[sqlalchemy] Re: Aggregate function of connected items as a property?

2007-09-10 Thread sdobrev

 My problem is: I want to be able to select from Thread, ordering it
 by descending order of the maximum tn_ctime for each thread, to
 find the most recently referenced threads. Which is to say, I want
 to do something like

 coalesce(c.most_recent_child, t.tn_ctime) as last_upd
 from tnode t
 left join (select tn_parent as node_id, max(tn_ctime) as
 most_recent_child from tnode group by tn_parent) c on
 c.node_id==t.tn_id group by t.tn_id
   order by last_upd desc;

 Is it possible to add a property to Thread holding the maximum
 child node timestamp if any (or the thread node's timestamp, if
 none), so that I can do something like



i dont think i got what u want from these examples, but adding a 
property that always fires a select is easy:

class Thread:
 def mymaxprop( self): 
   return self.select(...) or whatever
eventualy u can put some cache, but you're responsible for keeping it 

Another way would be to play with relation, maybe it can do something 
like that too;

And another way is to look here:
or another ~copy (with v0.3 support) here

now after rereading your stuff i'm even less sure if what i say is 


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[sqlalchemy] _state and related

2007-09-10 Thread svilen

before v3463, _state was a property and was setup on the fly whenever 
now its being setup into the __init__-replacement of the object.

Thus, with the property it was possible as side-effect to have an 
object instance _before_ having any sqlalchemy around, then 
declare/build mappers/ whatever, and then save /use that instance as 
Now this wont work, as the instance has no _state attribute, and noone 
to set it up.

i guess this usage case - of instances having wider lifetime than 
orm-mapping itself - is rare. i use it for tests, running many db- 
tests over same instances. So i'll probably put a check in my save() 
method to setup that missing ._state. Not sure about the 
mapext.init_instance(), and why's that is called before the original 
oldinit, and is given that oldinit as argument.

Anyway it would be nice if these lifetime-related 
expectations/limitations are documented somewhere.
Another one is the ._instance_key that stays on the instance after orm 
is gone (the ._state will also stay).


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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy with turbogears and assign_mapper: group_by

2007-09-10 Thread Roger Demetrescu

On 9/8/07, Lukasz Szybalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 9/7/07, Paul Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And if I wanted to select a year and group by year?
  select User.Year from User group by User.Year
   db.execute(select([User.Year]) ???
  Have a look at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/04/sqlexpression.html
 Based on documentation.
 I do:
 import sqlalchemy

 Got all year fields. 1995,1995,1995,1996,1996..
 Now I want to group so I get just one.
 But when I execute, I get:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File console, line 1, in ?
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'execute'

 In docs they use conn.execute(s2)
 Is this a different execute that is being called from somewhere else?

I didn't read this thread from the beginning, but if you are using TG,
probably you are using SA = 0.3.10, which means you don't have
generative select() constructs...

So you'll need to modify your code to (not tested):

s2=sqlalchemy.select([User.c.YEAR], group_by=[User.c.YEAR])



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[sqlalchemy] Re: add condition over a classmethod

2007-09-10 Thread svilen

somethings' missing here.. whats the link classmethod - select - etc?
do explain again/more...
u mean the classmethod generates the filter-expression?
whats the difference classmethod vs plainmethod here?
all the same, just call it: self.myclassmethod(..)

On Monday 10 September 2007 14:40:57 Glauco wrote:
 Yes this is strange..  but i want (if is possible) to implement in
 select process,  a condition that is evaluated as a result of

 In my case i must select all person from my database that are
 inside a geografical  circle with coordinate = x,y... and radius =

 i must use a callable (wich is called for each item) because the
 inside or outside is calculated for each item.
 i cannot iterate over result of the qry, because after this
 particular condition i must add more other filter  condition .

 My workflow data is something like

 my_base_qry = select .

 if condition1:
my_base_qry = my_base_qry.filter( ...)

 if coordinate:
my_base_qry = my_base_qry.filter(   my_method_inside_circle (
 latitude, longitude,radius)   )

 if condition3:
my_base_qry = my_base_qry.filter( ...)

 if condition_n:
my_base_qry = my_base_qry.filter( ...)

 sorry for my poor english
 any idea?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Changeset 2642's fix is in the wrong place [firebird]

2007-09-10 Thread Roger Demetrescu


On 9/10/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hey Roger -

 can you reopen ticket #570 and attach your patch there ?  FTR, the
 0.4 codebase does this differently and is probably correct over
 there (but also, not tested since I dont have FB).

I'll do that tonight... and  will test it against 0.4 too...


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[sqlalchemy] Re: backref relation is None instead of list?

2007-09-10 Thread Dan Eloff

On 9/9/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I cant reproduce this, although the error to me seems like you are
 actually saying c._parent = [] (some list object).  If thats not it,
 send along a reproducing test script.

I tried to recreate it in the shell and failed.

I then loaded my application, changed _parents to parent and it just
worked. I don't think the change did it, I think it just disappeared
(maybe the reboot?) If it happens again I'll post it on this mailing

Thanks for the tip about one-to-many relations, I was hoping they
worked like that, but when I got the errors I assumed it must not.

Sorry for the false alarm,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Changeset 2642's fix is in the wrong place [firebird] [PATCHES]

2007-09-10 Thread Roger Demetrescu

On 9/10/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hey Roger -

 can you reopen ticket #570 and attach your patch there ?  FTR, the
 0.4 codebase does this differently and is probably correct over
 there (but also, not tested since I dont have FB).

I guess you meant #370..  :)

Well, it is still opened... I tried to upload the patches, but found
no option to do this operation on an existing ticket (only for new
tickets)... I logged as guest/guest, since there's also no option to
register myself as a new user.

So, here are the 2 patches and a test script... (hope the list accept



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from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

dburi = firebird://SYSDBA:[EMAIL PROTECTED]//tmp/test.fdb

engine = create_engine(dburi)
metadata = MetaData()
conn = engine.connect()

users_table = Table('T_USER', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String(20)))

prefs_table = Table('T_PREFS', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('T_USER.id')),
Column('name', String(20)))

class User(object): pass
class UserPref(object): pass

mapper(User, users_table, properties = dict(
preferences = relation(UserPref, cascade=all, delete-orphan),
mapper(UserPref, prefs_table)

metadata.bind = engine
session = create_session(bind=engine)


# delete existing data

# populate initial data
users_table.insert().execute(dict(id=1, name='Smith'), dict(id=2, name='Mark'))

dict(id=1, user_id=1, name='Smith-1'),
dict(id=2, user_id=1, name='Smith-2'),
dict(id=3, user_id=1, name='Smith-3'),
dict(id=4, user_id=2, name='Mark-1'),
dict(id=5, user_id=2, name='Mark-2')

assert select([func.count(users_table.c.id)]).scalar() == 2
assert select([func.count(prefs_table.c.id)]).scalar() == 5

u = session.query(User).get(1)

assert select([func.count(users_table.c.id)]).scalar() == 1
assert select([func.count(prefs_table.c.id)]).scalar() == 2

u = session.query(User).get(2)
u.preferences = []

assert select([func.count(users_table.c.id)]).scalar() == 1
assert select([func.count(prefs_table.c.id)]).scalar() == 0

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data