Re: [SLUG] Laptops and Linux

2004-08-12 Thread Jasper streit
I'm having loads of troubles with my ibook g4 (can't even get drivers 
for the internal Airport Ext. card)... the only distro that really 
worked is gentoo - there is not too much of a choice on the ppc.
The upside to the ibook is that i can get 5 1/2 hours of battery life 
and cost me under $2000.
Also there is an article that talks about putting fedora on an ibook g4:

Begin forwarded message:
I've heard/seen lots of great things about Apple iBooks and Powerbooks
as well. If you don't have any legacy apps from windows days, these are
probably my next favourite.
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[SLUG] hp pda question

2004-05-09 Thread Jasper streit
I know this is a really silly question, though i've been offered one of 
those HP pocket pcs for really cheap, the only problem being that it's 
running windoze 2003 mobile- and i've run a M$ free household for the 
past 6 months and don't intend to change that. (see
So here's the question- how easy is it to get Linux running on one of 
these babies?
Has anybody had any success in doing so?
I found a project called handhelds which looks 
promising but i'm just interested to hear of success or horror stories.

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[SLUG] Re: slug Digest, Vol 13, Issue 15

2004-04-06 Thread Jasper streit
The irony is that i wasn't even intending to run it on an Xbox (not 
that i even own one)...
Also sorry for the double posting before... stupid proxies made me do 
it (they are satanic i swear)

On 06/04/2004, at 7:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Bunch of something else starting with 'F', if you ask me. If you think 
that's bad though, wait until the free trade agreement goes through 
and it's actually illegal to use your own hardware 'for anything other 
than its intended purpose'.

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Re: [SLUG] Re: slug Digest, Vol 13, Issue 15

2004-04-06 Thread Jasper streit
I've just gone and downloaded it myself- if anybody needs a copy, its 
on my lappie.

On 06/04/2004, at 9:18 PM, Michael Fox wrote:
I reckon the people who decide if they mirror stuff saw the xbox type 
on the website for the distro and thought no we are not going to mirror

I've just submitted a request for which is free to 
customers who use an nsw adsl isp that has pipe peering, to mirror it 

I bookmarked the website sometime ago but never got around to 
it, so I figure if they mirror it then I can download the iso for free,
rather then use my paid data.

Soon see what happens :)

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[SLUG] Bigpond and M$

2004-04-05 Thread Jasper Streit
I tried to get Bigpond to mirror Dynebolic (live mulitmedia distro) on 
their server (so it don't clock up the megs on cable) and was 
astonished to have it rejected- moreso was utterly bewildered for their 
response: (and this is a direct quote)
Out of respect for Microsoft's wishes, we are not making available any 
software that promotes or allows the modification or alteration of 
their Xbox console system for anything other than its intended purpose.
I wasn't even considering using this live distro on an Xbox- but am 
sure as hell feeling spiteful enough to try now.
What a bunch of fools.


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[SLUG] Bigpond and M$

2004-04-05 Thread Jasper Streit
I tried to get Bigpond to mirror Dynebolic (live mulitmedia distro) on 
their server (so it don't clock up the megs on cable) and was 
astonished to have it rejected- moreso was utterly bewildered for their 
response: (and this is a direct quote)
Out of respect for Microsoft's wishes, we are not making available any 
software that promotes or allows the modification or alteration of 
their Xbox console system for anything other than its intended purpose.
I wasn't even considering using this live distro on an Xbox- but am 
sure as hell feeling spiteful enough to try now.
What a bunch of fools.


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[SLUG] New Membership Benefit

2004-03-31 Thread Jasper streit
Is this for real???
I'm thinking that it's too close to april fools day to take such absurd 
statements seriously.
If not then i'll second Mary's motion.

On 01/04/2004, at 10:52 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As a former committee member, I'd like to distance myself from this
sell-out. I attended the first hour of the last committee meeting and
would like to emphasise that we discussed only things like putting
speaker slides on the website, and the format of the minutes.
I move that an SGM be held to vote on the following motion: That the
SLUG committee can go to hell.
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[SLUG] PPC live distros 4 ibookG4

2004-02-11 Thread Jasper streit
Hi all,
I recently picked up one of the new g4 ibooks and am in a bit of a 
bind. I can't get rid of Mac Os (for reasons beyond my control-- work) 
though i'm going stir crazy about not having a linux machine at the 
I was hoping that there was a live distro that worked with the raedeon 
9200 card in the new ibooks. I'd only be really using it for open 
office and other basic essentials.
Any ideas??

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Re: [SLUG] PPC live distros 4 ibookG4

2004-02-11 Thread Jasper streit
 Yeah, i'm not actually allowed to repartition the internal hard disk, 
but i do have a firewire hard disk which i might be able to use linux 
Incidentally, speaking of ppc distros... some people have ported linux 
to the game cube:

On 12/02/2004, at 4:04 PM, Jeff Waugh wrote:

There was a PPC version of Morphix going around. How about dual 
booting? I
do that on my iBook, works a treat (not that I really use Mac OS X 

- Jeff

GVADEC 2004: Kristiansand, Norway

 On Tuesday I saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon with Zack and two
 ladies whom I presume are gracious. - Seth Schoen
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[SLUG] llisting

2003-12-17 Thread Jasper streit
Hi All,
I've noticed that slug isn't listed as an australian LUG on
I'm not sure what the protocol is here, but i think it might be a good 
idea to get us put on that page.
Just a thought.

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Re: [SLUG] Mac + Win Sharing via Linux

2003-12-14 Thread Jasper streit
H, I must say that i didn't have any troubles getting XP to see my 
samba share points. Though i must say that on my network i don't have 
any authentication- i.e anybody can read/write to the samba share 
point. I'm on my laptop at the moment so i can't tell you what the 
version of samba it is (2.??) or send you my .conf file- though i setup 
most of it using webmin and then later used joe to modify some of the 
fields that webmin wouldn't let me do what i wanted.

Stupid question, though i have noticed that winXP sometimes takes a 
while to display what's available... i've noticed this even when 
networking two xp machines together.

On 14/12/2003, at 11:17 PM, Tom Massey wrote:

Hi again,

Thanks for the suggestions.

I spent today working on it.

Internet sharing was easy, basic iptables setup. I may get squid
involved later.
The Mac/Netatalk side of things was a snap, took 10 minutes to setup
a directory on the Linux machine that was shared to the Macs via
Netatalk, showed up nicely in the chooser.
Then I spent several hours trying to get WinXP Pro to see Samba shares.
WinXP now has the distinction of being the only OS that has ever
caused me to seriously consider physical violence towards a computer.
I tried everything Google pointed me at, a variety of smb.conf files
down to the most basic three lines in a [Global] section, played with
the WinXP registry, disabled the builtin firewall stuff, sacrificed a
goat. Nothing I did seemed to help. WinXP couldn't see the Samba share.
Google told me that WinXP was not known for it's ability to talk to
Samba, but it did seem at least possible. Does anybody know of some
decent docs that show how to connect WinXP to a Samba server? Nothing
I could find on Google worked. All I need is to have two directories
visible to WinXP - one of these also shared to the Macs via Netatalk. 
understanding is that this can be done by putting them in the same
workgroup, without the need to use domains, set up a PDC. I'd prefer
to do it with Samba rather than a web based solution such as 
Just seems neater - there's a lot of stuff in phpgroupware that isn't
needed here. I've got a Win98 CD somewhere around, I might get rid of
XP. I seem to remember that 98 was quite easy to setup with Samba.

Haven't really looked at printing yet. At the moment the printer is 
to talk to the Macs via ethernet, and the WinXP machine via a parallel
connection. Not ideal, but it'll do for now while I try and get the
file sharing working.

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[SLUG] SGI Octane- Linux?

2003-12-08 Thread Jasper Streit
I was wasting time on ebay today (as you do) and stumbled across this 
australian crowd selling some nice SGI octane boxes at around 
AU$2000(for the 400Mhz) and felt the urge to spend. I'm curious to see 
just how effective these enormously expensive beasts are- after all, 
the one i am looking at in particular comes with a really nice sound 
A little google research on linux running on the octanes, there was a 
lot of mixed reports of the success or impossibility of running such a 
machine. very confusing.
Basically i was just wondering if anybody on this list runs a MIPS box 
with any success?
Am i simply mad or is there a world of computing possibility out 

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Re: [SLUG] cable and optusnet

2003-12-07 Thread Jasper streit
Hi John,
Welcome to the wonderful world of linux.
I use mandrake but don't use optus cable- so i can't tell you exactly 
what to put in there.
Mandrake 9.1 has a 'Control Centre' which by default can be found in 
the 'start' menu of KDE or Gnome or by typing 'DrakConf' in a terminal.
Once launched, there is a 'Network  Internet' tab on the left hand 
side of the control surface window- once clicked this reveals the 
'DrakConnect' application/utility- this is where you setup your 
internet, there is a wizard which can guide you through the process of 
setting up the net. You might have to choose 'expert mode' if the auto 
detect doesn't work.
Sorry for only taking you halfway there- but i really don't know what 
to put in for optus.

On 08/12/2003, at 8:48 AM, Grant Parnell wrote:

On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, John Gibbons wrote:


I am a newcomer to Linux and cannot speak the technical language at 
After somehow successfully installing Mandrake 9.1 alongside XP I am 
a loss to connect to optusnet via the cable modem that works OK with 
Have read a couple of howtos in books for beginners  written by well
meaning but communication challenged experts and have read some advice
on the internet but cannot understand it either.  They may as well be
written in Esperanto or Swahili as far as a complete beginner is

Would some kind Linux Wizard who still remembers basic English please
come to my rescue?
Well I could probably help if I used Mandrake. From what I know of 
cable there's almost no setup involved.

All you need to do is find the network setup tool for Mandrake 
and setup an 'ethernet' interface and have it automatically setup using
something called DHCP and activating it, that's it! My problem is 
you the specific terms used and things to click on in the Mandrake 

If you're physically using a different computer, turn the cable modem 
first because it locks onto the particular network card.

Electronic Hobbyist, Former Arcadia BBS nut, Occasional nudist,
Linux Guru, SLUG/AUUG/Linux Australia member, Sydney Flashmobber,
BMX rider, Walker, Raver  rave music lover, Big kid that refuses
to grow up. I'd make a good family pet, take me home today!
Do people actually read these things?
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[SLUG] good cd burning software?

2003-12-03 Thread Jasper streit
hi all

any recommendations on a good piece of cd burning software, i'm using 
k3b and not liking it very much :(

any suggestions appreciated



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Re: [SLUG] good cd burning software?

2003-12-03 Thread Jasper streit
Thanks all for the responses,
I was using it to burn some iso images- had a couple of crashes.
Basically i am slowly migrating everyone in my vicinity to linux 
machines and want to be able to have idiots operate the cd burning. 
I.e. when someone says 'burn' and there isn't a blank cd in there- i'd 
like the software to eject the CDR tray and say put in a blank CD- o 
wise one you know, that general kind of ludite proof stuff.
So in brief- command line burners are definitely not an option.

As for the version of k3b, i'm running 0.9. i'll go and check for an 
update soon and also I'll give Nautilus a go in a minute.

On 03/12/2003, at 11:44 AM, Mike MacCana wrote:

any recommendations on a good piece of cd burning software, i'm using
k3b and not liking it very much :(
What specifically aren't you liking? Development is pretty rapid, so
make sure you've got the latest version.
AFAIK, and I've investigated this pretty well, all other graphical CD
recording apps on Linux are, well, shit. My opinion anyway, but I'm 
a lot of people would agree with me. XCDRoast is one of the few apps
that makes GUI buring more difficult than just running the command line


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[SLUG] Re:more smoothwall questions.

2003-11-30 Thread Jasper streit
Hi Shaun,
If you get Optus broadband, its very easy to setup a router machine 
with two network cards (if you have an ethernet modem) or if you have a 
usb modem- skip the second network card. for verification you simply 
need to name your router as your Optus account name- i believe that 
they use your modems serial as the other part of the verification (i 
could be wrong on this).
If you make the fateful mistake (like i did) of choosing Telstra, then 
the verification process becomes more complex.
Anyway, the setup i have is a dedicated old machine (for smoothwall a 
500Mb HD is more than enough, i run a 200Mhz cpu) which sits between 
the modem and the switch with DHCP enabled- it has worked for me for 
quite some time. and apart from having to restart the smoothwall box 
every 3-4 months, id say its fairly solid.
(mind you, i intend to try out IpCop soon enough)

As for the linespeed question.. i really don't know the answer, maybe 

On 29/11/2003, at 10:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Shaun Oliver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 29 November 2003 9:02:49 PM
Subject: [SLUG] more smoothwall questions.
ok my reason for this post is 2 fold.
1. first and foremost can one get an indication of one's linespeed with
smoothwall if so how or where,
2. I'm seriously considering optus cable within the next few months. 
can I set it up to be accessable by all the computers on my network? 
can I just connect it to the uplink on my hub I have here and designate
1 machine as the router?
thanks in advance for any and all answers.

Shaun Oliver
I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
IRCNICK: blindman
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[SLUG] Vietnam embracing open-source products

2003-10-31 Thread Jasper Streit

yet another affirmation of OSS

is under pressure to reduce software piracy, and their response is to
eliminate Microsoft. Logically, this will actually reduce the
piracy levels! I wonder how that will affect U.S.
and Microsoft ambitions to crack down on pirated software?



-J.L.E Streit-

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[SLUG] Mandrake 9.2

2003-10-27 Thread Jasper Streit

Hi all,

Im just wondering if anyone has had a chance to
look at madrake 9.2, just looking for feedback really. Im on 9.1 and am
wondering if I could really be bothered to upgrade as everything seems to be
working peachy.

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RE: [SLUG] Mandrake 9.2

2003-10-27 Thread Jasper Streit
Hmmm, chances would have it- I do have an LG cdrom.
Oh well :(

-J.L.E Streit-

Just make sure you don't have a LG cdrom drive.
on the errata page of Mandrake they are having issues
with LG cdrom drives being killed.
I have been playing with the Cooker 9.2 it doesn't seem
that bad you have gnome2.4 and openoffice 1.1

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RE: [SLUG] ot: Mac OSX and virii in the open

2003-10-08 Thread Jasper Streit
I would take this article with a really BIG grain of salt, considering
the fact that it is written by an apple employee. Talk about biased

I see no reason why the os wouldn't be subject to a unix type virus.

-J.L.E Streit-

The Australian yesterday had a column from David Frith on just this

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RE: [SLUG] ot: Mac OSX and virii in the open

2003-10-07 Thread Jasper Streit
As far as crashing goes, well OS X has been **fairly stable, though not
bullet proof. OS 9 on the other hand was a joke in terms of stability...

Trying to interface to MS windows networks from OS X does sometimes hang
the system (maybe just aqua, but there doesn't seem to be alt+F6 type of
runlevel switching that I love about my linux box, so sometimes only a
reboot seems to help)

I have a Linux firewall with an assortment of computers accessing the
internet through it, which includes one Mac with OSX loaded. So far it's
held off any intrusions, though I haven't had the wonderful luck of
receiving a mac virus, yet!
Maybe you should also discourage your users from using peer to peer
systems cause of their reputation for undermining security... 

Oh yeah, my two cents on OSX is that it wastes too much resources being
pretty. I like lean mean computing machines (yeah blackbox!). Stupid
fashionable GUIs! mutter mutter...

-J.L.E Streit-

-Original Message-
From: Voytek Eymont [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 7 October 2003 12:19 PM
Subject: [SLUG] ot: Mac OSX and virii in the open

Every so often, I have seen a number of Q here regarding Apple Mac
hence, I'm assuming there are some Mac hardware users here, are there
Mac OS users though ? Reading through a Mac book I picked up today (of
places, at everythinglinux) I now know that Mac OS is *nix based.

But, all in all, I know rather little about Macs

what is the situation with Macs and so-called virii and worms, does
has real-life experience that can point me in the right direction ?

I'll need to look after some Macs that will be ADSL connected to
soon, and, need to research it somewhat, so, I do not appear a total
(partial dummy is OK)

I have a Mac user (unrelated to above scenario) who told me: Mac are
wonderfull, I don't need any anti virus, I don't have crashes, we are so
blissed we run only Macs
I suspect the above-mentioned Mac user may well have a competent person
looking after her Macs, hence, her bliss(full ignorance)

Symantec are happy to sell me Mac anti virus, but, they are equally
happy to
sell me OS/2 anti virus.

any good Mac mail lists or sigs anyone knows ?

I'm guessing Mac with MS stuff like Office and especially Outbreak would
prone to some of the MS malware there is ?

anyhow, any advice appreciated, apologise for this far off topic,
replies might be directed directly to me if that is too far off here

Voytek Eymont
Checked for Virus's by Asoft Email Scan

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RE: [SLUG] running unstable/testing

2003-07-12 Thread Jasper Streit
I haven't used apt-get for some time now but off the top of my head you
simply run it from a terminal with the file name as an additional
argument. Try:
# apt-get install

-J.L.E Streit-

-Original Message-
From: Simon Males [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 13 July 2003 10:45 AM
Subject: [SLUG] running unstable/testing

Debian newbie here.
I am a mozilla nut. Im running woody3.0r1, i did a base install from the

APC cd.

Now i need (or i cant breath) the latest mozilla, basically, i want to 
be able to apt:

I am aware to do so would be running unstable stuff, so be it... but how

do i do it :)

Let them hate, so long as they fear

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RE: [SLUG] linux gateway

2003-07-04 Thread Jasper Streit
Hi Shaun,
If you can spare an old computer with an ethernet card (or two).. I
recommend using smoothwall, ( ) which is a
free linux based firewall that has the option of being a DHCP server
(makes it real easy to get the other computers on the net). Although I
use this box for Cable internet- I have noticed that there is dial-up
support as well.
The wonderful thing about smoothwall is that your partner can get it to
dial up to the internet through her browser or have it set to dial on
demand.. You can access the smoothwall on port 81 at it's IP through any
webbrowser on the local network which provides both a GUI and a shell,
and it also has ssh if you want to just use the terminal. therefore
saving on the need for even having a monitor or keyboard on the firewall
Anyway, check it out,

-J.L.E Streit-


04/07/2003 02:46 AM

Subject:[SLUG] linux gateway

I want to run linux as a gateway computer between my lan and the
I am well aware of the tools needed to acomplish this task as I have
been using linux for the last 2 years or so.
my dilemmer is this.
I am the only one who knows and understands linux in my household, and
my partner prefers to use windows.
I am searching for a way to enable her to be able to point and click and
start or stop pppd and get the usual connection statistics she has
become acustom to.
currently, I run debian3.0 kernel 2.4.20 and speakup-1.5.
I must point out at this point in time that I am a blind user of
GNU/Linux and prefer to use it as my os of choice due to the nature of
the free software movement.
any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance.

Shaun Oliver
Becareful of the toes u step on today, they maybe connected to the ass 
you have to kiss tomorrow!

ICQ: 76958435
YAHOO: blindman01_2000
AIM: captain nemo 200
IRCNICK: blindman
CHANNELS: #awesomeradio #mircpopup-magic #linux #help #ourworld
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RE: [SLUG] Problem

2003-06-13 Thread Jasper Streit
It sounds like a power issue to me.
I have a couple of firewire cases, one of which is a Seagate 80gig
7200rpm inside of an icecube firewire enclosure- which refuses to work
from the power on the firewire port, and thus means that I have to cart
a power supply around with me when I use this drive.
My other firewire drive is one of the early 20 gig firewire enclosures
(can't remember the brand)... though this one is more than happy to run
from the power supplied by the firewire port... unless it's plugged into
a laptop.

Hope that helps,

-J.L.E Streit-

-Original Message-
From: Robert Tillsley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 13 June 2003 5:57 PM
To: 'Lyle Chapman'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [SLUG] Problem

What brand and model is the case?


Rob T

 -Original Message-
 From: Lyle Chapman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 13 June 2003 5:48 PM
 Subject: [SLUG] Problem
 Sorry this is off topic but I thought someone may be able to help.
 I have an external firewire case with an 80gb 7200rpm drive - my prob 
 is I can run 20, 40 and 60gig 5400rpm drives no problem, but when I 
 stick a 40, 60 or 80gb 7200rpm drive in the damn thing works 
 if at all, I have tried numerous cables, other drives, operating 
 systems, platforms etc but I still get the same problem.
 There is nothing wrong with the physical drives as they are all brand 
 new Seagates.
 I have tried contacting the boofheads who supplied me the 
 case and the 
 manufacturer but there not much help and they give me the 
 runaround. I 
 thought someone on the list might have an idea.
 Lyle Chapman
 Pre-Press Supervisor
 Torch Publishing Co.
 47 Allingham Street, Condell Park 2200, NSW, Australia
 (02) 9795 
 (02) 9795 0096
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