Re: Facet count mismatch between solr simple facet and Json facet API.

2015-11-29 Thread rks_lucene
I am facing the same issue. Thanks for letting me know about the JIRA.

I think this is a very big issue especially for those looking at Solr as a
NoSQL analytics engine.


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Re: Search for All CAPS words

2015-08-07 Thread rks_lucene
Took me a while but I tried it and its works perfectly. Thanks a lot !!

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Search for All CAPS words

2015-07-30 Thread rks_lucene

I need the capability to search for /GATE/ separately from /gate/.

I cannot remove the lowercase filter factory in both my search and analysis
chains since that will break many other search scenarios.

Is there a way to payload/mark an ALL CAPS word in the index analyzer chain
before it gets lowercased (by the lowercasefilterfactory) so that I can
search it with some custom grammar and logic in my query parser.

Say I want:

Field:_gate to match /GATE/ only

Field:gate to match both /GATE/ and /gate/

Any pointers would be helpful.


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Re: Search for All CAPS words

2015-07-30 Thread rks_lucene
Thanks and I did think of the copy field option. So what you are suggesting
is that I have a copyfield in which I do not keep the lowercase factory
analyzer in my indexing/query chains.

I am afraid that would not help if my search query is complex with many
words (say a boolean with proximity operators) because the full search
string would have go into the copyfield (not having the lowercase). The rest
of the words other than /GATE/ wouldnt match properly then.


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Question on Solr Relevancy using Okapi BM25F

2014-08-19 Thread rks_lucene
I am trying to get OkapiBM25F working over some press release articles I am
indexing. The data has text portions spread across 3 fields - Title, Summary
and Full Article. 

 I would like to influence the standard BM25 by giving more weight to words
in title and summary of the article than the full description. The
importance has to be of the order title  Summary  Full description.

I am unable to find schema examples online that can help me with it. 

Can someone guide me with a possible schema for this. (or a link to an
article/blog that explains it)

Thanks for your help.


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Re: Group.Facet issue in Sharded Solr Setup

2014-02-11 Thread rks_lucene
Quick follow up on my question below and if anyone is using Group.facets in a
sharded solr setup ?

Based on further testing, the group.facets counts dont seem reliable at all
for lesser popular items in the facet list.

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Group.Facet issue in Sharded Solr Setup

2014-02-07 Thread rks_lucene
Am facing an issue with counts when using group.facets in my sharded solr.
(Groups do not overlap across shards and for various reasons I cannot use

Now, the problem being faced is that for items ranking lower in the faceted
list sorted by count, the group facet counts are coming *higher* than actual

So on doing an online search I came across details of sharded faceting at
this link:

From the above link it appears there is a *third corrective step* wherein
the coordinator node after getting individual results and building a final
list, asks each shard to compute it's exact count for selected constraints.

I wanted to ask if the Group.facet implementation in 4.x has been factored
in this step and that the coordinator node is asking for grouped facet
values instead of ungrouped facet counts during the corrective step ?

Asking this because, counts are coming right for the 50% of the popular
items but are incorrect (and always higher) for lesser items. 

Also has anyone else faced this ?


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Can this type of sorting/boosting be done by solr

2012-02-23 Thread rks_lucene

I have a journal article citation schema like this:
{  AT - article_title
   AID - article_id (Unique id)
   AREFS - article_references_list (List of article id's referred/cited in
this article. Multi-valued)
   AA - Article Abstract

So for example, in order to search for all those articles that refer(cite)
article id 51643, I simply need to search for AREFS:51643 and it will give
me the list of articles that have 51643 listed in AREFS.

Now, I want to be able to search in the text of articles and sort the
results by most referred articles. How can I do this ?

Say if my search query is q=AT:metal and it gives me 1700 results. How can I
sort 1700 results by those that have received maximum number of citations by

I have been researching function queries to solve this but have been unable
to do so.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Can this type of sorting/boosting be done by solr

2012-02-23 Thread rks_lucene
Dear Chantal,

Thanks for your reply, but thats not what I was asking.

Let me explain. The size of the list in AREFS would give me how many records
are *referred by* an article and NOT how many records *refer to* an article.

Say if an article id - 51463 has been published in 2002 and refers to 10
articles dating from 1990-2002. Then the count of AREFS would be 10 which is
static once the journal has been published.

However if the same article is being *referred to* by 20 articles published
from 2003-2012 then I am talking about this 20 count. This count is dynamic
and as we keep adding records to the index, there are more articles that
will refer to article 51463 it in their AREFS field in the future.
/(Obviously when we are adding article 51463 to the index we have no clue
who will be referring to it in the future, so we can have another field in
it for this, nor can be update 51463 everytime someone refers to it)/

So today, if I want to know who all are referring to 51463, by actually
searching for this id in the AREFS field. The query is as simple as
q=AREFS:51463 and it will given the list of articles from 2003 to 2012 and
the result count would be 20.

So back to the question, say if my search query is q=AT:metal and it gives
me 1700 results. How can I 
sort 1700 results by those that have received maximum number of citations
(till date) by others. (i.e., that have maximum number of results if I
individually search their ids in the AREFS field).

Hope this makes it clear. I feel this is a sort/boost by function query
candidate. But I am not able to figure it out.


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Re: Can this type of sorting/boosting be done by solr

2012-02-23 Thread rks_lucene
Hi Chantal,

Yes, I have thought about the docfreq(field_name,'search_text') function,
but somehow I will have dereference the article id's (AID) from the result
of the query to the sort. The below query does not work:


Is there a mistake in the query that am missing out or is dereferencing not
supported in Relevence functions ?


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