RE: Workgroup changes do not "stick"...

2016-06-25 Thread Derek Jenson
I've seen a possible related behavior with Softimage 2015 sp2 ; where if 
Softimage crashes all workgroups are disconnected.
This isn't an issue with Softimage 2011 sp2.

Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2016 17:33:53 +0200
Subject: Workgroup changes do not "stick"...

When I connect or disconnect a new workgroup and restart the change doesn't 
stick.If I manually save the "Preferences" it does, but this is not what is to 
be expected...What am I doing wrong?

AKA Hirazi Blue
Softimage hobbyist, admin at &

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RE: Anybody still using mental ray?

2016-06-01 Thread Derek Jenson
Hey Matt,

Sorry for my late response, just getting around to reading this thread.

Matt, I can tell by your reply to my post, my words were received in a way I 
didn't intend.

I certainly didn't mean you were saying "you're not smart enough to use 
software X". Didn't mean that at all. But I've been at this for some time, and 
in the past many tech providers really played off the "high-end" mystic. Not 
interested in getting into a conversation about who those providers were, but 
will say I've always felt it was an excuse to not invest time & resources 
toward training, documentation, and support.

I don't know if that can be denied, as it has always been present in this 

Anyway... I should have used better wording. Sorry about that. Cheers!

Softimage Mailing List.
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RE: Anybody still using mental ray?

2016-05-29 Thread Derek Jenson
I think the biggest problem with the stability of MR was with the concept of 
only releasing a single update once a year which was tided to the 3D program. 
That was unrealistic idealism. There was also pressure to give customers the 
lastest and least tested version of MR with each yearly DCC update. 3D is too 
bleeding edge for that release model to be stable. Being XSI's only renderer 
option for a long time, stability certainly became an issue. 

If MR updates were released with the frequency (and flexibility of rollbacks) 
like all 3rd party engines, everyone would have fonder memories of the 

The developers of MR also worked in complete isolation with regard to 
communication with their customer base. The RS guys have bent over backward to 
educate and update their clients, and I really appreciate the support. IMO, you 
can only partially point the finger at users for not using a software as 
intended. With information/training being so easily accessible now the "you're 
not smart enough to use software X" mentally of the early years is void. If a 
whole user base is struggling with a technology... then something with that 
tech is flawed; not the other way around. 

The flexibility of MR and 3delight are unmatched (in  XSI), but the speed 
demands forced on this biz make Redshift indispensable for keeping pace. 

Date: Sat, 28 May 2016 22:00:28 +0200
Subject: Re: Anybody still using mental ray?

there are some good points in there BUT if better results can be achieved 
faster and learn faster on another engine does it make sense to waste time 
learning inferior render engine instead?
also I do know much more experience people with MRay that even with knowing a 
lot more still had to spend wake nights waiting for crashes and issues on 
critical rendering that ofc needs to be done tomorrow morning :)
On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 9:55 PM, Matt Lind  wrote:
The people who complain the most about mental ray tend to be the ones who

never took the time to learn to use it properly.

If you read the manuals, mental images states some modes are more taxing

than others for rendering.  For example, Segmented shadow mode incurs 15%

additional rendering time vs. the default shadow computation mode, and is

less stable inside of material shaders.  Segmented shadows is currently set

as the default shadow computation mode.  If you do most of your rendering in

passes, then you likely do not need segmented shadows and can revert to what

is now labeled "normal" shadow mode to regain some performance and

stability.  If your render pass doesn't need lighting, then turn shadows off

completely.  That's just one example.

For XSI v1.0 thru XSI v5.11, the default settings Softimage chose for mental

ray were fairly efficient, but users commonly complained about black spots

when doing renderings involving lots of reflection or refraction (because

they didn't increase ray depth) or anti-aliasing wasn't super smooth

(because they didn't set filter to 'lanczos' or 'mitchell' instead of

default 'box', or didn't adjust the adaptive sampling properly).  In

essence, most complaints were due to user error - because users didn't take

the time to learn how to use the renderer

To alleviate support issues, Softimage redefined the default mental ray

settings in XSI v6.0 to what they are now - which effectively activates a

bunch of stuff you don't need majority of the time and does a lot of extra

work that never shows up in the final rendered image.  This change can often

be blamed for inducing crashes and slower render times because many users do

not tweak the settings.

If you learn to use the renderer properly instead of using a 3DSMax

mentality of pushing a button and walking away, you'll get better

performance and stability.  Much of that also involves strategy for setting

up the scene before sending it to the renderer - another area users make

gross mistakes because they don't take the time to understand the rendering



Date: Sat, 28 May 2016 09:25:06 +0200

From: Mirko Jankovic 

Subject: Re: Anybody still using mental ray?

To: ""

*1. I don't want to throw away a expensive CPU based renderfarm.*

It will be obsolete soon anyway so just make good planing for next render

tool, CPU or GPU road.

*2. mental ray still has more shaders. It's slow sometimes but it is

rathergood when you want to do non physically based things. A bit like

Softimageitself, the all-purpose, swiss knife.*

First time I heard something like this for MRay. Mostly it is in line I

wanna puke or quit 3d completely due to rendering part :)

When I discovered Arnold and then even more Redshift that is when a big

issue I had with SI, ie rendering was solved and 3d was fun again.

MRay was PAIN non stop! Swiss knife.. yea could say that, got ton of things

but nothing good for most of things

RE: Max has a new uv editor texture

2016-04-24 Thread Derek Jenson
I used Max a lot of years in the games industry. After many years away from it, 
I'm currently doing some work back in the Max world. I'm shocked this program 
is still the most widely used 3d app. Shocked how often it glitches & crashes. 
Shocked how little has changed in the last 10 years. A UV bitmap isn't going to 
bring any part of Softimage into this turd.
Bouncing between zBrush and Max feels like I'm time warping between today and 
1999. Such a turd. Honestly makes me disappointed in the industry.
Softimage Mailing List.
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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: OT: sequence file browser

2016-02-24 Thread Derek Jenson
Adobe Bridge (at least CS6) has a feature called 'stacks'. You can stack image 
sequences and they will show up as a single icon with a play control; you can 
even specify the FPS. You can play the stack and expand the stack. A number 
indicates how many items are in the stack. BR doesn't stack automatically (that 
I know of), but searching with wildcards can make grouping painless... you 
might even be able to script the process. Now "decent" file browser can be 
argued :)

Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 12:10:09 -0300
Subject: OT: sequence file browser

Hey guys, 
I'm constantly looking for a decent file browser that can handle file sequences 
(read softimage-like collapsed/expanded views), and that works for any file 
format. Its for general file checking only, I don't really need to open the 
sequences...anyone ?
It takes some patience to check for missing files inside huge sequences, not 
big deal but would be a time saver to have a simple browser that works like SI 
for image sequences.

Softimage Mailing List.
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Softimage Mailing List.
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RE: user & sdk guide toc.txt

2016-02-16 Thread Derek Jenson
Here is the path to the toc.txt, but I have emailed you as well.

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 20XX\Doc\en

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 16:23:18 +0100
Subject: RE: user & sdk guide toc.txt

Would you be willing to share this 
toc.txt file? I can't seem to locate neither it nor any backup_toc.txt file...
AKA Hirazi Blue
Softimage hobbyist, admin at &

   On 11/02/2016 21:46:12, Derek Jenson 
 wrote:Thanks Stephen! I found a backup_toc.txt file. 
Renaming the file toc.txt and placing it in the location Soft warned about not 
finding it, restored this functionality with offline docs.

Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 12:03:13 -0500
Subject: Re: user & sdk guide toc.txt

And about "how to make a chm from the hmtl" ? See here:

I found my sdk 2015 chm, and the problem is all the scripts that the html 
version uses. Maybe I gave up too easy, but I remember it being a mess
On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 11:45 AM, Stephen Blair  wrote:

IIRC, the toc.txt is used to populate the pop-up you get when you highlight a 
command in the script editor and press F1:

Doing a chm version of the latest SDK doc was just too much work. There were so 
many changes in how that help was structured and implemented. I did first pass 
at the help project, but it looked a nightmare and I dropped that project...

On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Derek Jenson  wrote:

A few questions:

In case the online documentation ever goes away, I downloaded the html 'user' & 
'sdk' guides for Softimage from the AD website; here:

I installed the guides as stated in the docs and now when I use the 'help' menu 
in Soft the local, off-line, html docs pop-up in a browser. Perfect!
However, after pointing Soft to the off-line docs, I get this warning on 
"Couldn't locate the Softimage help topic file (toc.txt). 

What is the toc.txt file? No mention of a help toc.txt file in the docs. The 
help function works as expected. But how can I fix or suppress this warning. I 
don't want to get into the habit of ignoring warnings every time Soft starts. 

Another question:
Steve Blair made the Soft_User_Guide.html available in Soft_User_Guide.chm 
format. I prefer the .chm help; seems faster & snappier. Can I force the 'help' 
commands to use the .chm file?

And yet another question:
If the above is possible, is a Soft_SDK_Guide.chm file available, to my 
knowledge only a User Guide was created? If not, how can I make a .chm file 
from the .html SDK docs?




RE: user & sdk guide toc.txt

2016-02-11 Thread Derek Jenson
Thanks Stephen! I found a backup_toc.txt file. Renaming the file toc.txt and 
placing it in the location Soft warned about not finding it, restored this 
functionality with offline docs.

Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 12:03:13 -0500
Subject: Re: user & sdk guide toc.txt

And about "how to make a chm from the hmtl" ? See here:

I found my sdk 2015 chm, and the problem is all the scripts that the html 
version uses. Maybe I gave up too easy, but I remember it being a mess
On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 11:45 AM, Stephen Blair  wrote:

IIRC, the toc.txt is used to populate the pop-up you get when you highlight a 
command in the script editor and press F1:

Doing a chm version of the latest SDK doc was just too much work. There were so 
many changes in how that help was structured and implemented. I did first pass 
at the help project, but it looked a nightmare and I dropped that project...

On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Derek Jenson  wrote:

A few questions:

In case the online documentation ever goes away, I downloaded the html 'user' & 
'sdk' guides for Softimage from the AD website; here:

I installed the guides as stated in the docs and now when I use the 'help' menu 
in Soft the local, off-line, html docs pop-up in a browser. Perfect!
However, after pointing Soft to the off-line docs, I get this warning on 
"Couldn't locate the Softimage help topic file (toc.txt). 

What is the toc.txt file? No mention of a help toc.txt file in the docs. The 
help function works as expected. But how can I fix or suppress this warning. I 
don't want to get into the habit of ignoring warnings every time Soft starts. 

Another question:
Steve Blair made the Soft_User_Guide.html available in Soft_User_Guide.chm 
format. I prefer the .chm help; seems faster & snappier. Can I force the 'help' 
commands to use the .chm file?

And yet another question:
If the above is possible, is a Soft_SDK_Guide.chm file available, to my 
knowledge only a User Guide was created? If not, how can I make a .chm file 
from the .html SDK docs?



user & sdk guide toc.txt

2016-02-11 Thread Derek Jenson
A few questions:

In case the online documentation ever goes away, I downloaded the html 'user' & 
'sdk' guides for Softimage from the AD website; here:

I installed the guides as stated in the docs and now when I use the 'help' menu 
in Soft the local, off-line, html docs pop-up in a browser. Perfect!
However, after pointing Soft to the off-line docs, I get this warning on 
"Couldn't locate the Softimage help topic file (toc.txt). 

What is the toc.txt file? No mention of a help toc.txt file in the docs. The 
help function works as expected. But how can I fix or suppress this warning. I 
don't want to get into the habit of ignoring warnings every time Soft starts. 

Another question:
Steve Blair made the Soft_User_Guide.html available in Soft_User_Guide.chm 
format. I prefer the .chm help; seems faster & snappier. Can I force the 'help' 
commands to use the .chm file?

And yet another question:
If the above is possible, is a Soft_SDK_Guide.chm file available, to my 
knowledge only a User Guide was created? If not, how can I make a .chm file 
from the .html SDK docs?


RE: Goodbyes (was this is the end...)

2016-02-05 Thread Derek Jenson
Totally agree with Adrian. It's not  1998... 2005... or even 2010 any more. 
Turn around is very fast now, for industry projects. Very fast.

In 2010 I worked up the nerve to jump ship and head out on my own as a 
freelancer. At that time I had been using Maya for 4 years at a game studio; 
before that I  was using Max. I had not touched Softimage in at least 5 years, 
I was most familiar with Maya at the time. But when I jumped, I switched to SI 
because I knew I had to compete in a very competitive environment. SI was (and 
is) a production tool a single user and small group can use to get a job done 
from concept to completion out of the box (well... with the purchase of a 
Redshift license). AD no longer offers a product that fills that niche.

Subject: RE: Goodbyes (was this is the end...)
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 10:27:17 +

still using soft, still lurking (and
posting occasionally!!)


our problem is a double edged one;


more people moving to other software, and
no new blood, means less available freelancers (yes i got your mails, will be
in touch when stuff shows up!)


but more importantly, having spoken to a
few seasoned maya vets, we simply CANNOT do the kind of low end TV 3D graphics
we currently can with maya

we often only have a day or two to do a
shot for a tv doc, think about that for a minute, that's often modelling,
light, rig, render and a couple of hours for comp


budgets are only getting smaller, so the
time allowed for a sequence goes down, but no app (other than soft) that i am
aware of enables this kind of fast turn around


and before anyone points out that low end
tv work is a niche circumstance, this will spread, i know commercials budgets
aren't what they were either


bottom line, as an industry, up against
shrinking budgets/deadlines, we simply can't use an app that throws up road
blocks to your workflow every 3 clicks of the mouse



/end rant


RE: Redshift users?

2016-01-05 Thread Derek Jenson
RS here as well! RS team supporting SI will keep Softimage relevant for years 
to come. I look forward to the new features planned for the 2.X cycle of 

Subject: Re: Redshift users?
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2016 11:03:56 -0500


We  have switched to RS and haven't
  look back since. 


  On 05/01/2016 7:32 AM, Morten Bartholdy wrote:

Out of curiosity - how many
of you have started using or completely switched to




RE: can I still get softimage?

2015-11-25 Thread Derek Jenson
FBX 2014 & 2015 are using version number 7.4 correct? But Softimage 2015 FBX 
export has been updated to (compiled against) the FBX 2015 SDK? Will this 
update make it to the AD Crosswalk download page at some point-
The setup .exe for 2015 (for Softimage) is absent from the list.

If there is still time to get some eyes on the FBX exporter, it would be great 
to have someone look at this old bug I submitted back in 2011. The short 
version is Softimage writes tangent data to the vertex colors data block and 
doesn't write vertex colors into the vertex colors block. Last I checked, no 
fix was made for Crosswalk 2014. I was communicating with Yanick about the 
problem in 2011... but a lot of seats changed places at AD, and this issue was 
never fixed.

Feel free to email me at email[at] if you need test cases. Would 
be willing to test for a setup_Crosswalk_2015_windows.exe installer (linux 
too!). You can download my old test case here-

Subject: RE: can I still get softimage?
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 09:01:04 +

Actually Softimage 2015 is using FBX 2015.The export dialog only shows up to 
FBX 2014 because FBX 2015 is still based on the same file version as FBX 2014. 
Thanks,Hsiao Ming 

RE: can I still get softimage?

2015-11-24 Thread Derek Jenson
Another question- is FBX 2015 export/import absent from Softimage 2015? After 
some digging, it appears so. I do mostly interactive work, just trying to 
figure out what is included and what is not in 2015. Does SI 2015 ship with FBX 

RE: can I still get softimage?

2015-11-24 Thread Derek Jenson
Thank you for the clarity. And who exactly would I make the purchase though? I 
live in Oregon.

Subject: RE: can I still get softimage?
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 17:42:20 +

Hi Derek,Most of what you said is accurate. Just to be clear:All upgrades were 
discontinued at the start of this year. Your only option today is to purchase a 
new license of either Maya with Softimage or 3ds Max with Softimage. You must 
do this before February 1st 2016 which is the start of Autodesk’s next fiscal 
year. At that point Softimage will be fully retired from sales. Anyone can 
purchase the software, there is no requirement to already have a license. 

RE: can I still get softimage?

2015-11-24 Thread Derek Jenson
Sorry not trying to be thick, just seeking a crystal clear answer. 

As I understand, my 2011sp2 license is not upgrade-able now? I can not convert 
this license to a 2015sp2 license or Max/Maya plus Softimage 2015 license?

A Max/Maya 2016 plus Softimage 2015 product is available as a new purchase 
only? And only to Softimage license holders (is that legal in the US, 
restricting a product to a subset of people)?

And this transaction would need to happen before what date? January 1st, 2016? 
February 1st, 2016? April 1st, 2016?

Thanks for the clarity!



RE: Have a question an alternative tool

2015-11-23 Thread Derek Jenson
To me, the words "industry standard" means no innovation in over a decade.
Photoshop, industry standard.
Renderman, industry standard.
Maya, industry standard.

Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 10:42:12 -0500
Subject: Re: Have a question an alternative tool

I'd like to know a concrete example of where you had to do something that took 
significantly more time and more people for every day tasks. :)
Eric T.
Eric Thivierge

On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Mirko Jankovic  
agree about moving on but for the time being if for the same task in softimage 
you can do alone and in 4 days and in maya or anything else  you need 3 more 
guys and double or more time...anyway I will shut up now :)
On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Eric Thivierge  wrote:
Hey Dan! Long time no see! :)

>From my point of view Maya still seems the best choice. They're working to 
>push the Game pipeline / integration stuff more and more and their animation 
>tools are the industry standard. I don't really have experience with any other 
>DCC's so I can't give an opinion on those. C4D did seem to have a lot of tools 
>/ options from what I saw from the motion graphics folks I know.

Sticking with Softimage for the time being is OK in my opinion, as long as 
you're training up on another Software as new technologies and tools won't be 
available for Softimage moving forward.
Eric T.


RE: can I still get softimage?

2015-11-23 Thread Derek Jenson
I've done my best to keep up with the details of 'upgrading' to Softimage 2015, 
but still have a few questions; I have a network license of Softimage 2011sp2.

I likely should have upgraded when Autodesk still allowed upgrades, if I was 
going to switch to another AD tool. At the time I was quoted $2200 to bring my 
2011 license up to 2015. However, I would have received a Maya/Max & Softimage 
standalone license in place of my network license, losing all my batch 
licenses. I was also in mid production with 2011, so trying to look ahead 2 
years in this industry is impossible; things change quickly. Parting with with 
$$ for tools I can't use for at least a year just didn't make sense at the 
time. And honestly, I feel like I've been trying to protect myself against 
future AD decisions with the 'upgrade' offer... and that is not the 
relationship I want with a vendor. 

So as I understand it, all 'upgrade' offers are for standalone, correct?
 And at this point there is no 'upgrade', they are simply offering a new 
Max/Maya & Softimage bundle product to existing holders of Softimage licenses; 
so I would retain my network 2011 license, correct? 
In the US, this cost is $3600-3700?
And I could run both Softimage 2011sp2 and 2015sp2 at the same time, correct? 
How has the license server changed from 2011 to 2015? It sounds like the client 
needs to check-in with an AD server? 
Blender is open source and free right? Just joking, I know the answer to that 
one ;)

Any help with any of these questions is appreciated. My gut feeling is I will 
not upgrade, but will switch to another tool. I also feel that AD is pushing 
the monthly fee so I can easily pickup Max/Maya for a month here or there in 
the future as needed and keep my thou$ands under my pillow.


Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 09:58:56 -0500
Subject: Re: can I still get softimage?


Any chance you know a reseller honoring this? The one I talked to here in 
Toronto does not. : (

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 8:29 AM, Rob Chapman  wrote:
not necessarily only the suite, you can currently get Maya 2016 with softimage 
option. Standalone license with no maintenance.  have to be quick, this 'offer' 
wont be available for long as everything soon will be cloud subscription and 
softimage aint ever going to be on there
On 13 November 2015 at 13:21, Personal  wrote:

I think that is only option.
-- Micic Srecko---Mail: 
   On 13/11/2015 14:17:20, Chris Johnson 
 wrote:Sorry guysI disappeared from the list for 
a while...I'm sure this subject has come up a number of times!?

What is the cheapest/best way to get a license of soft? Or can I still even do 
that? Last time I touched base with a reseller I had to buy the Suite which was 
around $10,000 Canadian!

Chris Johnson | | 416.473.1624


Chris Johnson | | 416.473.1624


RE: Going to Brasil, any users/studios up for a visit?

2015-11-23 Thread Derek Jenson
Your node work is excellent!

Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2015 14:26:52 +
Subject: Going to Brasil, any users/studios up for a visit?

I'm going to visit family in Brasil, since Decemeber 1st and will be around São 
Paulo, Curitíba and Ribeirão Preto. Maybe Rio de Janeiro if I end up making 
good contacts there.

I was wondering about any users that would be up for a "chope" or any studio 
open to a visit so I grasp what is going on there and I can redeem my time, so 
it's not just leisure :)

Let me know if you are up to. You can get a glimpse of what I've been up to at:

Pedro Alpiarça dos Santos


Pedro Alpiarça dos Santos 


RE: Material animation on referenced materials flakey!?

2015-11-22 Thread Derek Jenson
I had a similar issue with animation and referencing. I was able to work around 
it by creating a custom property with the parameters I needed to animate under 
the models, then linking (expression) those parameters to the correct shader 
node parameters. 

Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2015 15:58:25 +0100
Subject: Material animation on referenced materials flakey!?


I am animating materials on a number of referenced models and experienced 
some amount of inconsistency with this feature. I am animating weights in Mix 2 
Colors nodes to animate some textures - on some referenced models it keeps the 
animation after reloading the scene but on other technically identical 
referenced models, the animation is lost. If I inspect the delta fcurves on the 
ref models where the animation is lost, I can inspect and see the animation on 
the fcurves, but if I inspect the material in the Render Tree is is not there.


What gives? Do I have to do some delta house cleaning or are there other 
little trick to get this working consistently?







RE: bake inherited values to models

2015-11-09 Thread Derek Jenson
Yep, thank you. Overlooked it 10 times.

Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 13:54:25 -0500
Subject: Re: bake inherited values to models

Bake scene properties on model 

On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 1:27 PM, Derek Jenson  wrote:

I know there is an options for this in the prefs I think but I can't 
find it.

When I export a model, the model is saved with copied properties inherited from 
the scene root. Usually I like this option, because I don't get any surprises 
when moving a model from scene to scene. But I need to turn this option off to 
export a few models today, and can't find this option. Help.


bake inherited values to models

2015-11-09 Thread Derek Jenson
I know there is an options for this in the prefs I think but I can't 
find it.

When I export a model, the model is saved with copied properties inherited from 
the scene root. Usually I like this option, because I don't get any surprises 
when moving a model from scene to scene. But I need to turn this option off to 
export a few models today, and can't find this option. Help.

RE: Friday Flashback #246

2015-10-23 Thread Derek Jenson
I was an onsite freelancer for the HL2 project. I'm still freelancing today, 
but not at Valve. It was pretty much XSI across the board when I was there. I 
think they have a very mixed pipeline now, using all kinds of tools. I'm sure 
they still have some departments using Softimage in some capacity. I don't 
think they ever "switched", they just grew. And in that growth new people with 
specializations came onboard with the software they were familiar with. It's 
pretty loose there, if you can talk other people in your department into a tool 
and wedge it into the pipeline, no one stops you.

Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 15:24:08 -0700
Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #246

Cool! Are you still at valve? When did they start switching to Maya or whatever 
they use now?

On Friday, 23 October 2015, Derek Jenson  wrote:

I rigged that Strider for HL2!

Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 14:29:48 -0400
Subject: Friday Flashback #246
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.c

RE: Friday Flashback #246

2015-10-23 Thread Derek Jenson
I rigged that Strider for HL2!

Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 14:29:48 -0400
Subject: Friday Flashback #246

>From a decade-old issue of Game Developer mag, a couple of screenshots and 
>mentions of Softimage XSI.

Re: OT: a funny one‏

2015-09-08 Thread Derek Jenson
One of the two creators of Spine is Soren Nielsen, a former hard-core Softimage 
user and talented character artist. You are likely to find many Softimage like 
design features in Spine, as Soren was very pro-Softimage. I'm sure a few 
people on this list have worked with Soren at some point. Great guy!

OT: Mouse recommendations‏

2015-06-24 Thread Derek Jenson
It wouldn't surprise if 50-70 degrees is the best angle for human hands. My 
hand naturally rolls over the top of the Evoluent mouse to about that angle; 
not the 'handshake' grip angle they promote. I use the Evo 2 & 3 and think they 
are great for 3d work.  

OT: Mouse recommendations

2015-06-23 Thread Derek Jenson
I agree with Eric, the Evoluent Vertical mouse is very good. Give your muscles 
a few days to embrace the vertical format.  

Re: OT: Mouse recommendations‏‏

2015-06-23 Thread Derek Jenson
Oops! Responded with the wrong subject, feel free to remove.

Re: OT: Mouse recommendations‏

2015-06-23 Thread Derek Jenson
I agree with Eric, the Evoluent Vertical mouse is very good. Give your muscles 
a few days to embrace the vertical format. 

RE: Friday Flashback #227

2015-06-05 Thread Derek Jenson
Nah, SI3d's spreadsheet was slick. Supported expression querys for quick 
filtering. It was used daily. XSI's had update issues & had to write .querys 
outside of the software. Rarely used. But the Explorer made it less necessary. 

RE: Friday Flashback #227

2015-06-05 Thread Derek Jenson
The SI3d spreadsheet was great as well.

RE: Friday Flashback #227

2015-06-05 Thread Derek Jenson
The combo hot keys made Soft 3D fast. That feature never made it to XSI. 

RE: GATOR - A feature in Softimage since 2008

2015-05-29 Thread Derek Jenson

Valve also used an early dump of what became GATOR (2002-2003) to aid in 
transferring characters from Max to XSI. I was in the animation & rigging 
department for HL2 and made the migration in mid production.