[sqlalchemy] strange serial problem in postgres

2007-08-17 Thread Glauco

Hi all, i've added a new table recentli in main DB, but at first 
insertion have this problem:
any time i try an insertion the sqlalchemy engine search nextval of a 
partial primary key.

SQLError: (ProgrammingError) relation scadenziario_id_piano_seq does 
not exist
 'select nextval(\'scadenziario_id_piano_seq\')' {}


the table is:

CREATE TABLE scadenziario (
id_pianoINTEGER NOT NULL references piano(id),
data_creazione  DATE,
data_programmataDATE NOT NULL,
cod_verificaTEXT NOT NULL references 
verifica(codice) ON UPDATE CASCADE,

How  and why  SQLAlchemy read a serial for the id_piano column ?

Thank you

  Glauco Uri - Programmatore
  Sfera Carta Software(r)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Via Bazzanese,69  Casalecchio di Reno(BO) - Tel. 051591054 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: large amount of insert

2007-08-17 Thread sdobrev

there was some recent thread on this 2-3 weeks ago, lookup..

On Friday 17 August 2007 11:28:34 Glauco wrote:
 What's is the best solution for a web procedure , in TurboGear,
 that produce  a large amount of insert into ? (from 2000 to 2
 insertions on a submit)

 i've done some try with somethink like 5000 insertion and the
 transaction is huge

 do you think  sqlalchemy can do this better with some trick or  is
 better to transfer all data in a  copy from   file?

 Thank you

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[sqlalchemy] Join vs. 2 selects?

2007-08-17 Thread Martin

Hi all,

This is sort of a general db question I was wondering about. So, I'm
trying to write a small blog system (not using the mapper, only sql
queries written on my own until now) and I am not sure:

Say, I want to show one blog post and all the comments for that blog
entry (one-to-many). I know the post_id (from the get-parameter of the
request). Is it faster to do:

a) 2 separate select-queries? One query going like:
SELECT * from blog_posts WHERE post_id = my_post_id
and the other sth. like
SELECT * from comments WHERE parent_id = my_post_id.

b) one join-query? Joining the two tables over my_post_id, so I only
need 1 sql-query?

I'd appreciate some help, since I don't have all that much db-

Cheers, Martin

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy 0.4 beta3 released

2007-08-17 Thread Christophe de VIENNE


Any chance Ticket #731 get into 0.4 ? I'd prefer not relying on a
patch if possible.

Thanks a lot,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Join vs. 2 selects?

2007-08-17 Thread Alexandre CONRAD

Martin wrote:

 a) 2 separate select-queries? One query going like:
 SELECT * from blog_posts WHERE post_id = my_post_id
 and the other sth. like
 SELECT * from comments WHERE parent_id = my_post_id.
 b) one join-query? Joining the two tables over my_post_id, so I only
 need 1 sql-query?

Two queries would take more time as the bottleneck will usually be the 
network. Communicating back and forth takes a while compared to CPU cycles.

Usually, for performance, you should try to retrieve a maximum amount of 
data in one shot.

I'm no database expert, anyone correct me if I'm wrong.

Using the ORM part of SA, you would want to set your post mapper with 
a non-lazy relation: relation('comments', ..., lazy=False). When you'll 
query for a post, it will generate some SQL that will retrieve your 
post *and* it's comments all in one query. Set echo=True on your 
engine and you'll see the actual query. Anyway, all this is nicely 
documented... :)

Alexandre CONRAD

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[sqlalchemy] Re: strange serial problem in postgres

2007-08-17 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 17, 2007, at 4:21 AM, Glauco wrote:

 SQLError: (ProgrammingError) relation scadenziario_id_piano_seq does
 not exist
  'select nextval(\'scadenziario_id_piano_seq\')' {}


 the table is:

 CREATE TABLE scadenziario (
 id_pianoINTEGER NOT NULL references piano(id),
 data_creazione  DATE,
 data_programmataDATE NOT NULL,
 cod_verificaTEXT NOT NULL references
 verifica(codice) ON UPDATE CASCADE,

 How  and why  SQLAlchemy read a serial for the id_piano column ?

try setting autoincrement=False on the id_piano Column object.  but  
regardless, youll need to have a non-None value for inserts to this  

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[sqlalchemy] Re: strange serial problem in postgres

2007-08-17 Thread justanyone

In Postgres at least, serial columns are typically defined as:

  id_piano  serial primary key,

This automatically creates a sequence foo_id_piano_seq.  Of course,
you can also create a sequence separate from a table with CREATE
SEQUENCE, but this is (IMHO) wordy.

You can select from it to find the current value with CURRVAL(), or
get the value and increment it in one operation as:

SELECT NEXTVAL ( sequencename );

-- Kevin

Kevin J. Rice
Senior Software Engineer, Textura LLC
51-K Sherwood Terrace, Lake Bluff IL

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[sqlalchemy] Re: strange serial problem in postgres

2007-08-17 Thread Glauco

justanyone ha scritto:
 In Postgres at least, serial columns are typically defined as:

   id_piano  serial primary key,

 This automatically creates a sequence foo_id_piano_seq.  Of course,
 you can also create a sequence separate from a table with CREATE
 SEQUENCE, but this is (IMHO) wordy.

 You can select from it to find the current value with CURRVAL(), or
 get the value and increment it in one operation as:

 SELECT NEXTVAL ( sequencename );

 -- Kevin

Thank you kevin , i've worked a lot over PG and  this tecnique is 
consolidated in our model.. but here the problem is that the column
is a simplycolumn_name  INTEGER NOT NULL references 
other_table(id) and i cannot understand why sqlalchemy whant to use it 
as  a
column_name SERIAL

Thank you

  Glauco Uri - Programmatore
  Sfera Carta Software(r)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Via Bazzanese,69  Casalecchio di Reno(BO) - Tel. 051591054 

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[sqlalchemy] sqlalchemy + django

2007-08-17 Thread imgrey

Could someone please explain the following behaviour:

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, Http404
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from df.tst import Path as ThePath
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
metadata = MetaData()
u_table = Table('auth_user', metadata, \
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), \
Column('username', String(30)))

f_table = Table('fellowship_file', metadata, \
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), \
Column('user_id', None, ForeignKey(auth_user.id)), \
Column('ls', PickleType, nullable=False))

class User(object):

class Path(ThePath):

mapper(User, u_table)
mapper(Path, f_table)

db = create_engine('...')
context = create_session(bind=db)

def ls(request, user=None):
if not user:
raise Http404
stuff = context.query(Path).filter(User.c.username==user).first()
return render_to_response('index.html', {'ls': stuff.id})

Traceback (most recent call last):
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py
in get_response
  77. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
File /home/grey/src/df/fs/views.py in ls
  37. stuff =
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py in
  920. ret = list(self[0:1])
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py in
  958. return iter(self.select_whereclause())
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py in
  359. return self._select_statement(statement, params=params)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py in
  1072. return self.execute(statement, params=params, **kwargs)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py in
  973. return self.instances(result, **kwargs)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py in
  1032. self.select_mapper._instance(context, row, result)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py in
  1497. self.populate_instance(context, instance, row, identitykey,
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py in
  1534. prop.execute(selectcontext, instance, row, identitykey, isnew)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/interfaces.py
in execute
instance, row, identitykey, isnew)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/strategies.py
in process_row
  39. instance.__dict__[self.key] = row[self.columns[0]]
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py in
  1171. return self.__parent._get_col(self.__row, key)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py in
  993. return rec[1].convert_result_value(row[rec[2]], self.dialect)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/types.py in
  323. return self.pickler.loads(str(buf))

  AttributeError at /users/grey/
  'module' object has no attribute 'Path'

P.S. This is working without django.
P.P.S. Django community is assured that this problem is not related to
django in any sense.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy 0.4 beta3 released

2007-08-17 Thread Paul Johnston


Any chance Ticket #731 get into 0.4 ? I'd prefer not relying on a
patch if possible.

I'd applied this to trunk and rel_0_3. I don't have alert mails setup 
from trac (maybe I should) so if you drop me a mail when you want an 
MSSQL patch looking at, I'll do my best.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Join vs. 2 selects?

2007-08-17 Thread Michael Bayer

the traditional wisdom is that the join is faster, because you have
fewer round trips to the database.  particularly if you are loading
many parent items each with many child items.  if you are loading just
a single parent item, the second SELECT to get its child items is not
a very large hit at all, and some would argue that its more efficient
to issue two single-table SELECTs rather than a join on two tables.
But its not more efficient to issue 20 single-table SELECTs versus a
join on two tables.

a join increases the complexity on the database side, versus a single
table select.  so some architectures forego the usage of joins
altogether (im talking large scale sites like del.icio.us and
ebay)...but in those cases they have to have a plan in place to not
issue tons of individual queries (i.e. lots of extra caching).

this is why in SA we've tried to make it really easy to switch
between the lazy and eager loading (i.e. using query.options());
its very dependent on what data you are selecting, and what data you
need to see for the current operation.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy + django

2007-08-17 Thread Michael Bayer

its a pickling error.  Pickle is not managing to map your pickled data
back to the correct module name from which to import the Path
object.If this module (i.e., where the Path class originates) is
run by django in some kind of dynamic importing scheme, that could
definitely break pickle's ability to locate the originating module,
depending on how its done.

You might want to try using the pickle module instead of the default
of cPickle, which ive observed is not as smart about module imports:

import pickle
Column('ls', PickleType(pickler=pickle), nullable=False)

alternatively, define all the classes which you are pickling, i.e.
Path etc., in a separate module which is defined in a traditional
location thats importable by Python's own import statement.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy + django

2007-08-17 Thread Vitaliyi
On 8/17/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 its a pickling error.  Pickle is not managing to map your pickled data
 back to the correct module name from which to import the Path
 object.If this module (i.e., where the Path class originates) is
 run by django in some kind of dynamic importing scheme, that could
 definitely break pickle's ability to locate the originating module,
 depending on how its done.

The 'Path' object is not related to django

You might want to try using the pickle module instead of the default
 of cPickle, which ive observed is not as smart about module imports:

 import pickle
 Column('ls', PickleType(pickler=pickle), nullable=False)

the same

alternatively, define all the classes which you are pickling, i.e.
 Path etc., in a separate module which is defined in a traditional
 location thats importable by Python's own import statement.

I've tried this :

 import psycopg2
s = curs.fetchone()[0]
ls = cPickle.loads(str(s))

and it returned :
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Path'

just as django did. it pretends that 'Path' is not defined. Seems it is
still the problem of django


P.S. going to use cPickle without sqlalchemy to load data

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy 0.4 beta3 released

2007-08-17 Thread Christophe de VIENNE

2007/8/17, Paul Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 Any chance Ticket #731 get into 0.4 ? I'd prefer not relying on a
 patch if possible.
 I'd applied this to trunk and rel_0_3. I don't have alert mails setup
 from trac (maybe I should) so if you drop me a mail when you want an
 MSSQL patch looking at, I'll do my best.

No problem, I'll do that next time :-)

Thanks !


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[sqlalchemy] Re: large amount of insert

2007-08-17 Thread Michael Bayer

well at the very least you want to ensure that executemany() is being
used for the inserts (i.e. with sqlalchemy, dont use ORM, use
connection.execute(statement, [param, param, param...]).

If you use SQLAlchemy's executemany() facilities, we've just
increased their efficiency by about 60% in the 0.4.0beta3 release, we
had some huge latency issues with this particular operation

faster still is to use raw DBAPI:

conn = engine.connect()
conn.connection.executemany(statement, [params...])

using copy from..file is probably very fast, but its a little weird
to use that in the context of a web request.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: strange serial problem in postgres

2007-08-17 Thread Marco Mariani

Glauco ha scritto:

 Thank you kevin , i've worked a lot over PG and  this tecnique is 
 consolidated in our model.. but here the problem is that the column
 is a simplycolumn_name  INTEGER NOT NULL references 
 other_table(id) and i cannot understand why sqlalchemy whant to use it 
 as  a
 column_name SERIAL

Make that foreign key primary as well:


Also, like Mike said, the autoload mechanism (or something below) infers 
that it's a serial column, you should turn that off with 
autoincrement=False in the Table constructor, where you autoload the schema.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy with turbogears and mapper-part2 connect and select

2007-08-17 Thread Marco Mariani

Lukasz Szybalski ha scritto:

 users_table = Table('users', metadata, autoload=True)

 class Users(object):


assign_mapper() in place of mapper()


 1. What would be the code from now on to query all Users? Does
 'mysession'  have a connection to a database already?

Yes, if you used assign_mapper instead, your model's classes will be 
implicitly bound to the session context.


 2. How do I select a user where User_Sid=100?

What is the schema of the table?

If User_Sid is the primary key:


If it's not:


 Why doesn't this work?
 for users in session.query(Users):

ehm, weird use of plural for a loop variable.

You are using an explicit session here, you don't need to do that in 
TurboGears since the classes have an implicit session bound to the 
request, that it cleaned after each served page.

Anyway, it should work more or less (I note Users_Sid in place of User_sid)

 What is the simples way to query my database to get user with user_sid=100?
 What is the simples way to query my database to get user
 last_name='Smith' with user_sid=100?

Again, are filtering by both last_name and user_sid? So I suppose 
user_sid is not the primary key after all.

User.select_by(User_sid=100, last_name='Smith')

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy with turbogears and mapper-part2 connect and select

2007-08-17 Thread Lukasz Szybalski

 hello -

 you generally use mapper() and relation() to set up how you'd like
 your classes to correspond to your table relationships.  as far as
 compound keys, if they are defined with a primary key constraint you
 shouldn't have to worry about them.
Ok. So we are using mapper() function to map a python class to a database.

In my model.py I have
#Initial import packages...
from sqlalchemy import *
from turbogears.database import metadata, session,bind_meta_data
from sqlalchemy.ext.assignmapper import assign_mapper
from sqlalchemy.ext.activemapper import *
from turbogears import widgets, validators

users_table = Table('users', metadata, autoload=True)

class Users(object):



1. What would be the code from now on to query all Users? Does
'mysession'  have a connection to a database already?

2. How do I select a user where User_Sid=100?

Why doesn't this work?
for users in session.query(Users):

What is the simples way to query my database to get user with user_sid=100?
What is the simples way to query my database to get user
last_name='Smith' with user_sid=100?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy with turbogears and mapper-part2 connect and select

2007-08-17 Thread Lukasz Szybalski

ok...correct me if I'm wrong.

#we start by importing
from turbogears.database import metadata, session,bind_meta_data
from sqlalchemy.ext.assignmapper import assign_mapper
from turbogears import widgets, validators
import sqlalchemy

#Then we bound to database
#create a table object
  users_table = sqlalchemy.Table('users', metadata, autoload=True)

or you can use:
tables = []
 for name in engine.execute(SHOW TABLES):
 tables[name] = sa.Table(name, metadata, autoload=True)

Got another error here. but I guess its fixed in a newer version of
sqlalchemy via ticket 482
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/databases/mysql.py,
line 320, in reflecttable
raise exceptions.NoSuchTableError(table.name)
sqlalchemy.exceptions.NoSuchTableError: ('users',)

  class Users(object):

No need to create a session because:
 assign_mapper on TurboGears Is using SessionContext.
 Yes, if you used assign_mapper instead, your model's classes will be
 implicitly bound to the session context.

 put assign_mapper() in place of mapper()
Are these two the same?
 assign_mapper in TG, is the same as mapper in SA?

  2. How do I select a user where User_Sid=100?
 What is the schema of the table?
User_Sid - Primary key, int

 If User_Sid is the primary key:


 If it's not:

 User.select_by(User_sid=100, last_name='Smith')

Ok, now I have the object for my User.get(100) query.
quote.model.User object at 0x40f039ec

I can display it by

How can I iterate through myuser fields?

This doesn't work:
for field in User.get(100):
print field

TypeError: iteration over non-sequence

Thanks for the help.
I have moved ahead in these few emails more then I was able in a week.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Joining multiple tables

2007-08-17 Thread Vetle Roeim

On 8/17/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi Vetle -

 the Table object supports a join() method, which can be called in a
 chain, i.e.


 if you need to specify the ON part of the join, its the second
 argument to join() (below illustrated with two joins back to table1):

 table1.join(table2, table1.c.id==table2.c.someid).join(table3,

 hope this helps...

Yes thanks, it helped a little bit. I realized I could to this inside
from_obj = [ ... ]. That, in addition to using table aliases.

I ended up with something like:
t1_2 = t1.alias('t1_2')
select([t1, t1.c.a  ],
from_obj = [t1.join(t1_2, t1.c.a = t1_2.c.b).join(.)]

It was kinda complicated, and the schema could have been designed a
little differently, but I got it working at last. ;)

Vetle Roeim

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy + django

2007-08-17 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 17, 11:54 am, Vitaliyi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've tried this :

  import psycopg2
 s = curs.fetchone()[0]
 ls = cPickle.loads(str(s))

 and it returned :
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Path'

 just as django did. it pretends that 'Path' is not defined. Seems it is
 still the problem of django


 P.S. going to use cPickle without sqlalchemy to load data

the data coming back from your database is just a string.  using
psycopg2/sqlalchemy or nothing to produce that string before sending
to pickle.loads() should not affect the equation.  I understand that
Path is not part of django, but i was suggesting that if the module
where Path resides is *imported* by django using a reloadable
container of some kind, that could break pickle's ability to re-locate
the object.  I suggest this because you say it worked *without*

also i have no idea how django loads modules, but from my own work
with mod_python as well as Myghty and Mako i know that reloadable
module schemes are important in web frameworks so that changes to
controller modules show up immediately in the application without

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