Re: [SLUG] Complete and utter... Multia

2000-11-23 Thread Jeff Waugh

quote who="James Wilkinson"

 Jeff, you might want to subscribe to the UNSW multia-users mailing list
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED], with "subscribe multia-users" in the

Cool! :) Funny tho, I got quite a number of private emails pointing me to
the list. Obviously there's some kind of closet Multia users secret society
or something, so I won't mention any names. ;)

Ooh - this is tops. Telford's is very useful too... I could put an IDE drive
in this at some stage if I need more room. Then again, what good is a heater
with a 10gig drive? ;)

I left it on all day trying to compile a 2.4 kernel. Kinda toasty in here

 Then there's the SRM-HOWTO as well ;)

Now that I *have* to read... I feel like such a dope not knowing how to do
the simple things again. ;) And yet, that's kinda why I wanted to play with

Mmmm... Non-Intel. I think I'll have to try an SGI O2 next, I always drooled
over them in high school. Or an FM-TOWNS. That would rock.

Anyone know the better places to pick up quirky hardware?

- Jeff


Two words: Japanese technofetishism.

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[SLUG] Complete and utter... Multia

2000-11-22 Thread Jeff Waugh

Hi all,

So I finally got my hands on a Multia to play with. I've been wanting to fix
my Intel/PC-skewed picture of the world for a long time. :)

Started following the brillo Multia HOWTO written by Our Gus (he has it up
on his, erm, extensive homepage at:

Soon realised that potato has a spiffy tftpboot.img made especially for this
situation, and booted into the installation system with it. A, something
I recognise! :D

After floundering with BSD disklabels for a bit, I decided to go way simple:

  a (/dev/sda1): 40M swap (Starting on sector 2)
  b (/dev/sda2): ~950M ext2

Now, after doing all the configuration and rebooting I get:

  aboot: valid disklabel found: 2 partitions.
  aboot: loading uncompressed ...
  aboot: loading compressed ...
  unzip: unknown compression method

  insert aboot help stuff

Then, I've tried again (by typing '0' which is listed properly) and I get:

  aboot: loading uncompressed ...
  aboot: loading compressed ...
  aboot: segment 0, 2709256 bytes at 0xfc31
  aboot: zero-filling 248136 bytes at fc5a5708
  0.0.1: file not found

Any ideas?

- Jeff


   "A rest with a fermata is the moral opposite of the fast food
   restaurant with express lane." - James Gleick, Faster

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Re: [SLUG] Complete and utter... Multia

2000-11-22 Thread James Wilkinson

This one time, at band camp, Jeff Waugh said:

So I finally got my hands on a Multia to play with. I've been wanting to fix
my Intel/PC-skewed picture of the world for a long time. :)

Jeff, you might want to subscribe to the UNSW multia-users mailing list
([EMAIL PROTECTED], with "subscribe multia-users" in the

Also, I've got a Debian Potato multia install guide (which isn't
entirely finished or readable yet) at

Though you're using a SCSI disk, this won't be entirely relevant.  I've
got a link to Telford Tendy's page on mine as well.  IIRC, he's got scsi
install instructions.

Then there's the SRM-HOWTO as well ;)

 "This is not an attack! It is a pre-emptive retaliation."
(o_ '

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