Keep having error on unknown field

2007-06-14 Thread Tiong Jeffrey


When I tried to use jetty to index my xml, i kept getting the following
error even though I have defined properly in the schema.xml.

The error is -
SEVERE: org.apache.solr.core.SolrException: ERROR:unknown field 'name'...

In my schema, it was defined like this -
   filed name=name type=string indexed=true stored=true

The only different between this field and other field is that this field has
a lot of value per document, but i already set it multiValued=true. Other
than that, i don't understand what else that will makesthis different from
the other field.

Thanks a lot!


Re: Keep having error on unknown field

2007-06-14 Thread Tiong Jeffrey

arh! i spent 6-7 hours on this error and didnt see this! thanks!

On 6/15/07, Yonik Seeley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/14/07, Tiong Jeffrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The error is -
 SEVERE: org.apache.solr.core.SolrException: ERROR:unknown field

 In my schema, it was defined like this -
filed name=name type=string indexed=true stored=true

  filed = field


Re: To make sure XML is UTF-8

2007-06-12 Thread Tiong Jeffrey

Hi Ajanta,

thanks! Since I used PHP, I managed to use the PHP decode function to change
it to UTF-8.

But just a question, even if we change mysql default char-set to UTF-8, and
if the input originally is in other format, the mysql engine won't help to
convert it to UTF-8 rite? I think my question is, what is the use of
defining the char-set in mysql other than for labeling purpose?



On 6/13/07, Ajanta Phatak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Not sure if you've had a solution for your problem yet, but I had dealt
with a similar issue that is mentioned below and hopefully it'll help
you too. Of course, this assumes that your original data is in utf-8

The default charset encoding for mysql is Latin1 and our display format
was utf-8 and that was the problem. These are the steps I performed to
get the search data in utf-8 format..

Changed the my.cnf as so (though we can avoid this by executing commands
on every new connection if we don't want the whole db in utf format):

Under: [mysqld] added:
# setting default charset to utf-8

Under: [client]

After changing, restarted mysqld, re-created the db, re-inserted all the
data again in the db using my data insert code (java program) and
re-created the Solr index. The key is to change the settings for both
the mysqld and client sections in my.cnf - the mysqld setting is to make
sure that mysql doesn't convert it to latin1 while storing the data and
the client setting is to ensure that the data is not converted while
accessing - going in or coming out from the server.


Tiong Jeffrey wrote:
 Ya you are right! After I change it to UTF-8 the error still there... I
 looked at the log, this is what it appears, -  -  [10/06/2007:03:52:06 +] POST /solr/update
 HTTP/1.1 500

 I tried to search but couldn't understand what error is this, anybody
 any idea on this?


 On 6/10/07, Chris Hostetter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 : way during indexing is - FATAL: Connection error (is Solr running at
 : http://localhost/solr/update
 : ?): Server returned HTTP Response code: 500 for
 : http://local/solr/update;
 : 4.Although the error code doesnt specify is XML utf-8 code error,
 but I
 : a bit research, and look at the XML file that i have, it doesn't
 : utf-8 encoding

 I *strongly* encourage you to look at the body of the response and/or
 error log of your Servlet container and find out *exactly* what the
 of the error is ... you could spend a lot of time working on this and
 discover it's not your real problem.


Re: To make sure XML is UTF-8

2007-06-09 Thread Tiong Jeffrey

This is how the whole process looks like -

1. I have a web page that I want to index. So I first copy that web page,
breaking it down to different section, and store it in mysql into different
2. I then wrote a small PHP script that draw all the value from all the
fields from mysql and then write it into an xml file
3. I then use solr to index this xml file, and the error that appears half
way during indexing is - FATAL: Connection error (is Solr running at
?): Server returned HTTP Response code: 500 for URL:
4.Although the error code doesnt specify is XML utf-8 code error, but I did
a bit research, and look at the XML file that i have, it doesn't fulfill the
utf-8 encoding

I have been trying these for couple of hours, but still to no avail. I would
like to find out
1. How to know the webpage that I copy into my mysql is what coding?
2. at what point of this whole process should I convert it to UTF-8? I tried
change the collation in mysql for all the columns to UTF-8 from
latin1-swedish, but it still doesnt work



 Thought this is not directly related to Solr, but I have a XML output
 mysql database, but during indexing the XML output is not working. And
 problem is part of the XML output is not in UTF-8 encoding, how can I
 convert it to UTF-8 and how do I know what kind of coding it uses in the
 first place (the data I export from the mysql database). Thanks!

How do you generate XML output? Output itself is usually a raw byte
array, it uses Transport and Encoding. If you save it in a file
system and forget about transport-layer-encoding you will get some
new problems...

 during indexing the XML output is not working
- what exactly happens, which kind of error messages?

How to use SolrQuery PHP

2007-06-09 Thread Tiong Jeffrey

Hi all,

I am trying to send a query to Solr from my PHP script and retrieve the
results. I found this script on the wiki

I tried to use it but I guess I didn't use it correctly, there wasn't any
result appear (blank). Below is my simple code to use the Solrquery class.

  $query = new SolrQuery;

   $query-limit = 10;
   $query-group_id = 1;

   $results = $query-runQuery(water);
   echo $results;

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this? And if there is any other way to
do this? Thanks!

Cannot index '' this character using post.jar

2007-06-08 Thread Tiong Jeffrey

Hi all,

I tried to index a document that has '' using post.jar. But during the
indexing it causes error and it wont finish the indexing. Can I know why is
this and how to prevent this? Thanks!
