[sqlalchemy] Questions about polymorphic mappers

2007-01-11 Thread Simon King


I have a couple of questions about polymorphic mapper inheritance. I'll
use the employee/manager/engineer example from the docs, if that's OK.
I'm also using SessionContext and assign_mapper, in case that makes a

I'd like to be able to call the base class (Employee), but have it
actually generate an instance of the correct subclass. To do this, I'm
using a metaclass which looks something like:

class EmployeeMeta(type):
def __call__(cls, kind, _fix_class=True):
if not _fix_class:
return type.__call__(cls, kind=kind)
# Use the Employee mapper's polymorphic_map to figure out
# which class to use
mappers = Employee.mapper.polymorphic_map
mapper = mappers[kind]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('No such employee type: %s '
 '(valid types are %s)' %
 (kind, ', '.join(mappers.keys(
cls = mapper.class_
return cls(kind=kind, _fix_class=False)

This seems to work quite well - if I call Employee(type='manager'), I
get an instance of the Manager class back. However, I don't know
whether my use of the polymorphic_map dictionary is safe - is it
considered a public attribute or a private one? Also, the first time I
use this I have to explicitly compile the mapper, which makes it feel
slightly wrong.

My second question is also related to the polymorphic_map attribute. I
have another situation where it would be useful to produce subclasses
for certain employee types, but fall back to the base class for other
types. For example, imagine there were other employee types in the
table ('secretary', 'tester' etc.), and most of them don't need an
Employee subclass. Currently, I would get a KeyError if I tried to load
any of those rows (because the type doesn't exist in the
polymorphic_map). It would be nice to be able to specify a fallback in
some way. I can see two ways of doing it:

1. Use a MapperExtension. This is probably the correct way to do it,
but it seems a bit 'heavyweight', and I can't see a (public) way to ask
the mapper to create and populate an instance of a different class, so
I would end up having to duplicate a lot of the code from the mapper (a
lot of which I don't really understand ;-)

2. Pass in a dict-like object (such as python 2.5's defaultdict) as the
_polymorphic_map argument to the mapper. This would be an ugly hack as
the _polymorphic_map argument is very definitely private. However, it
is very simple, and it would also work with the metaclass described

This is probably the sort of thing which is very specific to my
situation, and SQLAlchemy shouldn't guess what I want to do, which is
why I think the MapperExtension is probably the right way to go. I just
wish it were easier to ask the mapper to use a different class.



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[sqlalchemy] Regression between r2168 and HEAD

2007-01-11 Thread Daniel Miller

After updating to HEAD this morning I got an error. This code has  
worked with many versions of SA and I've never seen anything like  
this error before. Here's the relevant code (modified from its  
original version to fit your screen):

import sqlalchemy as sa

class Version(object):

 table = sa.Table(version, meta,
 sa.Column(id, mu.String, primary_key=True),
 sa.Column(number, mu.String),

def assign_mapper(class_, *args, **kw):
 class_.mapper = sa.mapper(class_, class_.table, *args, **kw)


def verify(version, session=None):
 Verify the connection and the version of the database
 if session is None:
 session = sa.create_session()
 ver = session.query(Version).get('schema')
 if ver.number != version:
 raise WrongDatabaseVersionError(got %r expected %r %  
(ver.number, version))

And here's the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /Users/daniel/Code/PyOE/src/orderentry/app.py, line 34, in  
   File /Users/daniel/Code/PyOE/src/orderentry/app.py, line 81, in  
   File /Users/daniel/Code/PyOE/src/orderentry/model.py, line 33,  
in verify
 ver = session.query(Version).get('schema')
   File /Users/daniel/Code/SQLAlchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py,  
line 59, in get
 return self._get(key, ident, **kwargs)
   File /Users/daniel/Code/SQLAlchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py,  
line 372, in _get
 return self._select_statement(statement, params=params,  
populate_existing=reload, version_check=(lockmode is not None))[0]
   File /Users/daniel/Code/SQLAlchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py,  
line 380, in _select_statement
 return self.execute(statement, params=params, **kwargs)
   File /Users/daniel/Code/SQLAlchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py,  
line 312, in execute
 return self.instances(result, **kwargs)
   File /Users/daniel/Code/SQLAlchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py,  
line 331, in instances
 self.mapper._instance(context, row, result)
   File /Users/daniel/Code/SQLAlchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py,  
line 1159, in _instance
 identitykey = self.identity_key_from_row(row)
   File /Users/daniel/Code/SQLAlchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py,  
line 750, in identity_key_from_row
 return (self.class_, tuple([row[column] for column in  
self.pks_by_table[self.mapped_table]]), self.entity_name)
   File /Users/daniel/Code/SQLAlchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/engine/ 
base.py, line 741, in __getitem__
 return self.__parent._get_col(self.__row, key)
   File /Users/daniel/Code/SQLAlchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/engine/ 
base.py, line 634, in _get_col
 rec = self._convert_key(key)
   File /Users/daniel/Code/SQLAlchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/engine/ 
base.py, line 618, in _convert_key
 raise exceptions.NoSuchColumnError(Could not locate column in  
row for column '%s' % str(key))
NoSuchColumnError: Could not locate column in row for column  

Any idea what's going on here? Thanks.

~ Daniel

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Test data apparently not saving

2007-01-11 Thread Michael Bayer
OK, i made it into a straight down program (attached) and it  
completes fine.

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from datetime import datetime
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.ext.sessioncontext import SessionContext

metadata = sa.BoundMetaData('sqlite:///:memory:')
metadata.engine.echo = True

ctx = SessionContext(sa.create_session)

groups_table = sa.Table('tg_group', metadata,
sa.Column('group_id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
sa.Column('group_name', sa.Unicode(16), unique=True),
sa.Column('display_name', sa.Unicode(255)),
sa.Column('created', sa.DateTime, default=datetime.now)

users_table = sa.Table('tg_user', metadata,
sa.Column('user_id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
sa.Column('user_name', sa.Unicode(16), unique=True),
sa.Column('email_address', sa.Unicode(255), unique=True),
sa.Column('display_name', sa.Unicode(255)),
sa.Column('password', sa.Unicode(40)),
sa.Column('created', sa.DateTime, default=datetime.now)

user_group_table = sa.Table('user_group', metadata,
sa.Column('user_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('tg_user.user_id')),
sa.Column('group_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('tg_group.group_id'))

class User(object):

def __repr__(self):
return class User user_id=%s email_address=%s display_name=%s % (
self.user_id, self.email_address, self.display_name)

class Group(object):

gmapper = sa.mapper(Group, groups_table)
umapper = sa.mapper(User, users_table, properties=dict(
groups = sa.relation(Group, secondary=user_group_table, backref='users')

def sa_create(class_, **kw):
obj = class_(**kw)
except TypeError:
obj = class_()
sa_update(obj, **kw) # update takes care of save/flush
return obj

def sa_update(obj, **kw):
[setattr(obj, key, value) for key, value in kw.iteritems()]

def push_to_db(obj):
had_session = True
session = sa.orm.session.object_session(obj)
if not session:
print Didn't find session
session = ctx.current
had_session = False
if not had_session:

session = ctx.current
# Create tables
user1 = User() 
user1.email_address='[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
user1.display_name='Bob Villa'
u2 = User()
u2.email_address='[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
u2.display_name='Bob Villa'
print 'UuUuUuU %s' % user1
user1 = user1

session = ctx.current
u1 = session.query(User).select(User.c.user_name=='bobvilla')
l = session.query(User).select()
print u1
for u in l:
print u
assert u1[0].user_id==user1.user_id
assert u1[0].email_address=='[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
assert len(l) == 2

u = sa_create(User, user_name='bobevans', 
   email_address='[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 
   display_name='Bob Evans',
assert u.user_name=='bobevans'
assert u.user_id  0

On Jan 11, 2007, at 8:36 PM, Patrick Lewis wrote:

 Michael Bayer wrote:
 you need to attach a test case that doenst have all the generalorm
 dependencies.  also, i looked at this and i dont see why the
 ruledispatch stuff cant be factored out of the test as well since
 none of those functions seem to be called.

 Sorry about that.  I thought I had removed all of those, but obviously
 not. Here is a one file test. I've also stripped out the dispatch
 rules, but left the essential logic.


 As i mentioned before, the test_setup case passes when run by itself,
 but not in combination with the test_create test. test_create always
 seems to pass.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Saving bad data fails silently? (MySQL)

2007-01-11 Thread Michael Bayer

thats weird, inserting None into a PK col, even for mysql, should  
fail.  try a small standalone test script that just INSERTs blank  
PK's into tables and see if it raises errors.

On Jan 11, 2007, at 8:36 PM, Chris Shenton wrote:

 I've noticed this a few times now.  Due to faulty logic in my code, or
 a misunderstanding of the constraints in my schema, I create a record
 through the ORM, then save() and flush() it but it doesn't get put in
 the DB. This is frequently due to me setting an attribute None which
 has a Nullable=False constraint.

 But what's buggin' me is that it fails silently.  I don't know there
 was a problem inserting the record.  For example, I have this table:

 fault_table =
 Table('fault', metadata,
   Column('fault_id',  Integer, 
   Column('system_id', Integer,ForeignKey 
 ('system.system_id'), nullable=False),
   Column('faulttrack_id', Integer,ForeignKey 
 ('faulttrack.faulttrack_id'), nullable=True), # initially empty
   Column('msgpath',   String, nullable=False),
   Column('subject',   String, nullable=False),

 If I inadvertently set a system_id to None (as below) the insert
 doesn't work but no exception is thrown nor error logged:

 fault2 = Fault(system_id = None, # this violates the no- 
 NULL restriction
msgpath = '/dev/null/UNSAVEDFAULT',
subject = 'UNSAVED FAULT',

 I turned on Echo so I could see the SQL, and everything looks fine,
 but nothing is stored and no error is reported:

   2007-01-11 20:30:38,922 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c  
   INFO:base: BEGIN
   2007-01-11 20:30:38,930 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c  
 SELECT current_timestamp
   INFO:base: SELECT current_timestamp
   2007-01-11 20:30:38,930 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c []
   INFO:base: []
   2007-01-11 20:30:38,934 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c  
 INSERT INTO fault (system_id, faulttrack_id, msgpath, subject,  
 ts_created, ts_updated) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
   INFO:base: INSERT INTO fault (system_id, faulttrack_id, msgpath,  
 subject, ts_created, ts_updated) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
   2007-01-11 20:30:38,935 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c  
 [None, None, '/dev/null/UNSAVEDFAULT', 'UNSAVED FAULT',  
 datetime.datetime(2007, 1, 11, 20, 30, 37), None]
   INFO:base: [None, None, '/dev/null/UNSAVEDFAULT', 'UNSAVED  
 FAULT', datetime.datetime(2007, 1, 11, 20, 30, 37), None]
   2007-01-11 20:30:38,940 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c  
   INFO:base: COMMIT

 So how do I detect that I'm trying to insert data that will not be
 saved?  Or is there some other work around I'm not aware of?

 I'm using MySQL if it makes any difference, and have noticed this both
 under Pylons and from a stand-alone python app like the one above.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: autoloading oracle tables and the owner parameter

2007-01-11 Thread Michael Bayer

i notice your line numbers arent matching up with the most recent
version of SA..they seem to match up with 0.3.0 or 0.3.1 which is
before this bug was fixed (in 0.3.2 -
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/373).see if it works with the
most recent version.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Test data apparently not saving

2007-01-11 Thread Patrick Lewis

Ok, that works for me, too. But, if I rework it how I think the test
suite is running things, I get the same error.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Test data apparently not saving

2007-01-11 Thread Patrick Lewis

A minor revision (made user1 global)


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[sqlalchemy] How to query like sys_id=42 AND ts_created 90 minutes ago ?

2007-01-11 Thread Chris Shenton

I've got a bunch of history and other timestamped information I will
need to query against. The columns are created with type DateTime and
get set upon row creation:

  history_table = Table(
  'history', metadata,
  Column('history_id',  Integer,primary_key=True),   
  Column('system_id',   Integer,ForeignKey('system.system_id'), 
  Column('ts_created',  DateTime,   
  Column('ts_updated',  DateTime,   

I'm going to want to do lots of queries on this 'history' table for a
specific 'system_id' and a 'ts_created' within some duration in the
past -- like 5 or 60 minutes.  

It's taken me a while to figure out the SQLAlchemy syntax to make this
work and it seems a bit verbose:

datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=90)))

Is there a better, more concise way to say this? 


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