[sqlalchemy] in_ Subselect

2009-04-28 Thread Mike Lewis


This might be a noob question, but I am trying to reproduce the
following sql query in SA

select user_id, friend_id from follows  where friend_id not (in select
id from users);

First, I do this:
subquery = Session.query(User.id).subquery()

q = follows_table.select().where(not_(follows_table.c.friend_id.in_

q turns into:
SELECT follows.user_id, follows.friend_id
FROM follows, (SELECT users.id AS id
FROM users) AS anon_1
WHERE follows.friend_id NOT IN SELECT users.id
FROM users

I'm not really sure where the first subselect comes from. Also, it
isn't a valid query in postgres because the second SELECT users.id
FROM users needs to be in parens.

Am I missing something?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Overriding reflected columns in SqlSoup?

2009-04-28 Thread Stephen Emslie

Hi Neil

I managed to make queries on those tables by creating a new table
definition and getting a class mapping from that explicitly, for

 from sqlalchemy.ext.sqlsoup import SqlSoup
 from sqlalchemy import *
 engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')
 metadata = MetaData(bind=engine)
 retailer_table = Table('retailer', metadata, Column('retailer_id', 
 primary_key=True), autoload=True)
 db = SqlSoup(metadata)
 Retailer = db.map(retailer_table)

MappedRetailer(retailer_id=33199, ...)

So then the Retailer class returns MappedRetailer instances even
though the underlying schema defines no primary key. That part seemed
fine, but I then had to work with relations on those tables that I was
mapping explicitly and I found it easier at that point just to skip
SqlSoup and define the table metadata and mapping myself.

I hope that helps.

Stephen Emslie

On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 11:48 PM, NeilK neilku...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Stephen, did you find a way to access those tables without a
 primary key using SqlSoup?


 On Apr 25, 3:42 am, Stephen Emslie stephenems...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am using SqlSoup to do a little maintenance on a database whose
 schema I have no control over. Unfortunately some tables are without a
 primary key, and thus SqlSoup complains when accessing them:

 sqlalchemy.ext.sqlsoup.PKNotFoundError: table 'category' does not have
 a primary key defined

 When reflecting tables directly with sqlalchemy, using Table(name,
 meta, autoload=True), one can override the reflected columns to
 compensate for the lack of a primary key. Is this possible in SqlSoup?

 Stephen Emslie

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[sqlalchemy] Re: in_ Subselect

2009-04-28 Thread Michael Bayer

cant reproduce.

test case:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

metadata = MetaData()
Base = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)

class User(Base):
__tablename__ = 'users'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

follows_table = Table('follows', metadata, Column('friend_id'))

Session = sessionmaker()()
subquery = Session.query(User.id).subquery()

q =

print q


SELECT follows.friend_id
FROM follows
WHERE follows.friend_id NOT IN (SELECT users.id
FROM users)

Mike Lewis wrote:


 This might be a noob question, but I am trying to reproduce the
 following sql query in SA

 select user_id, friend_id from follows  where friend_id not (in select
 id from users);

 First, I do this:
 subquery = Session.query(User.id).subquery()

 q = follows_table.select().where(not_(follows_table.c.friend_id.in_

 q turns into:
 SELECT follows.user_id, follows.friend_id
 FROM follows, (SELECT users.id AS id
 FROM users) AS anon_1
 WHERE follows.friend_id NOT IN SELECT users.id
 FROM users

 I'm not really sure where the first subselect comes from. Also, it
 isn't a valid query in postgres because the second SELECT users.id
 FROM users needs to be in parens.

 Am I missing something?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: in_ Subselect

2009-04-28 Thread Mike Lewis

That's incredibly strange, because I ran your exact code and got this
for output

SELECT follows.friend_id
FROM follows, (SELECT users.id AS id
FROM users) AS anon_1
WHERE follows.friend_id NOT IN SELECT users.id
FROM users

I checked which version of SA I was running and it was 0.5.2

Upgraded it 0.5.3, and now I get the correct output. I had assumed I
was running the latest because I did a clean install a couple weeks

I am guessing it was something fixed in the latest version. Sorry for
the bother.


On Apr 28, 7:47 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 cant reproduce.

 test case:

 from sqlalchemy import *
 from sqlalchemy.orm import *
 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

 metadata = MetaData()
 Base = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)

 class User(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'users'
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

 follows_table = Table('follows', metadata, Column('friend_id'))

 Session = sessionmaker()()
 subquery = Session.query(User.id).subquery()

 q =

 print q


 SELECT follows.friend_id
 FROM follows
 WHERE follows.friend_id NOT IN (SELECT users.id
 FROM users)

 Mike Lewis wrote:


  This might be a noob question, but I am trying to reproduce the
  following sql query in SA

  select user_id, friend_id from follows  where friend_id not (in select
  id from users);

  First, I do this:
  subquery = Session.query(User.id).subquery()

  q = follows_table.select().where(not_(follows_table.c.friend_id.in_

  q turns into:
  SELECT follows.user_id, follows.friend_id
  FROM follows, (SELECT users.id AS id
  FROM users) AS anon_1
  WHERE follows.friend_id NOT IN SELECT users.id
  FROM users

  I'm not really sure where the first subselect comes from. Also, it
  isn't a valid query in postgres because the second SELECT users.id
  FROM users needs to be in parens.

  Am I missing something?

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[sqlalchemy] secondary table order by count help

2009-04-28 Thread Krishgy

posts_table =  sa.Table('posts', metadata,
sa.Column(id,sa.Integer, sa.Sequence
('post_id_seq'), primary_key=True),
sa.Column('userid', sa.types.Integer,
sa.ForeignKey('users.id'), nullable = False),
sa.Column('title',  sa.types.String(255),
nullable = False, unique=False),
nullable = False),


location_tags_table =   sa.Table('location_tag', metadata,
sa.Column('postid', sa.types.Integer(),
sa.Column('locationid', sa.types.Integer(),

locations_table = sa.Table('locations', metadata,
   sa.Column('id', sa.types.Integer(), sa.Sequence
('location_uid_seq'), primary_key=True),
   sa.Column('name', sa.types.String

class mappers

class Post(object): -- for posts_table
def __init__(self):

class Location(object): -- locations_table
def __init__(self):

post_table_mapper = orm.mapper(Post, posts_table, properties={
'comments':orm.relation(Comment, backref='post'),
'locations':orm.relation(Location, secondary=location_tags_table,

I want to get the all the locations which are popular by descending
order. How to do that?

Thanks a lot
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[sqlalchemy] reflection with app server

2009-04-28 Thread paul


i am looking for help and explanation to reflect tables in context of
app server like cherrypy. i can't find a 'place' to auto-load and map
tables. if you do it as part of cp start thread (e.g.
we load/map often; i sure don't want to load/map for every app user.
with reflection, i need an engine, which i don't get with app server
until app server starts ... and then it looks to late. anybody can


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[sqlalchemy] InvalidRequestError: The transaction is inactive due to a rollback... using sqlite with multiple commits.

2009-04-28 Thread Daniel


In my application I have a function that looks more or less like this

def run(self):
# process first object in sequence
for firstObject in firstObjects:

# process second object in sequence
# lots of these, so break along the way
count = 0
for secondObject in secondObjects:
count += 1
if (count  100):
count = 0
time.sleep(1)   # pause to let other process access
the db

# process third objects
for thirdObject in thirdObjects:

The commit nested inside the second loop (highlighted by asterisks) is
potentially called many times (occasionally there are thousands of
objects to deal with).  intermittently that commit will produce the
following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Aptina\pop\tester\AptinaStagingService.py, line 106, in
  File C:\Aptina\pop\tester\AptinaStagingService.py, line 231, in
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
673, in commit
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
378, in commit
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
351, in _prepare_impl
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
247, in _assert_is_active
The transaction is inactive due to a rollback in a 
InvalidRequestError: The transaction is inactive due to a rollback in
a subtransaction.  Issue rollback() to cancel the transaction.

I've read elsewhere in this group (http://groups.google.com/group/
sqlalchemy/browse_thread/thread/b87af73232998fe4) about this error
message, but I'm not sure what they mean by squelching the original
exception somewhere.  Can someone please help me understand why I'm
getting this error and ideas on how to fix it.


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[sqlalchemy] InvalidRequestError: The transaction is inactive... using sqlite and multiple commits

2009-04-28 Thread Daniel


In my application I have a function that looks more or less like this

def run(self):
# process first object in sequence
for firstObject in firstObjects:

# process second object in sequence
# lots of these, so break along the way
count = 0
for secondObject in secondObjects:
count += 1
if (count  100):
count = 0
time.sleep(1)   # pause to let other process access
the db

# process third objects
for thirdObject in thirdObjects:

The commit nested inside the second loop (highlighted by asterisks) is
potentially called many times (occasionally there are thousands of
objects to deal with).  intermittently that commit will produce the
following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\StagingService.py, line 106, in __init__
  File C:\StagingService.py, line 231, in run
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
673, in commit
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
378, in commit
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
351, in _prepare_impl
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
247, in _assert_is_active
The transaction is inactive due to a rollback in a 
InvalidRequestError: The transaction is inactive due to a rollback in
a subtransaction.  Issue rollback() to cancel the transaction.

I've read elsewhere in this group (http://groups.google.com/group/
sqlalchemy/browse_thread/thread/b87af73232998fe4) about this error
message, but I'm not sure what they mean by squelching the original
exception somewhere.  Can someone please help me understand why I'm
getting this error and ideas on how to fix it.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: InvalidRequestError: The transaction is inactive due to a rollback... using sqlite with multiple commits.

2009-04-28 Thread Michael Bayer

squelching typically means one of two things.

either you're doing this:

 # do stuff with session
print error !
# .. keep going

or, you are allowing concurrent access to a single session with  
multiple threads, one of your threads is throwing an exception  
(usually due to the corrupted state of the session, since the session  
is not mutexed) and the other thread gets this error.

On Apr 28, 2009, at 4:53 PM, Daniel wrote:


 In my application I have a function that looks more or less like this

def run(self):
# process first object in sequence
for firstObject in firstObjects:

# process second object in sequence
# lots of these, so break along the way
count = 0
for secondObject in secondObjects:
count += 1
if (count  100):
count = 0
time.sleep(1)   # pause to let other process access
 the db

# process third objects
for thirdObject in thirdObjects:

 The commit nested inside the second loop (highlighted by asterisks) is
 potentially called many times (occasionally there are thousands of
 objects to deal with).  intermittently that commit will produce the
 following error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Aptina\pop\tester\AptinaStagingService.py, line 106, in
  File C:\Aptina\pop\tester\AptinaStagingService.py, line 231, in
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
 673, in commit
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
 378, in commit
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
 351, in _prepare_impl
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
 247, in _assert_is_active
The transaction is inactive due to a rollback in a 
 InvalidRequestError: The transaction is inactive due to a rollback in
 a subtransaction.  Issue rollback() to cancel the transaction.

 I've read elsewhere in this group (http://groups.google.com/group/
 sqlalchemy/browse_thread/thread/b87af73232998fe4) about this error
 message, but I'm not sure what they mean by squelching the original
 exception somewhere.  Can someone please help me understand why I'm
 getting this error and ideas on how to fix it.



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[sqlalchemy] obtaining a table schema

2009-04-28 Thread Paul Rigor (gmail)
Hi gang,
I've recently started using sqlalchemy, so hopefully this isn't a stupid

I was wondering whether there was an easy way to obtain a particular table's
schema if one is using just bare connection (ie, not using any special
orm's).  Specifically, is there a utility method somewhere which allows one
to obtain the primary key of a table?


Paul Rigor
Graduate Student
Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
University of California in Irvine
248 ICS2 Bldg.
+1 (760) 536 - 6767 (skype)

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