[spectre] Fwd: Champ Libre: New Artistic Direction

2007-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann

X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
From: Champ libre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 12:57:54 -0400
Subject: Communique NOUVELLE DIRECTION ARTISTIQUE / Press release

C.P. St-André
B.P. 32130
Montréal, Québec, H2L 4Y5
T : 514 - 393 3937
F : 514 - 393 4176


Montréal, le 21 mars 2007 / Montreal, March 21th 2007



Le conseil d'administration de Champ Libre est heureux d'annoncer la
nomination de Mme Cécile Martin à la fonction de directrice
artistique. Cécile Martin continuera d'assumer la direction générale
du centre de création interdisciplinaire en art, fonction qu'elle
occupait déjà depuis cinq ans.

Le conseil d'administration et la nouvelle directrice générale et
artistique tiennent à souligner la contribution artistique
inestimable de François Cormier, fondateur de Champ Libre, qui, au
cours des quinze premières années d'existence de l'organisme, lui a
donné son identité et sa place dans le paysage artistique québécois.
Nous lui souhaitons le plus grand succès dans ses nouveaux projets.

Le prochain événement organisé par Champ Libre, Vue de la Forêt : 8e
Manifestation Internationale Vidéo et Art Électronique, Montréal
(MIVAEM) - Temps 1, aura lieu du 27 au 29 septembre 2007 dans
l'espace Nature Légère du Palais des Congrès de Montréal, ou
Lipstick Forest, de l'architecte/paysagiste Claude Cormier.

Le conseil d'administration de Champ Libre : Serge Cardinal
(président), Bertrand Émard (secrétaire-trésorier), Louise Pelletier
et Stéphane Bertrand.


The Board of Directors of Champ Libre is happy to announce the
nomination of Ms Cécile Martin to the function of Artistic Director.
Cécile Martin will continue to act as the General Director of the
centre for interdisciplinary artistic creation, position that she
had already been occupying for five years.

The Board of Directors and the new General and Artistic Director
would like to emphasize the invaluable artistic contribution of
François Cormier, founder of Champ Libre. During the first fifteen
years of existence of the organization, Mr. Cormier has given Champ
Libre its identity and place in the Quebecois artistic landscape. We
wish him the greatest success in his new projects.

The up coming-event organized by Champ Libre, View of the Forest:
8th Manifestation Internationale Vidéo et Art Électronique, Montréal
(MIVAEM) - Part 1, will take place from September 27th to 29th 2007
at Montreal's Congress Center in the premises of Lipstick Forest
designed Claude Cormier landscape architect.

The Board of Directors of Champ Libre: Serge Cardinal (president),
Bertrand Émard (secretary treasurer), Louise Pelletier and Stéphane

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] lea special issue:Creative Data: Visualisation, Augmentation, Telepresence And Immersion call for abstracts

2007-03-28 Diskussionsfäden hight
*Creative Data: Visualisation, Augmentation, Telepresence And Immersion*

Guest Editors: *Jack Ox, Jeremy Hight, and Erik Champion *

Editorial Guidelines: http://leoalmanac.org/cfp/submit/index.asp
Discussion Group: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Deadline: *8 July 2007 *
*Call for papers - LEA Creative Data Special*

The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (ISSN No: 1071-4391) is inviting papers and
artworks that deal with the emerging practice of data visualization as an
immersive experience. Data has long been the property and domain of screen
based collection, archiving, processing and interaction. The emergence of
new processes, functionality and ways of interacting with information is
opening up several new areas of great possibility in which the data allows
newfound thematic and engaging forms of immersion, as well as innovative and
perception-reshaping interaction.

Consider a simple analogy; to swim in a pool is to understand three
dimensionality, interaction, spatial relationships and a macro-micro view,
as well as contextual and embodied interaction. Can we swim with data? How
do we build, debate and discuss the future and shape of immersivity in its
relation to data? Can the representation of data as an immersive environment
be considered a creative accomplishment or support creativity in action or
as spectacle? How does this change the way we collect and archive
information? How does it relate to our ways of interacting with information
in study and analysis? How can this enhance or fuse key aspects of image
projection, virtual reality, augmented reality, new media and even locative

We are looking for essays, interviews, reports and other forms of writing
that look at spatialization and layering of information, a greater sense of
immersion, new forms of visualization and depth of field, precedents, future
applications and connotations, our relationship to immersion and information
inherently as how this applies to this new area.

Topics of interest may include (but are not limited to): case study related
analysis, historical context and related precedents, future and new
applications of the technology, spatial relationship analysis and analysis
of immersive interaction, screen based graphic visualization, project and
concepts of augmentation, relationship to augmented reality, virtual
reality, locative media and spatial interaction, data visualization,
creativity and the drawn line between science and art, applications to
spatial interpretation of architecture (from buildings to architecture of
data, form, etc.), or new paradigms of the kinesthetic and proprioception
applied to multi leveled or layered data and information processing
(data/and/or human) in ways that creates or enhances immersivity. There is a
nexus point of technology, information, creativity and interaction that
connects back to essential concepts of seeing, ordering, interacting and
interpreting. This call invites papers that explore the myriad ways this is
now possible.
*Key topics of interest *

How can scientific data be streamlined and filtered to immerse the public in
an intuitive and explorative yet also educational manner? Or allow them to
explore their neighborhood, world or even universe at vastly varying scales
and detail without cognitive overload?

How can various fields and disciplines and areas of artistic endeavor take
advantage of new digital technologies to mediate new spatial experiences and

Which networking and distributed technologies and systems have and can be
creatively used to share the thoughts, actions and feelings of artists,
scientists, actors and/or participants? Immersive environments are not
standing alone today. They are more often part of a network of immersive
environments. For instance, the OptiPuter consortium (
http://www.optiputer.net/) has developed and distributed OptiPortals to
many of its members. An OptiPortal is an immersive SAGE WALL that is
connected to the LambdaRail ( http://www.glif.is/). Huge data sets do not
have to be stored at more than one site as it is less expensive to
communicate them over optical networking that has a capacity of up to 10Gb
per second.
How can virtual reality technology and thematic interaction combine to
create immersive and engaging digitally mediated experiences? For example,
what new types of audience participation, setting, interfaces, interaction
devices and metaphors, background story etc can help add to a specific sense
of space place or time in order to enhance engagement and a sense of
immersion in a virtual environment?

While case study based analysis and 

[spectre] Fwd: [!Bitnik] Arien fuer Alle - Arias for All!

2007-03-28 Diskussionsfäden sven koenig
pre!--- arghhh - scroll down for english version --

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 / /___/ ___ |/ /___/ // // /|  / /_/ /_/
 \/_/  |_/_/_/___/_/ |_/\(_)

  http://www.opera-calling.com -
  Arien für Alle! | Arias for All!

Liebe Freunde der 8KHz Opern-Übertragung

Wir haben der Oper das Telefonieren gelehrt! Opera Calling erweitert das
Zürcher Opernhaus weiterhin um einen zusätzlichen Klangraum. Über Wanzen,
die im Zuschauerraum platziert sind, bekommt die Zürcher Bevölkerung 
freien Zugang (frei wie in freie Meinungsäusserung, nicht wie in 
Freibier!) zu den Vorstellungen. Dabei werden die Vorstellungen nicht
ausgestrahlt, sondern die ZuhörerInnen angerufen und direkt ins 
Opernhaus verbunden.

Was bisher geschah: In den letzten beiden Wochen hat Opera Calling zehn
Opernaufführungen an 1489 Haushalte übertragen. Die Zürcher Oper
behauptet zwei Wanzen gefunden und zerstört zu haben. Mit der Oper in
frenetischer Suche engagiert und einer unbekannten Anzahl Wanzen, die 
noch gefunden werden wollen, geht das *Spektakel* weiter...

Die ZuhörerInnen zuhause waren bisher übrigens durchwegs erfreut über die
aussergewöhnliche und unerwartete Möglichkeit am Telefon den Vorstellungen
des Opernhauses zuhören zu können. Die bisherigen Anrufe können während
des Tages in der Installation im Cabaret Voltaire angehört werden. Ein
paar Beispiele finden sich auch online unter:

Arien für Alle!

Sven König und !Mediengruppe Bitnik

### Nächste Aufführungen ###

29.03.2007 18:00:00 - 23:15:00, Parsifal by Wagner
30.03.2007 19:30:00 - 22:30:00, Il Barbiere di Siviglia by Rossini
31.03.2007 17:00:00 - 22:15:00, Parsifal by Wagner
01.04.2007 13:00:00 - 17:00:00, Le Nozze di Figaro by Mozart
01.04.2007 20:00:00 - 22:30:00, Don Quixote by Minkus

### Zur Statistik ##

Anzahl Anrufe...1489 
Besetzt oder Unbeantwortet...830
Dauer aller Übertragungen...22:00:18
Längster Anruf..00:57:08
Kürzester Anruf.00:00:01
Durchschnittliche Anrufdauer00:02:01

### Termine! ###

«A Hack A Day» - Die Workshop-Reihe zur Ausstellung. Praktische Anleitungen
für den Hacker-Alltag.

Samstag, 31. März 2007 - 14:00h, Cabaret Voltaire

* Dataprocession: Die Netzgrenze feiern
* Reiseleitung: Sofatrips.com - Mario Purkathofer
* Eine Stadtwanderung durch die Informationslandschaft mit cleveren Things
  von KünstlerInnen und HackerInnen. Anmeldung erforderlich. 

* http://www.sofatrips.com/?page=trips_netzgrenze

Samstag, 14. April 2007 - 14:00h, Cabaret Voltaire

* An Afternoon of Good Clean Fun with C6
* Wir erforschen gemeinsam mit dem Kuenstlerkollektiv C6.org aus London 
  die Zuercher Galerien-Landschaft und erfahren, wer die wirklichen 
  Artwankers sind, warum Mona Lisa laechelt und warum sie einen speziellen 
  Platz in unseren Herzen verdient!

* http://c6.org/thedotmasters/



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 / /___/ ___ |/ /___/ // // /|  / /_/ /_/
 \/_/  |_/_/_/___/_/ |_/\(_)

  http://www.opera-calling.com -
  Arias for All!

Dear friends of the 8KHz Opera retransmission

Opera Calling, the intervention into the Zurich Opera, is still up and
running! Through audio-bugs placed within the auditorium of the opera 
house, the outside public is given free (as in free speach not  free
beer) access to the performances on stage. The performances are 
retransmitted to the public not through broadcasting, but by telephoning
each person in Zurich individually.

And since «man was born a spectator» the show will go on.

The story so far: For the last two weeks Opera Calling has retransmitted
ten live performances of the Zurich opera to 1489 households in Zurich.
The Zurich Opera claims to have found and destroyed 2 bugs. With the Opera
in frantical seek and destroy mode and an unknown number of bugs still
to find the *spectacle* continues...