[sqlalchemy] Table has no column named xxxx ??

2008-12-06 Thread Corsair

Hello list, I'm new to sqlalchemy and database programming.  I have
defined a declarative class

import sqlalchemy as SQL
import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative as Declare
import sqlalchemy.orm as ORM
import datetime

Base = Declare.declarative_base()
class CUniversity(Base):
__tablename__ = universities
id = SQL.Column(SQL.Integer, primary_key=True)
Name = SQL.Column(SQL.String)
State = SQL.Column(SQL.String)
Rankprof = SQL.Column(SQL.Integer)
RankTotal = SQL.Column(SQL.Integer)
Deadline = SQL.Column(SQL.Date)
Status = SQL.Column(SQL.String)
Comment = SQL.Column(SQL.Text)

def __init__(self, name, state, rank_prof, rank_total, deadline,
status, comment):
self.Name = name
self.State = state
self.Rankprof = rank_prof
self.RankTotal = rank_total
self.Deadline = deadline
self.Status = status
self.Comment = comment

def __repr__(self):
return '\n'.join([Name:  + self.Name,
  State:  + self.State,
  Professional rank:  + str(self.Rankprof),
  Total rank:  + str(self.RankTotal),
  Deadline:  + str(self.Deadline),
  Status:  + self.Status,
  Comment:  + self.Comment])

And I add an entry to a database using the following procedue:

DBPATH = data.db
Engine = SQL.create_engine(sqlite:/// + DBPATH)
MData = Base.metadata
UniTable = CUniversity.__table__
CSession = ORM.sessionmaker(bind=Engine)
Session = CSession()
TempDate = datetime.date(2009, 1, 15)
TestUni = CUniversity(CMU, PA, 29, 0, TempDate, , Rec
form, No app. fee)

Python issued an error on the commit() operation:

OperationalError: (OperationalError) table universities has no
column named Rankprof u'INSERT INTO universities (Name, State,
Rankprof, RankTotal, Deadline, Status, Comment) VALUES
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' ['CMU', 'PA', '29', 0, '2009-01-15', '', 'Rec
form, No app. fee']

What did I do wrong?

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[sqlalchemy] Column('last_updated', onupdate=func.current_timestamp())

2008-12-06 Thread jo

Hi all,

I created a table with the following column:

Column('last_updated', DateTime, PassiveDefault(func.current_timestamp
()), onupdate=func.current_timestamp())

Maybe I don't understand how onupdate works.
I would like to have this column to be changed every time the row is
but it doesn't work.

thank you for any help


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[sqlalchemy] Re: MySQL, unions and ordering

2008-12-06 Thread Michael Bayer

you'd say, s.alias().select()

it makes subqueries which MySQL probably doesn't require.

On Dec 5, 2008, at 10:35 PM, Bo Shi wrote:

 Thanks; the monkeypatch approach works nicely.  Using the alias()
 method will raise

AttributeError: 'Alias' object has no attribute '_order_by_clause'

 On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 there's logic which is removing the order_by's from the selects, and
 in that case this is what's blowing away the parenthesis as well.
 Some databases don't even allow ORDER BY inside of the queries used  
 a UNION since in the absense of LIMIT/OFFSET, which also is not
 standard SQL, they have no effect.

 However I dont think its good form for SQLA to be whacking the ORDER
 BY from the unions if that is in fact what was requested.So this
 behavior is changed in the 0.5 series in r5425.   As far as the 0.4
 series, we're only supporting critical bugfixes there and I'd like to
 avoid any behavioral changes (0.4 is also on a more conservative
 release schedule).   If you're truly stuck with 0.4, you can use
 select.order_by(...).alias().select() to get an equivalent query  
 is insulated from changes (and is probably more compatible across
 databases), or to get exactly the same SQL here's a safe monkeypatch

 from sqlalchemy import *
 s = select([x, y]).select_from(table)

 def frozen_order_by(s):
s = s.self_group()
s.order_by = lambda *args: s
return s

 qlist = [s.limit(10).order_by('x'), s.limit(10).order_by('x')]
 print union_all(*[frozen_order_by(q) for q in

 frozen_order_by() calls self_group() thereby generating a new  
 so that the original is unchanged.

 On Dec 5, 2008, at 5:08 PM, Bo Shi wrote:

 Oh, check this out:

 (SA 0.4.7)

 from sqlalchemy import *
 s = select([x, y]).select_from(table)
 qlist = [s.limit(10).order_by('x').self_group(),

 print union_all(*qlist).order_by(foo).limit(10)
 SELECT x, y
 FROM table
 FROM table

 for q in qlist:
 ... print q
 (SELECT x, y
 FROM table ORDER BY x
 LIMIT 10)
 (SELECT x, y
 FROM table ORDER BY x
 LIMIT 10)

 On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Bo Shi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I had to upgrade to 0.4.7 from 0.4.2, but your sample query works,
 however, my application of it does not.

 Sorry I'm being so light on details, I'll try to reproduce with a
 complete sample versus using snippets of production code.

 Each select statement is generated like so:

  sel = select(pre_select + selectlist,

 I apply self_group() using a list comprehension and if I print each
 select statement in the list individually, the parentheses show up.

 If I then union_all(*querylist) and print that, the parentheses


 I should note that the individual selects have filters, an order by
 clause and a limit, but the following works fine so I would not
 that to be a problem.

 from sqlalchemy import *
 s = select([x, y]).select_from(table)
 print s.self_group()
 (SELECT x, y
 FROM table)
 print union_all(s.self_group(), s.self_group()).order_by(foo)
 (SELECT x, y
 FROM table) ORDER BY foo
 print union_all(s.limit(10).self_group(),
 (SELECT x, y
 FROM table
 FROM table
 import sqlalchemy as sa

 On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 4:23 PM, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 from sqlalchemy import *
 s = select([x, y]).select_from(table)
 print union_all(s.self_group(), s.self_group()).order_by(foo)
 (SELECT x, y
 FROM table) ORDER BY foo

 On Dec 5, 2008, at 4:17 PM, Bo Shi wrote:

 Thanks for the quick response!

 The following does *not* work.  Am I making the call incorrectly?

 sel = union_all(*[q.self_group() for q in querylist])

 On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 try calling self_group() on each select object.

 On Dec 5, 2008, at 3:55 PM, Bo Shi wrote:

 Hi all,

 There appear to be some nuances to using order by statements  
 operations like unions in MySQL but the following is allowed*:

 (SELECT a,b from DBA.tbl ORDER BY b LIMIT 5)
 (SELECT a,b from DBB.tbl ORDER BY b LIMIT 5)

 When I attempt to generate such a statement with:


 The SQL generated lacks parentheses around the SELECT
 statements (in
 addition to dropping the order by clauses, but that appears  
 to be
 expected behavior).  Is there a way to put the parentheses in?

 *just an example, the query i've written is meaningless/
 useless :-)

 Bo Shi

 Bo Shi

 Bo Shi

 Bo Shi

[sqlalchemy] Re: Column('last_updated', onupdate=func.current_timestamp())

2008-12-06 Thread Michael Bayer

that is the correct syntax.  It will take effect any time an update()  
construct is used or when the ORM updates a row.   Because onupdate is  
not a DDL-side construct, it will not take effect if you use a plain  
text UPDATE statement or if the update is otherwise not emitted by the  
SQLAlchemy application.   The PassiveDefault, since it does represent  
DDL, will work in this manner, but only if the table was created using  
this table construct.

On Dec 6, 2008, at 4:50 AM, jo wrote:

 Hi all,

 I created a table with the following column:

 Column('last_updated', DateTime, PassiveDefault(func.current_timestamp
 ()), onupdate=func.current_timestamp())

 Maybe I don't understand how onupdate works.
 I would like to have this column to be changed every time the row is
 but it doesn't work.

 thank you for any help



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Column('last_updated', onupdate=func.current_timestamp())

2008-12-06 Thread Empty
 Column('last_updated', DateTime, PassiveDefault(func.current_timestamp
 ()), onupdate=func.current_timestamp())

 Maybe I don't understand how onupdate works.
 I would like to have this column to be changed every time the row is
 but it doesn't work.

I just use something like:

Column('last_updated', DateTime, onupdate=datetime.now)

I haven't tried it with the func but it should work I would think.


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[sqlalchemy] circular reference

2008-12-06 Thread jose

Hi all,

I have two tables in my schema with circular references and I don't know 
hot to create them.

Column('id', Integer, Sequence('anagrafica_id_seq'), 
primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column('nome', Unicode(200), nullable=False, index=True, 
Column('id_operatore', Integer, ForeignKey('operatore.id'))
Column('id', Integer, Sequence('operatore_id_seq'), 
nullable=False, primary_key=True),
Column('id_anagrafica', Integer, 

thank you for any help.

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[sqlalchemy] create index with a condition

2008-12-06 Thread jose

Hi all,

I would like to create an index with a condition, like this:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX univocita_codice_aziendale
  on azienda (lower(codice_aziendale), stato_record)
  WHERE stato_record = 'A'

Is there a way to do that, using the Index() command?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: utf hex instead of utf-8 return

2008-12-06 Thread n00b

thanks for the quick reply. i kept trying with it and no have reached
the utter state of confusion.
the specification of Unicode versus String in the table def's coupled
with actual str representation
has my totally confused. here's a quick script, have a look at the
mysql table itself to see character

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os, sys
import unicodedata

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

#set db
import MySQLdb
db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='',
db='xxx', use_unicode=True, charset='utf8')
cur = db.cursor()
cur.execute('SET NAMES utf8')
cur.execute('SET CHARACTER SET utf8')
cur.execute('SET character_set_connection=utf8')
cur.execute('SET character_set_server=utf8')
cur.execute('''SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'char%'; ''')
print cur.fetchall()

utf_repr = '\xc3\xab'
hex_repr = '\xeb'

mysql_url = 'mysql://root:@localhost/xxx'
connect_args = {'charset':'utf8', 'use_unicode':'0'}
engine = create_engine(mysql_url, connect_args=connect_args)
metadata = MetaData()

test_table = Table('encoding_test', metadata,
Column(u'id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column(u'unicode', Integer),
Column(u'u_hex', Unicode(10)),
Column(u'u_utf', Unicode(10)),
Column(u'u_str', Unicode(10)),
Column(u's_hex', String(10)),
Column(u's_utf', String(10)),
Column(u's_str', String(10))

class EncodingTest(object): pass

mapper(EncodingTest, test_table)

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

session = Session()
et = EncodingTest()
et.unicode = 1
et.u_str = u'ë'
et.u_hex = u'\xeb'
et.u_utf = u'\xc3\xab'
et.s_str = u'ë'
et.s_hex = u'\xeb'
et.s_utf = u'\xc3\xab'
et = EncodingTest()
et.unicode = 0
et.u_str = 'ë'
et.u_hex = '\xeb'
et.u_utf = '\xc3\xab'
et.s_str = 'ë'
et.s_hex = '\xeb'
et.s_utf = '\xc3\xab'

session = Session()
results = session.query(EncodingTest).all()
for result in results:
print result.unicode
print repr(result.u_hex), repr(result.u_utf), repr(result.u_str)
print repr(result.s_hex), repr(result.s_utf), repr(result.s_str)

in addition, i don't seem to be able to run the mysql settings (# set
db) from SA.
any insights are greatly appreciated. btw, the use_unciode, either in
MySQLdb or SA,
doesn't seem to have any effect on results.


On Dec 5, 3:25 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure of the mechanics of what you're experiencing, but make  
 sure you use charset=utf8use_unicode=0 with MySQL.

 On Dec 5, 2008, at 4:17 PM, n00b wrote:


  SA (0.5.0rc1) keeps returning utf hex in stead of utf-8 and in the
  process driving me batty.  all the mysql setup is fine, the chars look
  good and are umlauting to goethe's delight. moreover, insert and
  select are working perfectly with the MySQLdb api on three different
  *nix systems, two servers, ... it works.

  where things fall apart is on the retrieval side of SA; inserts are
  fine (using the config_args = {'charset':'utf8'} dict in the
  create_engine call).

  for example, ë, the latin small letter e with diaeresis, is stored in
  mysql hex as C3 AB; using the MySQldb client, this is exactly what i
  get back: '\xc3\xab' (in the # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- environment) no
  further codecs work required. SA, on the other hand, hands me back the
  utf-hex representation, '\xeb'.

  there must be some setting that i'm missing that'll give the
  appropriate utf-8 representation at the SA (api) level. any ideas,


  yes, i could do  '\xeb'.encode('utf8) but it's not an option. we got
  too much data to deal with and MySQLdb is working perfectly well
  without the extra step. thx.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy Sphinx Documentation Preview

2008-12-06 Thread Eric Ongerth

You're right about CSS selectors; the simple fix for this without re-
generating any source, is just to instruct the browser to not double
up on the indentation when it sees a ul nested in a blockquote.  Hey
wait, the problem is already fixed.  Looks great today.  The lists
too; thanks for the changes.

On Dec 6, 6:44 am, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 5, 2008, at 11:00 PM, Eric Ongerth wrote:

  Oh yeah, and in Main Documentation (at least) you have some ul
  class=simple lists nested inside of blockquote elements, which is
  resulting in some of your lists being much farther indented than
  others, without a good visual reason why.  Seems like the difference
  could be eliminated.

 sphinx (actually docutils) creates that structure; unless we've done  
 something wrong in the rest markup, we can't change it without parsing  
 it and reconstructing it (which seems like overkill to me, since CSS  
 selectors can usually find things).    not sure what is prompting it  
 to create a blockquote though.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: create index with a condition

2008-12-06 Thread Michael Bayer

Postgres supports this using the postgres_where keyword argument sent  
to Index().  Otherwise use DDL().


On Dec 6, 2008, at 1:15 PM, jose wrote:

 Hi all,

 I would like to create an index with a condition, like this:

 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX univocita_codice_aziendale
  on azienda (lower(codice_aziendale), stato_record)
  WHERE stato_record = 'A'

 Is there a way to do that, using the Index() command?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: circular reference

2008-12-06 Thread Michael Bayer

specify use_alter=True to one or both ForeignKey constructs.

On Dec 6, 2008, at 12:37 PM, jose wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have two tables in my schema with circular references and I don't  
 hot to create them.

Column('id', Integer, Sequence('anagrafica_id_seq'),
 primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column('nome', Unicode(200), nullable=False, index=True,
Column('id_operatore', Integer, ForeignKey('operatore.id'))
Column('id', Integer, Sequence('operatore_id_seq'),
 nullable=False, primary_key=True),
Column('id_anagrafica', Integer,

 thank you for any help.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Column('last_updated', onupdate=func.current_timestamp())

2008-12-06 Thread jose

Yes, Michael, I see how it works now. Thank you
Michael Bayer wrote:

that is the correct syntax.  It will take effect any time an update()  
construct is used or when the ORM updates a row.   Because onupdate is  
not a DDL-side construct, it will not take effect if you use a plain  
text UPDATE statement or if the update is otherwise not emitted by the  
SQLAlchemy application.   The PassiveDefault, since it does represent  
DDL, will work in this manner, but only if the table was created using  
this table construct.

On Dec 6, 2008, at 4:50 AM, jo wrote:


Hi all,

I created a table with the following column:

Column('last_updated', DateTime, PassiveDefault(func.current_timestamp
()), onupdate=func.current_timestamp())

Maybe I don't understand how onupdate works.
I would like to have this column to be changed every time the row is
but it doesn't work.

thank you for any help



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[sqlalchemy] Re: circular reference

2008-12-06 Thread jose

the use_alter=True raises this error:

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/schema.py, line 
701, in __init__
raise exceptions.ArgumentError(Alterable 
ForeignKey/ForeignKeyConstraint requires a name)

Michael Bayer wrote:

specify use_alter=True to one or both ForeignKey constructs.

On Dec 6, 2008, at 12:37 PM, jose wrote:


Hi all,

I have two tables in my schema with circular references and I don't  
hot to create them.

   Column('id', Integer, Sequence('anagrafica_id_seq'),
primary_key=True, nullable=False),
   Column('nome', Unicode(200), nullable=False, index=True,
   Column('id_operatore', Integer, ForeignKey('operatore.id'))
   Column('id', Integer, Sequence('operatore_id_seq'),
nullable=False, primary_key=True),
   Column('id_anagrafica', Integer,

thank you for any help.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: create index with a condition

2008-12-06 Thread jose

Are these features available on ver. 0.3?

Michael Bayer wrote:

Postgres supports this using the postgres_where keyword argument sent  
to Index().  Otherwise use DDL().


On Dec 6, 2008, at 1:15 PM, jose wrote:


Hi all,

I would like to create an index with a condition, like this:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX univocita_codice_aziendale
 on azienda (lower(codice_aziendale), stato_record)
 WHERE stato_record = 'A'

Is there a way to do that, using the Index() command?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: circular reference

2008-12-06 Thread jose

I gave it a name but now...

  raise FlushError(Circular dependency detected  + repr(edges) + 
sqlalchemy.exceptions.FlushError: Circular dependency detected 
sqlalchemy.topological._EdgeCollection object at 0xb73f356c[]

jose wrote:

the use_alter=True raises this error:

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/schema.py, line 
701, in __init__
raise exceptions.ArgumentError(Alterable 
ForeignKey/ForeignKeyConstraint requires a name)

Michael Bayer wrote:


specify use_alter=True to one or both ForeignKey constructs.

On Dec 6, 2008, at 12:37 PM, jose wrote:


Hi all,

I have two tables in my schema with circular references and I don't  
hot to create them.

  Column('id', Integer, Sequence('anagrafica_id_seq'),
primary_key=True, nullable=False),
  Column('nome', Unicode(200), nullable=False, index=True,
  Column('id_operatore', Integer, ForeignKey('operatore.id'))
  Column('id', Integer, Sequence('operatore_id_seq'),
nullable=False, primary_key=True),
  Column('id_anagrafica', Integer,

thank you for any help.





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[sqlalchemy] How can I reuse the string syntax in my own code?

2008-12-06 Thread Jorge Vargas

Hi, I have been working on a little project to transform excel docs
(actually them saved as csv files) into SQLAlchemy objects.
 Of course this is tailored for my own database which I need to import
but I have been splitting it into api more and more and eventually
plan to release it as some configurable importer for SA. But first I
need to clean up the code!

currently I have this type of configuration.

_excel_to_field = {
'First Name' : 'first_name',
'Last Name' : 'last_name',
'Address' : 'address',
'City' : 'city',
'State' : 'state',
'Zip' : 'zip_code',

and the bulk of the system is run as

for k,v in row:
if not k in [NoModelField,NoCSVField]:
if v:
log.debug('Adding Field %s:%s' % (k,v))
log.warning('Adding Empty Field for %s at line %i'
% (k,index))
log.warning(Field not accounted for (%s,%s) % (k,v))

so currently that for is very big for (see below)

So in order to make code a lot more readable I was thinking I could
use the syntax SA uses for filter and such so I can write the
_excel_to_field as
_excel_to_field = {
'First Name' : 'Contact.first_name',
'Last Name' : 'Contact.last_name',
'Address' : 'Location.address',
'City' : 'Location.city',
'State' : 'Location.state',
'Zip' : 'Location.zip_code',
please note the Location obj is a fabrication of this email

but how can I replace the setatrr call? I guess I could parse things
around but I assume there is some kind of api in SA to accomplish

My plan is to add two more parameter to this dict, #1 a typeConverter
#2 a headerReader, I'll explain those in due time. I'm working on
transforming the forloop into a more elegant forloop with a callback.
So the final plan is to have something like this

_excel_to_field = {
'First Name' : 'Contact.first_name',string,
'Last Name' : 'Contact.last_name','string',
'Address' : 'Location.address',address,
'City' : 'Location.city',string
'State' : 'Location.state',state
'Zip' : 'Location.zip_code',int

this third callback will be either a build-in, I have several already
for date,float,us_money,etc also more complex ones like always create
(adds a new record all the time) and query_create (looks for one if
that fails create it) fields but you can code your own as they are
simply python functions with a common interface. Ideally this will
grow into a number big number of defaults that will live inside the
package. So you will never have to code it yourself just look for
them, but I want to do this string-python formatting First.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: circular reference

2008-12-06 Thread Michael Bayer

that's an ORM problem.you might want to look into the  
post_update flag if you need to flush two mutually dependent rows.   
See the relation() docs for details.

On Dec 6, 2008, at 3:41 PM, jose wrote:

 I gave it a name but now...

  raise FlushError(Circular dependency detected  + repr(edges) +
 sqlalchemy.exceptions.FlushError: Circular dependency detected
 sqlalchemy.topological._EdgeCollection object at 0xb73f356c[]

 jose wrote:

 the use_alter=True raises this error:

 File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/schema.py, line
 701, in __init__
   raise exceptions.ArgumentError(Alterable
 ForeignKey/ForeignKeyConstraint requires a name)

 Michael Bayer wrote:

 specify use_alter=True to one or both ForeignKey constructs.

 On Dec 6, 2008, at 12:37 PM, jose wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have two tables in my schema with circular references and I don't
 hot to create them.

 Column('id', Integer, Sequence('anagrafica_id_seq'),
 primary_key=True, nullable=False),
 Column('nome', Unicode(200), nullable=False, index=True,
 Column('id_operatore', Integer, ForeignKey('operatore.id'))
 Column('id', Integer, Sequence('operatore_id_seq'),
 nullable=False, primary_key=True),
 Column('id_anagrafica', Integer,

 thank you for any help.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: create index with a condition

2008-12-06 Thread Michael Bayer

they are not.  you can of course issue any DDL you'd like using  

On Dec 6, 2008, at 3:39 PM, jose wrote:

 Are these features available on ver. 0.3?

 Michael Bayer wrote:

 Postgres supports this using the postgres_where keyword argument sent
 to Index().  Otherwise use DDL().


 On Dec 6, 2008, at 1:15 PM, jose wrote:

 Hi all,

 I would like to create an index with a condition, like this:

 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX univocita_codice_aziendale
on azienda (lower(codice_aziendale), stato_record)
WHERE stato_record = 'A'

 Is there a way to do that, using the Index() command?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: How can I reuse the string syntax in my own code?

2008-12-06 Thread Michael Bayer

On Dec 6, 2008, at 4:16 PM, Jorge Vargas wrote:

 So in order to make code a lot more readable I was thinking I could
 use the syntax SA uses for filter and such so I can write the
 _excel_to_field as
_excel_to_field = {
'First Name' : 'Contact.first_name',
'Last Name' : 'Contact.last_name',
'Address' : 'Location.address',
'City' : 'Location.city',
'State' : 'Location.state',
'Zip' : 'Location.zip_code',
 please note the Location obj is a fabrication of this email

 but how can I replace the setatrr call? I guess I could parse things
 around but I assume there is some kind of api in SA to accomplish

if I understand the problem correctly it's likely easier to place the  
descriptors directly in the dict, ie. {'First  
Name':Contact.first_name} and then use  
dict[fieldname].__set__(instance, value).

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[sqlalchemy] Extending sqlalchemy.schema.Column and metaprogramming traps

2008-12-06 Thread Angri


I had a problem described in subject. Here is the testcase:

import sqlalchemy
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')
metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData(engine)

class ForeignKey(sqlalchemy.Column):
def __init__(self, name, foreign_column, *args, **kwargs):
fk = sqlalchemy.ForeignKey(foreign_column)
super(ForeignKey, self).__init__(name, fk, *args, **kwargs)

table1 = sqlalchemy.Table('table1', metadata,
sqlalchemy.Column('id', sqlalchemy.Integer)
table2 = sqlalchemy.Table('table2', metadata,
ForeignKey('fk', 'table1.id')


It fails with really strange exception: AttributeError: 'ForeignKey'
object has no attribute 'use_alter'. It was really hard to me to
track down the error's nature and I found that it came from here:

I solved my problem by adding class property __visit_name__ = 'column'
to ForeignKey class. But I am a bit confused now and I have two
questions about the code in

1. What about another side-effects depending on clsname? Is it
actually safe to extend sqlalchemy.schema.Column, or it may have
unpredictable behavior similar to that i've encountered?
2. (almost offtopic) Is 'exec' really need there? What's wrong with
3. Maybe I should send it to developers mailing list?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Extending sqlalchemy.schema.Column and metaprogramming traps

2008-12-06 Thread Michael Bayer

On Dec 6, 2008, at 4:27 PM, Angri wrote:

 1. What about another side-effects depending on clsname? Is it
 actually safe to extend sqlalchemy.schema.Column, or it may have
 unpredictable behavior similar to that i've encountered?

The Column object is one of the most key classes in all of SQLAlchemy  
and we do put it through some fairly intricate copy/proxy patterns  
particularly when using the ORM.  Extending it should be safe,  
although this is usually not needed.   For custom creation patterns as  
you're seeking here its more straightforward to build a creation  
function, so that the resulting object is returned unchanged in its  

 2. (almost offtopic) Is 'exec' really need there? What's wrong with

the visit step is called very intensively during statement compilation  
so exec'ing the direct code instead of relying upon getattr() with a  
composed name at runtime is an optimization to reduce function-call  
and attribute-retrieval overhead.   Just as a point of reference I  
tried rewriting our visit dispatcher in C, and my experiments showed  
that using the exec approach you see there performs just as well -  
though the time savings compared to a basic getattr() approach are  
very small.

Since you raised the issue, I went to try a different approach which  
is probably the best possible approach without using exec, which is  

 visit_name = cls.__dict__[__visit_name__]
 if isinstance(visit_name, str):
 getter = operator.attrgetter(visit_%s % visit_name)
 def _compiler_dispatch(self, visitor, **kw):
 return getter(visitor)(self, **kw)
 def _compiler_dispatch(self, visitor, **kw):
 return getattr(visitor, 'visit_%s' %  
self.__visit_name__)(self, **kw)

Above, we use operator.attrgetter so that the string composition is  
already handled, and the attrgetter itself is a native object which  
performs as fast as direct access.   This change still adds a few  
function calls per compile.  Our bench of a single select() compile  
goes from 183 to 187, and two of the zoomark_orm tests fail past the  
5% threshhold, with tests three and four moving from 6623 to 6723  and  
23345 to 23861 function calls, respectively.  Which is an extremely  
small amount, so its not a terribly big deal either way.  So the exec  
approach is saving a tiny amount of call counts, but not necessarily  
any actual time.  I'd be willing to scrap it if it continues to scare  
other developers.

The reason I'm at all comfortable with exec is that we're already  
using 'exec' for decorators - its a technique used by the decorators  
module (which I'd like to transition to at some point) to faithfully  
represent the calling signature of a decorated function.

 3. Maybe I should send it to developers mailing list?

eitherdevel is not very active.  though this is a pretty develop-y  

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[sqlalchemy] Re: MySQL, unions and ordering

2008-12-06 Thread Bo Shi

Right; my bad - I misread the instructions.

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 you'd say, s.alias().select()

 it makes subqueries which MySQL probably doesn't require.

 On Dec 5, 2008, at 10:35 PM, Bo Shi wrote:

 Thanks; the monkeypatch approach works nicely.  Using the alias()
 method will raise

AttributeError: 'Alias' object has no attribute '_order_by_clause'

 On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 there's logic which is removing the order_by's from the selects, and
 in that case this is what's blowing away the parenthesis as well.
 Some databases don't even allow ORDER BY inside of the queries used
 a UNION since in the absense of LIMIT/OFFSET, which also is not
 standard SQL, they have no effect.

 However I dont think its good form for SQLA to be whacking the ORDER
 BY from the unions if that is in fact what was requested.So this
 behavior is changed in the 0.5 series in r5425.   As far as the 0.4
 series, we're only supporting critical bugfixes there and I'd like to
 avoid any behavioral changes (0.4 is also on a more conservative
 release schedule).   If you're truly stuck with 0.4, you can use
 select.order_by(...).alias().select() to get an equivalent query
 is insulated from changes (and is probably more compatible across
 databases), or to get exactly the same SQL here's a safe monkeypatch

 from sqlalchemy import *
 s = select([x, y]).select_from(table)

 def frozen_order_by(s):
s = s.self_group()
s.order_by = lambda *args: s
return s

 qlist = [s.limit(10).order_by('x'), s.limit(10).order_by('x')]
 print union_all(*[frozen_order_by(q) for q in

 frozen_order_by() calls self_group() thereby generating a new
 so that the original is unchanged.

 On Dec 5, 2008, at 5:08 PM, Bo Shi wrote:

 Oh, check this out:

 (SA 0.4.7)

 from sqlalchemy import *
 s = select([x, y]).select_from(table)
 qlist = [s.limit(10).order_by('x').self_group(),

 print union_all(*qlist).order_by(foo).limit(10)
 SELECT x, y
 FROM table
 FROM table

 for q in qlist:
 ... print q
 (SELECT x, y
 FROM table ORDER BY x
 LIMIT 10)
 (SELECT x, y
 FROM table ORDER BY x
 LIMIT 10)

 On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Bo Shi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I had to upgrade to 0.4.7 from 0.4.2, but your sample query works,
 however, my application of it does not.

 Sorry I'm being so light on details, I'll try to reproduce with a
 complete sample versus using snippets of production code.

 Each select statement is generated like so:

  sel = select(pre_select + selectlist,

 I apply self_group() using a list comprehension and if I print each
 select statement in the list individually, the parentheses show up.

 If I then union_all(*querylist) and print that, the parentheses


 I should note that the individual selects have filters, an order by
 clause and a limit, but the following works fine so I would not
 that to be a problem.

 from sqlalchemy import *
 s = select([x, y]).select_from(table)
 print s.self_group()
 (SELECT x, y
 FROM table)
 print union_all(s.self_group(), s.self_group()).order_by(foo)
 (SELECT x, y
 FROM table) ORDER BY foo
 print union_all(s.limit(10).self_group(),
 (SELECT x, y
 FROM table
 FROM table
 import sqlalchemy as sa

 On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 4:23 PM, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 from sqlalchemy import *
 s = select([x, y]).select_from(table)
 print union_all(s.self_group(), s.self_group()).order_by(foo)
 (SELECT x, y
 FROM table) ORDER BY foo

 On Dec 5, 2008, at 4:17 PM, Bo Shi wrote:

 Thanks for the quick response!

 The following does *not* work.  Am I making the call incorrectly?

 sel = union_all(*[q.self_group() for q in querylist])

 On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 try calling self_group() on each select object.

 On Dec 5, 2008, at 3:55 PM, Bo Shi wrote:

 Hi all,

 There appear to be some nuances to using order by statements
 operations like unions in MySQL but the following is allowed*:

 (SELECT a,b from DBA.tbl ORDER BY b LIMIT 5)
 (SELECT a,b from DBB.tbl ORDER BY b LIMIT 5)

 When I attempt to generate such a statement with:


 The SQL generated lacks parentheses around the SELECT
 statements (in
 addition to dropping the order by clauses, but that appears
 to be
 expected behavior).  Is there a way to put the parentheses in?

 *just an example, the query i've written is meaningless/
 useless :-)

 Bo Shi

[sqlalchemy] Re: objects created using sqlalchemy

2008-12-06 Thread Faheem Mitha

On Fri, 5 Dec 2008, Faheem Mitha wrote:


 I'm using sqla with the following schema (see below). I'm creating a cell 
 object implicitly, using the function make_cell and the association proxy 

 def make_cell(patient_obj, snp_obj, snpval):
patient_obj.snps[snp_obj] = snpval
return patient_obj

 My question is, is there some way to get my hands on the Cell object that was 
 just created? If possible, I'd like make_cell to return the cell object. My 
 immediate reason is that this would make it easy to save the object using 
 session.save() (there might be some indirect way to do this, of course), but 
 it would be nice anyway.

A followup to my original post. I must be doing something wrong, because 
the Cell object is not being saved. and the proxy in the other direction 
is not being updated either. I'm reluctant to ask for debugging help, but 
I'm having difficulty tracking down the problem.

The files included in order below are

Schema file: dbschema.py 
Utility functions: dbutils.py
Session file: dbsession.py

The last file runs the actual code to populate the dbs, and is one big 
function, make_tables.

The most relevant lines here are:

print p1.snps is %s%p1.snps
print s.patients is %s%s.patients
print cell table is %s%list(cell_table.select().execute())
get_obj(session, Cell)

The output I'm getting is

p1.snps is {SNP rs10458597: Snpval 0}
s.patients is {}
cell table is []
*** list of Cell objects in class. ***
*** end list of Cell objects. ***

I wouldn't expect the last three, namely s.patients, cell table and
list of Cell objects to all be empty. Can someone tell me what I'm
doing wrong? For an experienced person, it may be obvious.

Note: My use of cascade in the Mappers may be redundant. I just put it
in there for good measure, and I'm not sure what it does.

 Regards, Faheem.


from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import attribute_mapped_collection
from datetime import datetime

metadata = MetaData('sqlite:///btsnp.sqlite')

patient_table = Table(
 'patient', metadata,
 Column('id', String(20), primary_key=True, index=True),
 Column('celfilename', String(30), nullable=False, index=True, unique=True),
 Column('sex', String(1)),

cell_table = Table(
 'cell', metadata,
 Column('patient_id',  None, ForeignKey('patient.id', onupdate='CASCADE', 
ondelete='CASCADE'), index=True, nullable=False, primary_key=True),
 Column('snp_id',  None, ForeignKey('snp.rsid', onupdate='CASCADE', 
ondelete='CASCADE'),  index=True, nullable=False, primary_key=True),
 Column('snpval_id',  None, ForeignKey('snpval.val', onupdate='CASCADE', 
ondelete='CASCADE'), index=True, nullable=False)

snp_table = Table(
 'snp', metadata,
 Column('rsid', String(20), nullable=False, primary_key=True),
 Column('chromosome', Integer, nullable=False),
 Column('location', Integer, nullable=False),
 Column('probe_set_id', String(20), nullable=False, unique=True),
 Column('allele', String(3), nullable=False),

snpval_table = Table(
 'snpval', metadata,
 Column('val', Integer, primary_key=True),


def create_cell(snp, snpval):
 return Cell(snp=snp, snpval=snpval)

class Patient(object):
 def __init__(self, id, celfilename, sex):
 self.id = id
 self.celfilename = celfilename
 self.sex = sex
 def __repr__(self):
 return 'Patient %s'%self.id
 snps = association_proxy('by_rsid', 'snpval', creator=create_cell)

class Cell(object):
 def __init__(self, patient=None, snp=None, snpval=None):
 self.patient = patient
 self.snp = snp
 self.snpval = snpval
 def __repr__(self):
 return 'Cell %s'%self.snpval

class Snp(object):
 def __init__(self, rsid, chromosome, location, probe_set_id, allele):
 self.rsid = rsid
 self.chromosome = chromosome
 self.location = location
 self.probe_set_id = probe_set_id
 self.allele = allele
 def __repr__(self):
 return 'SNP %s'%self.rsid
 patients = association_proxy('by_patient', 'snpval', creator=create_cell)

class Snpval(object):
 def __init__(self, val):
 self.val = val
 def __repr__(self):
 return 'Snpval %s'%self.val

# 'cells' corresponds to a 1 to many relation.
mapper(Patient, patient_table, properties={'cells':relation(Cell, 
'by_rsid': relation(Cell, cascade = 
all, delete-orphan, collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('snp'))}
# 'patient_snpval' 

[sqlalchemy] Re: I can replace an object with another in python, by changing the object dict to the other object dict. How does it settle with sqlalchemy? Does it works when another mapped object

2008-12-06 Thread kobi...@gmail.com

I have talked to my customers, and they agreed that your solution is
To match their demands, I've changed two things:
1. If the object exists in the db during construction than it's
returned, else the object returned is a new object (that isn't
2. All the attributes that identifies the object, are read-only, so I
don't have to worry about them changing the identity of the object
(Which may cause an unpredicted behaviour)


On 4 דצמבר, 03:59, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 3, 2008, at 6:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  B. So I can settle with a merge() method that returns anobject. I
  think it's the only solution (beside forcing them to work with saving
  to the db). Actually, it's not too bad. But it's also not easy, I tell
  you, to write such a function. Because what happens if one of the
  things that defines me, a part of my uniqueness, is not really a
  unique field, but a list of objects that are connected to me in a  
  to-many relationship from another table. And what if I need to call
  merge() on each one of them. And what if two of them are evaluated to
  be the sameobject, so I need to fix the list. oof!

 merge() doesn't do much that you couldn't do manually on your own.    
 if you need to write a jacked up merge()-like function that compares  
 collections and things, i dont think Python will let you down in that  
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