configuring data source in apache tomcat

2012-11-19 Thread Leena Jawale

I have configured apche solr with tomcat for that I have deployed .war file in 
tomcat. I have created the solr home directory at C:\solr. And after starting 
tomcat solr.war file get extracted and a folder is get created in webapps. In 
that in WEB-INF/web.xml I had written






So after this solr admin is working.

Now I want to configure xml data source. How can I configure xml data source.?

Thanks  Regards,
Leena Jawale

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configuring solr xml as a datasource

2012-11-19 Thread Leena Jawale

I am new to solr. I am trying to use solr xml data source for solr search 
I have created test.xml file as
field name=fnameleena1/field
field name=number101/field

I have created data-config.xml file

dataSource type=FileDataSource encoding=UTF-8 /
entity name=page
field column=namexpath=/rootelement/name /
field column=number xpath=/rootelement/number /


And added below code in solrconfig.xml :
requestHandler name=/dataimport 
lst name=defaults
  str name=configC:\solr\conf\data-config.xml/str

But when I go to this link  
Its showing Total Rows Fetched=0 , Total Documents Processed=0.
How can I solve this problem? Please provide me the solution.

Thanks  Regards,
Leena Jawale
Software Engineer Trainee
Phone No. - 9762658130
Email -

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RE: Running solr on apache tomcat

2012-11-05 Thread Leena Jawale
I need both lucidwork admin and solr to run on apache tomcat.

Thanks  Regards,
Leena Jawale
Software Engineer Trainee
Phone No. - 9762658130
Email -

From: Leena Jawale
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 5:37 PM
To: ''
Subject: Running solr on apache tomcat


I have installed lucidwork enterprise 2.1.1 and apache tomcat 6. I want to run 
solr on tomcat server.
For that I need to deploy solr.war file on Tomcat Web Application Manager. But 
where can I find .war in lucidwork enterprise installation.
Or I need to make a .war file? How to make it ?
Do you have any solution for this ?

Thanks  Regards,
Leena Jawale

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Query regarding range search on int fields

2012-10-31 Thread Leena Jawale

I have created Solr XML data source. In that I want to make range query on int 
field which is price.
But by default it is considering that field as text. So I have added Price in 
the fields section making price as int,
Indexed=true, Search by default=true, Stored=true, Include in results=true.
After that when I go in Solr Admin and see the Schema Browser it is showing the 
error like
Please wait...loading and parsing Schema Information from LukeRequestHandler

If it does not load or your browser is not javascript or ajax-capable, you may 
wish to examine your schema using the Server side transformed 
 or the raw 

Could you help me in this?
Leena Jawale

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Query regarding solr search

2012-10-30 Thread Leena Jawale

I have created Solr XML data source. And on that I am working on less than 
I tried q=SerialNo:[ * TO 500 ].But It is showing records having SerialNo=1000. 
Could you help me this.?

Leena Jawale

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RE: Query regarding solr search

2012-10-30 Thread Leena Jawale

I understand that in the solr search considering the field type as text_en and 
not as int for the fields.
So how do I convert the field type of a particular field in solr XML as int so 
that I can operate that
field for range queries in solr??

Leena Jawale

From: Leena Jawale
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 12:18 PM
To: ''
Cc: 'Sawant, Amit2 '
Subject: Query regarding solr search


I have created Solr XML data source. And on that I am working on less than 
I tried q=SerialNo:[ * TO 500 ].But It is showing records having SerialNo=1000. 
Could you help me this.?

Leena Jawale

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Query regarding solr search

2012-10-30 Thread Leena Jawale

My XML file is

field name=SERIALNO type=int1001 /field
field name=MODELNAME type=textIBM 1001 /field
field name=ASSETTAG type=textINFPW03772 /field
field name=date class=solr.DateField22/4/2010 /field
field name=PRICE1 type=int1000/field
field name=SERIALNO type=int1002 /field
field name=MODELNAME type=textDELL 1002 /field
field name=ASSETTAG type=textINFPW03734 /field
field name=date class=solr.DateField09/7/2010 /field
field name=PRICE1  type=int5000/field

But still the SerialNo and price1 working according to type text.

Leena Jawale

From: Leena Jawale
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 4:58 PM
To: ''
Cc: 'Sawant, Amit2 '
Subject: RE: Query regarding solr search


I understand that in the solr search considering the field type as text_en and 
not as int for the fields.
So how do I convert the field type of a particular field in solr XML as int so 
that I can operate that
field for range queries in solr??

Leena Jawale

From: Leena Jawale
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 12:18 PM
To: ''
Cc: 'Sawant, Amit2 '
Subject: Query regarding solr search


I have created Solr XML data source. And on that I am working on less than 
I tried q=SerialNo:[ * TO 500 ].But It is showing records having SerialNo=1000. 
Could you help me this.?

Leena Jawale

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Query related to Solr XML

2012-10-19 Thread Leena Jawale


I made a Solr XML data source in lucidworks enterprise v2.1. When I search in 
Solr Admin for text. I am unable to get the result.
Could you help me in this?

Thanks  Regards,
Leena Jawale
Software Engineer Trainee
Phone No. - 9762658130
Email -

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Query related to data source

2012-10-18 Thread Leena Jawale
I want to configure MS Aceess 2007 database with data source of lucidworks 
Is it possible to configure MS Access.? What should I need to do for that?

Thanks  regards,
Leena Jawale

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Query related to data source

2012-10-18 Thread Leena Jawale

I want to configure MS Aceess 2007 database with data source of lucidworks 
Is it possible to configure MS Access.? What should I need to do for that?

Thanks  regards,
Leena Jawale

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Query related to data source in lucid imagination

2012-10-17 Thread Leena Jawale

I have installed lucidworks enterprise v2.1. In that, I want to create XML data 
But on the data source page I am unable to find the Solr XML in the dropdown 
Could you help me in this..??

Thanks  regards,
Leena Jawale

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Query related to data source

2012-10-17 Thread Leena Jawale

I have installed lucidworks enterprise v2.1. In that, I want to create XML data 
But on the data source page I am unable to find the Solr XML in the dropdown 
Could you help me in this..??

Thanks  regards,
Leena Jawale

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