Re: [SLUG] xircom pcmcia

2000-11-26 Thread chesty

On Sun, Nov 26, 2000 at 08:18:57PM +1100, tom burkart wrote:
> see any DHCP replies (driver problem I guess), yet when I give it a fixed
> IP it works fine...

I've had some problems with dhcp clients on pcmcia cards. 

Pump works OK for me, out of the box, with some dhcp servers, it doesn't 
work with all servers though. I think its less likely to work with NT
dhcp servers.

The other one I've played with is dhclient, I think its more likely to work
with more dhcp servers, but I found it needed eth0 to exist before it would 
work. I edited the pcmcia scripts and put "ifconfig eth0" just before
dhclient gets called and it seems to work OK for me. 


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Re: [SLUG] xircom pcmcia

2000-11-26 Thread jon

Quoting John Ferlito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>   I've come across a Xirconm 10/100-Upgradeable 
pc card, sans

I have a couple of these units and yes, the dongle is 
different - you need to order part # 170-0460-003 A  
from Xircom - and they ain't cheap.

Alternatively, you can use the "docking bay" module 
(part number not handy) that plugs into the modem / 
enet ports and dispenses with the cables from the card.

If any one is interested, I have a couple of these (and 
I think I have sufficient dongles) for sale.


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Re: [SLUG] xircom pcmcia

2000-11-26 Thread tom burkart

On Sun, 26 Nov 2000, John Ferlito wrote:

>   I've come across a Xirconm 10/100-Upgradeable pc card, sans

> fit. Does anyone have one of these beasts and have any idea what the
> upgradeable part actually means?
I suspect it is a misnomer and just means that if you plug it into a 10M
port it will talk 10M, similarly, ... 100M port ... 100M.

I just bought one of these beasts (Xircom 32bit cardbus ethernet 10/100 +
modem 56 - CBEM56G-100).  The problem I have with it is that it does not
see any DHCP replies (driver problem I guess), yet when I give it a fixed
IP it works fine...


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[SLUG] xircom pcmcia

2000-11-25 Thread John Ferlito

I've come across a Xirconm 10/100-Upgradeable pc card, sans
reuired dongle. Linux recognises the card fine and if I plug someones
dlink dongle into the 10M port it seems to work fine. Now I can get the
10M dongle from harris tech but I'm more interested in getting the
10/100M port going and it seems to require a different adapter but I
can't find anything about it. None of the xircom dongles at ht seemed to
fit. Does anyone have one of these beasts and have any idea what the
upgradeable part actually means?

John Ferlito
Senior Engineer - Bulletproof Networks
ph: +61 (0) 410 519 382

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