Re: [SLUG] Linux midi interface

2013-02-18 Thread grove

On Mon, 18 Feb 2013, Ben Donohue wrote:

Hi thanks,

Thanks to one slugger I've ordered a 4 port midi off deals extreme... now 
waiting as they don't have it in stock

MidiBox 4-in/4-out USB 2.0 64-MIDI Interface Thru/Merge Box

These will work OK provided you don't rely too heavily on clock sync - you 
may only be able to allocate one port to transmit/receive clock sync with 
any stability.



On 18/02/13 16:19, Martin Visser wrote:
I have a Tascam US-122 that works great in Linux (it does MIDI as well as 
audio). I think this is discontinued now - I imagine the newer version have 
probably gained support in Linux as well. (Google is your friend)

Regards, Martin 

On 8 February 2013 21:12, Ben Donohue > wrote:

Hi all,

I'm after a USB to MIDI interface that works with Linux.

I'd prefer Linux Mint as I'm getting used to this distro but in
any case I'm after buying one that works with Linux... as in has
drivers etc.

End goal is to have the keyboard connected to a laptop running a
flavour of Linux and run music learning / composing / sequencing /
etc software on it.

Anyone care to add some thoughts / experience on what works.


-- SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -

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Rachel Polanskis Kingswood, Greater Western Sydney, Australia
The more an answer costs, the more respect it carries.
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Re: [SLUG] script to analyse syslog in realtime

2013-02-18 Thread Martin Visser
I wrote this Perl script  for use in a project where I had get an
understanding of the rate RADIUS requests coming in. I impressed myself (as
a very lapsed programmer) that I figured out how to (a) write a SIGnal
handler and  (b) put POD documentation in the file. The most basic usage is
simply   :-

tail -f /var/log/message | lookfor -lookfor "string1","string2"

output looks like :-

$  sudo tail -f /var/log/messages | ./lookfor --lookfor "OK","denied","401

Total Count
OK: Count:1 ( Delta: 0 Last: 0.0ps Peak: 0.2ps Avg: 0.0ps )
denied: Count:2 ( Delta: 0 Last: 0.0ps Peak: 0.4ps Avg: 0.1ps )
401 Un: Count:1 ( Delta: 0 Last: 0.0ps Peak: 0.2ps Avg: 0.0ps )

# Created by Martin Visser - Version 1.0 - 2003
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
$eachone = 1;
$interval = 5;
$avgintervals = 6;
$label = "";
$clear_opt = 1;
$delta_opt = 1;
@lookfor = ();
#@lookfor = ('Access-Request','Accounting-Request', 'Request Accepted',
'Request Rejected');
$result = GetOptions ("lookfor=s" => \@lookfor,
  "interval=i"=> \$interval,
  "label=s" => \$label,
  "clear!" => \$clear_opt,
  "delta!" => \$delta_opt,
  "help|man|?"  => \$help);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
@lookfor = split(/,/ , join(',', @lookfor));

sub set_alarm {
$SIG{'ALRM'} = \&interim_dump;
alarm $interval;
sub set_quit {
$SIG{'QUIT'} = \&final_dump;
$SIG{'INT'} = \&final_dump;
sub dump_lookfor {
  foreach $lookfor (@lookfor) {
  $delta = $count{$lookfor} - $lastcount{$lookfor};
  $tps = $delta / $interval;
  $peaktps{$lookfor} = ($tps > $peaktps{$lookfor}) ? $tps :
  $avgtps{$lookfor} = $avgtps{$lookfor} * ($avgintervals -
1)/($avgintervals) + $tps / $avgintervals;
  printf "%s: Count:%d ( Delta: %d Last: %.1fps Peak: %.1fps Avg:
#  print "$lookfor: Count:$count{$lookfor} ( Delta: $delta Last: ${tps}
ps Peak: $peaktps{$lookfor} ps Avg: $avgtps{$lookfor} )\n";
  $lastcount{$lookfor} = $count{$lookfor};
  print "\n";
sub interim_dump {
  if ($clear_opt) {system("clear");}
  if ($label ne "") { print "$label\n";}
  print "Interim Count\n=\n";
  alarm $interval;
sub final_dump {
  if ($clear_opt) {system("clear");}
  if ($label ne "") { print "$label\n";}
  print "Total Count\n===\n";
sub zero_count {
  foreach $lookfor (@lookfor) {
$count{$lookfor} = 0;
  $lastcount{$lookfor} = 0;
  $peaktps{$lookfor} = 0;
  $avgtps{$lookfor} = 0;
  foreach $lookfor (@lookfor) {
if (/$lookfor/) {


=head1 NAME



lookfor <-interval int> <-lookfor string<,string><...>>

Example: lookfor -int 30 -lookfor 'Access-Request','Access-Response'

Reads from stdin, and display counts (and other stats) for matched strings

written by Martin Visser 

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-help or -?>

Print this help message and exit.

=item B<-interval> I

Specify how often the displayed statistics are refreshed

(Default: 5)

=item B<-lookfor> I

Specify the strings that lookfor is to calculate stats on. (note it
currently counts and number of matches of the string on the line as 1

(Default: *)


Reads from stdin, and display counts (and other stats) for matched strings


Regards, Martin

On 14 February 2013 11:48, Chris Barnes  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> my firewall logs everything to a syslog server - new connections,
> terminated connections, etc
> basically what im trying to do is analyse the syslog in realtime looking
> for a specific string which indicates a new connection has been
> established, and to count the number of occurrences of that string to get
> an idea of how many connections per minute im getting for a particular
> internet service so that I can graph it.
> An example of the significant line in syslog im looking for is:
> Feb 14 11:42:52 : Feb 14 11:19:47 EDT: %PIX-session-6-302015:
> Built inbound UDP connection 3523357 for Outside: (
> to svrdmz:NTP/123 (NTP/123)
> I can use the following to watch the log for the specific event
> tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep "to svrdmz:NTP/123 (NTP/123)"
> But I cant figure out a way to programatically count how many of these
> events occur per minute.
> any suggestions?
> --
> Kind Regards,
> Christopher Barnes
> e.
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
> Subscription info and FAQs:
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Linux midi interface

2013-02-18 Thread Ben Donohue

Hi thanks,

Thanks to one slugger I've ordered a 4 port midi off deals extreme... 
now waiting as they don't have it in stock

MidiBox 4-in/4-out USB 2.0 64-MIDI Interface Thru/Merge Box


On 18/02/13 16:19, Martin Visser wrote:
I have a Tascam US-122 that works great in Linux (it does MIDI as well 
as audio). I think this is discontinued now - I imagine the newer 
version have probably gained support in Linux as well. (Google is your 

Regards, Martin 

On 8 February 2013 21:12, Ben Donohue > wrote:

Hi all,

I'm after a USB to MIDI interface that works with Linux.

I'd prefer Linux Mint as I'm getting used to this distro but in
any case I'm after buying one that works with Linux... as in has
drivers etc.

End goal is to have the keyboard connected to a laptop running a
flavour of Linux and run music learning / composing / sequencing /
etc software on it.

Anyone care to add some thoughts / experience on what works.


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Subscription info and FAQs:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs: