[sqlalchemy] Re: dictionary mapping with foreignkey relations/association objects

2008-09-22 Thread Alex K

Hello Matt, this should help:

you are using many-to-many relationship,  (book_author_table - is your
association table)
please read this first:


After what you can turn to


to make the setup even easier.

It should answer your question,

On Sep 21, 10:53 pm, mattmiller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i don't seem to be able to figure out how to map an input dictionary
 my objects. specifically, i am trying to map a dictionary with inut
 values to my session objects. somewhat stylized, using a non-
 declarative approach:

 book_table = Table('test_book', meta,
 Column(u'id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column(u'title', Unicode(255)),

 author_table = Table('test_author', meta,
 Column(u'id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column(u'first_name', Unicode(255)),
 Column(u'last_name', Unicode(255)),
# Column(u'book_id', Integer, ForeignKey('test_book.id')),

 book_author_table = Table('test_book_author', meta,
 Column(u'user_id', None, ForeignKey('test_book.id'),
 Column(u'author_id', None, ForeignKey('test_author.id'),


 class Author(object):pass
 class Book(object): pass

 mapper(Author, author_table)
 mapper(Book, book_table)

 in the simple case,  i got an input dict with only one author
 (although there might be more than one):
 in_dict = in2 = {'title':some title 2, 'first_name':'joe',

 my first flup is right here as i can't append the author to the author
 list in the book oject, since it doesn't exist, duh:
 book = Book()
 book.authors.append(author) #does not work

 how do i kneed to specify my metadata and mappers to get things set up
 my way? is this even possible in a non-declarative manner?

 although i haven't gotten there, yet, i'm pretty sure the _this_ won't
 work even if i had my author obj list available:
 for k,v in in_dict.items():
 book.k = v

 fundamentally, i'm trying to get a web-based input form with lots of
 attributes equivalent to the book-author example above into my db as
 painless as possible. any suggestions are greatly appreciated, thx
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Querying in the many side of a one-to-many relationship

2008-09-22 Thread az

On Sunday 21 September 2008 23:23:00 Gabe wrote:
 Thanks for the pointer.  I must have read over that 100 times and
 missed the contains part.  I've managed to put this together:
 games =
 models.Game.scores.any(models.Score.player ==

 Unfortunately, with ~6000 games, where the specified user has
 played ~4000 of them, it takes roughly 45 seconds to issue that
 query: time curl http://localhost:8080/chart/win_average?
2 Solon played 4195 games.
 real  0m44.656s
 user  0m0.008s
 sys   0m0.008s

 As you can see I've attempted to eagerload the scores but that
 doesn't seem to help much.  I tried to eagerload the players as
 well but I can't get that syntax to work.  I tried specifying lazy
 = False in my Columns in the models, but I don't know if that takes
 effect after the database has already been created.

 Does anyone have advice for speeding this query up?
 - try another db, e.g. postgres. sqlite is simple thing, do not 
expect miracles.
 - maybe, try to express your thing as a join (and not subselect) (i'm 
not sql specialist so might be wrong here)
 - sometimes the amount of data to be transferred via network becomes 
the bottleneck. e.g. in one case of mine eagerloading 5 relations was 
2x slower than otherwise.


 On Sep 21, 4:38 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sunday 21 September 2008 20:04:02 Gabe wrote:
   Hi Everyone,
   I'm somewhat new to database design, so if I've set things up
   in an incompatible or silly manner please let me know.  I have
   the following tables:
   class Player(Base):
      __tablename__ = players
      # Stuff about a player.
     A class that holds information about a single
     __tablename__ =
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key =
     board =
     match_length =
     date_added = Column(DateTime, default =
     A class that holds a player's score for a
     __tablename__ =
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key =
     game_id = Column(Integer,
     player_id = Column(Integer,
     score =
     game = relation(Game, backref =
     player =
     # Back
     # game which points to the game for this object.
   I'd like to figure out how to count the wins and losses for a
   player. I was thinking something along these lines:
   player = session.query(Player).filter(Player.name ==
   playername).one() games_containing_player =
   session.query(Game).filter(player in Game.scores.player).all()
   But that pretty obviously doesn't work.  Should I have designed
   this set up differently?  Right now the only thing I've come up
   with, (which seems to think the player is in every game as well
   which is wrong) and is really really slow, is:
   Get the player.
       player =
   models.Player.owner == user,
           models.Player.name == playername,
           models.Player.version == version)).one()
       if not player:
         return Not a valid player.
       # Compute the player's win/loss list.
       win_loss = []
       games = session.query(models.Game).all()
       def had_player(game):
         for score in game.scores:
           if score.player == player:
             return True
         return False
       filter(had_player, games)
       return %s played %d games. % (player.name, len(games))
   Thanks for the advice,


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[sqlalchemy] SA4: Why the automatic rollback on exception during SQL-Expression execution?

2008-09-22 Thread Tom Moertel


Let's say I have a simple table and want to create a function to
ensure that a given row exists in that table. That is, the desired
semantics is that after I call this function, the given row will
exist: if it doesn't exist before the call, it will be created.

I'm using SA 0.4.7 and the SQL Expression Language.  My initial
attempt follows:

  def make_sure_row_exists(row_attr_dict):
  s = MyTable.insert(row_attr_dict)
  except IntegrityError:
  pass  # row already exists, so we need do nothing more

In sum: try to create the row and if it's already there, great.

The trouble is, if the row already exists, SA will issue a ROLLBACK on
the connection, wiping out any as-of-yet-uncommitted work that
may have built up previously:

  sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..d0 INSERT INTO mytable (x, y)
VALUES (?, ?)
  sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..d0 ['1', '1']   # already exists
  sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..d0 ROLLBACK

This ROLLBACK makes it hard to use this function as a building block
in larger transactions.  (Unless I somehow isolate this function in
its own transaction, e.g., by using nested transactions.)

What that background, I have some questions:

1.  Is there a better way to use SA's SQL Expression Language to
implement a function with the desired semantics?

2.  How can I tell SA that it's fine if the row already exists
and not to issue the ROLLBACK?

3.  Is there any documentation on the interaction of transactions
between ORM sessions and SQL Expression Language connections?
(I ask this because I first noticed the ROLLBACK-on-exception
issue when work on an ORM session failed to be committed as usual.
Since the ORM work was done via a scoped session object and the
SQL-EL work was done as shown in the code snippet above on an
engine that does not use threadlocal execution strategy, I would
have expected the SQL-EL-issued ROLLBACK not to affect the ORM
work, they presumably being on different connections, albeit to
the same database.)

If anybody can shed some light, I would be grateful. Thanks for your


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[sqlalchemy] Fwd: Support for ordered lists of child items

2008-09-22 Thread Michael Bayer
forwarded from pvt email

orderinglist ?

Begin forwarded message:

 Date: September 22, 2008 9:51:31 AM EDT
 To: Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Support for ordered lists of child items

 Hello Michael, 18 months later, would your answer to Aaron still be
 the same?

 I have a problem fitting what Aaron described. ie. save+restore of
 child order after re-ordering in the Python side.  Re-ordering child
 list elements would obviously be ideal, but I could cope with updating
 an extra integer node attribute instead.

 I'm completely new to SA and at this stage skimming documentation and
 looking at the tree examples. Found this thread, so wondering if some
 newer SA magic can solve this, or if a custom collection class or
 something else is the best solution.

 I also looked at the ElementTree examples, but they don't appear to
 guarantee child order either - correct?

 Thanks in advance.  I looked at your activity in this group. Amazing!

 On Apr 10 2007, 4:02 am, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 we dont have the capability to automatically update ordering columns
 when the elements of a list are moved around.  if you move the
 elements around, you need to execute some step that will update the
 index columns (or create a custom collection class that does this for

 On Apr 9, 2007, at 12:42 PM, Aaron Digulla wrote:


 I'm looking for a feature but couldn't find it in the docs.

 I have atreelike structure where the user can specify theorderof
 thechildrenof a node. In DB lingo, I have a parentId and an index
 column. When I loadchildren, they should be ordered by the index.
 This seems to be supported.

 Can SA also update the index column when I movechildrenin the list
 around? Like:

 # ... parent has threechildrenA, B C
 item = parent.children[0]
 del parent.children[0]
 parent.children.insert (1, item)
 # now, parent has threechildrenB, A, C


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Fwd: Support for ordered lists of child items

2008-09-22 Thread jason kirtland

Yep, orderinglist handles that case.

Michael Bayer wrote:
 forwarded from pvt email
 orderinglist ?
 Begin forwarded message:
 *Date: *September 22, 2008 9:51:31 AM EDT
 *To: *Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 *Subject: **Re: Support for ordered lists of child items*

 Hello Michael, 18 months later, would your answer to Aaron still be
 the same?

 I have a problem fitting what Aaron described. ie. save+restore of
 child order after re-ordering in the Python side.  Re-ordering child
 list elements would obviously be ideal, but I could cope with updating
 an extra integer node attribute instead.

 I'm completely new to SA and at this stage skimming documentation and
 looking at the tree examples. Found this thread, so wondering if some
 newer SA magic can solve this, or if a custom collection class or
 something else is the best solution.

 I also looked at the ElementTree examples, but they don't appear to
 guarantee child order either - correct?

 Thanks in advance.  I looked at your activity in this group. Amazing!

 On Apr 10 2007, 4:02 am, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 we dont have the capability to automatically update ordering columns  
 when the elements of a list are moved around.  if you move the  
 elements around, you need to execute some step that will update the  
 index columns (or create a custom collection class that does this for  

 On Apr 9, 2007, at 12:42 PM, Aaron Digulla wrote:


 I'm looking for a feature but couldn't find it in the docs.

 I have atreelike structure where the user can specify theorderof
 thechildrenof a node. In DB lingo, I have a parentId and an index
 column. When I loadchildren, they should be ordered by the index.
 This seems to be supported.

 Can SA also update the index column when I movechildrenin the list
 around? Like:

 # ... parent has threechildrenA, B C
 item = parent.children[0]
 del parent.children[0]
 parent.children.insert (1, item)
 # now, parent has threechildrenB, A, C


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SA4: Why the automatic rollback on exception during SQL-Expression execution?

2008-09-22 Thread Michael Bayer

On Sep 22, 2008, at 11:49 AM, Tom Moertel wrote:

  def make_sure_row_exists(row_attr_dict):
  s = MyTable.insert(row_attr_dict)
  except IntegrityError:
  pass  # row already exists, so we need do nothing more

 In sum: try to create the row and if it's already there, great.

 The trouble is, if the row already exists, SA will issue a ROLLBACK on
 the connection, wiping out any as-of-yet-uncommitted work that
 may have built up previously:

  sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..d0 INSERT INTO mytable (x, y)
 VALUES (?, ?)
  sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..d0 ['1', '1']   # already exists
  sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..d0 ROLLBACK

the Connection/Engine work by default in an autocommit fashion.  To  
control transaction boundaries:


 3.  Is there any documentation on the interaction of transactions
between ORM sessions and SQL Expression Language connections?



These patterns have been improved in the 0.5 series as well.

(I ask this because I first noticed the ROLLBACK-on-exception
issue when work on an ORM session failed to be committed as usual.

the ORM Session will always issue a ROLLBACK when a flush() fails.   
This is due to two things - the database often requires a ROLLBACK in  
any case (i.e. a postgres transaction typically can't continue after  
an exception such as the above), and also that flush()'s bookkeeping  
only executes after the full set of SQL is issued, so therefore does  
not at the moment support partial progress of its SQL to be issued.   
In 0.5 this can be worked around using SAVEPOINT via  
session.begin_nested() (0.4 has more limited support for this usage).

Since the ORM work was done via a scoped session object and the
SQL-EL work was done as shown in the code snippet above on an
engine that does not use threadlocal execution strategy, I would
have expected the SQL-EL-issued ROLLBACK not to affect the ORM
work, they presumably being on different connections, albeit to
the same database.)

0.4 has a behavioral feature which has been fixed in 0.5, which is  
that the connection pool is set to still use threadlocal execution.   
Fix this by issuing create_engine(url, pool_threadlocal=False).

For any new project, I would strongly urge the usage of 0.5 which is  
in final release candidate status.   Particularly with regards to  
transactional control, 0.5 is vastly superior to 0.4.  Docs are much  
better too particularly regarding this topic.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: ordering_list performance

2008-09-22 Thread jason kirtland

I'm sure there is potential for improvement on the current orderinglist 
code- please feel free to send a patch with optimizations you've found 
to the SA trac.

The orderinglist hasn't changed much since 0.3, but with 0.5 there may 
be entirely new implementations possible.  For example, I could imagine 
one that defers calculation and manipulation of the positioning 
information until a before_flush hook.  That may be perform better, with 
the trade-off that the position attribute can't be trusted to be in sync 
with the list order.

jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
 Below is the profiling of code that added 1200 items into an
 ordering_list relation. I had to bypass the ordering_list stuff for
 bulk additions in order to have better performance (down to 2
 Hope this post helps to improve this part (using 0.5.0rc1, python 2.5,
 linux i686, 1.5Go RAM)
 SA is rocking!
 Time elapsed:  48.4475638866 s
  8875046 function calls (8869157 primitive calls) in 48.443
 CPU seconds
Ordered by: internal time, call count
List reduced from 390 to 10 due to restriction 10
ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall
 1292937/12922507.8790.000   12.1340.000 attributes.py:
   12410137.6620.000   39.8360.000 orderinglist.py:
   12410135.8700.000   16.9160.000 orderinglist.py:
4408094.5220.0009.5270.000 attributes.py:394(set)
  12364.1980.003   44.0250.036 orderinglist.py:
 1299736/12990483.7520.0004.3730.000 attributes.py:
4482253.3370.0005.1570.000 identity.py:
4370612.7040.000   14.3310.000 orderinglist.py:
4408092.2250.000   11.7520.000 attributes.py:
4482251.7750.0001.8120.000 attributes.py:
 Function   was called by...
 attributes.py:132(__get__) - domain.py:200(addEntry)
 (1236)   46.741
 (1236)   47.832
 202(_get_order_value)(1241013)   16.916
 orderinglist.py:221(_order_entity) - orderinglist.py:208(reorder)
 (1240326)   44.025
 orderinglist.py:202(_get_order_value)  - orderinglist.py:
 221(_order_entity)(1241013)   39.836
 attributes.py:394(set) - attributes.py:126(__set__)
 (440809)   11.752
 orderinglist.py:208(reorder)   - orderinglist.py:
 266(__setslice__)(1236)   44.061
 attributes.py:310(get) - attributes.py:132(__get__)
 (1292937)   12.134
 identity.py:208(modified_event)- attributes.py:394(set)
 orderinglist.py:205(_set_order_value)  - orderinglist.py:
 221(_order_entity)(437061)   39.836
 attributes.py:126(__set__) - domain.py:
 205(_set_order_value)(437061)   14.331
 attributes.py:958(modified_event)  - identity.py:

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[sqlalchemy] Re: ORM mapping existing data tables

2008-09-22 Thread Doug Farrell


Thanks for the response and help, I made the change and the class is
populated, this is great!

Again, thanks for your help,

 -Original Message-
 From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of Michael Bayer
 Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 10:41 PM
 To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [sqlalchemy] Re: ORM mapping existing data tables
 On Sep 21, 2008, at 9:09 PM, Doug Farrell wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  I'm new to SqlAlchemy, but I've got some things working and really
  enjoying it. Right now I'm trying to ORM map some existing MySQL
  database tables to a class. I've read the documentation, I guess I'm
  just not getting it. Can someone help me out. I've done this:
  # initialize the sqlite engine and SqlAlchemy base objects
  engine = create_engine('mysql://username:@hostname/database',
  meta = MetaData(engine)
  myTable = Table('mytable', meta, autoload=True)
  l = [c.name for c in pressrouting.columns]
  print l
  And this works fine, but if I try this:
  # initialize the sqlite engine and SqlAlchemy base objects
  engine = create_engine('mysql://username:@hostname/database',
  meta = MetaData(engine)
  Base = declarative_base(metadata=meta)
  class MyTable(Base):
 __tablename__ = mytable
  I get this error:
  sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Mapper Mapper|MyTable|mytable could
  assemble any primary key columns for mapped table 'mytable'
  What is this error message trying to tell me?
 the autoload=True part is missing from your second recipe, so the
 table has no columns and therefore no primary key either.  Add in
 __table_args__ = {'autoload':True}.
 t this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sqlalchemy?hl=en

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SA4: Why the automatic rollback on exception during SQL-Expression execution?

2008-09-22 Thread Tom Moertel

Michael, thanks for your quick and helpful response.

 For any new project, I would strongly urge the usage of 0.5...

Our project isn't new, but I think it's time to move to SA 0.5.  :-)


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[sqlalchemy] Re: ordering_list performance

2008-09-22 Thread jean-philippe dutreve

What I've done is something like this:

account_entries = self.entries[:]
for entry in new_entries:
insort_right(account_entries, entry)
for i, entry in enumerate(account_entries):
entry.position = i
self.entries = account_entries

Don't know if it's the right way to do it but it's much faster.

On 22 sep, 18:41, jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm sure there is potential for improvement on the current orderinglist
 code- please feel free to send a patch with optimizations you've found
 to the SA trac.

 The orderinglist hasn't changed much since 0.3, but with 0.5 there may
 be entirely new implementations possible.  For example, I could imagine
 one that defers calculation and manipulation of the positioning
 information until a before_flush hook.  That may be perform better, with
 the trade-off that the position attribute can't be trusted to be in sync
 with the list order.

 jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
  Below is the profiling of code that added 1200 items into an
  ordering_list relation. I had to bypass the ordering_list stuff for
  bulk additions in order to have better performance (down to 2
  Hope this post helps to improve this part (using 0.5.0rc1, python 2.5,
  linux i686, 1.5Go RAM)

  SA is rocking!

  Time elapsed:  48.4475638866 s
           8875046 function calls (8869157 primitive calls) in 48.443
  CPU seconds

     Ordered by: internal time, call count
     List reduced from 390 to 10 due to restriction 10

     ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall
  1292937/1292250    7.879    0.000   12.134    0.000 attributes.py:
    1241013    7.662    0.000   39.836    0.000 orderinglist.py:
    1241013    5.870    0.000   16.916    0.000 orderinglist.py:
     440809    4.522    0.000    9.527    0.000 attributes.py:394(set)
       1236    4.198    0.003   44.025    0.036 orderinglist.py:
  1299736/1299048    3.752    0.000    4.373    0.000 attributes.py:
     448225    3.337    0.000    5.157    0.000 identity.py:
     437061    2.704    0.000   14.331    0.000 orderinglist.py:
     440809    2.225    0.000   11.752    0.000 attributes.py:
     448225    1.775    0.000    1.812    0.000 attributes.py:

  Function                               was called by...
  attributes.py:132(__get__)             - domain.py:200(addEntry)
  (1236)   46.741
  (1236)   47.832
  202(_get_order_value)(1241013)   16.916
  orderinglist.py:221(_order_entity)     - orderinglist.py:208(reorder)
  (1240326)   44.025
  (687)    0.013
  orderinglist.py:202(_get_order_value)  - orderinglist.py:
  221(_order_entity)(1241013)   39.836
  attributes.py:394(set)                 - attributes.py:126(__set__)
  (440809)   11.752
  orderinglist.py:208(reorder)           - orderinglist.py:
  266(__setslice__)(1236)   44.061
  attributes.py:310(get)                 - attributes.py:132(__get__)
  (1292937)   12.134
  347(get_committed_value)(1)    0.000
  (3708)    0.367
  837(value_as_iterable)(3090)    0.108
  identity.py:208(modified_event)        - attributes.py:394(set)
  (440809)    9.527
  525(fire_replace_event)(3708)    0.236
  579(fire_append_event)(3708)    1.960
  orderinglist.py:205(_set_order_value)  - orderinglist.py:
  221(_order_entity)(437061)   39.836
  attributes.py:126(__set__)             - domain.py:
  237(_set_attributes)(1276)    0.079
  (2472)    0.089
  205(_set_order_value)(437061)   14.331
  attributes.py:958(modified_event)      - identity.py:
  208(modified_event)(448225)    5.157
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[sqlalchemy] Re: ordering_list performance

2008-09-22 Thread jason kirtland

A warning: that depends on a bug in the C version of bisect.  When given 
a list subclass, it mistakenly ignores the subclass method 
implementations.  The below will break, if and when that's fixed to 
match the pure Python implementation in the standard lib.

Calling list.extend(account_entries, new_entries) is probably a safe 

* http://bugs.python.org/issue3935

jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
 What I've done is something like this:
 account_entries = self.entries[:]
 for entry in new_entries:
 insort_right(account_entries, entry)
 for i, entry in enumerate(account_entries):
 entry.position = i
 self.entries = account_entries
 Don't know if it's the right way to do it but it's much faster.
 On 22 sep, 18:41, jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm sure there is potential for improvement on the current orderinglist
 code- please feel free to send a patch with optimizations you've found
 to the SA trac.

 The orderinglist hasn't changed much since 0.3, but with 0.5 there may
 be entirely new implementations possible.  For example, I could imagine
 one that defers calculation and manipulation of the positioning
 information until a before_flush hook.  That may be perform better, with
 the trade-off that the position attribute can't be trusted to be in sync
 with the list order.

 jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
 Below is the profiling of code that added 1200 items into an
 ordering_list relation. I had to bypass the ordering_list stuff for
 bulk additions in order to have better performance (down to 2
 Hope this post helps to improve this part (using 0.5.0rc1, python 2.5,
 linux i686, 1.5Go RAM)
 SA is rocking!
 Time elapsed:  48.4475638866 s
  8875046 function calls (8869157 primitive calls) in 48.443
 CPU seconds
Ordered by: internal time, call count
List reduced from 390 to 10 due to restriction 10
ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall
 1292937/12922507.8790.000   12.1340.000 attributes.py:
   12410137.6620.000   39.8360.000 orderinglist.py:
   12410135.8700.000   16.9160.000 orderinglist.py:
4408094.5220.0009.5270.000 attributes.py:394(set)
  12364.1980.003   44.0250.036 orderinglist.py:
 1299736/12990483.7520.0004.3730.000 attributes.py:
4482253.3370.0005.1570.000 identity.py:
4370612.7040.000   14.3310.000 orderinglist.py:
4408092.2250.000   11.7520.000 attributes.py:
4482251.7750.0001.8120.000 attributes.py:
 Function   was called by...
 attributes.py:132(__get__) - domain.py:200(addEntry)
 (1236)   46.741
 (1236)   47.832
 202(_get_order_value)(1241013)   16.916
 orderinglist.py:221(_order_entity) - orderinglist.py:208(reorder)
 (1240326)   44.025
 orderinglist.py:202(_get_order_value)  - orderinglist.py:
 221(_order_entity)(1241013)   39.836
 attributes.py:394(set) - attributes.py:126(__set__)
 (440809)   11.752
 orderinglist.py:208(reorder)   - orderinglist.py:
 266(__setslice__)(1236)   44.061
 attributes.py:310(get) - attributes.py:132(__get__)
 (1292937)   12.134
 identity.py:208(modified_event)- attributes.py:394(set)
 orderinglist.py:205(_set_order_value)  - orderinglist.py:
 221(_order_entity)(437061)   39.836
 attributes.py:126(__set__) - domain.py:
 205(_set_order_value)(437061)   14.331
 attributes.py:958(modified_event)  - identity.py:

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[sqlalchemy] Re: ordering_list performance

2008-09-22 Thread jason kirtland

Ah, looking more closely i see you're replacing self.entries with a 
list, not insorting into a SA list collection- that's totally ok.  It 
might squeeze a little more speed out to do:

updated_entries = list(self.entries) + new_entries
base = len(self.entries)
for idx, entry in enumerate(new_entries):
entry.position = base + idx
self.entries = updated_entries

orderinglist's extend method could be made to do something much like the 
above quite efficiently.

jason kirtland wrote:
 A warning: that depends on a bug in the C version of bisect.  When given 
 a list subclass, it mistakenly ignores the subclass method 
 implementations.  The below will break, if and when that's fixed to 
 match the pure Python implementation in the standard lib.
 Calling list.extend(account_entries, new_entries) is probably a safe 
 * http://bugs.python.org/issue3935
 jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
 What I've done is something like this:

 account_entries = self.entries[:]
 for entry in new_entries:
 insort_right(account_entries, entry)
 for i, entry in enumerate(account_entries):
 entry.position = i
 self.entries = account_entries

 Don't know if it's the right way to do it but it's much faster.

 On 22 sep, 18:41, jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm sure there is potential for improvement on the current orderinglist
 code- please feel free to send a patch with optimizations you've found
 to the SA trac.

 The orderinglist hasn't changed much since 0.3, but with 0.5 there may
 be entirely new implementations possible.  For example, I could imagine
 one that defers calculation and manipulation of the positioning
 information until a before_flush hook.  That may be perform better, with
 the trade-off that the position attribute can't be trusted to be in sync
 with the list order.

 jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
 Below is the profiling of code that added 1200 items into an
 ordering_list relation. I had to bypass the ordering_list stuff for
 bulk additions in order to have better performance (down to 2
 Hope this post helps to improve this part (using 0.5.0rc1, python 2.5,
 linux i686, 1.5Go RAM)
 SA is rocking!
 Time elapsed:  48.4475638866 s
  8875046 function calls (8869157 primitive calls) in 48.443
 CPU seconds
Ordered by: internal time, call count
List reduced from 390 to 10 due to restriction 10
ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall
 1292937/12922507.8790.000   12.1340.000 attributes.py:
   12410137.6620.000   39.8360.000 orderinglist.py:
   12410135.8700.000   16.9160.000 orderinglist.py:
4408094.5220.0009.5270.000 attributes.py:394(set)
  12364.1980.003   44.0250.036 orderinglist.py:
 1299736/12990483.7520.0004.3730.000 attributes.py:
4482253.3370.0005.1570.000 identity.py:
4370612.7040.000   14.3310.000 orderinglist.py:
4408092.2250.000   11.7520.000 attributes.py:
4482251.7750.0001.8120.000 attributes.py:
 Function   was called by...
 attributes.py:132(__get__) - domain.py:200(addEntry)
 (1236)   46.741
 (1236)   47.832
 202(_get_order_value)(1241013)   16.916
 orderinglist.py:221(_order_entity) - orderinglist.py:208(reorder)
 (1240326)   44.025
 orderinglist.py:202(_get_order_value)  - orderinglist.py:
 221(_order_entity)(1241013)   39.836
 attributes.py:394(set) - attributes.py:126(__set__)
 (440809)   11.752
 orderinglist.py:208(reorder)   - orderinglist.py:
 266(__setslice__)(1236)   44.061
 attributes.py:310(get) - attributes.py:132(__get__)
 (1292937)   12.134
 identity.py:208(modified_event)- attributes.py:394(set)
 orderinglist.py:205(_set_order_value)  - orderinglist.py:
 221(_order_entity)(437061)   39.836
 attributes.py:126(__set__) - domain.py:

[sqlalchemy] Relations - How?

2008-09-22 Thread g00fy

I have this problem with setting relations with specific models:

Book :
isbn - integer
translations - many translations
prices - many prices

Translation :
book - FK to book
laguage - FK to Language (oneTOone)
title - string

Language :
code - string
name  - string

Currency :
code - string
name - string

Price :
currency - FK
book -FK
brutto - int
netto - int

so those are my models.

I would like now to get books that:
translation.title in english starts with The ( I don't need other
languages for this select)
price.netto  100 USD ( I don't need other prices, only in USD for
this select)

There are 5 Tables to join.
Lets say I have 100 objects maching,  I dont want to hit the db 100

I am begginer in SQLAlchemy so please understand my maybe Stupid

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Fwd: Support for ordered lists of child items

2008-09-22 Thread Emmett Lazich
Thank you Jason.  orderinglist looks like what I am after!

Is your orderinglist plugin fully functional in 0.4.7p1?

Before I attempt it, pls advise if there any technical reason preventing 
the integration of orderinglist into the basic_tree.py (adjacency list) 


jason kirtland wrote:
 Yep, orderinglist handles that case.

 Michael Bayer wrote:
 forwarded from pvt email

 orderinglist ?

 Begin forwarded message:

 *Date: *September 22, 2008 9:51:31 AM EDT
 *To: *Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 *Subject: **Re: Support for ordered lists of child items*

 Hello Michael, 18 months later, would your answer to Aaron still be
 the same?

 I have a problem fitting what Aaron described. ie. save+restore of
 child order after re-ordering in the Python side.  Re-ordering child
 list elements would obviously be ideal, but I could cope with updating
 an extra integer node attribute instead.

 I'm completely new to SA and at this stage skimming documentation and
 looking at the tree examples. Found this thread, so wondering if some
 newer SA magic can solve this, or if a custom collection class or
 something else is the best solution.

 I also looked at the ElementTree examples, but they don't appear to
 guarantee child order either - correct?

 Thanks in advance.  I looked at your activity in this group. Amazing!

 On Apr 10 2007, 4:02 am, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 we dont have the capability to automatically update ordering columns  
 when the elements of a list are moved around.  if you move the  
 elements around, you need to execute some step that will update the  
 index columns (or create a custom collection class that does this for  

 On Apr 9, 2007, at 12:42 PM, Aaron Digulla wrote:

 I'm looking for a feature but couldn't find it in the docs.
 I have atreelike structure where the user can specify theorderof
 thechildrenof a node. In DB lingo, I have a parentId and an index
 column. When I loadchildren, they should be ordered by the index.
 This seems to be supported.
 Can SA also update the index column when I movechildrenin the list
 around? Like:
 # ... parent has threechildrenA, B C
 item = parent.children[0]
 del parent.children[0]
 parent.children.insert (1, item)
 # now, parent has threechildrenB, A, C



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[sqlalchemy] Queries very slow for parsing Wikipedia dump -- any ideas for speeding it up?

2008-09-22 Thread CodeIsMightier


I am working on an open source project to write a search engine /
datamining framework of sorts for Wikipedia, and one of the first
things I need to do is to parse the Wikipedia dumps into an SQL
database. I am using the sqlalchemy to do this but it is very slow (at
the current rate, 130 days!!!). I am sure that I am doing something
wrong since I am new at this, and am wondering whether any sqlalchemy
veterans can offer his/her insights.

The code can be found here:

The critical part of the code is this:

   for link_label, link_dest_title, dest_frag in
   print 'LINK from:', repr(self.title), 'to',
repr(link_dest_title + '#' + dest_frag), 'label', repr(link_label)
   link_dest =
   except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
   link_dest = None
   print link_dest
   session.add(Link(self, link_label, link_dest, dest_frag))

Basically what this does is that it parses the links in a page, looks
it up in the DB to resolve the reference, and then insert a Link into
the DB. The problem is that the articles table is over 7 million
rows and there are maybe 50 million links.

I have tried using both SQLite and Postgres as the database. Postgres
EXPLAIN ANALYZE claims that the above statements should take only
around 25 ms! I think I am doing something wrong with sqlalchemy,
maybe I am creating too many objects? Any help would be very

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