronis Disk
Director Boot Disk which got me going again, that is Windows only.  When
I select Linux as the OS, I’ll get a black screen with ‘Grub_’ on the
top left, nothing else.

If I deactivate Acronis OS Selector, I get a black screen with ‘Grub_”.
 Going in circles, must have to do something with the MBR, don’t know
how to wipe it.

Well this is my present situation, a pretty mess; not to mention the
hours spent during the last six weeks.

Somehow I am a bit weary, Stanton Finleys installation notes in the
beginning point out that the installation of Linux is easy and can be
done by everyone; however there are apparently 45 pages of installation
notes needed to get the job done!

Sorry, I am to say the least a bit frustrated and would appreciate some


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Mfr of Cookware needs Rep

2006-03-17 Thread Bart B
We have a client who is looking for a distributor to sell cookware at stores
like Wal-Mart.  
Our client sets up the appointments. All you have to do is show up, set up
and do the selling.  
The customers come to you.  Their sales reps earn $4,000 to $6,000 in 5
days.  Our client is
a leading manufacturer of cookware.  No capital invested by you.  Hours to
fit your schedule.

If you are interested in becoming an independent distributor for our
please return by email your mailing address and phone / fax number.  We
immediately mail you a brochure on our client for your review. There are no
products nor services to buy if you wish to respond.  Our client
wishes to pay you for your services.

Pat Bartley
President - CEO
11693 San Vicente Blvd.,
Suite 316
Los Angeles, CA  90049

Phone: 818-342-4576
Fax: 818-342-3748


Note:  If not interested, the following  options are available to you: 
(1) You can send email to the following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
(2) You can send mail to the following postal address: OuterSales,11693 San
Vicente Blvd., Suite 316, Los
Angeles,  CA  90049 
(3) You can call the following telephone number: 800-929-2157
(4) You can fax the following fax number: 818-342-3748.  

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Unwanted ads

2006-03-17 Thread Russell Davie

I used to use T'bird, till it became overwhelmed in spam.  It's training 
couldn't  keep up with the different varieties of spam, so I changed over to 
sylpheed-claws as it had a plugin for SpamaAssassin.  Well, this I couldn't not 
get SA plugin working well, so I went back to first principles and used 
fetchmail, procmail and pointed Sylpheed to the Mail folder.

 And it works really well too! 

Its caught spam sent to lists, inc slug, and last night it even filtered out a 
Amazon phish!. Outstanding!

 I doubt very much T'bird could catch as the phish SA found was a ISP address 
reported to be send spam. 

The take home message, is it just works.

I wrote myself a howto, and its  here:


- Russell

On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 16:44:39 +1100
john gibbons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Via email, Matthew. Just got another half dozen. Sometimes exactly the 
> same advt repeated 3 or 4 times.
> John.
> Matthew Hannigan wrote:
> >On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 08:05:02AM +1100, john gibbons wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>Some swine marketing viagra and associated products sends me several 
> >>advts each day.It is the only advertiser to get to me via Firefox being 
> >>run in Fedora 4. His advts vary at times and claim to come from 
> >>different sources and are programmed to vary some content via random 
> >>ommissions of letters in words, different home addresses, etc. However, 
> >>the similarities are strong enough to suggest a single source.
> >>
> >>Firefox recognises most of them as junk but misses on others. I identify 
> >>all of them as junk and immediately delete them. Is there some way I can 
> >>block them from even arriving in the first place?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I'm confused; is this in email or from websites or out of nowhere? (!)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Linux Installation Problems - Please Help

2006-03-17 Thread Bret Comstock Waldow
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:20, Bolero wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> I resend this email in text mode since somebody complaint about the
> first HTML version, which apparently could only be read in text mode
> incl. all formatting characters etc., additionally apparently loading
> your server unnecessarily due to HTML mode.
> I am new to Linux (RH C4) and after some weeks of stuffing around to get
> even the basics working, I am asking for help.

My advice is to ditch Red Hat.  When it works, it works like anything that 
works.  When it doesn't, it is too arcane to figure out and fix what isn't 
working.  Red Hat, for example, doesn't follow the common Linux approach of 
accepting kernel updates as a way to fix bugs, which is half of why kernels 
get updated.  Instead Red Hat back patches the kernel they shipped, so their 
software is only compatible with itself.

Other aspects of their setup are specific only to Red Hat.  This make it a 
pain to work through problems, as many of the details are known only to Red 
Hat experts.

I know everyone using Red Hat will scream, but I've gone from SuSE, through 
two versions of  Red Hat, to Debian, and now Gentoo (I hack to fix things the 
way I want, so I choose a distro that's designed for hacking - Gentoo might 
not be best for beginners.)

Try Ubuntu or Kubuntu.  They are specifically aimed at newcomers, and work 
very well out of the box.  You could get the livecd via your Windows 
connection, and try it on your hardware to see how well it does.  As well, 
Knoppix also will let you try your hardware out before installing.

I set up the Red Hat Enterprise Servers at work, and built our software 
installation package for them (not properly - management wasn't interested in 
spending the time unfortunately).  One thing I found was that if I didn't 
install mySQL at first, it couldn't be added later.  Only after several years 
during which the term "rpm hell" was coined did Red Hat get around to coming 
up with a different package management tool -"yum" to make up for failures in 
their initial approach.  If the rpm system worked, there would have been no 
reason to create yum.

> Problem 1 – ADSL Connection
> The installation program does not ask me to setup my network connection,
> which I tried under ‘Setup Internet Connection’ as well as ‘Network’.
> My modem is not listed and that’s were the trouble starts.
> Somebody advised that I should setup the connection using DHCP instead
> of PPPoA

DHCP is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.  It is a message passing standard 
so that two network devices can talk to each other - one requesting and the 
other granting a network IP address.

DHCP will do nothing to negotiate the ADSL connection to your provider.  If 
you have a combination DSL modem AND DHCP server, then your computer would 
connect to that and use DHCP to negotiate it's connection TO THE MODEM/DHCP 
SERVER - but the computer in that case has no knowledge of or involvement in 
the DSL connection.

The connection to your ISP is DSL.  You write that the modem has both USB & 
ethernet connections - does the modem documentation say it can provide a DHCP 
server?  If it only has the one ethernet connector, then it can only provide 
that service for one computer anyway (without you doing some fairly arcane 
work setting up bridging, etc., which is definitely not newbie territory).

To share a single Internet connection among several computers, you have to 
have a router somewhere in the chain to aggregate the connections and 
translate the addresses.  If the device you have has only one ethernet 
connection, it's very unlikely it's a router.

My router itself can use my modem (two distinct devices here) to set up a DSL 
connection.  However, if I connect the modem directly to my computer, either 
by USB or ethernet, my computer must use PPPoE (or variant) to drive the 

So, does your device have more than one ethernet connector?  Forget the USB 
stuff - that's a single dedicated connection - only if it has more than one 
ethernet connector might it be a router, in which case the DHCP stuff, etc. 
might come into play.

> Problem 2 – Monitor Resolution

> The only resolution that works is the  monitor’s native one, i.e. 1280x1024.

How important is it to you to switch resolutions?

You don't get text the way you like it by switching resolutions - you set up 
the DisplaySize variable and then pick your fonts the way you like them.

You might have other reasons to switch resolutions, but I'll suggest that's 
the wrong approach to take to fix fonts you don't like.  Higher resolution 
means the fonts can be rendered with more pixels, making them smoother.  
Getting the right size is best approached differently.

So, do you know that you have some other reason to switch resolutions, or do 
you simply want to make your fonts the way you want?  We must give different 
advice for the different cases.

> Problem 3 – Audio

Get a live CD for Ubuntu or K

Re: [SLUG] Linux Installation Problems - Please Help

2006-03-17 Thread Linley Caetan

>Ditch Red Hat.  Too many things about the distro are specialised to be Red Hat 
>only - the knowledge doesn't transfer.  Back patching kernels is especially a 
>lock-in to Red Hat.  When you are more of a Linux mechanic, you can try again 
>if you like.  But you won't get there without a working Linux install.
>And if it worked for you, it would be great.  But it doesn't.  Try Knoppix or 
>Ubuntu (I use and recommend Kubuntu - which is Ubuntu with a default KDE 
After trying RH 7 and FC2,3,4  I finally gave up on redhat/Fedora.
Yum seemed to solve some problems but in the end the whole thing sucked.
I now use Ubuntu and have not looked back.
My only outstanding problem is to get 5.1 surround sound working
properly on my cmi8738( no subwoofer channel for some reason).
So Ubuntu or Kubuntu it is and I recommend Automatix for newbies to get
them moving with a whole raft of  applications.
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Linux Installation Problems - Please Help

2006-03-17 Thread jam
On Saturday 18 March 2006 07:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I resend this email in text mode since somebody complaint about the
> first HTML version, which apparently could only be read in text mode
> incl. all formatting characters etc., additionally apparently loading
> your server unnecessarily due to HTML mode.
> I am new to Linux (RH C4) and after some weeks of stuffing around to get
> even the basics working, I am asking for help.
> My setup:
> Mobo            D945GTP (onboard Sigmatel audio, onboard video)
> Processor       Intel P640
> RAM             1GB, 2GB L2 Cache
> HDD             2 off SATAII, WD 160GB in raid 0,
> incl. prim. Active C:/ partition with XP Pro SP1
> HDD             1 off SATAII, SG 160GB NTFS, 1 swap partition 2GB,
> 1 Linux root partition 15GB)
> Monitor         Hitachi CML171SXW
> Modem           External Siemens SpeedStream 4200 (as supplied by
> Telstra Bigpond), presently used via USB connection,
>    Ethernet connected to 2nd PC for 2nd Internet
> connection.

Some quick advice, I have just setup a box in the UK for my father-in-law by 
phone (pain & suffering) but it's working:

Someone reccomends ubuntu, maybe I don't remember the sys-admin, I strongly 
reccomend SuSE, get 9.3 not 10.

Try to resolve your raid as painlessly as you can. Motherboards don't do real 
raid. Google for fake-raid. Avoid raid here (there ARE good arguments for, 
just a noobie, motherboard raid uuurgh, tooo hard)

Avoid the USB modem. Again real-linux-users can probably make it work, but 
ordinary mortals will suffer. I bought him a Speedtouch 516 router for UK$ 
30. Get an ethernet router!

Once you have setup the router (under windoes perchange) then you can start to 
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Re: [SCLUG] Re: Interesting view

2006-03-17 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Thursday 16 March 2006 18:47, "Bohdan S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I dont like how all these Linux users bag Windows S much. If it
> wasent for windows how many of us would own a computer right now?

You are making the assumption that Microsoft was the only group capable of 
making an affordable, usable OS. If Microsoft weren't around, we'd have 
something else, like OS/2, Amiga or BeOS. In some ways, these are _still_ 
better than Windows.

Without Microsoft, we would probably have had a much more dynamic and 
competitive industry, as we had in the 1980s. A good way to see what MS has 
done to the industry is to read the U.S. v. Microsoft Findings of Fact 


If you want a summary, skip to the last section (titled "THE EFFECT ON 

P.S. You only need one full stop to signify the end of a sentence.

Sridhar Dhanapalan  [Yama | http://www.pclinuxonline.com/]
  {GnuPG/OpenPGP: http://dhanapalan.webhop.net/yama.asc
   0x049D38B4 : A7A9 8A02 78CB AB1B FCE4 EEC6 2DD9 249B 049D 38B4}

"To occupy Iraq would instantly shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab 
world against us and make a broken tyrant into a latter-day hero ... 
assigning young soldiers ... to fight in what would be an un-winnable urban 
guerilla war. It could only plunge that part of the world into even greater 
- George Bush Snr, in 'A World Transformed', 1998

Description: PGP signature
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Linux Installation Problems - Please Help

2006-03-17 Thread Erik de Castro Lopo

> Someone reccomends ubuntu, maybe I don't remember the sys-admin, I strongly 
> reccomend SuSE, get 9.3 not 10.

Recommending a previous version of a distribution over its current version
is a pretty poor recommendation. That means the distribution is going backwards.

I have set my mother-in-law and my father up on Debian machines. If I was
to do it again I would probably choose ubuntu. I have run two versions
of ubuntu and AFAIAC the latter one was an improvement over the earlier one.

  Erik de Castro Lopo
"Perl as a language has less a design than a thousand special features
flying in close formation."
-- From the c2 wiki
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Polaroid

2006-03-17 Thread Jerome Byers

Now  you  can  div e r si fy  the  act s  in  your  b e dro o m !

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html