Re: Package licensing part I - the approach - was Github example

2017-09-15 Thread W. Trevor King
On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 06:02:00AM +, Gisi, Mark wrote:
> How does one define “accurate and complete” when a package’s “top
> level” license does not represent all the files contained within the
> package (think license diversity).  Although there was no standard
> agreement on what “accurate and complete” meant, I got the strong
> impression looking at the customer’s spreadsheet that a package’s
> top level license was not enough.

If you're going to look through the package an conclude licenses for
each file (a good idea when you need this level of detail), then
you'll have declared/concluded licenses for each file (or parts of
files, if you use snippets).  Once you've collected that, an “accurate
and complete” license for the package would be the AND-ed combination
of all the file/snippet licenses.

However, in many cases there will be content in those packages that is
not ending up in the final device (e.g. documentation, some license
files, project management and policy information, …) that someone
shipping a device does not care about.  Those file/snippet licenses
won't matter to them (unless they are interested in pushing doc
patches back upstream, or some such).

So I'd recommend just providing those customers with file/snippet
granularity and find a workflow that does not bother with “package

If they can't support that level of granularity, ask them to provide
you with a list of files/snippets they care about and only AND their
licenses to conclude a selected-project-subset license.

If they can't provide a list of files/snippets they care about and can
only accept conclusions at the package level, then they're going to
get things like “GPL-3.0 AND Verbatim” for a package that includes
GPL-3.0 code and the text of the GPL 3.0.  But the Verbatim license
contains no onerous conditions for someone shipping devices, so they
probably won't mind.

> There are obviously other types of open source users who do not
> share the same compliance challenges as Stakeholder #1. Consider
> businesses that provides Software as a Service (SaaS) where the lion
> share of the open source runs in the data center as opposed to being
> distributed on millions of devices. Think of Facebook, Netflix,
> Airbnb, and Lyft. For SaaS provider’s software distribution is
> typically not a consideration (except perhaps for the apps you
> download onto your phone). The license compliance complexity and
> risk profile for a SaaS provider is very low compared to device
> makers, their need for SPDX file level licensing information tends
> to very low, if at all.

Maybe the risk is lower, but they have the same issue.  For example,
the AGPL-3.0 has explicit requriments for this use case [1].  Where
detailed licensing is expensive, SaaS providers end up cutting
corners.  But if everyone was doing things right, SaaS providers would
have the same audit-trail robustness that you attribute to device

> Many of the products you use (or drive) are created by Stakeholder
> #1. If they lack sufficient file level licensing information…

And nobody is arguing for removing file/snippet granularity (just like
nobody is arguing for removing LicenseRef [2]).  So what problems does
SPDX not address for either of these use cases?


 Subject: Re: GPLv2 - Github example
 Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2017 09:45:38 -0700
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RE: Package licensing part I - the approach - was Github example

2017-09-15 Thread Gisi, Mark
Thank you Richard, Kyle and Trevor for providing insights into what is 
important to Stakeholder #2 (developers).

Before we proceed to the next step, I would like to provide insights into what 
is important to Stakeholder #1. It might be helpful to understand because one 
of the catalysts for creating SPDX was Stakeholder #1's license compliance 

Stakeholder #1


A typical Stakeholder #1 would be a device maker that embeds software into the 
products they manufacture. Think of the typical manufacturers for TVs, 
printers, network routers, cameras, smart thermostats, automobiles, industrial 
robots, elevators, train control systems, wind turbines, medical devices, and 
so forth. Also think of all the “Things” in the Internet of Things. We are 
talking about billions of devices[1]. Linux combined with other open source 
solutions typically serve as the nervous system of those devices and represents 
the lion share of the software that runs on them. Each time a device sold 
(distributed) it triggers a set of license obligations that are typically more 
complex than other types of open source use cases (e.g., SaaS). Compliance at 
the file level is particularly relevant. Most device makers are committed to 
doing the right thing - i.e., they want to provide all the required source 
code, attribution notices, copies of license and so forth. Although not every 
company takes compliance to the same level, many of the device manufactures are 
quite advanced. They need to comply with the licensing of the libraries and 
binaries that end up on their device’s runtime. To determine the licensing for 
each of the libraries and binaries, the device maker needs to understand  the 
licensing of the source files from which they were constructed. Therefore the 
file level license is very important whereas the top level package license is 
much less so.

File level compliance can be challenging. Well managed open source projects 
typically include a license notice in every file, but unfortunately many 
projects do not. Furthermore, the more successful a project is, the more it 
shares (and borrows) code with other projects that are potentially under 
different licenses. This leads to license diversity at the file level, a 
byproduct of successful sharing and a reality that we need to embrace. SPDX 
facilitates the management of license diversity while making missing license 
information transparent. SPDX data is a valuable input into a device maker’s 
compliance program.

I have come to understand the concerns of Stakeholder #1 through contract 
negotiations I participated in with Wind River customers (largely device 
makers). In the past customers use to include all kinds of language on what 
defines open source and how they wanted licensing information delivered (often 
in their own custom spreadsheet format). The words that made me pause every 
time were: “we need you to provide *accurate and compete* licensing information 
for each Linux package”. How does one define “accurate and complete” when a 
package’s “top level” license does not represent all the files contained within 
the package (think license diversity). Although there was no standard agreement 
on what “accurate and complete” meant, I got the strong impression looking at 
the customer’s spreadsheet that a package’s top level license was not enough. 
SPDX played a valuable role whenever a customer tried to define what open 
source was and what their licensing reporting expectations were.  I replaced 
their language with the promise to deliver licensing  information using SPDX, 
the Linux community’s license reporting standard. All the concerns around 
“accurate and complete” went away. Furthermore, the time and cost saving by 
having to deal with just one format vs hundreds was significant.

SPDX is Not for Everyone:


There are obviously other types of open source users who do not share the same 
compliance challenges as Stakeholder #1. Consider businesses that provides 
Software as a Service (SaaS) where the lion share of the open source runs in 
the data center as opposed to being distributed on millions of devices. Think 
of Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, and Lyft. For SaaS provider’s software 
distribution is typically not a consideration (except perhaps for the apps you 
download onto your phone). The license compliance complexity and risk profile 
for a SaaS provider is very low compared to device makers, their need for SPDX 
file level licensing information tends to very low, if at all.

Hard to Ignore Stakeholder #1:


Many of the products you use (or drive) are created by Stakeholder #1. If they 
lack sufficient file level licensing information it becomes much more difficult 
and costly to deliver the source code and attribution notices you deserve (and 
the source code authors expect). All in all, SPDX enables device makers to 

RE: Package licensing part I - the approach - was Github example

2017-09-13 Thread Copenhaver, Karen
Thanks to both Richard and Kyle for very helpful posts.  Ditto on Kyle's 
recognition of the amazing work of so many people on this project.

I confess that I am still thrilled to see any embrace of the SPDX license 
expressions by developers.  I have said many times over the course of many 
years that SPDX Nirvana would be use of SPDX identifiers by projects.  A 
glimpse of a galaxy far far away where there is one seamless automated path 
from projects to fully compliant end user products is so tantalizing.

And we have talked about the two different parts of the SPDX story.  One I will 
call SPDX output (a format for a machine and human readable expression of the 
contents of a specific package of software) and the other upstream use of SPDX 
identifiers that would make it easier to automate the production of quality 
SPDX output.  We knew how to work on the SPDX output and we knew we could only 
hope that the developers would find something useful that would bring them into 
the conversation.  We never expected to dictate to developers.

I still believe both the SPDX sides come together at the top level goal:  at 
the end of the supply chain products comply with the license obligations.  I 
still believe SPDX output and Open Chain are important to achieving consistent 
end product compliance.  But your notes are very helpful to my understanding of 
where the goals of the two parts of SPDX may diverge.

The SPDX output team knows that the full potential of SPDX output will only be 
realized if the community norm is high quality.  We only move the needle on 
compliance if the SPDX output is accurate.  We only eliminate duplicative work 
if there is a reasonable expectation of SPDX reliability.  We only get vendors 
in the supply chain to implement processes to know what OS they are using if 
the SPDX's are actually used and useful.  So the SPDX team has focused on 
imposing exacting standards that will survive the scrutiny of even the most 
conservative lawyers.

What I think I am hearing is that developers think that the lawyers have once 
again let the perfect be the enemy of the good.  The developers want to devote 
more time on the code then they spend making lawyers happy.  The highly 
exacting standards that add quality when the license identifier is used in the 
context of SPDX output feels ridiculous when they just want a convenient short 
hand for a license reference.

I know it is more complicated than this, and I know I  am not smart enough to 
know what the bridge is that keeps the conversations together.  But I do know 
that both sides are valuable and that both sides have something to gain from 
the work of the other - use of OS projects in compliant end user products.

And as you all know, I could go on and on about how important open source and 
collaborative development is to humankind.

Richard, thank you once again for the time you take to educate all of us.  Your 
insights are invaluable.  I think I am beginning to understand the disconnect.  
That is always the right first step.

[] On Behalf Of Kyle Mitchell
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 12:02 PM
To: Richard Fontana
Cc: SPDX-legal
Subject: Re: Package licensing part I - the approach - was Github example

My first order of business here is to reaffirm my
gratitude to the stalwarts of the SPDX team. A
frankly staggering amount of work and thought has
gone into this and other lists over the years, and
a very nice portion of that has settled its way
out into various outputs---spec, license list,
software, not GitHub repositories---from which
others now benefit. Should be a great source of

I think the distinction Mark introduced and
Richard elaborated is a sound one. I could
quibble with some details---or maybe some
language, it may boil down to just that---but at a
high level, I think I see the picture as they do.
Some see SPDX primarily as a way to describe
others' work, and trade those conclusions. Some
making software now see SPDX as a tool to apply
themselves to their own work, directly, in ways
that travel together with the code itself.

The point I'd like to offer---and celebrate!---is
that the _modularity_ of SPDX' approach
facilitated those new and perhaps unanticipated
uses. Many programming language package metadata
standards picked up the License List for
standardized strings to refer to specific form
licenses quite early on. We also saw that with
SPDX-License-Identifier in header comments. The
license expression language allowed those on the
self-describing side to take even _more_ work and
wisdom from the SPDX spec.

In the case of npm, we ran into
adoption-implementation challenges right at the
boundary between the expression language and the
rest of the spec. How do we handle non-standard
licenses? What do we do with LicenseRef-*? That's
a very common experience when adopting an approach
"abstracted out of" a lar

Re: Package licensing part I - the approach - was Github example

2017-09-13 Thread W. Trevor King
On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 11:07:52AM -0400, Richard Fontana wrote:
> The other SPDX is the use of something that *superficially* looks
> like SPDX-conformant license expressions to describe licensing in a
> way that is, I guess, outside the intended scope of SPDX. Examples
> of this nonconformant use of SPDX license expressions include
> developers annotating the licensing of their own software as well as
> distributors annotating the licensing of things they distribute.

That's officially supported by the spec with Appendix V (Using SPDX
short identifiers in Source Files [1], new in 2.1 [2]).

> In particular I would assert that these two uses of SPDX are
> fundamentally in conflict.

Can you go into more details about the conflict you see?  License
expressions seem like they're designed to express the license of a
(possibly combined) work, including the declared license of a package
[3] or file [4].  Both of those fields take license-expression values,
with additional ‘NONE’ and ‘NOASSERTION’.  That sounds like the exact
same use case to me as the SPDX-License-Identifier use case (which
also takes license-expression values [1]), with the differnce being
that an SPDX-License-Identifier entry in the file is the file author
declaring the license, and the PackageLicenseDeclared and
LicenseInfoInFile entries in an external SPDX file may have been
written by someone else.  But in both cases, they're trying to express
a declared license for the file.  The npm package.json license field
[5] is just like SPDX-License-Identifier, except it's the author
declaring a package-level license.  All of these use cases need a
compact, machine-readable way to express the license of a work, and
license expressions seem like a good fit for all of them to me.

There is the difficulty that outside of an SPDX file, there's no way
to define custom licenses (LicenseRef-*).  For most projects, the
licenses and exceptions they need are already in the SPDX license
list, so they don't need that functionality.  For projects who need a
license that's not in the SPDX list in a license-expression-only
context, submitting the license for SPDX inclusion is fairly
straightforward.  The only issue with submission is that sometimes the
license is rejected (although I don't have a link I can cite for this)
and sometimes it is judged sufficiently similar with an existing
license (e.g. “and” vs. “and/or” in ISC-ish licenses [6,7]).  But
that's not an insurmountable problem.  We can always add a:

   LicenseURI "${URI}"

operator to license expressions that supports RFC 3986 URIs [8] to
provide folks with a way to reference not-in-the-SPDX-list licenses
(with a similar ExceptionURI for exceptions?).

You're obviously not going to have all the expressive power of a full
SPDX file in the license expression, but if all you're aiming for is
declaring a license, I don't see why you would need more structure
than license expressions.


  Subject: New License/Exception Request
  Date: Thu Apr 30 17:56:52 UTC 2015

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Spdx-legal mailing list

Re: Package licensing part I - the approach - was Github example

2017-09-13 Thread Kyle Mitchell
My first order of business here is to reaffirm my
gratitude to the stalwarts of the SPDX team.  A
frankly staggering amount of work and thought has
gone into this and other lists over the years, and
a very nice portion of that has settled its way
out into various outputs---spec, license list,
software, not GitHub repositories---from which
others now benefit.  Should be a great source of

I think the distinction Mark introduced and
Richard elaborated is a sound one.  I could
quibble with some details---or maybe some
language, it may boil down to just that---but at a
high level, I think I see the picture as they do.
Some see SPDX primarily as a way to describe
others' work, and trade those conclusions.  Some
making software now see SPDX as a tool to apply
themselves to their own work, directly, in ways
that travel together with the code itself.

The point I'd like to offer---and celebrate!---is
that the _modularity_ of SPDX' approach
facilitated those new and perhaps unanticipated
uses.  Many programming language package metadata
standards picked up the License List for
standardized strings to refer to specific form
licenses quite early on.  We also saw that with
SPDX-License-Identifier in header comments.  The
license expression language allowed those on the
self-describing side to take even _more_ work and
wisdom from the SPDX spec.

In the case of npm, we ran into
adoption-implementation challenges right at the
boundary between the expression language and the
rest of the spec.  How do we handle non-standard
licenses?  What do we do with LicenseRef-*?  That's
a very common experience when adopting an approach
"abstracted out of" a larger system.  The origin
and the newly independent tool never quite totally

I'd suggest that we reinforce and celebrate the
extent to which the wise organization of SPDX and
its outputs facilitates diverse use.  Diverse use
tends to bring in more people, which makes a
better project.  Diverse use tends to reveal more
about the project and the nature of good
solutions, under different demands and
aspirations, which also makes a better project.

Kyle Mitchell, attorney // Oakland // (510) 712 - 0933
Spdx-legal mailing list

Re: Package licensing part I - the approach - was Github example

2017-09-13 Thread Richard Fontana
Just a comment, which seems to resonate with some of what you are saying and 
expresses something I've been struggling with for a while: 

As (mostly) an intentionally-not-watching-too-closely bystander wrt SPDX, for 
some time I've realized that SPDX means at least two different things. There is 
SPDX as contemplated by those who have been most closely and actively involved 
in its development. This anticipates the creation of SPDX-conformant files and 
among other things defines an important distinction between "declared" and 
"concluded" licenses -- while expecting the use of an identical license 
expression language for both, which, as an aside, I think is conceptually very 

The other SPDX is the use of something that *superficially* looks like 
SPDX-conformant license expressions to describe licensing in a way that is, I 
guess, outside the intended scope of SPDX. Examples of this nonconformant use 
of SPDX license expressions include developers annotating the licensing of 
their own software as well as distributors annotating the licensing of things 
they distribute. 

It's the second use of SPDX that in recent years I see catching on in the real 
world of developers and vendors and users, and not the first. The first use of 
SPDX continues after many years to be relegated to an extremely small set of 
enthusiasts, and I think to the rest of the world seems impractical for various 
reasons. In particular I would assert that these two uses of SPDX are 
fundamentally in conflict. 

>From what I can see, the SPDX group counts the second development as a set of 
>signs of "adoption of SPDX". For example, when Fedora began to consider 
>"switching to SPDX" for RPM spec file license tags (which still is nowhere 
>near actual adoption and implementation, for reasons relating to this post), I 
>think the SPDX group saw that as a potential major victory. But that is not 
>really accurate at all. What's happening is that SPDX license expressions have 
>been hijacked to a non-contemplated use which is of much greater interest to 
>the community than the original contemplated use for SPDX. 

These seem to correspond directly to your two stakeholders, except the second 
stakeholder in my mind also includes non-developers who are looking for a 
simple, standardized way to adequately describe the licensing of things they 
distribute. Maybe that's a third stakeholder which sees value in the LEL that 
is similar to what the second stakeholder sees. 

Now speaking specifically of things Red Hat is involved with, we have 
essentially zero interest in the first use of SPDX. Basically no one we 
encounter (outside of some individuals on this list) wants to create or see 
conformant SPDX files - not projects, not us as a company, not our customers. 
But we see a growing interest in the second use of SPDX from developers of Red 
Hat-maintained projects, in certain internal engineering efforts, and with a 
small number of customers, and an accompanying growing dissatisfaction with 
other conventions for describing licensing of software components. And one of 
the big challenges in this second use of SPDX is developing a set of 
conventions that hides sufficient complexity in license description, which I 
think is philosophically completely at odds with the basic direction of 
official SPDX. The conflict is such that I wonder whether there really 
shouldn't be a separate official effort around the second use of SPDX. 


- Original Message -

From: "Mark Gisi"  
To: "SPDX-legal"  
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 1:13:51 AM 
Subject: Package licensing part I - the approach - was Github example 

How to move forward: 

It appears we have not collectively agreed on what the problem is. I believe 
this is because there are at least two different stakeholders expressing two 
different sets of requirements for the License Expression Language (LEL). 
Stakeholder 1 (Traditional): Linux License Compliance people who use SPDX to 
deliver accurate and complete licensing information for Linux packages - many 
of which they did not author but may have patched. Accurate and complete 
licensing means from the package level down to each file level (using 
reasonable efforts). 
Stakeholder 2 (New): Developers who want to use license expressions i) in their 
code in place of the more tradition license notices and ii) for package level 
licensing designations. 

There are three steps I would like to suggest we achieve before developing 
updates to the LEL. 

1) Describe the background on how the LEL was designed to date and the process 
used. The hope is that we can continue using the same process. 

2) Define the requirements for the two different stakeholders and perhaps 
identify other stakeholders or correct the ones that are identified above. 

3) Use the requirements to come up with a more precise problem description. 

Before we proceed - any feedback