Re: [SLUG] Death to trackerd

2007-12-03 Thread bill
Only yesterday I installed LinuxMint 4.0 (Gnome) on one of my PCs which 
has 5 HDD's ( which Mint automounts), 4 of them full of data ( almost) 
and wondered why the drives were coninually bashng away.

Finally remembered about indexing ( had same problem with Beagle on 
Kubuntu some time ago).

Fixed problem - removed tracker from system.

Why distros don't give one the option of install/don't install such 
programs I cannot understand, especially when distro concerned 
automounts everything.

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Re: [SLUG] Death to trackerd

2007-12-03 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Why distros don't give one the option of install/don't install such
> programs I cannot understand

Because if you take that choice into account, there are 100 more that people
will whinge about. The best approach is to do the right thing by default and
let users with specific needs use the fully installed, complete interface to
modify their environment. Unfortunately in this case, I'm not sure the right
decision was made at the beginning of that process (ie. include tracker).

- Jeff

-- 2008: Melbourne, Australia
   He'd never undressed a woman with his eyes. Perhaps army boots, school
uniform, or a nightie, but never undressed.
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[SLUG] Java and Fedora Core 8

2007-12-03 Thread Jan Newmarch


After lurking on this list for many years, it's time I contributed.

Sun's Java under FC 8 is broken, and no Java apps that use X11 will run. 
Error is

xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion 'c->xlib.lock' failed
Other distros may have the same problem.

Sun claim it is a bug with XCB. XCB claim it is a long-standing bug with 
Java. Fedora won't include a workaround that just warns about broken locks 
instead of stopping. The problem seems to be Java making Xlib calls in a 
sequence not allowed under the Xlib replacement XCB.

The only workaround that actually seems to work for me so far has been to 
download and install the rpms 
libxcb-1.0-3.i_acknowledge_that_my_jdk_is_broken.fc9.i386.rpm and 
ibxcb-devel-1.0-3.i_acknowledge_that_my_jdk_is_broken.fc9.i386.rpm from Then run Java with export 
LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=1. This replaces libxcb.1.0.3 with a version that 
only complains instead of barfing.

See,,,, etc.


  Dr Jan Newmarch
  IT Degree Course Leader
  Box Hill Institute
  Tel: +61 4 0117 0509

"Do what you think is interesting, do something that
you think is fun and worthwhile, because otherwise
you won't do it well anyway." -- Brian Kernighan

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Re: [SLUG] Domain Name Servers

2007-12-03 Thread Jeremy Portzer

Rick Phillips wrote:

I have always thought that DNS servers for a domain may reside totally
outside the domain.  i.e. server.main.domain has no dns server running
but has DNS servers and act
authoritatively for server.main.domain.

That is correct.

We have a server with very sensitive information and the boss does not
want anything other than a web port open to the world.

Okay, that is fine and fits in with your previous statement.

> My experience

has always been that the server in question is at least the primary DNS.

This seems to contradict your previous statement.  If you don't wish 
this "server in question" with the sensitive information, to run DNS 
services, why not set up the configuration that you already established 
as probable, with the DNS hosted entirely by different servers?

I don't understand why the current configuration of some particular 
server should rule out the possibility of a different configuration 
being possible?

Perhaps I misunderstand.

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[SLUG] Domain Name Servers

2007-12-03 Thread Rick Phillips
I have always thought that DNS servers for a domain may reside totally
outside the domain.  i.e. server.main.domain has no dns server running
but has DNS servers and act
authoritatively for server.main.domain.

We have a server with very sensitive information and the boss does not
want anything other than a web port open to the world.  My experience
has always been that the server in question is at least the primary DNS.
Is this possible or do we have to think again?

Rick Phillips

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Re: [SLUG] Domain Name Servers

2007-12-03 Thread Rick Phillips

> This seems to contradict your previous statement.  If you don't wish 
> this "server in question" with the sensitive information, to run DNS 
> services, why not set up the configuration that you already established 
> as probable, with the DNS hosted entirely by different servers?
> I don't understand why the current configuration of some particular 
> server should rule out the possibility of a different configuration 
> being possible?
> Perhaps I misunderstand.
Ah, I think when I added a new sentence I messed up my meaning.
Sometimes an attempt at further clarification makes things a little less

I did mean server A is "served" by servers B & C in the naming stakes.

Thanks for the confirmation that it is possible.



SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Domain Name Servers

2007-12-03 Thread mvanle2
> I have always thought that DNS servers for a domain may reside
> totally
> outside the domain.  i.e. server.main.domain has no dns server
> running
> but has DNS servers and act
> authoritatively for server.main.domain.
> We have a server with very sensitive information and the boss does
> not
> want anything other than a web port open to the world.  My
> experience
> has always been that the server in question is at least the primary
> DNS.
> Is this possible or do we have to think again?

According to my Oreilly BIND 8.x book, "primary" and "slave" DNS servers are a 

There're only "authoritative" and "non-authoritative" servers. And the 
distribution / updating of 
zone files between authoritative servers depend on the zone file's SOA serial 
number and how 
the "slave {...};" and "master {...};" directives are set up.

You don't need to set up a DNS server on your secured server. As long as people 
outside your 
network, or outside your web server can resolve to your web port and connect, 
then HTTP should 
handle the rest. You might need to essentially open port 53 and configure 
resolv.conf for DNS 
names resolution on the web server; which may be required for some 
anti-spoofing software, 
firewall tools etc. 

Alternatively you could set up an internal DNS server on a separate machine 
inside your network 
which can initiate a zone file transfer with external DNS servers hosting your 
domain. The internal 
DNS server could be the DNS server for the rest of your network.
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Re: [SLUG] D-Link 604T as an access point?

2007-12-03 Thread Martin Visser
On Dec 3, 2007 3:38 PM, Amos Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also - am I correct to assume that the 604T can run WRT?

Not sure which WRT you are referring to, but neither nor would instill much confidence
in that statement.

As the name indicates, the WRT software variants were primarily
written to support the Linksys WRT-54G  family. Boxes with very close
chipsets seem to have had ports done for them. It doesn't seem that
the D-link boxes readily fall into that category - though YMMV.

(And even within the Linksys range there is enough variation within
similarly packaged boxes to make choosing the correct box a little

Regards, Martin

Martin Visser
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Re: [SLUG] virtualisation and wine on ubuntu gutsey for adobe photoshop flash premier etc

2007-12-03 Thread Jeremy Visser
On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 12:03 +1100, David Peterson wrote:
> I also run vmware Win XP on linux and do the scp trick. I am wondering
> whether there is an easier way to move files between my host FS and the
> vmware instance, as it's a bit of a hassle using scp all the time.

If you're running VMware Tools in your XP guest, you can simply drag
files from a Nautilus window onto a window in your VM, and VMware will
copy it across.

Not sure if it works with Linux guests.

Jeremy Visser

()   ascii ribbon campaign — against HTML e-mail

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[SLUG] Calender Syncing...yet again

2007-12-03 Thread Trent Murray
Hi all,

The issue of finding a piece of opensource software that runs on a linux box
and allows outlook users to share calendars continues to evade me.

I have many customers that need this functionality (as they all use windowz
clients and most use Outlook that syncs with thier PDA's or phones)

Is there anything out there that is GPL FREE and talks to outlook calendars
WITHOUT needing to purchase connector software?

My kingdom for a GPL calendar server!!!


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