[SLUG] Low power domain controller / user authentication ?

2007-01-06 Thread Greg Wright
Hi All,

Sorry I do not post much, but I do have a question that I would like to ask

I have used a mixed network for my own use for years, primarily I always
had Linux doing the grunt work for web services  serving, but I also
always had windows boxes, the problem is, as the network grows or as I
replaced PC's, I always kept the old boxes on the network, needless to say
a while ago I started looking for ways to save power  space and reduce
heat build up - my work area was like a sauna at one point :)

Anyway, to cut to the chase, I still need a box to do authentication and to
act as a domain controller, but I would rather use a cheap dislkless device
that sleeps when not called upon, does anyone know of a device like this ?
or if I must use a PC, is there a CD or say USB key Linux distro that can
be cut down to just Samba ?

I have a couple of Nettel ne2520 embedded devices if somone wants to hack
one to do what I want, they can have the other.

Thanks in advance.



SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Unwired for Broadband ?

2004-12-13 Thread Greg Wright


On 14/12/2004 at 9:25 PM Elliott-Brennan wrote:

I tend to agree with Markw1977, (beware, saga looming)

In a related (somewhat) incident, I had wired my house so that I could
have net access from the study - at the rear of the house. The telephone
cable comes through into the front of the house and I added a connection
and wiring to the rear of the house. My Smoothwall firewall is three feet
from where the cable enters the study.

I was having connection problems and rang my ISP. They asked several
questions: when they asked if I was using Windows, I said Yes - I use W
and Linux (didn't tell them the latter); they asked if my computer was
connected directly to the USB modem, I said Yes, because the old pc with
Smoothwall installed IS connected directly to the USB modem; they asked if
my pc was within three feet of where the phone line comes into the house;
I said Yes because it comes into the house at one end of the building,
then out of the house and back in three feet from my firewall. I didn't
tell them about Smoothwall. 

Funnily enough, the problem happened to be at their end and not mine. I
don't even have to guess what they would have said if I had told them



Hehe... is that not true for 99.9% of ISPs?

It's not just Linux though, BSD, Unix, OS X... all suffer from the Oh, if

it's not Windows then the problem is at your end... syndrome.

When dealing with them, don't disclose your OS.

Hey, can you use an MUA that at least indicates who has said what by
indenting or something ?

Onto the second part, it has nothing to do with anyhing other than
companies cannot train hoardes of support staff on every OS, there are
various reasons for this, but if you are using something other than a
supported OS (such as a form of linux or UNIX), then you do not need the
help from an ISP's help desk other than to ask Is there any known issues
at this time because (blah)

You are responsible for your own systems or network  trying to suggest
that somehow these companies etc are anti pick your OS is tiring to read,
it also would be good if people change the subject line when they divert
away from the subject.


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Firebird Google search to do Australia?

2004-07-14 Thread Greg Wright


On 15/07/2004 at 1:29 PM vernon wrote:

edit google.src 
its found in /path/to/firefox/searchplugins/

edit  this line
too look like

OR you could change it to sensis  LOL


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html


2004-02-25 Thread Greg Wright


On 25/02/2004 at 10:56 PM Jeff Allison wrote:

Anyone been getting these

And maybe know a work around

Don't work around it, you should use your ISPs SMTP server to send out
mailAOL is to be commended for this type of checking.


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] DNS Tools

2002-06-14 Thread Greg Wright


On 19/06/2002 at 4:35 AM Garth Sperring [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug]


Does anyone know of or use a good (web based/KDE/Win32) tool to manage
9.x DNS entries? 

Webmin should do it ok.


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Apache Gateway?

2002-06-02 Thread Greg Wright


On 3/06/2002 at 1:56 PM Jessica Mayo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[gregausit/slug] wrote:

I'm sure someone asked about this before but have been unable to find
anything usefull in the archives or on the Apache website...

What I want to do is have a webserver fetching some of it's content from a
second apache that is NOT visible to the outside world.

I'm sure it can be done, but how? Correct me if I'm wrong...

Perl, PHP other scripting language.

There is not much to go on here, ie why not just mirror the info if static
or use an available method to redirect/port forward ?


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Fwd: (offtopic) Banks 'n' browsers

2002-05-01 Thread Greg Wright

Hello Slug,

I know there were various experiences with Banks down here, maybe some of
you even wrote something up to help other Linux users -- this message is
along those lines.

If you have anything you can offer, or would like to mention, you can do so
to Evan direct, or via myself, please do not post replies to the LIST :)

Evan often writes for Zdnet, is on the Board for the LPI in Canada  runs a
hosting company called Starnix -- he is a strong supporter of Linux. 

Below is our exchange.


On 1/05/2002 at 4:09 PM Evan Leibovitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, 1 May 2002, Greg Wright wrote:

 There was lots of talk at one time in SLUG www.slug.org.au on this
 topic, you will find links to archives on the site. Of course it was
 only on AU banks.

I've looked at the archive and see some discussion, but only a _wish_ for 
some kind of resource.

Could you kindly post a message to the list mentioning my URL and asking 
if anyone would like to submit their experiences with Australian banks to 

I already have entries for Canada, the US and Britain -- I'd be happy to 
add in anything from around the world.


For more info, this is how the discussion started out .

A discussion in my local user group started on how some of our local
banks' online services were friendlier to Linux browsers than others.
I started putting the discussion in the form of a web page, which can
(at least for now) be found at 


I'm curious to know if

1) this kind of site, extended to other banks (and maybe even high-profile
   websites) would be of general public interest

2) anyone else is doing this kind of thing (better to contribute to an
   existing effort than to reinvent the wheel

3) anyone here has any comments or suggestions before I develop the
   page a bit more and make it public.

- Evan

- Evan


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] WINE update running Quickbooks

2002-04-27 Thread Greg Wright


On 28/04/2002 at 1:39 PM Rick Welykochy [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug]

It's that BAS time again. So, for the first time, I really gave Quickbooks
a serious workout using Codeweavers WINE on Linux.

Now the truer picture is coming to light. I found many tiny annoyances
and a few downright crashers.


(*) bringing up the BAS form crashes WINE everytime
(*) too-fast too-heavy keyboard action crashes WINE (i.e. too many
focus changes in between mouse moves) ... race condition

Minor annoyances include:

(*) SHIFT-TAB doesn't work
(*) dates are in American format
(*) maximising some windows causes severe display redrawing probs
(*) lotsa of other small things (focus, redraw, text highlighting)

So, I was able to bring the accounts up to date (crefully entering
instead of Aussie dates, and simply avoiding other known bugs), but had to
calculate the BAS/GST crappe manually.

As Codeweavers say, this software is in beta test and there are many
API calls that simply do not work. As well, the console log of
system calls is very revealing. I'm not as impressed as I was a few months
ago (since I've only now really tested the depths of Quickbooks), but do
understand that daunting task facing the WINE team: it is quite difficult
to reliably implement an undocumented system API.

I am sure the guys who work on this project would like to hear about these
problems -- it is likely they may already know.

I think to change things in this area, individually we all have to ask
application providers -- When will you provide a Linux compatible version
of your application ?


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Apache Virtual Host not working.

2002-04-05 Thread Greg Wright


  does not seem to matter what permissions on the directory i have.
  currently with drwxrwxrwx nobody nogroup. (i know this is way open)
  have changed owner to apache and root and a user. still no luck.

su to nobody, see if you can reach the index file -- bets are you cannot,
look at permissions on dir/s above.


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Re: Crossover now supports Office 2K / IE

2002-04-01 Thread Greg Wright

This may be of interest to you 



On 28/03/2002 at 11:41 AM S Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug] wrote:

This is BIG news.  For only $55USD, you can get people switched over.
I've not tried it yet, but based on the other products Codeweavers are
knocking out, its going to be good.


Anyone can tell the differences between Crossover and Wine? My impression
that Wine can do the same thing but it is free.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Forum Software

2002-02-02 Thread Greg Wright


On 3/02/2002 at 9:33 AM Howard Lowndes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[gregausit/slug] wrote:

What are ppls recommendationd for forum/BB software to run under linux
(PHP or Perl)

PHP probably, depends on size/growth. You will probably need an SQL server
for most PHP projects, there may be text based Perl options.

So far I have looked at phorum and phpBB2, and both of them are screwed.

??   there are so many choices, look around sourceforge and freshmeat.


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Re: [Cb-nsw] M$ wants the 'help' charities with software

2001-12-01 Thread Greg Wright


On 1/12/2001 at 7:48 AM Jeff Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug] wrote:

quote who=Craig Warner

 I strongly recommend that both a representation from SLUG and 
 ComputerBank be at this meeting.

I spoke to Craig at the SLUG meeting about this; I'll be calling NOIE on
Monday and seeing if we can arrange something. It may be advantageous to
have someone representing the Linux-Education groups, such as Linux in
Australian Schools. Ken?

The LPI ?

[ Also, I have an appointment with my local MP, to discuss IT issues from
govt. perspective. I will not be bringing up the 'r' word. ;) ]

Want any help here ? I believe locally we have a responsibility to advocate
to the Govt here not just for use, but for development as well.

I like the idea of being pro active with our Govt., we need to find time to
talk Jeff ;-)


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Stories of larg-scale desktop Linux adoption?

2001-11-15 Thread Greg Wright


On 15/11/2001 at 2:45 PM Jeff Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug]


 I've been having a little dig around for news about large scale adoption
 of Linux in enterprises, especially on the desktop (i.e. 1000's of
 servers aren't applicable).  My impression is that this is basically not
 happening much, but it has started happening.

Get in touch with the LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) people; they
a number of good stories that might help you out, that haven't really been
covered in the press. Especially educational institutions.

I will echo what Jeff has said, the LTSP is an impressive project and VERY
active, they have also been certified on some of IBMs hardware, look at

If you want a contact or have a specific request, message me off line and I
will put you in contact with one of the main project leaders -- he is very


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Re: Agenda Computing's VR3

2001-11-10 Thread Greg Wright


On 8/11/2001 at 11:08 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/redhat-list] wrote:

Anybody use the VR3 ?  I would like to know of your experiences with it ?
Are there any better ones out there ? By 'better'  Imean with better apps
and RAM

I have one of the first units, I took it along to the last meeting, if I
attend the next I could bring it along


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Using sendmail with bigpond isp

2001-11-04 Thread Greg Wright


On 4/11/2001 at 4:14 PM Laurie Savage [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug]

I have attempted to read the documentation in the sendmail-cf directory 
but am even more confused now. How can I set up sendmail to send all 
mail created by local users out through our bigpond.com server? I want 
to set up batch overnight mailing on my RedHat machine using a simple 
wvdial ;sendmail -q ; fetchmail -d0 -q script (it worked with Postfix!)

We are using the bigpond family mail with five addresses. My users are

Look around   www.moongroup.com, or you can join the mailhelp list,
IIRC all the docs needed are on the site.


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Using sendmail with bigpond isp

2001-11-04 Thread Greg Wright


On 4/11/2001 at 6:13 PM Jon Biddell [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug] wrote:

 SMTP server is mail.bigpond.com

in sendmail.cf


This all works fine Of course, I cheated and used WEBMIN to so some of


 Very naughty :)

M4 and sendmail.mc work well, but granted the sendmail docs do not seem
clear on all the options etc -- examples are missing I guess, but the good
thing is if you get used to using the correct way, it is very portable and
simple to make changes.


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] is there a maximum file size under Linux?

2001-11-04 Thread Greg Wright


On 5/11/2001 at 12:13 AM Regen Meister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[gregausit/slug] wrote:


we have a Linux server running MFG/Pro and the
database has reached 3GB. We have more info
wanting to get in, but the database can't seem to grow beyond 3GB.

People have told me that Linux ext2 file system can only accomodate file
up to 3GB.
1/ Is that true?
2/ Is there a way around it? (because the sys admin wants to migrate to
2000 :-( and turf Linux out of the company :-(   )

Most older versions of Linux are limited to any single file being 2 GIG,
newer versions like say RH 7.2, probably Mandrake, SuSE all should not have
this limit, not sure of others , somone else can talk about Debian or other

There are various file systems you can use, but ext3 seems to be the one
emerging as what will be the standard.


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Booting using GRUB off high disks

2001-10-30 Thread Greg Wright


On 30/10/2001 at 6:23 PM Jamie Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[gregausit/slug] wrote:

Hi all,

I'm having some problems with setting up GRUB as a bootloader for my

Just as a side note, not related to your problem, I have found GAG to be an
excellent boot loader..


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] handy way to merge txt files?

2001-10-05 Thread Greg Wright


On 5/10/2001 at 4:02 PM cpaul [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug] wrote:

hi - i have two plaintext files

i want to merge them, discarding duplicate lines

is there an easy way ?

cat and sort come to mind, read the man page on sort, IIRC -u is the option


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] Security Issue

2001-09-21 Thread Greg Wright


On 18/09/2001 at 2:13 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug] wrote:


This (Steven's suggestion) is likely the problem.
If you just did 'su root', you'll have inherited your user's PATH.
You should probably run 'su - root' instead. See the su manpage.

or su -l  so you login with all variables.


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Sendmail aliases

2001-09-20 Thread Greg Wright


On 20/09/2001 at 6:02 PM Peter McCarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug]

Howdy all

I have just migrated our mail server to RH 7.1 and have noticed something
different with respect to aliases.
In the previous version of sendmail you were not included  in the aliases
if you sent and email.
eg alias - user1,user2,user3
If user1 sends an email to alias then only user2 and user3 would get it.
This new version of sendmail all three get the email.
I would prefer the old verion way of doing things, does anyone know of a
(possibly in sendmail.mc ?) that would allow this behaviour ?

You probably should be looking at changes in procmail instead...


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Is there a SSH for Win-nt/2000?

2001-06-29 Thread Greg Wright


On 29/06/2001 at 7:10 PM Jobst Schmalenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[gregausit/slug] wrote:

Is there a ssh for windows NT/2000?

There are lots of clients, I have settled with putty. (terra term is good
as well, but not as portable)

There is a SSHD as well, not sure what use it would be at all except for
the possibility of tunneling VNC which would be a good idea. I looked at
the site a few weeks back, sorry do not have the URL at hand.


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020
Available for Global Contracts   Int. +61 418 292020
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Joining SLUG Remotely

2001-06-29 Thread Greg Wright


On 30/06/2001 at 1:55 AM Anthony Rumble [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[gregausit/slug] wrote:

 I have not followed this thread, but you guys may be able to use PayPal
 member dues etc, they now accept Australian Bank accounts, you can call
 some time if you want me to explain how it all works or look at

Yeah, but it still goes through US Dollars at some point.. so the money
will end up being different all the time..

Id love to use it on my site too.. except of 2 problems..

1. This US Dollar conversion issue..

Yes, it will probably not suit anyone who must have exact Aus dollar
amounts, for me the closest AU dollar is ok so I would just look up the
daily exch. rate and manually calculate, ie for SLUG I would use it and pay
say $28 Aus dollar to be sure I covered the amount, but I realise this
would probably not suit many people, and in your case you could not expect
customers to do this..I have been using the system for a while, at
least they have Aus bank accounts now, I am also under the belief that AU
dollars was on the cards, the US slump may have slowed this plan down

2. I can't validate myself, because it doesn't seem to like my credit
card.. I've tried everything.. and it just says Denied every time.. My
card is fine.. Im booking stuff up on it all the time.. It's just paypal's
systems don't like it.. So.. While Id love to try it out.. I can't use
it.. and if I can't use it, theres probably lots of others who can't too..
which is kind of limiting.

Yeah, cards can be a problem, I can tell you that the service has not been
idle (ie changes and card companies forced some restrictions, ie I used to
be able to credit my debit card, the card companies soon crushed that, I
believe it is back on again now)

I emailed their support, and they were totally unhelpfull.

Yes, it is like anywhere, probably outsourced to some clone call centre
where cut and paste answers are the order of the day, anything requiring
real knowledge or help is just too hard for most call centres, I am willing
to help you offline, I have helped a few organizations setup accounts.

Anthony Rumble - Managing Director
EverythingLinux.com.au - The Alternative Operating System Store
LinuxHelp.com.au - Support,Training,Development,Consulting
Phone: 0500 500 368 Direct 02-9712-1799 Fax 02-9712-3977


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020
Available for Global Contracts   Int. +61 418 292020
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] NZ proposes GST on downloaded software.[ Here next ?]

2001-06-28 Thread Greg Wright


On 28/06/2001 at 5:32 PM Richard Sharpe [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug]

Jeff Waugh wrote:

 quote who=Richard Sharpe
 So, the reality is that for companies, things do not cost 10% more, so 
 there is no advantage to using free software.
 Obviously not because Free Software is 100% less than 10% less than
110%? :)
 Surely there were those other advantage of Free Software in there too...

Jeff, you have taken my quote completely out of context.
I was responding to the claim that GST makes free software somehow more 
attractive than non-free software for businesses. It is just not so.

I would have to agree here, in Aus and I suspect NZ, we already pay highly
inflated prices for most software because of a weak dollar etc etc, in many
business uses many other factors come into play when deciding on a
solution. I won't go into other brain dead ideas of controling the
Internet, I ashamedly think we must be world leaders in this area, however
any poor sod in Aus who recieves funds for registration of software that
has been downloaded will already be passing on the GST in most cases.

As to your other claims about the advantages of free software, the 
situation is very complex, and perception is reality for many businesses.

This is true, but I have to say in many places I have gone, I am happy with
the uptake of Linux by many Australian companies, but in the end each has
to do their own deciding, I have read tech docs by so called IT
professionals that would make your hair curl (reasons why X OS is superior
to Y), in the end I would have to concede that obviously X is an expert at
marketing and the main reason why it was chosen.

I am someone who lives and breathes free software, and while my record 
is not as resplendent as that of some others, I think it speaks for 
itself.  However, the world is an inherently complex place, and the GPL 
creates difficulties for some businesses.  In addition, until we have 
strong certification, like LPI, being pushed at businesses by all the 
Linux supporters around the world, free software will appear to be 
unsupported and unsupportable to many businesses.

Speaking of LPI and my main reason for chiming in, can you contact me off
list Richard ? Also anyone interested in helping promote LPI could contact
myself, LPI will be creating a formal body here to help promote the
certification (funds are needed).

There has been some interest in certification here, but not enough IMHO,
the LPI certs are recognised by many large corporations througout the world
(if there is interest on SLUG a seperate thread could be started)


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020
Available for Global Contracts   Int. +61 418 292020
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] What is LPI ? What is ELC ? -- info only

2001-06-28 Thread Greg Wright

Hello All,

I know some SLUG members are aware of what LPI or ELC stands for, yesterday
Richard and I used the abbreviation LPI in replies, I have been asked
what LPI is, so I will just put this out there.

In short, LPI stands for, Linux Professional Institute, you can find more
information here   http://www.lpi.orgor can ask me any questions you do
not have answered when you have looked at the site, LPI is run by Linux
Community members and produces *NO* course material, only hi quality,
neutral, non profit exams to help further Linux uptake in the Commercial
world, the tests are no slam dunk, so if someone holds an LPI cert, they
will have a certain skill level.

LPI goals are low cost certification for all  run by the Community, good
stuff don't you think? :)

If I use the term  ELC, it is also a non profit org, till a few months
ago the charter was promotion of Linux in the Embedded space (like an LI
for Embedded), now we are also moving into standards in a step by step
fashion, you can find more out at  http://www.embedded-linux.org   or again
you can ask me direct.

Both organisations have people from Australia  SLUG members/supporters


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020
Available for Global Contracts   Int. +61 418 292020
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Joining SLUG Remotely

2001-06-28 Thread Greg Wright


On 29/06/2001 at 2:11 AM Anand Kumria [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug]

 Neither have I. The plan was to have credit card thingeries going
 Linux Australia, but we've heard poop all, and I've no idea what the
 of LA is at the moment anyway.

That is because SLUG has never asked Linux Australia about it.

You've asked me, informally, which is entirely different.

I can not ask on SLUG's behalf because I am involved with both groups:
- arm's length and all that. What is in the interests of SLUG may not
be in the interest of LA.


Hey Anand..

I have not followed this thread, but you guys may be able to use PayPal for
member dues etc, they now accept Australian Bank accounts, you can call me
some time if you want me to explain how it all works or look at


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020
Available for Global Contracts   Int. +61 418 292020
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] (OT) bad HMTL links

2001-05-26 Thread Greg Wright


On 26/05/2001 at 1:23 PM David [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Does anyone know of a piece of softare that crawls a web site and checks
bad links? 

look through freshmeat.net  , there are a few options .


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020
Available for Global Contracts   Int. +61 418 292020
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Getting a kosher gcc for Redhat 7

2001-02-26 Thread Greg Wright


On 24/02/2001 at 10:56 PM Harry Ohlsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[gregausit/slug] wrote:

I just tried to build GRUB, after hearing about it at Friday's meeting.

It gave me an error message that prompted me to try to update my
gcc given that I'm still running the dodgey one that came with RH7.0
"out of the box".

FWIW the GCC on RH7 is supposedly bug free  more correct/stringent, ie it
is less tolerant with compling code with errors, at least this is what RH
says publically. KGCC is provided so that kernel compilation is possible as
there is a supposed error in early kernels shrugs


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020
Available for Global Contracts   Int. +61 418 292020
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: : Re: [SLUG] majordomo

2001-02-15 Thread Greg Wright


On 15/02/01 at 21:19 John Ferlito wrote:

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 06:03:29PM +1100, Alister Waller wrote:
 anyone got any idea why my majordomo list doesn't work no more??
   Looks like your using smrsh as the sendmail shell. This only
lets sendmail run programs that live in a certain directory
/usr/lib/sendmail off the top of my head. You either need to put a copy
of the majordomo wrapper in there or stop using smrsh. Check you
sendmail.mc and .cf

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
 "|/usr/lib/majordomo/wrapper resend -l all all-list"
 (expanded from: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
- Transcript of session follows -
 sh: wrapper not available for sendmail programs
 554 "|/usr/lib/majordomo/wrapper resend -l all all-list"... Service

That error is the SMRSH as mentioned, have you upgraded Sendmail or
something? also, use a symlink, not the wrapper in the SMRSH dir to the
majordomo wrapper, this is in the Majordomo FAQ's IIRC


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020
Available for Global Contracts   Int. +61 418 292020
web  http://www.ausit.come-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers, ITpro, Ozzie Soft, providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Qt/Embedded

2001-01-24 Thread Greg Wright


On 25/01/01 at 15:11 John Ryland wrote:

On Thursday 25 January 2001 07:50, Jamie Honan wrote:

 bending your ear about Qt/Embedded ...

John, Greg, other Linux.conf attendee's, and organisers, have a look at a
story about halfway down this page...
http://www.embedded-linux.org/index.php3 if there are inaccuracies,
please advise (or other names that may have been left off)

Further to this discussion, it may interest you that the ELC also runs a
general list where there may be others interested in this topic.


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020
Available for Global Contracts   Int. +61 418 292020
web  http://www.ausit.come-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers, ITpro, Ozzie Soft, providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] the best way to provide Email server redundancy ??

2001-01-23 Thread Greg Wright

Hello All

Am new on the list but some may know who I am or met me at Linux.conf

I am involved with ...

LPI www.lpi.org
ELC www.embedded-linux.org

Among many other organizations and projects :) , anyway, on with an


On 23/01/01 at 8:08 Ricky C wrote:

Rating: mildly OT (probably more networking than Linux)

hi All,

We are in the process of setting up a new email server in our US office.

The box we are evaulating is a VA Linux 1000 1U form factor running RedHat

6.2 It is more than adequate as an email server.

my questions

1) what is the best way to achieve redundancy on an email server ?

A few extra boxes, hopefully not on the same network (read subnet  DNS),
and as many backup mx records as you have hosts. otherwise you have to
go into something larger you do not say how many users, but cannot be
that many if Sendmail and one box alone will handle the mail

2) is RAID worth it for an email server ?

for sure, RAID would be worth using wherever you can use it, its one more
step in data security

3) for those working for ISP how does ISP provide redundancy ? and I 
need a Linux solution, as this is the only network OS we use.

Most small to mid ISPs will use backup hosts as mentioned, otherwise you
get into having front ends and backend boxes, you better decide first on
your exact requirements and possible growth..

4) backups is not a solution for us, we bascially need something that can 
take over with minimal down time

Are you asking the same question? answers the same. :)

5) is there any disadvantage running a web server (Apache) off the same
? eg. performance, security...etc

Gee, you sure you wanna look after this box ?

Sorry, but so many "how long is a piece of string" questions, again depends
on usage, on the first question I thought you must have decided what the
users and load may be, so running Apache as well could be anything from
totally acceptable, to totally stupid. If the load on Apache for example is
to give some basic directions for those who use e-mail, then its not likely
to be hit hard and therefore having a low load level, if its going to run a
busy website with SSI enabled etc  do virtual hosting, then that is

Any service you add to any box where ports are opened up add security risk,
security is a relative word also. Do you really want to analyze security of
this box ? if yes, then its probably crack able before you add the wire, RH
6.2 + Sendmail with a Kernel below 2.2.16x is broken :( , but then again
there are thousands of ISP's in the US and here that run old broken
Sendmail box's.

You better fire off another message with how many users  what
Kernel/Sendmail/Apache combo you are using.


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020
Available for Global Contracts   Int. +61 418 292020
web  http://www.ausit.come-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers, ITpro, Ozzie Soft, providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Graphical Bootup - Was: VMWare and LILO configuration

2001-01-23 Thread Greg Wright


On 24/01/01 at 16:43 John Ryland wrote:

On Wednesday 24 January 2001 15:33, Crossfire wrote:

   What's the one RedHat 7.0 uses?

 No, its still LILO, but with evil evil graphical boot menu hacks!

Looks ugly
I'm sure they could have done better.

I would like to work on making the kernel bootup graphically, not just the

bootloader. I know it's so Windows like, but I want to do it even better,

A simple display of a png or something for those not interested in the boot
sequence, probably is more at home on Corel Linux than anywhere else


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020
Available for Global Contracts   Int. +61 418 292020
web  http://www.ausit.come-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers, ITpro, Ozzie Soft, providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug