Re: [SLUG] debugging dns resolution issues with RES_OPTIONS=debug

2010-01-27 Thread Ishwor Gurung
2010/1/27 Ben Burke


 Thanks - yes, that will help, though I don't think I'll get close enough to
 the problem to decide if it's ip communications or a windows dns server
 issue. (I could do other connectivity tests to the dns servers, same result)

 I came across these options when working with a really nasty performance
 problem, involving AIX dns clients, resolving names on win2k3 servers. At
 the time, I was being pushed to populate hosts files on dozens of unix
 hosts, rather than get to the bottom of what was going on. Eventually, we
 found that the AIX version in use would attempt ipv6 style dns client
 behaviour several times, before failing back to ipv4 behaviour. At the time,
 IBM gave us no support what so ever - just blamed microsoft. As usual, the
 way to solve a vendor war is, get to the root of the problem.

 I'm pretty clueless on where gethostbyname lives in the os. My guess would
 be, a shared library that many programs link against, rather than part of
 the kernel.. This was the kind of info I was looking for.

Hi Rick
gethostbyname is part of GNU libc implementation. Therefore, you'd
have to check out its resolver library to do anything serious with
`options debug` on your /etc/resolv.conf (its disabled by default for
some reason). Other implementations such as AIX which you use has it
enabled by default. AFAIK, most BSDs have them enabled too. HTH

Ishwor Gurung
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Re: [SLUG] grub2 menu highlighting

2010-01-09 Thread Ishwor Gurung
Hi Meryl,

2010/1/10 meryl
 I'm not sure if this is pebcak or a bug  I may have included a lot of

 As a work around - my thoughts are to maybe delete the generic-pae
 entries from /grub.
 Or can I reorder the menuentry list to put
 Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-17-generic at the top?

The default entry is determined by the DEFAULT= setting in
/etc/default/grub; the first menuentry is has a value of 0 (from
the same page). So, perhaps try -
DEFAULT=menu_entry_number ?
Ishwor Gurung
Key id:0xa98db35e
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Re: [SLUG] Port forwarding weirdities

2009-11-03 Thread Ishwor Gurung
Hi Jeremy,

2009/11/3 Jeremy Visser
 On Wed, 2009-10-28 at 21:37 +1100, Ishwor Gurung wrote:
 What about just dumping NAT table i.e., without the grep magic foo?

 Sure. I've attached an `iptables -t nat -L` from working, and broken.

 What's weird is that the line that should make all the difference (the
 last line in both attachments) doesn't change at all.

 At time of writing, the brokenness is sending traffic from port 1240 to
 port 81 instead of 80. (Has now been ports 82 and 95 in the past.)
This is sad. Indeed sad.

 The only differences between the two dumps are that Transmission doesn't
 have one of its UDP port forwards for some reason, our (dynamic) WAN IP
 has changed, and I pulled another port forward that I wasn't using.

 Given that it has been working and broken without much change, I cannot
 put my finger on what it is.
Hrmm. Try patching it against r17555 and see how it goes - There are a bunch of fixes in
r16278 plus try disable QOS'ing packets (seems to be the common wisdom
of the ticket discussion)

 I think it could be a bug in OpenWRT. What specific revision is it?

 I'm running Kamikaze 8.09.1, r16278.
Isn't that the stock one?

This is quiet interesting says pptp
nat conntrack removed, cause of dnat off-by-one port forwarding bug
(r17555). But in your case though its definitely _more_ than
off-by-one port fwd in the dnat. hrmm. I feel this is a definitely a
bug. File a bug report I'd say (which is rather another question.
_Why_ on earth wouldn't you file a bug report?)

I mentioned in my previous post that I don't have my wrt with me atm
so proceed with caution.

These were the summary of latest patches by agb so far-
5.6 KB  17555   8 weeks agb: merge r17552 to 8.09 [generic-2.4] remove
nat pptp conntracking patch
17.0 KB 17555   8 weeks agb: merge r17552 to 8.09 [generic-2.4] remove
nat pptp conntracking patch
26.8 KB 17555   8 weeks agb: merge r17552 to 8.09 [generic-2.4] remove
nat pptp conntracking patch

Sorry can't be of much help. I don't have time nor energy to write a patch.
Ishwor Gurung
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Re: [SLUG] Port forwarding weirdities

2009-10-28 Thread Ishwor Gurung

 Okay, so, I have a Linksys WRT54G running OpenWrt, serving as the
 Internet router for our home. You know the drill — NAT, PPPoE, whatever.

 Router's LAN IP address is Several port forwards are in
 place (y'know — SSH, HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, and whatnot) that are already
 working beautifully.

 I'm also wanting to forward TCP port 1240 on the WAN side to port 80 on
 my box,, for running a test web server. (Oh, if only I
 could give non-technical people a link to my IPv6 address instead.)

Heh.. :)

 So here's the OpenWrt config I use to do this. Should look sane, even if
 you've not used OpenWrt before:

 config 'redirect'
        option 'src' 'wan'
        option 'proto' 'tcp'
        option 'src_dport' '1240'
        option 'dest_ip' ''
        option 'dest_port' '80'

 And when you run `/etc/init.d/firewall restart`, it generates the
 following iptables rule as a result:

 r...@openwrt:~# iptables -t nat -L | grep 1240
 DNAT  tcp  --  anywhere  anywhere  tcp dpt:1240 to:

What about just dumping NAT table i.e., without the grep magic foo?

NAT'ing 1240-80 is fine but then as Dr. Peter Chubb mentions,
80-(could_be_any_arbritrary_port_here) which you are obviously not
listing it here. Right?

 Which all worked fine for a week or two. But then for some mysterious
 reason, when I try and access port 1240 from the WAN side, it started to
 send traffic to port 95 on my LAN side! (Despite iptables still
 reporting port 80.)

 I rebooted the router (to no avail), reset the firewall configs, ran
 tcpdump, wireshark, and whatnot, and the mangling of the port is
 definitely something that was happening on the router. (tcpdump showed
 me packets exiting the LAN side bound for port 95; no pun intended.)

 So as a quick workaround, I made Apache on my box listen on port 95 as
 well as port 80, which 'fixed' it. No biggie.

 Except now it's trying to access port 82 on my box when I hit 1240 on
 the WAN site. I have not changed any configuration on the router, and if
 I type `uptime` I can tell it hasn't even rebooted since it was last
 going to port 95.

 This is so totally weird, and driving me absolutely insane. All other
 port forwards work perfectly. Oh, somebody shut down the IPv4 Internet

One of my mate said he had the same issue (he fixed it but I don't
know how he did it, I told him to type a little bit more using his
fingers and choose lesser automagic foo configs in his wrt :-)

I think it could be a bug in OpenWRT. What specific revision is it?
Also, there's a ticket for it if you want to read and it _seems_ that its related to
nat specifically. Also, try newer revision as reported by one users
success if you haven't (I do not have my wrtgl with me atm)  :-)

Ishwor Gurung
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Re: [SLUG] Thanks RE:Network Traffic Visualisation - any gui prgs/interfaces?

2009-10-27 Thread Ishwor Gurung
This isn't specific to your problem but here it is anyway -

 Thanks to Glen, db, peter and David for replies re above.

 iftop is almost what I wanted - Wireshark is the closest but a bit involved
 to setup and get running ( at least it was for me) but I've got it working.

iftop has more granular view of the data points so does wireshark/tcpdump.

The one I post above is a custom solution developed mainly AFAIK for
large scale network visualization that probably has the provision to
see beyond just aggregated packets at each IX over the wire like
zooming in/out into the individual IXs and so on.. (really interesting
though how its presented :-) programmed using Opensource language
called Processing.

Are there any out-of-the-box solution like such that we can just plug
in and start playing? Thanks! :)


Ishwor Gurung
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Re: [SLUG] Vanilla kernel headers

2009-10-24 Thread Ishwor Gurung
Daniel Hi :-)

 I assume you worked it out, but the answer to your original question is:

 You need the kernel headers (and configuration) that match the kernel you are
 building the module against.  The any-any patch helps with newer kernels,
 but doesn't change the equation: build VMWare against the same headers as the
 The reason for this is that different kernels, and different configuration
 options, all change the layout of binary data structures that the module
 refers to.

 Get that wrong and you can go direct to data corruption city, not passing go,
 and not collecting anything but a lot of grief on the way.

I remember compiling headers couple of years ago on Potato/Etch (I
think it was Etch. The machine doesn't live with me anymore). Anyway,
the thing with is that it will _fail_ to compile a
proper module if the kernel headers are wrong or missing anyway. So,
although your statement might still be valid (the corruption bit...
especially if you really intend to corrupt the data using special ABI
magickery), I think in the OPs case, it will simply fail to
compile+link if he/she gets the wrong headers.
Ishwor Gurung
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[SLUG] VirtualBox2.2+OpenBSD4.4 (fail)

2009-10-07 Thread Ishwor Gurung
Hi guys,
(Pardon since lot of people use *BSD and Linux together but if rude,
I'll take it off-list)
Ok. It installs fine.
However, I keep getting segfaults on simple programs (such as xorgconfig).
(I don't have exact text/dmesg to dump right now but I can produce it
if required)

Is it that VirtualBox isn't emulating x86 hardware properly? Or, is it
a bug in obsd? (I am thinking the former). Any Ideas/suggestion are
entertained (Trying in VMware right now)

Ishwor Gurung
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