[sqlalchemy] Re: relation metainfo

2008-06-09 Thread az

On Monday 09 June 2008 03:56:20 Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Jun 8, 2008, at 5:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i'm trying to make a metainfo extractor off some relation
  attribute. by metainfo i mean the klas and attr-name of this and
  of the other side of the relation-attribute, or of the parent or
  child of the relation regardless the start point.
  e.g. possible usage and testing invariants is like:
 a = about_relation( someklas.someproperty)
 print a.name, a.klas, 'is_parent:', a.is_parent
 assert a.thisside == a
 b = a.otherside
 print b.name, b.klas, 'is_parent:', b.is_parent
 assert a.otherside.otherside == a
 if a.is_parent:
 assert a.child  is a.otherside
 assert a.parent is a.thisside
 assert a.parent is a.otherside
 assert a.child  is a.thisside
  e.g. if Parent.kids / Kid.parent are 1:many:
 print about_relation( Parent.kids).otherside.name  - 'mama'
 print about_relation( Parent.kids).otherside.klas  - 'Kid'
 print about_relation( Parent.kids).child.klas  - 'Kid'
 print about_relation( Kid.parent).child.klas   - 'Kid'
 print about_relation( Kid.parent).parent.klas  - 'Parent'
 print about_relation( Kid.parent).otherside.name - 'kids'

 def about_relation(descriptor):
  prop = descriptor.property
  return {
   'child':{'name': prop.key, 'klas': prop.mapper.class_}

 I don't understand what is_parent means (nor 'thissside' and
 'otherside').  every relation has a parent and child.
given the descriptor Kid.parent, it is considered thisside, and the 
other end descriptor (Parent.kids) is otherside; is_parent is which 
role the particular descriptor is, from a 1-to-many terminology. 
maybe i use wrong naming ...

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[sqlalchemy] Re: relation metainfo

2008-06-09 Thread az

okay here anopther way to represent it. this side is the given 
prop/descriptor, and then the hops towards other end side:

containerthis: getattr( prop.parent.class_, prop.key)
 midthis: getattr( prop.secondary, prop.remote_side[0]) 
  - this: getattr( prop.parent.class_, prop.local_side[0])
 midother:getattr( prop.secondary, prop.remote_side[1]) 
  - other:getattr( prop.mapper.class_, prop.local_side[1])
containerother: getattr( prop.mapper.class_, ??)

containerthis: getattr( prop.parent.class_, prop.key)
 other:getattr( prop.mapper.class_, prop.remote_side[0]) 
  - this:getattr( prop.parent.class_, prop.local_side[0])
other:getattr( prop.mapper.class_, ??)

this: getattr( prop.parent.class_, prop.key) -
 this:getattr( prop.parent.class_, prop.local_side[0]) 
  - other:getattr( prop.mapper.class_, prop.remote_side[0])
other:getattr( prop.mapper.class_, ??)

did i get it right?
how the backrefs would come above?
is the assoc_proxy pattern looking similar as plain m2m or would be 
very different?

On Monday 09 June 2008 03:56:20 Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Jun 8, 2008, at 5:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i'm trying to make a metainfo extractor off some relation
  attribute. by metainfo i mean the klas and attr-name of this and
  of the other side of the relation-attribute, or of the parent or
  child of the relation regardless the start point.
  e.g. possible usage and testing invariants is like:
 a = about_relation( someklas.someproperty)
 print a.name, a.klas, 'is_parent:', a.is_parent
 assert a.thisside == a
 b = a.otherside
 print b.name, b.klas, 'is_parent:', b.is_parent
 assert a.otherside.otherside == a
 if a.is_parent:
 assert a.child  is a.otherside
 assert a.parent is a.thisside
 assert a.parent is a.otherside
 assert a.child  is a.thisside
  e.g. if Parent.kids / Kid.parent are 1:many:
 print about_relation( Parent.kids).otherside.name  - 'mama'
 print about_relation( Parent.kids).otherside.klas  - 'Kid'
 print about_relation( Parent.kids).child.klas  - 'Kid'
 print about_relation( Kid.parent).child.klas   - 'Kid'
 print about_relation( Kid.parent).parent.klas  - 'Parent'
 print about_relation( Kid.parent).otherside.name - 'kids'

 def about_relation(descriptor):
  prop = descriptor.property
  return {
   'child':{'name': prop.key, 'klas': prop.mapper.class_}

 I don't understand what is_parent means (nor 'thissside' and
 'otherside').  every relation has a parent and child.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Optimizing a slow query

2008-06-09 Thread EricHolmberg

On Jun 8, 5:09 am, beewee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 thanks for your answers.

  Other improvements would include (as previously stated by Michael)
  would be to make sure you have indexed all of the items in your WHERE,
  ORDER BY, and ON clauses.

 I created this index:
 create index viewforum on forum_post (topic_id, id);
 Is this right?

 As a
  quick check, try reducing the 140,000 offset to 0

 If I do so, the query is really fast (0.01 sec), but with a big offset
 it still takes more than 10 seconds :/
 This is what EXPLAIN says now:http://paste.pocoo.org/show/64838/
 I executed OPTIMIZE TABLE forum_post but it didn't speed up the

That narrows the problem down to the sub-select then, since this
select will only return 15 rows, but it has to run through a minimum
of 140,015 rows to get those 15.  To verify this is the issue, try
doing the sub-select by itself and doing and explain on it to verify
that is the issue.

Simplified query:
explain SELECT ...  FROM (SELECT ...  FROM forum_post  WHERE 9250 =
forum_post.topic_id ORDER BY forum_post.id   LIMIT 14, 15) AS
anon_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN ... ON anon_1.forum_post_id =
forum_attachment_1.post_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ... ON
anon_1.forum_post_author_id = portal_user_1.id ORDER BY
anon_1.forum_post_id, forum_attachment_1.id, portal_user_1.id;

Try to do just the sub-select:
SELECT ...  FROM forum_post  WHERE 9250 = forum_post.topic_id ORDER BY
forum_post.id   LIMIT 14, 15;

and an explain on it:
SELECT ...  FROM forum_post  WHERE 9250 = forum_post.topic_id ORDER BY
forum_post.id   LIMIT 14, 15

Doing a quick sanity check on my system, a similar query to this
subselect with a LIMIT 14, 15 takes about 2 seconds after a server
restart and about 0.750 seconds once the indexes have been cached in
memory.  This is on an old 2.8 GHz Xeon with Hyperthreading with a
software RAID filesystem that runs about 150 MB/s and 4 GB of memory
for mysql with a dabase index size of 8 GB.  So really, your 10-second
query time is only 5 times slower which could be explained by not
having enough memory devoted to the correct MySQL buffers, so MySQL
starts having to wait on the hard drive.  Take a look at some tuning
parameters that depend upon the database engine that you are using.

  If you're still out of ideas, consider putting a timestamp on the
  records and indexing the timestamp.  You can then do a query based
  upon a time range which I know is fast since I do it all the time on a
  750-million record stock database.

 Can you explain this a little bit more? The forum_post table already
 has a time stamp (pub_date = the date when the post was written), but
 I have no idea how to filter the records using this column to just get
 the posts of a specific page of a specific topic.

If you index the timestamp, then you can provide this as a filter.
For example, in your sub-select, if you limit it to posts to the topic
within the last 30 days, then your sub-select query could easily only
have to deal with 5,000 records instead of 140,000.  For example:

SELECT ...  FROM forum_post  WHERE 9250 = forum_post.topic_id ORDER BY
forum_post.id   LIMIT 14, 15

SELECT ...  FROM forum_post  WHERE 9250 = forum_post.topic_id AND
pub_date = DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 31 DAY) ORDER BY forum_post.id

This should greatly limit the number of rows that the database must
deal with internally.  Also, keep in mind that it is very important
that you make sure that the DATE_SUB calculation can be done just
once, and not for every row.  For example, pub_date = DATE_SUB(NOW(),
INTERVAL 31 DAY) will be very fast, but TO_DAYS(pub_date) -
TO_DAYS(NOW())  31 will be extremely slow since the database will
have to do the calculation for every row.


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[sqlalchemy] Troublesome relation

2008-06-09 Thread Paul Johnston

I have had the following relation working ok for some time, but a recent
update of SQLAlchemy means it's now asking for a remote_side argument. I'm
really not too sure what too put in there - I've never really understood
that parameter, or foreign_keys.

VulnResDesc.mapper.add_property('rawvulns', sao.relation(VulnRes.mapper,
primaryjoin = sa.and_(VulnRes.targetid == VulnResDesc.targetid,
   VulnMap.vulndescid == VulnResDesc.id,
   VulnMap.tool == VulnRes.tool,
   VulnMap.toolvulnid == VulnRes.toolvulnid),
foreign_keys = [VulnResDesc.c.targetid, VulnResDesc.c.id],
viewonly = True,
uselist = True))

If you'd like some explanation what it's doing, this is part of a tracking
system for security scans. VulnRes is each raw result from a tool, VulnDesc
(not used here) is a textual description of a finding, and VulnMap maps
VulnRes to VulnDesc. VulnResDesc is a view, that gets the distinct
VulnDesc's for each Target. The idea is that the rawvulns relation takes you
from a VulnDesc on a particular Target, to a list of the VulnRes that relate
to this. Not an easy relation :-)

So, what do I put in remote_side? I tried copying foreign_keys, and the app
started, but the relation is always empty.

Any help appreciated!


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[sqlalchemy] Re: relation metainfo

2008-06-09 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jun 9, 2008, at 1:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 okay here anopther way to represent it. this side is the given
 prop/descriptor, and then the hops towards other end side:

containerthis: getattr( prop.parent.class_, prop.key)
 midthis: getattr( prop.secondary, prop.remote_side[0])
  - this: getattr( prop.parent.class_, prop.local_side[0])
 midother:getattr( prop.secondary, prop.remote_side[1])
  - other:getattr( prop.mapper.class_, prop.local_side[1])
containerother: getattr( prop.mapper.class_, ??)

containerthis: getattr( prop.parent.class_, prop.key)
 other:getattr( prop.mapper.class_, prop.remote_side[0])
  - this:getattr( prop.parent.class_, prop.local_side[0])
other:getattr( prop.mapper.class_, ??)

this: getattr( prop.parent.class_, prop.key) -
 this:getattr( prop.parent.class_, prop.local_side[0])
  - other:getattr( prop.mapper.class_, prop.remote_side[0])
other:getattr( prop.mapper.class_, ??)

 did i get it right?
 how the backrefs would come above?
 is the assoc_proxy pattern looking similar as plain m2m or would be
 very different?

association proxy is a 1-M - M-1

look at prop.direction in (ONETOMANY, MANYTOONE, MANYTOMANY) to figure  
the direction of the relation, since that's what your is_parent  
concept seems to derive from.

the PropertyLoader is pretty agnostic about backref/collection/etc  
with regards to direction.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Troublesome relation

2008-06-09 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jun 9, 2008, at 10:50 AM, Paul Johnston wrote:


 I have had the following relation working ok for some time, but a  
 recent update of SQLAlchemy means it's now asking for a remote_side  
 argument. I'm really not too sure what too put in there - I've never  
 really understood that parameter, or foreign_keys.

 primaryjoin = sa.and_(VulnRes.targetid == VulnResDesc.targetid,
VulnMap.vulndescid == VulnResDesc.id,
VulnMap.tool == VulnRes.tool,
VulnMap.toolvulnid == VulnRes.toolvulnid),
 foreign_keys = [VulnResDesc.c.targetid, VulnResDesc.c.id],
 viewonly = True,
 uselist = True))

ultimately all relations distill the join condition into a set of  
pairs, above it would be:

[ (VulnResDesc.targetid, VulnRes.targetid) ]

i.e., the column pairs that are involved with the VulnResDesc and  
VulnRes mappers.  Column pairs that deal with VulnMap are not of any  
use to the relation() since we can't write to them, we cant use them  
as the source of newly generated foreign keys, and we can't compare to  
them in a lazy load.

So using foreign_keys which only deals with these columns should  
probably work by itself:

foreign_keys = [VulnResDesc.targetid]

The remote_side argument, if needed, would be remote_side=  
[VulnRes.targetid] since that is the right side of the relation.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Ordering null dates

2008-06-09 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jun 9, 2008, at 11:34 AM, Christoph Zwerschke wrote:

 I need to order a table by start and end dates, where null values  
 be interpreted as prior to all values for start dates and later  
 all values for end dates.

 This could be realized with nulls first, nulls last, but it seems
 this did not make it into SQLAlchemy yet (ticket #723).

 A workaround (for PostgreSQL) would be something like this:

 order_by coalesce(start, timestamp '-infinity'),
   coalesce(end_date, timestamp 'infinity')

 But I don't find how to construct this with SQLAlchemy. Any ideas? Any
 better solutions?

I tend to use a CASE statement for this:  CASE WHEN x IS NULL THEN 0  
ELSE x .   We have case() construct for that.

For your version, use func.coalesce(start, literal_column(timestamp '- 
infinity')) .

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[sqlalchemy] Re: PostgreSQL and inserting

2008-06-09 Thread Eric Lemoine

Hi. Currently sa does select after insert to get the new serial value?
Is my understanding correct? Thx

2008/6/7, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Jun 6, 2008, at 9:11 PM, Cliff Wells wrote:

 Just an FYI, in PostgreSQL 8.2.4 they added a new feature returning
 which can be used to avoid the need for an additional query (to get
 value of serial columns) when inserting records:

 test=# create table foo ( id serial primary key not null, name text );

 test=# insert into foo ( name ) values ( 'test 1' ) returning id;
 (1 row)

 test=# insert into foo ( name ) values ( 'test 2' ) returning *;
 id |  name
  2 | test 2
 (1 row)

 Thought it would be worth mentioning.

 the PG dialect supports RETURNING;  I think its the pg_returning
 keyword argument to insert().

 Still remaining to do is to modify the PG dialect such that this is
 used automatically when available for the primary key columns, or
 perhaps in combination with a dialect agnostic hint, so that the ORM
 makes usage of it implicitly.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Ordering null dates

2008-06-09 Thread Christoph Zwerschke

Michael Bayer wrote:
 I tend to use a CASE statement for this:  CASE WHEN x IS NULL THEN 0  
 ELSE x .   We have case() construct for that.

Yes, but that still leaves me with having to code infinity some way.

 For your version, use func.coalesce(start, literal_column(timestamp '- 
 infinity')) .

Thank you. literal_column was exactly what I was looking for.

Though I still would like to have nulls first/last as well, this 
construct is also useful when checking date ranges with between.

Thanks again for your quick and helpful answer, as always...

-- Christoph

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[sqlalchemy] Cannot abort wxPython thread with SQLAlchemy

2008-06-09 Thread Dominique

Hello All,

I am using delayedresult (which is a class to do threading in
wxPython) for a query with SQLAlchemy, using SQLite.

I have an 'opened' session in the main App thread.

I create another session under the delayedresult thread.
When I try to stop this thread with a dedicated button, the thread
doesn't abort and goes on till it sends the result.

Does anybody knows  how to tackle this issue ? Should I close the
first session under the main App ?
Something else ?

Many thanks in advance for any hints

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[sqlalchemy] Re: reading from one database and writing to another

2008-06-09 Thread qhfgva

On Jun 6, 12:34 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 6, 2008, at 2:29 PM, qhfgva wrote:

  We have (what I think of as) a moderately complicated database
  configuration and I'm hoping there will be a way to configure
  sqlalchemy to deal with it.  The basic scenario is like this:

  There are N mysql servers in different geographical regions that are
  all replicating against one master.  In the interest of speed the rule
  in each location is to do reads which are very frequent against the
  local copy of the database and if there is a write to do that against
  the master.  As an added wrinkle the user has an option to write to
  the master with a master_pos_wait so that the current process will
  wait until replication has caught up with the update just executed.
  Hopefully that makes sense and gives enough of a flavor of what I've
  got in mind.

  I'm pretty new to sqlalchemy.  Is the above feasible?  If so are there
  examples to compare with and learn from doing something similar?
  Where (api/code) would I start looking to accomplish the above?

  Any tips to get me going would be much appreciated.

 easiest approach is to use multiple sessions, multiple engines.   Your  
 app would need to know which engine it wants to talk to, and binds a  
 session to that engine.  Binding is described here:  

Thanks I'll take a look.  I left out what I think is an important part
of this scenario (or maybe it's trivial - I don't have a good
perspective on this yet).  In any case,  I would like to use the ORM
component of sqlalchemy and completely hide the fact that the read/
write connections are possibly different.   (They might become the
same connection if the local database becomes unaccessible and/or is
too far behind the master).

In other words I'd like to have a handle to, say, a user object, and
do reads/updates to it with the programmer using this object not
caring about how the work gets done.   So for instance I select a
number of user objects that come from the local database.  Later I
update a field on one of these and the update takes place on the
master directly.

Is that weird?  Doable?  Unfortunately this is the environment I need
to get this working with.

As a side note, we manage this difference by hand now, it's really
annoying which is why I'd love to abstract it away.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Ordering null dates

2008-06-09 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jun 9, 2008, at 12:56 PM, Christoph Zwerschke wrote:

 Michael Bayer wrote:
 I tend to use a CASE statement for this:  CASE WHEN x IS NULL THEN 0
 ELSE x .   We have case() construct for that.

 Yes, but that still leaves me with having to code infinity some way.

 For your version, use func.coalesce(start,  
 literal_column(timestamp '-
 infinity')) .

 Thank you. literal_column was exactly what I was looking for.

 Though I still would like to have nulls first/last as well, this
 construct is also useful when checking date ranges with between.

yeah we have the ticket, sooner or later unless someone patches  :)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: PostgreSQL and inserting

2008-06-09 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jun 9, 2008, at 12:23 PM, Eric Lemoine wrote:

 Hi. Currently sa does select after insert to get the new serial value?
 Is my understanding correct? Thx

no, SA executes the sequence corresponding to the integer primary key  

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[sqlalchemy] Re: reading from one database and writing to another

2008-06-09 Thread az

u're talking about full replication...
what's the possiblity of local-readonly DB to have different (older) 
data than that of the master? and how this should be tackled?

theoreticaly from what i get of the multi-sessions/engine approach, 
then your two sessions (one writeable:master, one readonly:local) may 
have different objects which represent/has to be one object?

On Monday 09 June 2008 21:22:48 qhfgva wrote:
 On Jun 6, 12:34 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Jun 6, 2008, at 2:29 PM, qhfgva wrote:
   We have (what I think of as) a moderately complicated database
   configuration and I'm hoping there will be a way to configure
   sqlalchemy to deal with it.  The basic scenario is like this:
   There are N mysql servers in different geographical regions
   that are all replicating against one master.  In the interest
   of speed the rule in each location is to do reads which are
   very frequent against the local copy of the database and if
   there is a write to do that against the master.  As an added
   wrinkle the user has an option to write to the master with a
   master_pos_wait so that the current process will wait until
   replication has caught up with the update just executed.
   Hopefully that makes sense and gives enough of a flavor of what
   I've got in mind.
   I'm pretty new to sqlalchemy.  Is the above feasible?  If so
   are there examples to compare with and learn from doing
   something similar? Where (api/code) would I start looking to
   accomplish the above?
   Any tips to get me going would be much appreciated.
  easiest approach is to use multiple sessions, multiple engines.  
  Your   app would need to know which engine it wants to talk to,
  and binds a session to that engine.  Binding is described here:

 Thanks I'll take a look.  I left out what I think is an important
 part of this scenario (or maybe it's trivial - I don't have a good
 perspective on this yet).  In any case,  I would like to use the
 ORM component of sqlalchemy and completely hide the fact that the
 read/ write connections are possibly different.   (They might
 become the same connection if the local database becomes
 unaccessible and/or is too far behind the master).

 In other words I'd like to have a handle to, say, a user object,
 and do reads/updates to it with the programmer using this object
 not caring about how the work gets done.   So for instance I select
 a number of user objects that come from the local database.  Later
 I update a field on one of these and the update takes place on the
 master directly.

 Is that weird?  Doable?  Unfortunately this is the environment I
 need to get this working with.

 As a side note, we manage this difference by hand now, it's really
 annoying which is why I'd love to abstract it away.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: reading from one database and writing to another

2008-06-09 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jun 9, 2008, at 2:22 PM, qhfgva wrote:

 Thanks I'll take a look.  I left out what I think is an important part
 of this scenario (or maybe it's trivial - I don't have a good
 perspective on this yet).  In any case,  I would like to use the ORM
 component of sqlalchemy and completely hide the fact that the read/
 write connections are possibly different.   (They might become the
 same connection if the local database becomes unaccessible and/or is
 too far behind the master).

that is going to be very hard to accomplish as the Session does not  
have a clustering rules engine built into it in order to determine  
read/write locations, nor is that within its scope.  It can only  
handle class X talks to engine Y.

 In other words I'd like to have a handle to, say, a user object, and
 do reads/updates to it with the programmer using this object not
 caring about how the work gets done.   So for instance I select a
 number of user objects that come from the local database.  Later I
 update a field on one of these and the update takes place on the
 master directly.

 Is that weird?  Doable?  Unfortunately this is the environment I need
 to get this working with.

you need to make a facade on top of Session which accomplishes this,  
most likely by using multiple sessions.  Rebinding a single session  
mid-stream is somewhat possible as well, but you'd want to ensure that  
the session is not engaged in a current transaction when this happens.

Another, more dramatic approach is to handle the multiple engines as  
the SQL execution level; look at 0.5 and the ConnectionProxy class.   
The ConnectionProxy is simple but you'd have to intelligently inspect  
the statements coming in to determine where they should be routed.  Of  
particular concern would be again transactional state;   when a  
flush() occurs and writes data to the write engine, the flush() still  
needs to read from that same engine in some cases, such as when  
deleting collections where it wants to locate the set of primary  
keys.  Similarly, if a read operation detects a certain state that is  
then not present on the different-engined write operation (or vice  
versa), that inconsistent state can lead to errors.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: reading from one database and writing to another

2008-06-09 Thread Michael Bayer

we're also assuming that you've exhausted these approaches (which  
would be a lot more appropriate for this sort of thing):


On Jun 9, 2008, at 2:22 PM, qhfgva wrote:

 On Jun 6, 12:34 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 6, 2008, at 2:29 PM, qhfgva wrote:

 We have (what I think of as) a moderately complicated database
 configuration and I'm hoping there will be a way to configure
 sqlalchemy to deal with it.  The basic scenario is like this:

 There are N mysql servers in different geographical regions that are
 all replicating against one master.  In the interest of speed the  
 in each location is to do reads which are very frequent against the
 local copy of the database and if there is a write to do that  
 the master.  As an added wrinkle the user has an option to write to
 the master with a master_pos_wait so that the current process will
 wait until replication has caught up with the update just executed.
 Hopefully that makes sense and gives enough of a flavor of what I've
 got in mind.

 I'm pretty new to sqlalchemy.  Is the above feasible?  If so are  
 examples to compare with and learn from doing something similar?
 Where (api/code) would I start looking to accomplish the above?

 Any tips to get me going would be much appreciated.

 easiest approach is to use multiple sessions, multiple engines.
 app would need to know which engine it wants to talk to, and binds a
 session to that engine.  Binding is described here:  

 Thanks I'll take a look.  I left out what I think is an important part
 of this scenario (or maybe it's trivial - I don't have a good
 perspective on this yet).  In any case,  I would like to use the ORM
 component of sqlalchemy and completely hide the fact that the read/
 write connections are possibly different.   (They might become the
 same connection if the local database becomes unaccessible and/or is
 too far behind the master).

 In other words I'd like to have a handle to, say, a user object, and
 do reads/updates to it with the programmer using this object not
 caring about how the work gets done.   So for instance I select a
 number of user objects that come from the local database.  Later I
 update a field on one of these and the update takes place on the
 master directly.

 Is that weird?  Doable?  Unfortunately this is the environment I need
 to get this working with.

 As a side note, we manage this difference by hand now, it's really
 annoying which is why I'd love to abstract it away.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy in virtualenv Instructions

2008-06-09 Thread Lukasz Szybalski

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 12:12 PM, Lukasz Szybalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:38 AM, jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
   On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:30 AM, jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
 Below you can find instructions on how to setup sqlalchemy in virtual

Installing SQLAlchemy in a virtualenv is the same as for any package on
listed on PYPI:
   What does this line do?
$ source myenv/bin/activate


   Which version of sqlalchemy does it install? current stable? trunk? or?
$ easy_install SQLAlchemy

  The latest on pypi.  You can also do

$ easy_install SQLAlchemy==dev   # for svn trunk
$ easy_install SQLAlchemy==0.4.5 # whatever version


 Thanks guys, the active script was the last piece of the puzzle.


I have mysqldb installed in the system wide install how do I tell
virtualenv to use it?
I don't see a need to install it in virtualenv again so I guess I just
have to givea right path? How, and in which file?


line 1430, in dbapi
import MySQLdb as mysql
ImportError: No module named MySQLdb

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[sqlalchemy] Re: reading from one database and writing to another

2008-06-09 Thread Jonathan LaCour

Michael Bayer wrote:

 Thanks I'll take a look.  I left out what I think is an
 important part of this scenario (or maybe it's trivial - I don't
 have a good perspective on this yet).  In any case, I would like
 to use the ORM component of sqlalchemy and completely hide the
 fact that the read/ write connections are possibly different.
 (They might become the same connection if the local database
 becomes unaccessible and/or is too far behind the master).

 that is going to be very hard to accomplish as the Session does
 not have a clustering rules engine built into it in order to
 determine read/write locations, nor is that within its scope.  It
 can only handle class X talks to engine Y.

Just an FYI, I am actually splitting reads and writes in a fairly
straightforward way in my web application by inferring the intent
of the request based upon the method. We developed the application
so that all requests that write to the database are in a POST.
Everything else uses other methods (primarily GET).

We use a scoped session, ensuring that each request gets its own
session and then wrote some WSGI middleware which will automatically
bind the session to the correct database instance (one of the
masters, or the correct slave) based upon the request method. We
also automatically wrap POST's in a transaction, and roll back upon

FWIW, this middleware is like 20 lines of code long. If your app
is not web-based you might have trouble getting away with something
like this :)

Jonathan LaCour

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[sqlalchemy] Re: reading from one database and writing to another

2008-06-09 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jun 9, 2008, at 4:57 PM, Jonathan LaCour wrote:

 Michael Bayer wrote:

 Thanks I'll take a look.  I left out what I think is an
 important part of this scenario (or maybe it's trivial - I don't
 have a good perspective on this yet).  In any case, I would like
 to use the ORM component of sqlalchemy and completely hide the
 fact that the read/ write connections are possibly different.
 (They might become the same connection if the local database
 becomes unaccessible and/or is too far behind the master).

 that is going to be very hard to accomplish as the Session does
 not have a clustering rules engine built into it in order to
 determine read/write locations, nor is that within its scope.  It
 can only handle class X talks to engine Y.

 Just an FYI, I am actually splitting reads and writes in a fairly
 straightforward way in my web application by inferring the intent
 of the request based upon the method. We developed the application
 so that all requests that write to the database are in a POST.
 Everything else uses other methods (primarily GET).

 We use a scoped session, ensuring that each request gets its own
 session and then wrote some WSGI middleware which will automatically
 bind the session to the correct database instance (one of the
 masters, or the correct slave) based upon the request method. We
 also automatically wrap POST's in a transaction, and roll back upon

 FWIW, this middleware is like 20 lines of code long. If your app
 is not web-based you might have trouble getting away with something
 like this :)

yup, my approach for this uses decorators:

def do_something_readonly(request_vars):

def do_something_writeable(request_vars):

the scoped_session is configured by the decorator.

but this still has an explicitness to it that it seemed the poster  
was looking to avoid.  but perhaps I mis-read.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Cannot abort wxPython thread with SQLAlchemy

2008-06-09 Thread Peter Hansen

Dominique wrote:
 I am using delayedresult (which is a class to do threading in
 wxPython) for a query with SQLAlchemy, using SQLite.
 I have an 'opened' session in the main App thread.
 I create another session under the delayedresult thread.
 When I try to stop this thread with a dedicated button, the thread
 doesn't abort and goes on till it sends the result.

As Python has no way to actually terminate a thread, can you explain 
what you mean by stop this thread?  Are you simply cloning the code 
from the wxPython example, with the delayedresult.AbortEvent() object, 
and calling .set() on it?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Cannot abort wxPython thread with SQLAlchemy

2008-06-09 Thread Dominique

Hi Peter,

Thank you very much for answering.

On 10 juin, 02:38, Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As Python has no way to actually terminate a thread, can you explain
 what you mean by stop this thread?  Are you simply cloning the code
 from the wxPython example, with the delayedresult.AbortEvent() object,
 and calling .set() on it?

That's exactly what I do.
My Abort button is linked to an abort function which calls
abortEvent.set(), like in the demo.
In the producer function, I launch the query.
What I'd like to do  is to be able to stop the thread, while the query
is being done.
Is it possible or am I trying to do something impossible ?

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