Re: Installing Solr as a dependency

2016-07-29 Thread Alexandre Rafalovitch
What about (not tried) pulling down an official Docker build and
adding your stuff to that?


Newsletter and resources for Solr beginners and intermediates:

On 30 July 2016 at 03:03, Demian Katz  wrote:
>> I wouldn't include Solr in my own project at all.  I would probably
>> request that the user download the binary artifact and put it in a
>> predictable location, and configure my installation script to do the
>> download if the file is not there.  I would strongly recommend taking
>> advantage of Apache's mirror system for that download -- although if you
>> need a specific version of Solr, you will find that the mirror system
>> only has the latest version, and you must go to the Apache Archives for
>> older versions.
>> To reduce load on the Apache Archive, you could place a copy of the
>> binary on your own download servers ... and you could probably greatly
>> reduce the size of that download by stripping out components that your
>> software doesn't need.  If users want to enable additional
>> functionality, they would be free to download the full Solr binary from
>> Apache.
> Yes, this is the reason I was hoping to use some sort of dependency 
> management tool. The idea of downloading from Apache's system has definitely 
> crossed my mind, but it's inherently more fragile than using a dependency 
> manager (since Apache is at least theoretically free to change their URL 
> structure, etc., at any time) and, as you say, it seemed impolite to direct 
> potentially heavy amounts of traffic to Apache servers (especially when you 
> consider that every commit to my project triggers one or more continuous 
> integration builds, each of which would need to perform the download). 
> Creating a project-specific mirror also crossed my mind, but that has its own 
> set of problems: it's work to maintain it, and the server hosting it needs to 
> be able to withstand the high traffic that would otherwise be directed at 
> Apache. The idea of a theoretical dependency management tool still feels more 
> attractive because it adds a standard, unchanging mechanism for obtaining 
> specific versions of the software and it offers the possibility of local 
> package caching across builds to significantly reduce the amount of HTTP 
> traffic back and forth. Of course, it's a lot less attractive if it proves to 
> be only theory and not in fact practically achievable -- I'll play around 
> with Maven next week and see where that gets me.
> Anyway, I don't say any of that to dismiss your suggestions -- you present 
> potentially viable possibilities, and I'll certainly keep those ideas on the 
> table as I plan for the future -- but I thought it might be worthwhile to 
> share my thinking. :-)
>> I once discovered that if optional components are removed (including
>> some jars in the webapp), the Solr download drops from 150+ MB to about
>> 25 MB.
> This could actually be a separate argument for a dependency-management-based 
> Solr structure, in that you could create a core solr package with minimum 
> content that could recommend a whole array of optional dependencies. A script 
> could then be used to build different versions of the download package from 
> these -- one with just the core, one with all the optional stuff included. 
> Those who wanted some intermediate number of files could be encouraged to 
> manually create their desired build from packages.
> But again, I freely admit that everything I'm saying is based on experience 
> with package managers outside the realm of Java -- I need to learn more about 
> Maven (and perhaps Ivy) before I can make any particularly intelligent 
> statements about what is really possible in this context. :-)
> - Demian

Re: how to specify a tailored schema.xml

2016-07-29 Thread Alexandre Rafalovitch
Try this:

> bin/solr start
> bin/solr create_core -c simplestcore -d 
> ~/Projects/simplest-solr-config/solr-5.5/configset/
> bin/post -c simplestcore example/exampledocs/*.xml

All unknown strings are multivalued text strings and copied to "text"
field. Enough for you to index anything and do test searches either
individually as strings or collectively as simple tokenized text.
Then, you add specific definitions and reindex to evolve your schema
until you are happy.


Newsletter and resources for Solr beginners and intermediates:

On 30 July 2016 at 01:48, Immanuel Normann  wrote:
> Thanks Alexandre for your minimal config example!
> I am trying to use it as start to understanding, but I cannot get it
> running. To make it more explicit:
> I am running a freshly installed solr 6.1.0. Suppose I am in its home
> directory for the following steps:
> solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr start
> solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr create -c cinema
> solr-6.1.0$ cd server/solr/cinema/conf
> solr-6.1.0/server/solr/cinema/conf$ ls
> currency.xml  elevate.xml  lang  params.json  protwords.txt
> managed-schema  solrconfig.xml  stopwords.txt  synonyms.txt
> Here I replace managed-schema by your minimal schema.xml and solrconfig.xml
> by your minimal solrconfig.xml and restart solr (don't know whether this is
> actually necessary to activate the new config files).
> solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr restart
> solr-6.1.0$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/cinema/update -H "Content-Type:
> text/xml" --data-binary @example/films/films.xml
> 0 name="QTime">123
> So no complains from solr! But the response comes too quick in my opinion.
> And in fact the data folder still contains an empty index and empty tlog
> subfolder. Consequently queries fail, too:
> $ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/cinema/select?q=genre:Drama
> 0 name="QTime">1 start="0">
> What am I doing wrong?
> Regards, Immanuel
> 2016-07-29 14:51 GMT+02:00 Alexandre Rafalovitch :
>> I have the minimal 5.5 version that should work with 6.1 at:
>> It is obviously not a good production setup (e.g. no cache), but could
>> be a start to understanding. It uses classical schema.xml approach,
>> and not a dynamic one.
>> Regards,
>> Alex.
>> Newsletter and resources for Solr beginners and intermediates:
>> On 29 July 2016 at 20:54, Immanuel Normann 
>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I am a returner to solr with limited experience in solr-5.2 now diving
>> into
>> > solr-6.1. My problem is
>> > how to specify a tailored schema.xml
>> >
>> > After reading several tutorials and book chapters about how to configure
>> > schema.xml I have a basic understanding about its concepts and structure.
>> >
>> > Now I created as exercise a core "cinema" where I intended to load the
>> > example/films/films.xml using the command:
>> >
>> > bin/solr create -c cinema
>> >
>> > this creates server/solr/cinema and therein conf/managed-schema. The
>> > comment inside managed-schema says: 'This is the Solr schema file. This
>> > file should be named "schema.xml"' and "This example schema is the
>> > recommended starting point for users."
>> >
>> > Unfortunately I have a hard time to make use of managed-schema as
>> starting
>> > point! The problem is that I want to understand how to configure a
>> > lightweight schema.xml which is tailored to a doc structure which is
>> pretty
>> > much under my control. For instance, the films.xml docs have such a
>> simple
>> > structure that it should be sufficient to have a simple schema.xml as
>> that:
>> >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > > > multiValued="false"/>
>> > > > stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
>> > > > multiValued="false"/>
>> > > > multiValued="true"/>
>> > > > stored="true"/>
>> > 
>> > id
>> > > sortMissingLast="true" />
>> > > > positionIncrementGap="0"/>
>> > 
>> >
>> > However, the managed-schema provided in
>> > example/techproducts/solr/films/conf has 480 lines instead of my 12
>> lines.
>> > It is full of fieldType and dynamicField specification that never apply
>> for
>> > this data.
>> >
>> > Unfortunately my schema.xml doesn't work with the rest of the conf
>> setting
>> > that is generated with
>> > bin/solr create -c cinema. The problem seems to be the autogenerated
>> > solrconfig.xml. Here again this setting is full of configurations which I
>> > probably don't want. In particular all about "Add unknown fields to the
>> > schema" is something I definitely don't want when I know the data to be
>> > indexed. It looks like there are many other heuristics and clever
>> > procedures configured here that might be useful when you don't know your
>> > data structure. The problem is that I don't understand what 

Re: matchAllDocsQuery instead of WildCardQuery from lucene qp with df and *

2016-07-29 Thread Chris Hostetter

: I'd argue that the behavior is incorrect. Could you raise a JIRA?

that behavior was intentionally added becaus most users kept getting 
really confused by the older default behavion (which was previously a 
0-length prefix against hte default search field)

if you do in fact whant a 0-length prefix query against hte default search 

* use the prefix parser:  q={!prefix f=$df v=''}
* use an explicit field name: q=yourDefaultField:*

...if you just want all fields that contain any terms in your default 
field, use the "fieldName:[* TO *]" range syntax (which should be more 
efficient ... although it's possible "fieldName:*" was also optimized to 
be as efficient ... i can't remember)

: Erick
: On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 1:34 AM, Matteo Grolla  
: > Hi Alessandro,
: >  your shot in the dark was interesting, but the behaviour doesn't
: > depend on the field being mandatory, it works like this for every field. So
: > it seems just wrong
: >
: > df=field=*
: >
: > should be translated as field:*
: >
: > not as *:*
: >
: >
: > 2016-07-28 10:32 GMT+02:00 Matteo Grolla :
: >
: >> It seems a wanted behaviour (see code at the bottom),
: >>
: >> Still the behaviour seems wrong to me
: >>
: >>
: >> the field is not set explicity but in the df, so getExplicitField returns
: >> null
: >>
: >> // called from parser
: >> protected Query getWildcardQuery(String field, String termStr) throws 
SyntaxError {
: >>   checkNullField(field);
: >>   // *:* -> MatchAllDocsQuery
: >>   if ("*".equals(termStr)) {
: >> if ("*".equals(field) || getExplicitField() == null) {
: >>   return newMatchAllDocsQuery();
: >> }
: >>   }
: >>
: >>
: >> 2016-07-28 9:40 GMT+02:00 Matteo Grolla :
: >>
: >>> I noticed the behaviour in solr 4.10 and 5.4.1
: >>>
: >>> 2016-07-28 9:36 GMT+02:00 Matteo Grolla :
: >>>
:  Hi,
:  I'm surprised by lucene query parser translating this query
:  http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?df=id=*
:  in
:  MatchAllDocsQuery(*:*)
:  I was expecting it to execute: "id:*"
:  is it a bug or a desired behaviour? If desired can you explain why?
: >>>
: >>>
: >>


Re: Send kill -9 to a node and can not delete down replicas with onlyIfDown.

2016-07-29 Thread Chris Hostetter

: By setting onlyIfDown=false, it did remove the replica. But still return a
: failure message.
: That confuse me.

yeah, there's a lot going on here that should definitley be 
fixed/improved -- having just tried to walk a mile in your shoes I 
realized it's even more confusing then i first realized skimming your 
initial question.

I've filed a jira to track how painful this all is for users -- thank you 
for helping point this out, and sticking with your question to help raise 
visibility of how nonsensical all this is in context...

: On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:47 AM, Chris Hostetter 
: wrote:
: >
: > Maybe the problem here is some confusion/ambuguity about the meaning of
: > "down" ?
: >
: > TL;DR: think of "onlyIfDown" as "onlyIfShutDownCleanly"
: >
: >
: > IIUC, the purpose of the 'onlyIfDown' is a safety valve so (by default)
: > the cluster will prevent you from removing a replica that wasn't shutdown
: > *cleanly* and is officially in a "down" state -- as recorded in the
: > ClusterState for the collection (either the collections state.json or the
: > global clusterstate.json if you have an older solr instance)
: >
: > when you kill -9 a solr node, the replicas that were hosted on that node
: > will typically still be listed in the cluster state as "active" -- but it
: > will *not* be in live_nodes, which is how solr knows that replica can't
: > currently be used (and leader recovery happens as needed, etc...).
: >
: > If, however, you shut the node down cleanly (or if -- for whatever reason
: > -- the node is up, but the replica's SolrCore is not active) then the
: > cluster state will record that replica as "down"
: >
: > Where things unfortunately get confusing, is that the CLUSTERSTATUS api
: > call -- aparently in an attempt to try and implify things -- changes the
: > recorded status of any replica to "down" if that replica is hosted on a
: > node which is not in live_nodes.
: >
: > I suspect that since hte UI uses the CLUSTERSTATUS api to get it's state
: > information, it doesn't display much diff between a replica shut down
: > cleanly and a replica that is hosted on a node which died abruptly.
: >
: > I suspect that's where your confusion is coming from?
: >
: >
: > Ultimately, what onlyIfDown is trying to do is help ensure that you don't
: > accidently delete a replica that you didn't mean to.  the opertaing
: > assumption is that the only replicas you will (typically) delete are
: > replicas that you shut down cleanly ... if a replica is down because of a
: > hard crash, then that is an exceptional situation and presumibly you will
: > either: a) try to bring the replica back up; b) delete the replica using
: > onlyIfDown=false to indicate that you know the replica you are deleting
: > isn't 'down' intentionally, but you want do delete it anyway.
: >
: >
: >
: >
: >
: > On Wed, 20 Jul 2016, Erick Erickson wrote:
: >
: > : Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 08:26:32 -0700
: > : From: Erick Erickson 
: > : Reply-To:
: > : To: solr-user 
: > : Subject: Re: Send kill -9 to a node and can not delete down replicas with
: > : onlyIfDown.
: > :
: > : Yes, it's the intended behavior. The whole point of the
: > : onlyIfDown flag was as a safety valve for those
: > : who wanted to be cautious and guard against typos
: > : and the like.
: > :
: > : If you specify onlyIfDown=false and the node still
: > : isn't removed from ZK, it's not right.
: > :
: > : Best,
: > : Erick
: > :
: > : On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:41 PM, Jerome Yang  wrote:
: > : > What I'm doing is to simulate host crashed situation.
: > : >
: > : > Consider this, a host is not connected to the cluster.
: > : >
: > : > So, if a host crashed, I can not delete the down replicas by using
: > : > onlyIfDown='true'.
: > : > But in solr admin ui, it shows down for these replicas.
: > : > And whiteout "onlyIfDown", it still show a failure:
: > : > Delete replica failed: Attempted to remove replica :
: > : > demo.public.tbl/shard0/core_node4 with onlyIfDown='true', but state is
: > : > 'active'.
: > : >
: > : > Is this the right behavior? If a hosts gone, I can not delete replicas
: > in
: > : > this host?
: > : >
: > : > Regards,
: > : > Jerome
: > : >
: > : > On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 1:58 AM, Justin Lee 
: > wrote:
: > : >
: > : >> Thanks for taking the time for the detailed response. I completely
: > get what
: > : >> you are saying. Makes sense.
: > : >> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:56 AM Erick Erickson <
: >>
: > : >> wrote:
: > : >>
: > : >> > Justin:
: > : >> >
: > : >> > Well, "kill -9" just makes it harder. The original question
: > : >> > was whether a replica being "active" was a bug, and it's
: > : >> > not when you kill -9; the Solr node has no chance to
: > : >> > tell Zookeeper it's going away. ZK does modify

Re: How to index text field with html entities ?

2016-07-29 Thread Shawn Heisey
On 7/29/2016 4:05 PM, Bruno Mannina wrote:
> after checking my log it seems that it concerns only some html entities.
> No problem with  but I have problem with:
> etc...

Those are valid *HTML* entities, but they are not valid *XML* entities. 
The list of entities that are valid in XML is quite short -- there are
only five of them.

When Solr processes XML, it is only going to convert entities that are
valid for XML -- the five already mentioned.  It will fail on the other
247 entities that are only valid for HTML.

If you are seeing the problem with  (which is one of the five valid
XML entities) then we'll need the Solr version and the full error
message/stacktrace from the solr logfile.


Re: How to index text field with html entities ?

2016-07-29 Thread Bruno Mannina

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your answer, and I add a little thing,

after checking my log it seems that it concerns only some html entities.
No problem with  but I have problem with:


I will check your answer to find a solution,

Thanks !

Le 29/07/2016 à 23:58, Chris Hostetter a écrit :

: I have several xml files that contains html entities in some fields.


: If I set my field like this:
: Brown  Gammon
: Solr generates error "Undeclared general entity"

...because that's not valid XML...

: if I add CDATA like this:
: it seems that I can't search with the &

...because that is valid xml, and tells solr you want the literal string
"Brown  Gammon" to be indexed -- given a typical analyzer you are
probably getting either "" or "amp" as a term in your index.

: Could you help me to find the right syntax ?

the client code you are using for indexing can either "parse" these HTML
snippets using an HTML parser, and then send solr the *real* string you
want to index, or you can configure solr with something like
HTMLStripFieldUpdateProcessorFactory (if you want both the indexed form
and the stored form to be plain text) or HTMLStripCharFilterFactory (if
you wnat to preserve the html markup in the stored value, but strip it as
part of the analysis chain for indexing.


L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le logiciel 
antivirus Avast.

Re: How to index text field with html entities ?

2016-07-29 Thread Chris Hostetter

: I have several xml files that contains html entities in some fields.


: If I set my field like this:
: Brown  Gammon
: Solr generates error "Undeclared general entity"

...because that's not valid XML...

: if I add CDATA like this:
: it seems that I can't search with the &

...because that is valid xml, and tells solr you want the literal string 
"Brown  Gammon" to be indexed -- given a typical analyzer you are 
probably getting either "" or "amp" as a term in your index.

: Could you help me to find the right syntax ?

the client code you are using for indexing can either "parse" these HTML 
snippets using an HTML parser, and then send solr the *real* string you 
want to index, or you can configure solr with something like 
HTMLStripFieldUpdateProcessorFactory (if you want both the indexed form 
and the stored form to be plain text) or HTMLStripCharFilterFactory (if 
you wnat to preserve the html markup in the stored value, but strip it as 
part of the analysis chain for indexing.


How to index text field with html entities ?

2016-07-29 Thread Bruno Mannina

Dear Solr User,

Solr 5.0.1

I have several xml files that contains html entities in some fields.

I have a author field (english text) with this kind of text:

Brown  Gammon

If I set my field like this:

Brown  Gammon

Solr generates error "Undeclared general entity"

if I add CDATA like this:

it seems that I can't search with the &

au:"brown & gammon"

Could you help me to find the right syntax ?

Thanks a lot,


L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le logiciel 
antivirus Avast.

Re: How to get suggestions with numbers?

2016-07-29 Thread Alessandro Benedetti
Hi Lasitha,
do you need only to suggest terms ?
In that case I would *suggest* you to use the suggester component.

Specifically your use case is infix suggestion.
This can be easily achieved using an AnalyzingInfixSuggester :


In your case just use a proper analyser, which I guess will use the  word
delimiter token filter [1] .
It should do it ( in particular the splitOnNumerics feature) .

Feel free to read my blog for additional details [2]


[1] Word Delimiter Token Filter

[2] Ad Maiora - Solr Autocomplete

[3] Lucidwork Erick blog

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Lasitha Wattaladeniya 

> Hi devs,
> Past couple of days I was trying to get solr suggestions work with my
> applications.  The requirement is as follows,
> I have some codes eg :abcdef2.  I should be able to type "2000" and get
> suggestions as abcdef2.
> I index the field containing the code to a ngram field (standard
> analysers,  nothing fancy).  But it does not show the required suggestion.
> I think since I'm using spellchecker component with suggester,  when I
> enter numbers the solr thinks I don't need suggestions.
> Can anybody help me to solve this problem?
> Regards,
> Lasitha


Benedetti Alessandro
Visiting card :

"Tyger, tyger burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

William Blake - Songs of Experience -1794 England

RE: Solr 4.3.1 - Spell-Checker with MULTI-WORD PHRASE

2016-07-29 Thread Dyer, James
You need to set the "spellcheck.maxCollationTries" parameter to a value greater 
than zero.  The higher the value, the more queries it checks for hits, and the 
longer it could potentially take.


James Dyer
Ingram Content Group

-Original Message-
From: SRINI SOLR [] 
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: Solr 4.3.1 - Spell-Checker with MULTI-WORD PHRASE

Hi all - please help me here

On Thursday, July 21, 2016, SRINI SOLR  wrote:
> Hi All -
> Could you please help me on spell check on multi-word phrase as a whole...
> Scenario -
> I have a problem with solr spellcheck suggestions for multi word phrases.
With the query for 'red chillies'
> I get
> 2
> 4
> 12
> 0
> chiller4
> challis2
> false
> red chiller
> The problem is, even though 'chiller' has 4 results in index, 'red
chiller' has none. So we end up suggesting a phrase with 0 result.
> What can I do to make spellcheck work on the whole phrase only?
> Please help me here ...

Re: how to specify a tailored schema.xml

2016-07-29 Thread Erick Erickson
Commits are, as you've found, necessary to find documents you index.
They can be configured to auto fire in solrconfig.xml, but there are variants.
Here's a long explanation:

Even though this does talk a lot about SolrCloud, the bits on
what it means to autocommit with openSearcher=true|false and soft commit apply
to stand-alone.

The post.jar file does a "hard commit with openSearcher=true"
automatically so if you've
used it it "just works" ;)

You can curl a command like
to do the same thing manually. After you fire that command all recent changes
to the index are visible.


On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 9:40 AM, John Bickerstaff
> @ Immanuel --
> Not sure if this is what you're asking for, but inside /opt/solr/bin is a
> post script that allows you to "post" the contents of a file to Solr..
> ./post -help will get you the list of options.  You could submit films.xml
> for indexing this way I believe.
> On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 9:57 AM, Immanuel Normann <
>> wrote:
>> Ok, I just figured out myself: I have to "commit" the newly updated files.
>> One way (probably not the best) is to restart solr again. The alternative
>> way: For an autocommit there is an option to configure in solrconfig.xml.
>> Now the query returns results.
>> Is there a method to re-index a single sollection on the command line or
>> via http request without restarting solr?
>> 2016-07-29 17:48 GMT+02:00 Immanuel Normann :
>> > Thanks Alexandre for your minimal config example!
>> >
>> > I am trying to use it as start to understanding, but I cannot get it
>> > running. To make it more explicit:
>> >
>> > I am running a freshly installed solr 6.1.0. Suppose I am in its home
>> > directory for the following steps:
>> >
>> > solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr start
>> >
>> > solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr create -c cinema
>> >
>> > solr-6.1.0$ cd server/solr/cinema/conf
>> >
>> > solr-6.1.0/server/solr/cinema/conf$ ls
>> >
>> > currency.xml  elevate.xml  lang  params.json  protwords.txt
>> > managed-schema  solrconfig.xml  stopwords.txt  synonyms.txt
>> >
>> > Here I replace managed-schema by your minimal schema.xml and
>> > solrconfig.xml by your minimal solrconfig.xml and restart solr (don't
>> know
>> > whether this is actually necessary to activate the new config files).
>> >
>> > solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr restart
>> >
>> > solr-6.1.0$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/cinema/update -H
>> > "Content-Type: text/xml" --data-binary @example/films/films.xml
>> >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 0> > name="QTime">123
>> > 
>> >
>> > So no complains from solr! But the response comes too quick in my
>> opinion.
>> > And in fact the data folder still contains an empty index and empty tlog
>> > subfolder. Consequently queries fail, too:
>> >
>> > $ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/cinema/select?q=genre:Drama
>> >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 0> > name="QTime">1> > start="0">
>> > 
>> >
>> > What am I doing wrong?
>> >
>> > Regards, Immanuel
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > 2016-07-29 14:51 GMT+02:00 Alexandre Rafalovitch :
>> >
>> >> I have the minimal 5.5 version that should work with 6.1 at:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> It is obviously not a good production setup (e.g. no cache), but could
>> >> be a start to understanding. It uses classical schema.xml approach,
>> >> and not a dynamic one.
>> >>
>> >> Regards,
>> >> Alex.
>> >> 
>> >> Newsletter and resources for Solr beginners and intermediates:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On 29 July 2016 at 20:54, Immanuel Normann 
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > Hi,
>> >> >
>> >> > I am a returner to solr with limited experience in solr-5.2 now diving
>> >> into
>> >> > solr-6.1. My problem is
>> >> > how to specify a tailored schema.xml
>> >> >
>> >> > After reading several tutorials and book chapters about how to
>> configure
>> >> > schema.xml I have a basic understanding about its concepts and
>> >> structure.
>> >> >
>> >> > Now I created as exercise a core "cinema" where I intended to load the
>> >> > example/films/films.xml using the command:
>> >> >
>> >> > bin/solr create -c cinema
>> >> >
>> >> > this creates server/solr/cinema and therein conf/managed-schema. The
>> >> > comment inside managed-schema says: 'This is the Solr schema file.
>> This
>> >> > file should be named "schema.xml"' and "This example schema is the
>> >> > recommended starting point for users."
>> >> >
>> >> > Unfortunately I have a hard time to make use of managed-schema as
>> >> starting
>> >> > point! The problem is that I want to understand how to configure a
>> >> > lightweight schema.xml which is tailored to a doc structure which is
>> >> pretty
>> >> > much under my 

Re: Solr 6 managed-schema & version control

2016-07-29 Thread Erick Erickson
Rachid is exactly right. There's a long story here, I had
the bright idea of editing the schema directly from the admin UI
and one of the folks who, you know, understands browsers
did the heavy lifting and then we were alerted to the fact that
this is a huge security issue (i.e. uploading arbitrary XML to
a website) so had to pull it all out.

The managed schema API is a was to have front-ends that
change the schema and config.


On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 7:19 AM, Shawn Heisey  wrote:
> On 7/27/2016 12:37 PM, Rachid Bouacheria wrote:
>> I know that there still is the option to use schema.xml by using the
>> ClassicIndexSchemaFactory but I am curious to hear from y'all that use
>> managed schema how you are doing it and if there are any downside,
>> gotchas, or if all is just much better :-)
> You have two choices.
> * Switch to the classic schema and use a file named schema.xml.
> * Don't worry about it.
> ** Keep the config as-is.
> ** Use existing methods with a new filename.
> ** Ignore the Schema API functionality entirely.
> There's nothing preventing you from just editing managed-schema.  Yes, I
> am aware that the first thing the example file says is "don't edit this
> file" ... but if you are not using the Schema API, then you don't have
> to worry about that.
> If you're extremely careful, you can combine Schema API usage and hand
> edits ... but I wouldn't recommend doing that.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

RE: Installing Solr as a dependency

2016-07-29 Thread Demian Katz
I did think about Maven, but (probably because I'm a Maven newbie) I didn't 
find an obvious way to do it and figured that Maven was meant more for 
libraries than for complete applications. In any case, your answer gives me 
more to work with, so I'll do some experimentation. Thanks!

- Demian

From: Daniel Collins []
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: Installing Solr as a dependency

Can't you use Maven?  I thought that was the standard dependency management
tool, and Solr is published to Maven repos.  There used to be a solr
artifact which was the WAR file, but presumably now, you'd have to pull down


and maybe then start that up.

We have an internal application which is dependent on solr-core, (its a
web-app, we embed bits of Solr basically) and maven works fine for us.  We
do patch and build Solr internally though to our own corporate maven repos,
so that helps :)  But I've done it outside the corporate environment and
found recent Solr releases on standard maven repo sites.

On 29 July 2016 at 15:12, Shawn Heisey  wrote:

> On 7/28/2016 1:29 PM, Demian Katz wrote:
> > I develop an open source project
> > ( that depends on Solr, and I'm
> > trying to figure out if there is a better way to manage the Solr
> > dependency. Presently, I simply bundle Solr with my software by
> > committing the latest distribution to my Git repo. Over time, having
> > all of these large binaries is causing repository bloat and slow Git
> > performance. I'm beginning to wonder whether there's a better way.
> > With the rise in the popularity of dependency managers like NPM and
> > Composer, it seems like it might be nice to somehow be able to declare
> > Solr as a dependency and have it installed automatically on the client
> > side rather than bundling the whole gigantic application by hand...
> > however, as far as I can tell, there's no way to do this presently (at
> > least, not unless you count specialized niche projects like
> >, which are not exactly
> > what I'm looking for). Just curious if others are dealing with this
> > problem in other ways, or if there are any tool-based approaches that
> > I haven't discovered on my own.
> I wouldn't include Solr in my own project at all.  I would probably
> request that the user download the binary artifact and put it in a
> predictable location, and configure my installation script to do the
> download if the file is not there.  I would strongly recommend taking
> advantage of Apache's mirror system for that download -- although if you
> need a specific version of Solr, you will find that the mirror system
> only has the latest version, and you must go to the Apache Archives for
> older versions.
> To reduce load on the Apache Archive, you could place a copy of the
> binary on your own download servers ... and you could probably greatly
> reduce the size of that download by stripping out components that your
> software doesn't need.  If users want to enable additional
> functionality, they would be free to download the full Solr binary from
> Apache.
> I once discovered that if optional components are removed (including
> some jars in the webapp), the Solr download drops from 150+ MB to about
> 25 MB.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

RE: Installing Solr as a dependency

2016-07-29 Thread Demian Katz
> I wouldn't include Solr in my own project at all.  I would probably
> request that the user download the binary artifact and put it in a
> predictable location, and configure my installation script to do the
> download if the file is not there.  I would strongly recommend taking
> advantage of Apache's mirror system for that download -- although if you
> need a specific version of Solr, you will find that the mirror system
> only has the latest version, and you must go to the Apache Archives for
> older versions.
> To reduce load on the Apache Archive, you could place a copy of the
> binary on your own download servers ... and you could probably greatly
> reduce the size of that download by stripping out components that your
> software doesn't need.  If users want to enable additional
> functionality, they would be free to download the full Solr binary from
> Apache.

Yes, this is the reason I was hoping to use some sort of dependency management 
tool. The idea of downloading from Apache's system has definitely crossed my 
mind, but it's inherently more fragile than using a dependency manager (since 
Apache is at least theoretically free to change their URL structure, etc., at 
any time) and, as you say, it seemed impolite to direct potentially heavy 
amounts of traffic to Apache servers (especially when you consider that every 
commit to my project triggers one or more continuous integration builds, each 
of which would need to perform the download). Creating a project-specific 
mirror also crossed my mind, but that has its own set of problems: it's work to 
maintain it, and the server hosting it needs to be able to withstand the high 
traffic that would otherwise be directed at Apache. The idea of a theoretical 
dependency management tool still feels more attractive because it adds a 
standard, unchanging mechanism for obtaining specific versions of the software 
and it offers the possibility of local package caching across builds to 
significantly reduce the amount of HTTP traffic back and forth. Of course, it's 
a lot less attractive if it proves to be only theory and not in fact 
practically achievable -- I'll play around with Maven next week and see where 
that gets me.

Anyway, I don't say any of that to dismiss your suggestions -- you present 
potentially viable possibilities, and I'll certainly keep those ideas on the 
table as I plan for the future -- but I thought it might be worthwhile to share 
my thinking. :-)

> I once discovered that if optional components are removed (including
> some jars in the webapp), the Solr download drops from 150+ MB to about
> 25 MB.

This could actually be a separate argument for a dependency-management-based 
Solr structure, in that you could create a core solr package with minimum 
content that could recommend a whole array of optional dependencies. A script 
could then be used to build different versions of the download package from 
these -- one with just the core, one with all the optional stuff included. 
Those who wanted some intermediate number of files could be encouraged to 
manually create their desired build from packages.

But again, I freely admit that everything I'm saying is based on experience 
with package managers outside the realm of Java -- I need to learn more about 
Maven (and perhaps Ivy) before I can make any particularly intelligent 
statements about what is really possible in this context. :-)

- Demian

[ReplicationHandler] Backup policy to automatically backup slaves after replication

2016-07-29 Thread Alessandro Benedetti
Scenario : Legacy replication
Slaves fetch the index from the master, Slaves are only  used to serve

I want the slaves to keep a backup.
I want to automatically start the backup after each replication end.

I set up the slaves to be both master and slave ( repetitor ) .
No one willa ctually use them as masters but it is necessary to set the
backup in the ReplicationHandler :



According to my knowledge the last step of the replication process is :


   - After the download completes, all the new files are 'mov'ed to the
   slave's live index directory and the files' timestamps will match the
   timestamps in the master.
   - A '*commit*' command is issued on the slave by the Slave's
   ReplicationHandler and the new index is loaded.--

I was expecting after the commit on the slave, the backup to start, but I
got nothing.
I didn't have the time to go into the code yet, but is this what we expect ?
Is the replication handler not able to capture a commit that it emitted
itself and so the backup is not started after that commit ?

I executed and explicit empty commit command on the slave, and the backup
started ...


Benedetti Alessandro
Visiting card :

"Tyger, tyger burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

William Blake - Songs of Experience -1794 England

Re: SolrCloud: Failure to recover on restart following OutOfMemoryError

2016-07-29 Thread Kelly, Frank
Hi Folks,

 I didn't hear back from anyone on this and just wanted to ping again to see if 
anyone had any thoughts.
FWIW we are using SolrCloud (Solr 5.3.1) with a separate dedicated ZooKeeper 


From: Frank J Kelly >
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 at 12:22 PM
To: "" 
Subject: SolrCloud: Failure to recover on restart following OutOfMemoryError

Hi All,

 We have a SolrCloud cluster with 3 Virtual Machines, assigning 4GB to the Java 
Recently we added a number of collections to the machine going from around 80 
collections (each with 3 shards x 3 replicas) to 150 collections

We've hit Heap errors.
That wasn't the surprise, the surprise was that when I restarted - allowing 
more Xmx heap for Java (now 6GB) that Solr did not and could not recover 
despite having enough memory.
It was complaining about ZooKeeper status - "ZooKeeper thinks I am the leader 
but I am not".
I can only successfully recover by shutting off Solr, and nuking the ZooKeeper 
configs, recreating the configs and restarting Solr and deleting all 

Shouldn't Solr be able to recover on restart or does OutOfMemoryError cause 
some kind of Zk/Solr cluster state corruption that is unrecoverable?

Frank Kelly
Principal Software Engineer
Predictive Analytics Team (SCBE/HAC/CDA)

5 Wayside Rd, Burlington, MA 01803, USA
42° 29' 7" N 71° 11' 32" W



Re: how to specify a tailored schema.xml

2016-07-29 Thread John Bickerstaff
@ Immanuel --

Not sure if this is what you're asking for, but inside /opt/solr/bin is a
post script that allows you to "post" the contents of a file to Solr..

./post -help will get you the list of options.  You could submit films.xml
for indexing this way I believe.

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 9:57 AM, Immanuel Normann <> wrote:

> Ok, I just figured out myself: I have to "commit" the newly updated files.
> One way (probably not the best) is to restart solr again. The alternative
> way: For an autocommit there is an option to configure in solrconfig.xml.
> Now the query returns results.
> Is there a method to re-index a single sollection on the command line or
> via http request without restarting solr?
> 2016-07-29 17:48 GMT+02:00 Immanuel Normann :
> > Thanks Alexandre for your minimal config example!
> >
> > I am trying to use it as start to understanding, but I cannot get it
> > running. To make it more explicit:
> >
> > I am running a freshly installed solr 6.1.0. Suppose I am in its home
> > directory for the following steps:
> >
> > solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr start
> >
> > solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr create -c cinema
> >
> > solr-6.1.0$ cd server/solr/cinema/conf
> >
> > solr-6.1.0/server/solr/cinema/conf$ ls
> >
> > currency.xml  elevate.xml  lang  params.json  protwords.txt
> > managed-schema  solrconfig.xml  stopwords.txt  synonyms.txt
> >
> > Here I replace managed-schema by your minimal schema.xml and
> > solrconfig.xml by your minimal solrconfig.xml and restart solr (don't
> know
> > whether this is actually necessary to activate the new config files).
> >
> > solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr restart
> >
> > solr-6.1.0$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/cinema/update -H
> > "Content-Type: text/xml" --data-binary @example/films/films.xml
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 0 > name="QTime">123
> > 
> >
> > So no complains from solr! But the response comes too quick in my
> opinion.
> > And in fact the data folder still contains an empty index and empty tlog
> > subfolder. Consequently queries fail, too:
> >
> > $ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/cinema/select?q=genre:Drama
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 0 > name="QTime">1 > start="0">
> > 
> >
> > What am I doing wrong?
> >
> > Regards, Immanuel
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 2016-07-29 14:51 GMT+02:00 Alexandre Rafalovitch :
> >
> >> I have the minimal 5.5 version that should work with 6.1 at:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> It is obviously not a good production setup (e.g. no cache), but could
> >> be a start to understanding. It uses classical schema.xml approach,
> >> and not a dynamic one.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Alex.
> >> 
> >> Newsletter and resources for Solr beginners and intermediates:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 29 July 2016 at 20:54, Immanuel Normann 
> >> wrote:
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> > I am a returner to solr with limited experience in solr-5.2 now diving
> >> into
> >> > solr-6.1. My problem is
> >> > how to specify a tailored schema.xml
> >> >
> >> > After reading several tutorials and book chapters about how to
> configure
> >> > schema.xml I have a basic understanding about its concepts and
> >> structure.
> >> >
> >> > Now I created as exercise a core "cinema" where I intended to load the
> >> > example/films/films.xml using the command:
> >> >
> >> > bin/solr create -c cinema
> >> >
> >> > this creates server/solr/cinema and therein conf/managed-schema. The
> >> > comment inside managed-schema says: 'This is the Solr schema file.
> This
> >> > file should be named "schema.xml"' and "This example schema is the
> >> > recommended starting point for users."
> >> >
> >> > Unfortunately I have a hard time to make use of managed-schema as
> >> starting
> >> > point! The problem is that I want to understand how to configure a
> >> > lightweight schema.xml which is tailored to a doc structure which is
> >> pretty
> >> > much under my control. For instance, the films.xml docs have such a
> >> simple
> >> > structure that it should be sufficient to have a simple schema.xml as
> >> that:
> >> >
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> >  >> > multiValued="false"/>
> >> >  >> > stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
> >> >  >> > multiValued="false"/>
> >> >  >> > multiValued="true"/>
> >> >  >> > stored="true"/>
> >> > 
> >> > id
> >> >  >> sortMissingLast="true" />
> >> >  precisionStep="0"
> >> > positionIncrementGap="0"/>
> >> > 
> >> >
> >> > However, the managed-schema provided in
> >> > example/techproducts/solr/films/conf has 480 lines instead of my 12
> >> lines.
> >> > It is full of fieldType and dynamicField specification that never
> apply
> >> for
> >> > this data.
> >> >
> >> > Unfortunately my schema.xml doesn't work with the rest of the conf
> >> setting
> >> > that is generated with
> >> > bin/solr create -c cinema. The problem seems to be the 

Re: how to specify a tailored schema.xml

2016-07-29 Thread Immanuel Normann
Ok, I just figured out myself: I have to "commit" the newly updated files.
One way (probably not the best) is to restart solr again. The alternative
way: For an autocommit there is an option to configure in solrconfig.xml.

Now the query returns results.

Is there a method to re-index a single sollection on the command line or
via http request without restarting solr?

2016-07-29 17:48 GMT+02:00 Immanuel Normann :

> Thanks Alexandre for your minimal config example!
> I am trying to use it as start to understanding, but I cannot get it
> running. To make it more explicit:
> I am running a freshly installed solr 6.1.0. Suppose I am in its home
> directory for the following steps:
> solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr start
> solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr create -c cinema
> solr-6.1.0$ cd server/solr/cinema/conf
> solr-6.1.0/server/solr/cinema/conf$ ls
> currency.xml  elevate.xml  lang  params.json  protwords.txt
> managed-schema  solrconfig.xml  stopwords.txt  synonyms.txt
> Here I replace managed-schema by your minimal schema.xml and
> solrconfig.xml by your minimal solrconfig.xml and restart solr (don't know
> whether this is actually necessary to activate the new config files).
> solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr restart
> solr-6.1.0$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/cinema/update -H
> "Content-Type: text/xml" --data-binary @example/films/films.xml
> 0 name="QTime">123
> So no complains from solr! But the response comes too quick in my opinion.
> And in fact the data folder still contains an empty index and empty tlog
> subfolder. Consequently queries fail, too:
> $ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/cinema/select?q=genre:Drama
> 0 name="QTime">1 start="0">
> What am I doing wrong?
> Regards, Immanuel
> 2016-07-29 14:51 GMT+02:00 Alexandre Rafalovitch :
>> I have the minimal 5.5 version that should work with 6.1 at:
>> It is obviously not a good production setup (e.g. no cache), but could
>> be a start to understanding. It uses classical schema.xml approach,
>> and not a dynamic one.
>> Regards,
>> Alex.
>> Newsletter and resources for Solr beginners and intermediates:
>> On 29 July 2016 at 20:54, Immanuel Normann 
>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I am a returner to solr with limited experience in solr-5.2 now diving
>> into
>> > solr-6.1. My problem is
>> > how to specify a tailored schema.xml
>> >
>> > After reading several tutorials and book chapters about how to configure
>> > schema.xml I have a basic understanding about its concepts and
>> structure.
>> >
>> > Now I created as exercise a core "cinema" where I intended to load the
>> > example/films/films.xml using the command:
>> >
>> > bin/solr create -c cinema
>> >
>> > this creates server/solr/cinema and therein conf/managed-schema. The
>> > comment inside managed-schema says: 'This is the Solr schema file. This
>> > file should be named "schema.xml"' and "This example schema is the
>> > recommended starting point for users."
>> >
>> > Unfortunately I have a hard time to make use of managed-schema as
>> starting
>> > point! The problem is that I want to understand how to configure a
>> > lightweight schema.xml which is tailored to a doc structure which is
>> pretty
>> > much under my control. For instance, the films.xml docs have such a
>> simple
>> > structure that it should be sufficient to have a simple schema.xml as
>> that:
>> >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > > > multiValued="false"/>
>> > > > stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
>> > > > multiValued="false"/>
>> > > > multiValued="true"/>
>> > > > stored="true"/>
>> > 
>> > id
>> > > sortMissingLast="true" />
>> > > > positionIncrementGap="0"/>
>> > 
>> >
>> > However, the managed-schema provided in
>> > example/techproducts/solr/films/conf has 480 lines instead of my 12
>> lines.
>> > It is full of fieldType and dynamicField specification that never apply
>> for
>> > this data.
>> >
>> > Unfortunately my schema.xml doesn't work with the rest of the conf
>> setting
>> > that is generated with
>> > bin/solr create -c cinema. The problem seems to be the autogenerated
>> > solrconfig.xml. Here again this setting is full of configurations which
>> I
>> > probably don't want. In particular all about "Add unknown fields to the
>> > schema" is something I definitely don't want when I know the data to be
>> > indexed. It looks like there are many other heuristics and clever
>> > procedures configured here that might be useful when you don't know your
>> > data structure. The problem is that I don't understand what is going on
>> > behind the scene. And when you know your data it is better to understand
>> > all configurations instead of trusting in "clever" default
>> configurations.
>> >
>> > In fact my simple schema.xml 

Re: how to specify a tailored schema.xml

2016-07-29 Thread Immanuel Normann
Thanks Alexandre for your minimal config example!

I am trying to use it as start to understanding, but I cannot get it
running. To make it more explicit:

I am running a freshly installed solr 6.1.0. Suppose I am in its home
directory for the following steps:

solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr start

solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr create -c cinema

solr-6.1.0$ cd server/solr/cinema/conf

solr-6.1.0/server/solr/cinema/conf$ ls

currency.xml  elevate.xml  lang  params.json  protwords.txt
managed-schema  solrconfig.xml  stopwords.txt  synonyms.txt

Here I replace managed-schema by your minimal schema.xml and solrconfig.xml
by your minimal solrconfig.xml and restart solr (don't know whether this is
actually necessary to activate the new config files).

solr-6.1.0$ bin/solr restart

solr-6.1.0$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/cinema/update -H "Content-Type:
text/xml" --data-binary @example/films/films.xml


So no complains from solr! But the response comes too quick in my opinion.
And in fact the data folder still contains an empty index and empty tlog
subfolder. Consequently queries fail, too:

$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/cinema/select?q=genre:Drama


What am I doing wrong?

Regards, Immanuel

2016-07-29 14:51 GMT+02:00 Alexandre Rafalovitch :

> I have the minimal 5.5 version that should work with 6.1 at:
> It is obviously not a good production setup (e.g. no cache), but could
> be a start to understanding. It uses classical schema.xml approach,
> and not a dynamic one.
> Regards,
> Alex.
> Newsletter and resources for Solr beginners and intermediates:
> On 29 July 2016 at 20:54, Immanuel Normann 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am a returner to solr with limited experience in solr-5.2 now diving
> into
> > solr-6.1. My problem is
> > how to specify a tailored schema.xml
> >
> > After reading several tutorials and book chapters about how to configure
> > schema.xml I have a basic understanding about its concepts and structure.
> >
> > Now I created as exercise a core "cinema" where I intended to load the
> > example/films/films.xml using the command:
> >
> > bin/solr create -c cinema
> >
> > this creates server/solr/cinema and therein conf/managed-schema. The
> > comment inside managed-schema says: 'This is the Solr schema file. This
> > file should be named "schema.xml"' and "This example schema is the
> > recommended starting point for users."
> >
> > Unfortunately I have a hard time to make use of managed-schema as
> starting
> > point! The problem is that I want to understand how to configure a
> > lightweight schema.xml which is tailored to a doc structure which is
> pretty
> > much under my control. For instance, the films.xml docs have such a
> simple
> > structure that it should be sufficient to have a simple schema.xml as
> that:
> >
> > 
> > 
> >  > multiValued="false"/>
> >  > stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
> >  > multiValued="false"/>
> >  > multiValued="true"/>
> >  > stored="true"/>
> > 
> > id
> >  sortMissingLast="true" />
> >  > positionIncrementGap="0"/>
> > 
> >
> > However, the managed-schema provided in
> > example/techproducts/solr/films/conf has 480 lines instead of my 12
> lines.
> > It is full of fieldType and dynamicField specification that never apply
> for
> > this data.
> >
> > Unfortunately my schema.xml doesn't work with the rest of the conf
> setting
> > that is generated with
> > bin/solr create -c cinema. The problem seems to be the autogenerated
> > solrconfig.xml. Here again this setting is full of configurations which I
> > probably don't want. In particular all about "Add unknown fields to the
> > schema" is something I definitely don't want when I know the data to be
> > indexed. It looks like there are many other heuristics and clever
> > procedures configured here that might be useful when you don't know your
> > data structure. The problem is that I don't understand what is going on
> > behind the scene. And when you know your data it is better to understand
> > all configurations instead of trusting in "clever" default
> configurations.
> >
> > In fact my simple schema.xml works fine with a likewise simple
> > solrconfig.xml:
> >
> > 
> > 4.10.4
> >  > default="true"/>
> > 
> >  > class="org.apache.solr.handler.admin.AdminHandlers"/>
> > 
> > *:*
> > 
> > 
> >
> > Again my simple solrconfig.xml contains only 9 lines as compared to 1482
> > lines in the autogenerated solrconfig.xml.
> >
> > Yet, both my simple config files (schema.xml and solrconfig.xml) are not
> a
> > proper solution as it works only when solrconfig.xml is configured with
> >
> > 4.10.4
> >
> > and it fails when configured (as in the autogenerated solrconfig.xml)
> with
> >
> > 6.1.0
> >
> > Bottom line is: It would be 

Re: Installing Solr as a dependency

2016-07-29 Thread Daniel Collins
Can't you use Maven?  I thought that was the standard dependency management
tool, and Solr is published to Maven repos.  There used to be a solr
artifact which was the WAR file, but presumably now, you'd have to pull down


and maybe then start that up.

We have an internal application which is dependent on solr-core, (its a
web-app, we embed bits of Solr basically) and maven works fine for us.  We
do patch and build Solr internally though to our own corporate maven repos,
so that helps :)  But I've done it outside the corporate environment and
found recent Solr releases on standard maven repo sites.

On 29 July 2016 at 15:12, Shawn Heisey  wrote:

> On 7/28/2016 1:29 PM, Demian Katz wrote:
> > I develop an open source project
> > ( that depends on Solr, and I'm
> > trying to figure out if there is a better way to manage the Solr
> > dependency. Presently, I simply bundle Solr with my software by
> > committing the latest distribution to my Git repo. Over time, having
> > all of these large binaries is causing repository bloat and slow Git
> > performance. I'm beginning to wonder whether there's a better way.
> > With the rise in the popularity of dependency managers like NPM and
> > Composer, it seems like it might be nice to somehow be able to declare
> > Solr as a dependency and have it installed automatically on the client
> > side rather than bundling the whole gigantic application by hand...
> > however, as far as I can tell, there's no way to do this presently (at
> > least, not unless you count specialized niche projects like
> >, which are not exactly
> > what I'm looking for). Just curious if others are dealing with this
> > problem in other ways, or if there are any tool-based approaches that
> > I haven't discovered on my own.
> I wouldn't include Solr in my own project at all.  I would probably
> request that the user download the binary artifact and put it in a
> predictable location, and configure my installation script to do the
> download if the file is not there.  I would strongly recommend taking
> advantage of Apache's mirror system for that download -- although if you
> need a specific version of Solr, you will find that the mirror system
> only has the latest version, and you must go to the Apache Archives for
> older versions.
> To reduce load on the Apache Archive, you could place a copy of the
> binary on your own download servers ... and you could probably greatly
> reduce the size of that download by stripping out components that your
> software doesn't need.  If users want to enable additional
> functionality, they would be free to download the full Solr binary from
> Apache.
> I once discovered that if optional components are removed (including
> some jars in the webapp), the Solr download drops from 150+ MB to about
> 25 MB.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

Where should the listeners be defined in solrconfig.xml (Solr 6.0.1)

2016-07-29 Thread Alexandre Drouin

I was wondering where I should put the  configuration.  I can see 
from the sample solrconfig.xml that they are defined under the  
and  elements.  
The Schema API for listeners does not specify a parent of type updateHandler or 
query so I wanted to know if I also define them directly under the root of the 
xml document (config)? 

Alexandre Drouin

Re: Solr 6 managed-schema & version control

2016-07-29 Thread Shawn Heisey
On 7/27/2016 12:37 PM, Rachid Bouacheria wrote:
> I know that there still is the option to use schema.xml by using the
> ClassicIndexSchemaFactory but I am curious to hear from y'all that use
> managed schema how you are doing it and if there are any downside,
> gotchas, or if all is just much better :-)

You have two choices.

* Switch to the classic schema and use a file named schema.xml.

* Don't worry about it.
** Keep the config as-is.
** Use existing methods with a new filename.
** Ignore the Schema API functionality entirely.

There's nothing preventing you from just editing managed-schema.  Yes, I
am aware that the first thing the example file says is "don't edit this
file" ... but if you are not using the Schema API, then you don't have
to worry about that.

If you're extremely careful, you can combine Schema API usage and hand
edits ... but I wouldn't recommend doing that.


Re: Installing Solr as a dependency

2016-07-29 Thread Shawn Heisey
On 7/28/2016 1:29 PM, Demian Katz wrote:
> I develop an open source project
> ( that depends on Solr, and I'm
> trying to figure out if there is a better way to manage the Solr
> dependency. Presently, I simply bundle Solr with my software by
> committing the latest distribution to my Git repo. Over time, having
> all of these large binaries is causing repository bloat and slow Git
> performance. I'm beginning to wonder whether there's a better way.
> With the rise in the popularity of dependency managers like NPM and
> Composer, it seems like it might be nice to somehow be able to declare
> Solr as a dependency and have it installed automatically on the client
> side rather than bundling the whole gigantic application by hand...
> however, as far as I can tell, there's no way to do this presently (at
> least, not unless you count specialized niche projects like
>, which are not exactly
> what I'm looking for). Just curious if others are dealing with this
> problem in other ways, or if there are any tool-based approaches that
> I haven't discovered on my own.

I wouldn't include Solr in my own project at all.  I would probably
request that the user download the binary artifact and put it in a
predictable location, and configure my installation script to do the
download if the file is not there.  I would strongly recommend taking
advantage of Apache's mirror system for that download -- although if you
need a specific version of Solr, you will find that the mirror system
only has the latest version, and you must go to the Apache Archives for
older versions.

To reduce load on the Apache Archive, you could place a copy of the
binary on your own download servers ... and you could probably greatly
reduce the size of that download by stripping out components that your
software doesn't need.  If users want to enable additional
functionality, they would be free to download the full Solr binary from

I once discovered that if optional components are removed (including
some jars in the webapp), the Solr download drops from 150+ MB to about
25 MB.


Re: Solr Stop with -K

2016-07-29 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 06:46:23AM +, Srinivasa Meenavali wrote:
> Can somebody explain advantage of Stop solr with "-k" option ? 

Please don't start a new thread by replying to a message in an existing 


Paul Hoffman 
Systems Librarian
Fenway Libraries Online
c/o Wentworth Institute of Technology
550 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA 02115
(617) 442-2384 (FLO main number)

Re: how to specify a tailored schema.xml

2016-07-29 Thread Alexandre Rafalovitch
I have the minimal 5.5 version that should work with 6.1 at:

It is obviously not a good production setup (e.g. no cache), but could
be a start to understanding. It uses classical schema.xml approach,
and not a dynamic one.


Newsletter and resources for Solr beginners and intermediates:

On 29 July 2016 at 20:54, Immanuel Normann  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a returner to solr with limited experience in solr-5.2 now diving into
> solr-6.1. My problem is
> how to specify a tailored schema.xml
> After reading several tutorials and book chapters about how to configure
> schema.xml I have a basic understanding about its concepts and structure.
> Now I created as exercise a core "cinema" where I intended to load the
> example/films/films.xml using the command:
> bin/solr create -c cinema
> this creates server/solr/cinema and therein conf/managed-schema. The
> comment inside managed-schema says: 'This is the Solr schema file. This
> file should be named "schema.xml"' and "This example schema is the
> recommended starting point for users."
> Unfortunately I have a hard time to make use of managed-schema as starting
> point! The problem is that I want to understand how to configure a
> lightweight schema.xml which is tailored to a doc structure which is pretty
> much under my control. For instance, the films.xml docs have such a simple
> structure that it should be sufficient to have a simple schema.xml as that:
>  multiValued="false"/>
>  stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
>  multiValued="false"/>
>  multiValued="true"/>
>  stored="true"/>
> id
>  positionIncrementGap="0"/>
> However, the managed-schema provided in
> example/techproducts/solr/films/conf has 480 lines instead of my 12 lines.
> It is full of fieldType and dynamicField specification that never apply for
> this data.
> Unfortunately my schema.xml doesn't work with the rest of the conf setting
> that is generated with
> bin/solr create -c cinema. The problem seems to be the autogenerated
> solrconfig.xml. Here again this setting is full of configurations which I
> probably don't want. In particular all about "Add unknown fields to the
> schema" is something I definitely don't want when I know the data to be
> indexed. It looks like there are many other heuristics and clever
> procedures configured here that might be useful when you don't know your
> data structure. The problem is that I don't understand what is going on
> behind the scene. And when you know your data it is better to understand
> all configurations instead of trusting in "clever" default configurations.
> In fact my simple schema.xml works fine with a likewise simple
> solrconfig.xml:
> 4.10.4
>  default="true"/>
>  class="org.apache.solr.handler.admin.AdminHandlers"/>
> *:*
> Again my simple solrconfig.xml contains only 9 lines as compared to 1482
> lines in the autogenerated solrconfig.xml.
> Yet, both my simple config files (schema.xml and solrconfig.xml) are not a
> proper solution as it works only when solrconfig.xml is configured with
> 4.10.4
> and it fails when configured (as in the autogenerated solrconfig.xml) with
> 6.1.0
> Bottom line is: It would be great to get guidence on how to configure a
> minimal schema.xml and solrconfig.xml for e.g. films.xml that works under
> 6.1.0. The config files generated with "bin/solr create ..." are quite the
> opposite. These configs are probably useful when you want to allow to index
> data with unpredicatble and heterogenius structures. But in the case of
> homogenoues data with cotrolled structures it is much better to know how to
> define a tailored minimal schema.xml and solrconfig.xml.
> Any hints are apprciated!
> Regards,
> Immanuel

Re: Group and sum in SOLR 5.3

2016-07-29 Thread Pablo Anzorena
Using the json facet api is quite easy
Check out:

  property_codes_group_by : {
type : terms,
field : property_code,
facet : { sum_price : "sum(price)" }

2016-07-29 7:47 GMT-03:00 andreap21 :

> Hi,
> is there any way in SOLR 5.3 to achieve grouping and do mathematical
> operations like sum, avg on a certain document property?
> Please find below example:
>   HIKS
>   Hotel Holiday Inn King's cross
>   4
>   40.99
>   HIKS
>   Hotel Holiday Inn King's cross
>   4
>   40.99
>   HIKS
>   Hotel Holiday Inn King's cross
>   4
>   40.99
> We would need to group by the property_code (HIKS) and get the sum of all
> the prices from the resulting group.
> Thanks,
> Andrea
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

how to specify a tailored schema.xml

2016-07-29 Thread Immanuel Normann

I am a returner to solr with limited experience in solr-5.2 now diving into
solr-6.1. My problem is
how to specify a tailored schema.xml

After reading several tutorials and book chapters about how to configure
schema.xml I have a basic understanding about its concepts and structure.

Now I created as exercise a core "cinema" where I intended to load the
example/films/films.xml using the command:

bin/solr create -c cinema

this creates server/solr/cinema and therein conf/managed-schema. The
comment inside managed-schema says: 'This is the Solr schema file. This
file should be named "schema.xml"' and "This example schema is the
recommended starting point for users."

Unfortunately I have a hard time to make use of managed-schema as starting
point! The problem is that I want to understand how to configure a
lightweight schema.xml which is tailored to a doc structure which is pretty
much under my control. For instance, the films.xml docs have such a simple
structure that it should be sufficient to have a simple schema.xml as that:


However, the managed-schema provided in
example/techproducts/solr/films/conf has 480 lines instead of my 12 lines.
It is full of fieldType and dynamicField specification that never apply for
this data.

Unfortunately my schema.xml doesn't work with the rest of the conf setting
that is generated with
bin/solr create -c cinema. The problem seems to be the autogenerated
solrconfig.xml. Here again this setting is full of configurations which I
probably don't want. In particular all about "Add unknown fields to the
schema" is something I definitely don't want when I know the data to be
indexed. It looks like there are many other heuristics and clever
procedures configured here that might be useful when you don't know your
data structure. The problem is that I don't understand what is going on
behind the scene. And when you know your data it is better to understand
all configurations instead of trusting in "clever" default configurations.

In fact my simple schema.xml works fine with a likewise simple



Again my simple solrconfig.xml contains only 9 lines as compared to 1482
lines in the autogenerated solrconfig.xml.

Yet, both my simple config files (schema.xml and solrconfig.xml) are not a
proper solution as it works only when solrconfig.xml is configured with


and it fails when configured (as in the autogenerated solrconfig.xml) with


Bottom line is: It would be great to get guidence on how to configure a
minimal schema.xml and solrconfig.xml for e.g. films.xml that works under
6.1.0. The config files generated with "bin/solr create ..." are quite the
opposite. These configs are probably useful when you want to allow to index
data with unpredicatble and heterogenius structures. But in the case of
homogenoues data with cotrolled structures it is much better to know how to
define a tailored minimal schema.xml and solrconfig.xml.

Any hints are apprciated!


Group and sum in SOLR 5.3

2016-07-29 Thread andreap21
is there any way in SOLR 5.3 to achieve grouping and do mathematical
operations like sum, avg on a certain document property?

Please find below example: 

  Hotel Holiday Inn King's cross

  Hotel Holiday Inn King's cross

  Hotel Holiday Inn King's cross

We would need to group by the property_code (HIKS) and get the sum of all
the prices from the resulting group.


View this message in context:
Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

How to get suggestions with numbers?

2016-07-29 Thread Lasitha Wattaladeniya
Hi devs,

Past couple of days I was trying to get solr suggestions work with my
applications.  The requirement is as follows,

I have some codes eg :abcdef2.  I should be able to type "2000" and get
suggestions as abcdef2.

I index the field containing the code to a ngram field (standard
analysers,  nothing fancy).  But it does not show the required suggestion.
I think since I'm using spellchecker component with suggester,  when I
enter numbers the solr thinks I don't need suggestions.

Can anybody help me to solve this problem?


Re: Solr Stop with -K

2016-07-29 Thread scott.chu

Check this out:

How to stop solr with command line - Stack Overflow

But I never use it. Guess that because I always use a illegal-ip-address 
private server, I never come around a secret key to be used at start/stop.

2016/7/29 (週五)
- Original Message - 
From: Srinivasa Meenavali 
To: solr-user 
Date: 2016/7/29 (週五) 14:46
Subject: Solr Stop with -K


Can somebody explain advantage of Stop solr with "-k" option ? 

-k  Stop key used to protect from stopping Solr inadvertently; default is 
"solrrocks". bin/solr stop -k solrrocks 

Srinivas Meenavalli 

This electronic mail transmission may contain privileged, 
confidential and/or proprietary information intended only for the 
person(s) named. Any use, distribution, copying or disclosure to 
another person is strictly prohibited. If you are not the 
addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery 
of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this 
message to anyone. In such case, you should destroy this message 
and kindly notify the sender by reply email. 

已透過 AVG 檢查 - 
版本: 2015.0.6201 / 病毒庫: 4627/12703 - 發佈日期: 07/28/16

Re: Query optimization

2016-07-29 Thread Ahmet Arslan
Ups I forgot the link:

On Friday, July 29, 2016 9:51 AM, Ahmet Arslan  wrote:
Hi Midas,

Please search 'deep paging' over the documentation, mailing list, etc.
Solr Deep Paging and Sorting


On Friday, July 29, 2016 9:21 AM, Midas A  wrote:

please reply .

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 10:26 AM, Midas A  wrote:

> a) my index size is 10 gb   for higher start is query response got slow .
> what should i do to optimize this query for higher start value in query

Re: Query optimization

2016-07-29 Thread Ahmet Arslan
Hi Midas,

Please search 'deep paging' over the documentation, mailing list, etc.
Solr Deep Paging and Sorting

On Friday, July 29, 2016 9:21 AM, Midas A  wrote:

please reply .

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 10:26 AM, Midas A  wrote:

> a) my index size is 10 gb   for higher start is query response got slow .
> what should i do to optimize this query for higher start value in query

Solr Stop with -K

2016-07-29 Thread Srinivasa Meenavali

Can somebody explain advantage of Stop solr with "-k" option ? 

-k  Stop key used to protect from stopping Solr inadvertently; default is 
"solrrocks". bin/solr stop -k solrrocks

Srinivas Meenavalli

This electronic mail transmission may contain privileged,
confidential and/or proprietary information intended only for the
person(s) named.  Any use, distribution, copying or disclosure to
another person is strictly prohibited.  If you are not the
addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery
of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this
message to anyone. In such case, you should destroy this message
and kindly notify the sender by reply email.

Re: Solr 6 managed-schema & version control

2016-07-29 Thread John Bickerstaff

On Jul 28, 2016 9:14 PM, "Rachid Bouacheria"  wrote:

> Jonn,
> I don't want to answer on Erick's behalf, but I am pretty sure there is no
> UI built in solr 6 that allows you to update the schema and somehow check
> it in VCS. I would guess that you could do this by exposing an MBean.
> Anyway that's how I interpreted Erick's reply.
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 6:01 PM, John Bickerstaff <
> wrote:
> > Erick - the UI you mention -- something that exists or something that has
> > to be built?  (I'm upgrading to version 6 as well and this question is
> one
> > I'll have to deal with...)
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 5:31 PM, Rachid Bouacheria 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Thank you very much Erick, I appreciate your feed back.
> > >
> > > On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 2:24 PM, Erick Erickson <
> > >
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Using classic schema is perfectly acceptable/reasonable, you can
> > > > continue to do so freely (you'll have to change to
> > > > ClassicSchemaFactory though).
> > > >
> > > > Also, you can freely edit managed-schema just as you did schema.xml.
> > > > The "trick" here is that you have to take some care _not_ to issue
> > > > commands that modify the schema or the in-memory version will
> > > > overwrite the one in ZK. Otherwise, though, you can freely use
> > > > managed-schema just as you do classic schema.
> > > >
> > > > So you can do just what you do now, keep managed-schema in VCS and
> > > > upconfig it. Also note that Solr 6.2 has "bin/solr zk
> > > > upconfig/downconfig/cp/mv/ls" functionality.
> > > >
> > > > Managed lends itself to some kind of UI that maintains it. The
> process
> > > > (IMO) for using that in prod would be something like:
> > > > > Use the UI to build your schema
> > > > > copy from ZK to your local machine
> > > > > put the configs in VCS
> > > > > Deploy using the VCS as your system-of-record.
> > > >
> > > > But that's just my approach. If you don't want to use the
> > > > managed-schema features, switch back to classic IMO.
> > > >
> > > > Best,
> > > > Erick
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 11:37 AM, Rachid Bouacheria <
> >>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > Hi All,
> > > > >
> > > > > I am upgrading from solr 4 to 6.
> > > > > In solr 4 I have a schema.xml that is under version control.
> > > > > But solr 6 has the notion of a managed schema that could be
> modified
> > > via
> > > > a
> > > > > solr api call.
> > > > > This seems great and flexible, but my assumption is that in this
> case
> > > > > zookeeper becomes the authoritative copy and not SVN or Git.
> > > > >
> > > > > And this is where things become unclear to me.
> > > > > Is the expectation to download the configuration from zk the same
> way
> > > we
> > > > do
> > > > > an svn checkout to have the configuration and run locally?
> > > > > How do we know who changed what and when?
> > > > >
> > > > > I know that there still is the option to use schema.xml by using
> > > > > the ClassicIndexSchemaFactory but I am curious to hear from y'all
> > that
> > > > use
> > > > > managed schema how you are doing it and if there are any downside,
> > > > gotchas,
> > > > > or if all is just much better :-)
> > > > >
> > > > > Seems to me that running locally is harder as you cannot just
> > checkout
> > > a
> > > > > project that contains the up to date schema.
> > > > >
> > > > > Thank you,
> > > > > Rachid.
> > > >
> > >
> >

Re: Query optimization

2016-07-29 Thread Midas A
please reply .

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 10:26 AM, Midas A  wrote:

> a) my index size is 10 gb   for higher start is query response got slow .
> what should i do to optimize this query for higher start value in query