Re: [SLUG] Those ol' modem installation blues .....

2000-11-28 Thread tom burkart

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Adam F. Bogacki wrote:

> The only difference from the usual winmodem dialup to Primus seems to be 
> the login script: Win98/SE and winmodem require manual input of the 
> password while RH6.2 includes the password as part of configuration. I have 
> tried reconfiguring without the password but nothing changes - it behaves 
> as described above.
What do you see when you try to "log in" using minicom?  The question here
is are you sure that the dialer is set up correctly.  There are two main
ways of connecting to a remote machine using Linux:

- one that presents the "Username/Password" prompts first - these need to
be set up in the chat script.

- one that goes straight into ppp mode - this needs to be set up in
/etc/ppp (options, chap-secrets, pap-secrets as desired).

If you try to mix the two methods you will have big problems...  BTW, this
assumes that your modem actually connects properly in the first place.


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RE: [SLUG] Those ol' modem installation blues .....

2000-11-28 Thread Dave Kempe

> The usual approach to this is to use minicom (man minicom) to actually
> dial in to your ISP so you can see what they actually ask you and try
> various answers till you know how the prompt/response pattern goes that
> will get you logged in. Then you either need to find a script setup tool
> (I think RH has one? anyone suggest what it is?) or you need to rtfm and
> do it by hand. I'd also suggest that you turn off auto-redial unless you
> really need it. I think it's just a tickbox in a rh setup window.

you can also install wvdial to learn this stuff for you.
It tries to gues whats going on and based on some basic info, get you


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Re: [SLUG] Those ol' modem installation blues .....

2000-11-28 Thread Terry Collins

"Adam F. Bogacki" wrote:


> /sbin/ifup ppp0
> in the terminal window the SupraExpress dials in correctly, gives a
> connected tone - and then disconnects. It repeats this until I disconnect
> it via '/sbin/ifdown ppp0' or manually. I have noted than when apparently
> connected the SD and RD lights are off.

tail /var/log/messages  on my system usually allows me to see what is
going on and where it got up to, particularly with Zip(pacific) when the
modems connect and there is that long wait for the login prompt.

If you are using a script:
Is your script looking for "ogin" rather than Login or login? (ser
rather than User/user)
Similarly for assword instead of Password or password

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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Re: [SLUG] Those ol' modem installation blues .....

2000-11-28 Thread Martin

There are two basic models of how to log in (authentication) to your
ISP. One is PAP, the other is with scripting (CHAP, etc). It sounds like
you are trying to use PAP (very nice and easy in later RH versions) when
you may need a non-standard script setup. 

The usual approach to this is to use minicom (man minicom) to actually
dial in to your ISP so you can see what they actually ask you and try
various answers till you know how the prompt/response pattern goes that
will get you logged in. Then you either need to find a script setup tool
(I think RH has one? anyone suggest what it is?) or you need to rtfm and
do it by hand. I'd also suggest that you turn off auto-redial unless you
really need it. I think it's just a tickbox in a rh setup window.



On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Adam F. Bogacki wrote:

> in the terminal window the SupraExpress dials in correctly, gives a 
> connected tone - and then disconnects. It repeats this until I disconnect 
> it via '/sbin/ifdown ppp0' or manually. I have noted than when apparently 
> connected the SD and RD lights are off.
> The only difference from the usual winmodem dialup to Primus seems to be 
> the login script: Win98/SE and winmodem require manual input of the 
> password while RH6.2 includes the password as part of configuration. I have 
> tried reconfiguring without the password but nothing changes - it behaves 
> as described above.
> I'm at a loss at 2.50 AM and would welcome any suggestions.


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[SLUG] Those ol' modem installation blues .....

2000-11-28 Thread Adam F. Bogacki

HI, I'm running Win98SE on one physical drive and RH6.2 on the other. I 
have a winmodem for the former and have connected a Damond SupraExpress 56e 
PRO modem to COM1 and via double socket adaptor with winmodem to the 
telephone connection.

I have configured the SupraExpress modem via instructions in Harold Davis' 
"Visual QuickPro Guide; Red Hat Linux"  (Peachpit Press, 1999), pages 
65-71,  in what seems to be the correct way and when I type

/sbin/ifup ppp0

in the terminal window the SupraExpress dials in correctly, gives a 
connected tone - and then disconnects. It repeats this until I disconnect 
it via '/sbin/ifdown ppp0' or manually. I have noted than when apparently 
connected the SD and RD lights are off.

The only difference from the usual winmodem dialup to Primus seems to be 
the login script: Win98/SE and winmodem require manual input of the 
password while RH6.2 includes the password as part of configuration. I have 
tried reconfiguring without the password but nothing changes - it behaves 
as described above.

I'm at a loss at 2.50 AM and would welcome any suggestions.


Adam Bogacki.

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