RE: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know assembly

2000-08-25 Thread Jill Rowling

From: Jamie Honan
> In the end, the four turtles holding up the computer earth 
> are words, addresses, values and computations. The big turtle
> they are all standing on are bits, 0 and 1.
> Everyone should peek over the edge every so often to view
> them.

I wonder what they will look like on a quantum computer?
"My god.. It's full of stars" (Dave, 2001: A Space Odyssey)

- Jill.

Jill Rowling
Snr Design Engineer & Unix System Administrator
Electronic Engineering Department, Aristocrat Technologies Australia
3rd Floor, 77 Dunning Ave Rosebery NSW 2018
Phone:  (02) 9697-4484  Fax:(02) 9663-1412

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RE: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know assembly

2000-08-24 Thread Patrick Kelso

supposedly intelligent, who told you that ;) and I havent seen any proof
that the world isnt held up by four elephants standing on the back of a gian
turtle, not our world of course, but discworld might well be.

-Original Message-
From: John Wiltshire [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 25 August 2000 2:31 PM
Subject: RE: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know assembly

From: Terry Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>James Wilkinson wrote:
>> On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Jamie Honan generated:
>> >In the end, the four turtles holding up the computer earth
>> I believe they were elephants ;)
>Blaspheme - Bloody pratchett nonsense!  {:-).

It's always interesting being on a mailing list of supposedly intelligent   
people arguing over whether the earth is held up by elephants or turtles.

John Wiltshire

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Re: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know assembly

2000-08-24 Thread Terry Collins

John Wiltshire wrote:

> >> >In the end, the four turtles holding up the computer earth
> >>
> >> I believe they were elephants ;)
> >
> >Blaspheme - Bloody pratchett nonsense!  {:-).
> It's always interesting being on a mailing list of supposedly intelligent
> people arguing over whether the earth is held up by elephants or turtles.

It might be Friday afternoon, but there is still two hours of work
time left. Get back to it!

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services 
   snail:  PO Box 1047, Campbelltown, NSW 2560.

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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RE: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know assembly

2000-08-24 Thread Umar Goldeli

> It's always interesting being on a mailing list of supposedly intelligent
> people arguing over whether the earth is held up by elephants or turtles.

It's actually both - four elephants on top of a giant turtle named the
Great A'Tuin. This is important - get your facts straight.


//umar (currently reading "Mort" :)

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RE: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know assembly

2000-08-24 Thread John Wiltshire

From: Terry Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>James Wilkinson wrote:
>> On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Jamie Honan generated:
>> >In the end, the four turtles holding up the computer earth
>> I believe they were elephants ;)
>Blaspheme - Bloody pratchett nonsense!  {:-).

It's always interesting being on a mailing list of supposedly intelligent
people arguing over whether the earth is held up by elephants or turtles.

John Wiltshire

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know assembly

2000-08-24 Thread Terry Collins

James Wilkinson wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Jamie Honan generated:
> >In the end, the four turtles holding up the computer earth
> I believe they were elephants ;)

Blaspheme - Bloody pratchett nonsense!  {:-).

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services 
   snail:  PO Box 1047, Campbelltown, NSW 2560.

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know assembly

2000-08-24 Thread James Wilkinson

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Jamie Honan generated:

>In the end, the four turtles holding up the computer earth

I believe they were elephants ;)


"We're like sisters... with really different hair!"
-- Cordelia Chase, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know assembly

2000-08-24 Thread Jobst Schmalenbach

On Fri, Aug 25, 2000 at 12:57:36PM +1000, Jeff Waugh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Jamie Honan wrote:


> 0 and 1 are the same turtle? Wow. Quantum turtles.

Fuzzy turtles?

> It's true though - it's always invaluable to understand what's going on a
> couple of steps underneath what you're doing. Perl to assembly sounds like
> an extreme, but consider Windows 98 and DOS. Soon enough there will be Linux
> users weaned on GUI applications who have no understanding of /etc -

. and dumping ALL files into /etc base dir and then requesting
that /etc made be writeable by users cause they want to write some
'temp" stuff into it as it has been happeing in WINNT (and they
call it a business operating system, bah!).

Don't we fear that all?


Fortune: No such file or directory.

|__, Jobst Schmalenbach, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Technical Director|
|  _ _.--'-n_/   Barrett Consulting Group P/L & The Meditation Room P/L  |
|-(_)--(_)=  +61 3 9532 7677, POBox 277, Caulfield South, 3162, Australia|

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know assembly

2000-08-24 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Jamie Honan wrote:
> In the end, the four turtles holding up the computer earth 
> are words, addresses, values and computations. The big turtle
> they are all standing on are bits, 0 and 1.

0 and 1 are the same turtle? Wow. Quantum turtles.

It's true though - it's always invaluable to understand what's going on a
couple of steps underneath what you're doing. Perl to assembly sounds like
an extreme, but consider Windows 98 and DOS. Soon enough there will be Linux
users weaned on GUI applications who have no understanding of /etc -
consider how much better off we are to understand the underbelly.

However meagre that may be. :)

(must read more about PAM, must read more about PAM...)

- Jeff


Ye shall be cursed to fall in love so easily, and yet be so
 cold of heart as never to express it.

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