[SLUG] ANNOUNCEMENT: SLUG meeting Friday 24 February 2012 at 6PM

2012-02-20 Thread elliott-brennan

Dear All,

For some reason it appears the group mail alert is 
not working :(

So, a quick remind the February meeting is this 
Friday, 24 Feb.

Start: Arrive at 6pm for a 6:30pm start


Tim's Tidbits
James Explains
Patrick Picks
Babak's bits

Main talk

John August
Part two
Ethics, GNU/Linux and all that

NB. John will provide a quick round up of part one 
(in case you missed it).


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Issues and activities discussion for 2012

2012-02-20 Thread elliott-brennan

Dear All,

First, on behalf of the committee I would like to 
thank everyone for their participation, 
involvement and assistance during 2011 both at 
meetings and on the mailing list. It's a bit 
clichéd (cliché 1) but without everyone's 
assistance we'd not have a LUG. After attending 
LCA 2012, I was struck by the struggles some LUGs 
experience in maintaining their presence and while 
there's always room to improve (cliché 2) we're 
doing not too badly.

Naturally the hardest part is people finding time 
(cliché 3) to participate in face-to-face events. 
The committee is hoping that we're able to expand 
the LUGs activities to create a greater range of 
events to encourage this to happen (cliché 4) and 
ensure LUG members to generally feel there's 
something for them (clichés 5-10).

While I will be summarising the following at the 
February meeting, for those cannot make it I've 
provided a quick look forward to a possible 2012 
and beyond.

If you have things you'd like to add, then please 
e-mail me directly so I can update the list and 
then make it available to everyone.

NB. Please remember that this is more of a 'focus 
group' e-mail. For those unfamiliar with the 
process, it means that any ideas or suggestions 
can be made.

It's not an opportunity to criticise or negatively 
comment on suggestions made by others which you 
don't like.

However, if there is a suggestion on the list and 
you believe you know of an easier solution, form 
of implementation etc, then please feel free to 
provide details.

So, on to 2012.



We are building up a list of events for 2012 (and 
beyond) for which we will need volunteers and 
other assistance. Please let us know if you have 
any ideas along this line.

a. Install-Fest
Speaks for itself really

It has been suggested this could be combined with
b. Software/Application-use day

We'd have people giving hands-on demonstrations of 
various applications/software etc on a GNU/Linux 
platform. It was suggested that installing has 
become so easy that it may not be as 'big an 
issue' as in previous years.

Regardless of views on this, it was suggested that 
it may be  more productive to have a day during 
which people can learn to use the OS and 
applications rather than just how to install it.

c. Regular SLUG/FOSS presence at the North Rocks 
computer market (or similar)
This was suggested as a means by which to promote 
the use of GNU/Linux in the general computing 
community. By having a regular presence people 
will have the ability to approach SLUG members, 
discuss FOSS related issues and become familiar 
with the subject.

This would be similar to out-reach programs run by 
social services agencies (eg. health, youth 
services). These programs have been shown to have 
a positive effect on encouraging use and interest 
and will (I believe) work for SLUG and FOSS.

d. Software Freedom Day.
It has been some times since SLUG was present on SFD.
If we can generate enough interest in working 
towards a SLUG presence, this will be used to 
develop a larger presence in 2013.

e. There has also been discussion about whether we 
should include Android related material in 

I'll send a query to the list about this asking 
for people's views in general.


There were some fantastic suggestions and they're 
listed below. If you have any ideas or areas of 
interest you'd like to hear presentations on, then 
please let me and/or the list know.

Naturally we'll also be looking for people who 
would be willing to volunteer to speak on some of 
these subjects :)

As usual the committee is more than willing to 
help you in preparing and organising your 
presentation (eg. format suggestions, assistance 
with presenting).

If you have an interest in an area, please don't 
assume other people have already put up their hand 
to speak about it. If we don't have people 
volunteering their time and effort then we will 
not be able to cover the areas of interest expressed.

If it suits best, we can arrange for you speak 
over a period of time (a collection of short talks 
about a subject) or even have a regular lightning 
talk spot.

Again, if you're interested, please either contact 
a committee member directly or catch up with us at 
a SLUG meeting.


Tim Ansell has suggested a regular monthly 
meeting, separate from the SLUG Friday meetings. 
These would be on a weekend and would incorporate 
activities such as coding, editing (graphic, 
video) etc.

A 'fix-it' day has also been suggested. This would 
be where people can bring intransigent and 
truculent hardware to receive assistance in taming it.

Social meetings. This has been raised previously 
and so I'm adding this in again. The idea was that 
members would announce a place and time for SLUG 
members to get together outside of the group 
Friday meetings.

There has been a suggestion for some meetings to 
be held in 

[SLUG] SyPy: Thu 1st Mar: Social games + Genropy: business app python framework

2012-02-20 Thread Dylan Jay


I was given a demo of the social game to teach python last night.  
Looks very cool, so should be a really exciting talk.

SyPy: Sydney Python Users group meetup

15min talks are:

- Genropy: a python framework optimised for line of business  
applications - Jeff Edwards

- Using Social Games to Teach Python - Ben Sand

+ lightning talks (inc intro to doctest)

Please sign up for a speaker ticket if you'd also like to speak

RSVP: http://sypy2012mar.eventbrite.com.au/

6:15: Arrive - buy beer* and/or food (Food ordered from level 2. Event  
is on level 3)

6:30: 2-3 short talks. (drink beer*)
7:30: Lightning talks (sign up, or just bring a 5min talk along)(drink  

8:00: drink beer*
* Note beer is an optional activity but recommended to ensure the best  
possible experience :)

Getting There: See the event page for details


Level 3, Hotel Sweeney's
236 Clarence Street
Sydney, New South Wales 2000
Thursday, March 1, 2012 from 6:15 PM to 9:15 PM (GMT+1000)

Dylan Jay
Technical Solutions Manager
PretaWeb: Multisite Performance Support
P: +612 80819071 | M: +61421477460 | twitter.com/djay75 | linkedin.com/ 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Slug Meeting Feb 2012

2012-02-20 Thread committee

== February 2012 SLUG Meeting ==


 * Date: Friday, Feb. 24, 2012, 6 p.m.
 * Start: Arrive at 6pm for a 6:30pm start
 * Format: TBA
 * RSVP: http://www.slug.org.au/event/128001
 * Suggest or sign up for a talk at http://www.slug.org.au/talks


Details TBA.


  Google Sydney
  Level 5, Workplace 6
  48 Pirrama Road
  Pyrmont, NSW

 Map: http://signup.slug.org.au/map

-- Getting there --

The Google office is the big black building marked Accenture opposite
Star City Pirrama Road facade.

If using the trains, you can go either get off at;

 * Town Hall station, head towards Darling Harbour, walk across the Pyrmont
   footbridge and then follow Pirrama Road towards Star city.
 * Central station, then follow the light rail instructions.

If using the buses, the route 443 stops right out front of the building.

If using the light rail, get off at Star City station and walk across the

If you drive, then you can look for parking on the suburban streets around
the office (or pay for parking at the Casino), and then walk from there.

=== Afterwards ===

We'll be aiming to finish by 8pm and will be heading to the Pyrmont Bridge
Hotel (PBH) afterwards to socalise and eat dinner. The PBH is marked on the

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html