On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Adam F. Bogacki wrote:

> The only difference from the usual winmodem dialup to Primus seems to be 
> the login script: Win98/SE and winmodem require manual input of the 
> password while RH6.2 includes the password as part of configuration. I have 
> tried reconfiguring without the password but nothing changes - it behaves 
> as described above.
What do you see when you try to "log in" using minicom?  The question here
is are you sure that the dialer is set up correctly.  There are two main
ways of connecting to a remote machine using Linux:

- one that presents the "Username/Password" prompts first - these need to
be set up in the chat script.

- one that goes straight into ppp mode - this needs to be set up in
/etc/ppp (options, chap-secrets, pap-secrets as desired).

If you try to mix the two methods you will have big problems...  BTW, this
assumes that your modem actually connects properly in the first place.


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