[sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy GUI

2009-05-11 Thread Jarrod Chesney

Hi All

I'm planning on making a GUI database configurator based on
SQLAlchemy. It will be roughly a GUI interface to the SQLAlchemy API.
Allowing the user to view/edit table data as well as database objects.

Eventually i'd like it to support most of the database access and db
object manipulation that SQLAlchemy + SQLMigrate.changeset supports.

Anyway, Thats my plan : I'm posting this to ask if anyone else is
working on something similar?

Regards, Jar
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Basic Search Engine

2009-05-11 Thread fluence


I have been having a play with [py]parsing. What a nifty little

I read those 2 free tutes and liked what I saw so bought a
subscription to safari just so I could read your short cut.

For my purposes (a few k objects at most, generally a few hundred) a
non indexed and inefficient like search will do fine until I work out
the match operator.

Here is what I have so far.  Any tips welcome.


# PyParsing
from pyparsing import ( CaselessLiteral, Literal, Word, alphas,
removeQuotes, operatorPrecedence,
stringEnd, opAssoc )

# SqlAlchemy
from sqlalchemy import and_, not_, or_



def like_escape(s):
return '%' + ( s.replace('\\', '')
.replace('%', '\\%')
.replace('_', '\\_') ) + '%'


class UnaryOperation(object):
def __init__(self, t):
self.op, self.a = t[0]

def __repr__(self):
return %s:(%s) % (self.name, str(self.a))

def express(self):
return self.operator[0](self.a.express())

class BinaryOperation(object):
def __init__(self, t):
self.op = t[0][1]
self.operands = t[0][0::2]

def __repr__(self):
return %s:(%s) % ( self.name,
 ,.join(str(oper) for oper in
self.operands) )

def express(self):
return self.operator[0](*( oper.express() for oper in
self.operands ))

class SearchAnd(BinaryOperation):
name = 'AND'
operator = [and_]

class SearchOr(BinaryOperation):
name = 'OR'
operator = [or_]

class SearchNot(UnaryOperation):
name = 'NOT'
operator = [not_]


AND_ = CaselessLiteral(and) | Literal('+')
OR_  = CaselessLiteral(or)  | Literal('|')
NOT_ = CaselessLiteral(not) | Literal('!')

searchTermMaster =  (
Word(alphas) | quotedString.copy().setParseAction
( removeQuotes ) )


def like_parser(model, fields=[]):
class SearchTerm(object):
def __init__(self, tokens):
self.term = tokens[0]

def express(self):
return or_ (
*( getattr(model, field).like( like_escape(self.term),
   escape = LIKE_ESCAPE)
   for field in fields )

def __repr__(self):
return self.term

searchTerm = searchTermMaster.copy().setParseAction(SearchTerm)

searchExpr = operatorPrecedence( searchTerm,
   [ (NOT_, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT, SearchNot),
 (AND_, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,  SearchAnd),
 (OR_,  2, opAssoc.LEFT,  SearchOr) ] )

return searchExpr + stringEnd


def search_fields_like(s, model, fields):
if isinstance(fields, basestring): fields = [fields]
parser = like_parser(model, fields)
return parser.parseString(s)[0].express()

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Basic Search Engine

2009-05-11 Thread fluence

I apologise for the formatting.  How does one go about posting
snippets inline properly? In the future I think I'll just post links
to pastes.

Paste of the above code: http://pastie.org/474342
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[sqlalchemy] bindparams not resolved?

2009-05-11 Thread Wichert Akkerman

I am wondering if this is a bug in my reasoning, or in SQLAlchemy
(0.5.3). I have a model which is pretty simple:

class ClothingArticle(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = clothing_article

id = schema.Column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
currency = schema.Column(types.String(3),
nullable=False, default=EUR, index=True)
price = schema.Column(types.Numeric(precision=6, scale=2),
price_euro = schema.Column(types.Numeric(precision=6, scale=2),
nullable=False, index=True)

When a currerency rate changes I am trying to update it, using a simple
prepared statement:


The statement is processed correctly:

(Pdb) print update
UPDATE clothing_article SET price_euro=(clothing_article.price * :newrate) 
WHERE clothing_article.currency = :currency

But when I try to use it:

   session.execute(update, currency=currency[code], newrate=newrate)

I get an error:

TypeError: get_bind() got an unexpected keyword argument 'currency'

I find it hard to believe parameter binding does not work, since SA uses
that internally, but I also can't spot my mistake unfortunately.


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.
http://www.wiggy.net/   It is hard to make things simple.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Q: Declarative and self-referencing tables

2009-05-11 Thread Michael Bayer

Adrian von Bidder wrote:

 How can I use Declarative to create self-referencing stuff?  I'm trying
 without success to create the tree example (Node with Node.parent and
 Node.children) in declarative.

 The basic table is:

 class Node(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'nodes'

 id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
 parent_id = Column('parent', Integer, ForeignKey('nodes.id'))

 Now I'm struggling with how to add a relation so that I can use
 mynode.parent and mynode.children.

 I've tried
 parent = relation(
   'Node', backref=backref('children', remote_side=[Node.id]))
 and various variants but always ended up with an exception (different ones
 for various cases.)

 I guess I have to use remote_side somehow but I couldn't figure how.

class Node(Base):
__tablename__ = 'nodes'

id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
parent_id = Column('parent', Integer, ForeignKey('nodes.id'))
parent = relation(Node, remote_side=id, backref=children)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: bindparams not resolved?

2009-05-11 Thread Michael Bayer

the signature for Session.execute is not the same as that of Connection or

Session.execute(stmt, params={'foo':'bar'})

Wichert Akkerman wrote:

 I am wondering if this is a bug in my reasoning, or in SQLAlchemy
 (0.5.3). I have a model which is pretty simple:

 class ClothingArticle(BaseObject):
 __tablename__ = clothing_article

 id = schema.Column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True,
 currency = schema.Column(types.String(3),
 nullable=False, default=EUR, index=True)
 price = schema.Column(types.Numeric(precision=6, scale=2),
 price_euro = schema.Column(types.Numeric(precision=6, scale=2),
 nullable=False, index=True)

 When a currerency rate changes I am trying to update it, using a simple
 prepared statement:



 The statement is processed correctly:

 (Pdb) print update
 UPDATE clothing_article SET price_euro=(clothing_article.price * :newrate)
 WHERE clothing_article.currency = :currency

 But when I try to use it:

session.execute(update, currency=currency[code], newrate=newrate)

 I get an error:

 TypeError: get_bind() got an unexpected keyword argument 'currency'

 I find it hard to believe parameter binding does not work, since SA uses
 that internally, but I also can't spot my mistake unfortunately.


 Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.
 http://www.wiggy.net/   It is hard to make things simple.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Sequence start value not working with PostgreSQL

2009-05-11 Thread Michael Bayer

the start functionality is unimplemented at the moment.  instead, issue:

t = Table(mytable, )

DDL(CREATE SEQUENCE ).execute_at('before-create', t)

Chris Miles wrote:

 I need to create an explicit Sequence with a specified start value.
 Looks simple, I tried Sequence('test_seq', start=5000) however the
 actual sequence created is left with the default start value.  The
 start parameter appears to have no effect.

 This is using PostgreSQL 8.2.4 and SQLAlchemy 0.5.3.

 Test code below demonstrates the problem.

 Am I misunderstanding the start parameter or is this a bug?

 import sqlalchemy as sa

 engine = sa.create_engine('postgres://localhost/test1', echo=True)
 meta = sa.MetaData()
 meta.bind = engine

 test_seq = sa.Sequence('test_seq', start=5000, metadata=meta)

 nextval = engine.execute(test_seq)

 assert nextval == 5000, nextval

 Chris Miles

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to run a stored procedure?

2009-05-11 Thread Daniel

Any reply on this?  Should I submit a new bug report?

On May 8, 11:49 am, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've just been looking through the code in mssql.py and the change
 mentioned in the changeset I mentioned isn't there anymore.  I also
 can't see that's it's been abstracted to a parent class.  Is there a
 possibility that this bug has crept back in?

 If so, let me know where the sensible place would be to include the
 EXEC keyword in order to return result sets for MSSQL stored
 procedures, or if there would be a better approach.


 On May 8, 11:24 am, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:


  I just found this 
  which corresponds to this 

  It seems that this issue has come up in the past.  I've tried the
  following modified query:
  result = conn.execute('EXEC claim_highest_priority_work')
  which should satisfy the regexp, but it still produces the closed
  cursor error.

  Not sure if this helps you help me...

  On May 8, 11:09 am, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:


   I'm not sure if this helps, but I've noticed that if my stored
   procedure returns all null values, then I can fetch them.  If they are
   non-null values I get an error:

   [Dbg] result = conn.execute('claim_highest_priority_work')
   [Dbg] print result.fetchone()
   Traceback (most recent call last):
     File interactive input, line 1, in module
     File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line
   1668, in fetchone
       self.connection._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None,
   self.cursor, self.context)
     File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line
   931, in _handle_dbapi_exception
       raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e,
   ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) Attempt to use a closed cursor.
   None None
   [Dbg] result = conn.execute('claim_highest_priority_work')
   [Dbg] print result.fetchone()
   (None, None, None, None, None)

   Any idea why this would be?

   On May 8, 10:46 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

Daniel wrote:

 Thanks Michael,

 When I try that it produces this SQL
 SELECT claim_highest_priority_work() AS claim_highest_priority_work_1

 and this error
 'claim_highest_priority_work' is not a recognized built-in function

this is more of an MSSQL how to issue then.   on most databases, 
a function and returning results looks like SELECT function().  On
oracle, its SELECT function() FROM DUAL.   What is it on MSSQL ?

 On May 8, 10:20 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 Daniel wrote:


  I've created a stored procedure in MSSQL.  I'm not sure how to use 
  in SQLAlchemy.  The stored procedure is called
  'claim_highest_priority_work' and I can call it directly as 

  result = conn.execute('claim_highest_priority_work')

  I know it runs because I see the result in the database, but I'm 
  sure how to access the return values?  They exactly match one of 
  tables I've defined.

  What's the right way to map/execute a stored procedure and
  subsequently access what it returns?

 you probably want to select from it.  an expression construct which
 achieves this would be:

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[sqlalchemy] Re: FOR UPDATE or UPDLOCK

2009-05-11 Thread Daniel

Can someone give me an idea about this?  Should this be submitted as a
bug or feature request?


On May 7, 3:50 pm, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a transaction that involves a SELECT and subsequent UPDATE.  It
 is operating against MSSQL.  I need to make sure that the row locks so
 that other processes may not access it until I have completed my
 update, or that they at least fail when trying to UPDATE after the
 first transaction commits.

 I think that either FOR UPDATE or UPDLOCK would work, but I can't find
 a way to make either of them work.  In the mmsql.py file I find this
     def for_update_clause(self, select):
         # FOR UPDATE is only allowed on DECLARE CURSOR which
 SQLAlchemy doesn't use
         return ''

 This leads me to believe that FOR UPDATE will not work.

 I've also tried this
 s = select(table.c, table.c.field0, [text((UPDLOCK))])

 Rather than producing SELECT * FROM table (UPDLOCK) where field  0
 it instead produces  SELECT * FROM table, (UPDLOCK) where field  0

 That little comman throws the whole thing off.  Can anyone suggest a
 way for me to accomplish what I'm trying to do in sqlalchemy.

 Thanks in advance,
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[sqlalchemy] Re: FOR UPDATE or UPDLOCK

2009-05-11 Thread Daniel

I mentioned this originally, but maybe it wasn't clear.  In order to
have MSSQL perform a select for update the FROM clause must be
modified.  This is comparable to appending FOR UPDATE to the entire
query in other DBMSs.  For example, the following two queries have the
same effect and show the difference between MySQL and MSSQL

MySQL: SELECT id, name FROM employee WHERE id = 1 FOR UPDATE
MSSQL: SELECT id, name FROM employee (UPDLOCK) WHERE id=1

In SQLAlchemy 0.5.3, I've noticed that the 'for_update_clause(self,
select)' function appears to simply append something for the languages
where it is supported.  How/Where would I add the ability in MSSQL to
modify the FROM clause to have '(UPDLOCK)'?

At the moment the only way I've found to accomplish this is to hand
write my queries and execute them all directly, as in session.execute
(query).  I'd prefer not to do this since it's functionality that's
available in MSSQL and appears to have a sensible insertion point in


On May 11, 8:40 am, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can someone give me an idea about this?  Should this be submitted as a
 bug or feature request?


 On May 7, 3:50 pm, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:


  I have a transaction that involves a SELECT and subsequent UPDATE.  It
  is operating against MSSQL.  I need to make sure that the row locks so
  that other processes may not access it until I have completed my
  update, or that they at least fail when trying to UPDATE after the
  first transaction commits.

  I think that either FOR UPDATE or UPDLOCK would work, but I can't find
  a way to make either of them work.  In the mmsql.py file I find this
      def for_update_clause(self, select):
          # FOR UPDATE is only allowed on DECLARE CURSOR which
  SQLAlchemy doesn't use
          return ''

  This leads me to believe that FOR UPDATE will not work.

  I've also tried this
  s = select(table.c, table.c.field0, [text((UPDLOCK))])

  Rather than producing SELECT * FROM table (UPDLOCK) where field  0
  it instead produces  SELECT * FROM table, (UPDLOCK) where field  0

  That little comman throws the whole thing off.  Can anyone suggest a
  way for me to accomplish what I'm trying to do in sqlalchemy.

  Thanks in advance,
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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to run a stored procedure?

2009-05-11 Thread Michael Bayer

Email on the pyodbc mailing list for instructions on how to execute a
stored procedure.The information there will guide how this is done
with SQLAlchemy.

Daniel wrote:

 Any reply on this?  Should I submit a new bug report?

 On May 8, 11:49 am, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've just been looking through the code in mssql.py and the change
 mentioned in the changeset I mentioned isn't there anymore.  I also
 can't see that's it's been abstracted to a parent class.  Is there a
 possibility that this bug has crept back in?

 If so, let me know where the sensible place would be to include the
 EXEC keyword in order to return result sets for MSSQL stored
 procedures, or if there would be a better approach.


 On May 8, 11:24 am, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:


  I just found this
  which corresponds to this

  It seems that this issue has come up in the past.  I've tried the
  following modified query:
  result = conn.execute('EXEC claim_highest_priority_work')
  which should satisfy the regexp, but it still produces the closed
  cursor error.

  Not sure if this helps you help me...

  On May 8, 11:09 am, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:


   I'm not sure if this helps, but I've noticed that if my stored
   procedure returns all null values, then I can fetch them.  If they
   non-null values I get an error:

   [Dbg] result = conn.execute('claim_highest_priority_work')
   [Dbg] print result.fetchone()
   Traceback (most recent call last):
     File interactive input, line 1, in module
     File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py,
   1668, in fetchone
       self.connection._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None,
   self.cursor, self.context)
     File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py,
   931, in _handle_dbapi_exception
       raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e,
   ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) Attempt to use a closed cursor.
   None None
   [Dbg] result = conn.execute('claim_highest_priority_work')
   [Dbg] print result.fetchone()
   (None, None, None, None, None)

   Any idea why this would be?

   On May 8, 10:46 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com

Daniel wrote:

 Thanks Michael,

 When I try that it produces this SQL
 SELECT claim_highest_priority_work() AS

 and this error
 'claim_highest_priority_work' is not a recognized built-in

this is more of an MSSQL how to issue then.   on most databases,
a function and returning results looks like SELECT function().
oracle, its SELECT function() FROM DUAL.   What is it on MSSQL ?

 On May 8, 10:20 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com
 Daniel wrote:


  I've created a stored procedure in MSSQL.  I'm not sure how
 to use it
  in SQLAlchemy.  The stored procedure is called
  'claim_highest_priority_work' and I can call it directly as

  result = conn.execute('claim_highest_priority_work')

  I know it runs because I see the result in the database, but
 I'm not
  sure how to access the return values?  They exactly match one
 of the
  tables I've defined.

  What's the right way to map/execute a stored procedure and
  subsequently access what it returns?

 you probably want to select from it.  an expression construct
 achieves this would be:


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[sqlalchemy] Re: FOR UPDATE or UPDLOCK

2009-05-11 Thread Michael Bayer

but is the comment in the code correct ?  is DECLARE CURSOR required ?

Daniel wrote:

 I mentioned this originally, but maybe it wasn't clear.  In order to
 have MSSQL perform a select for update the FROM clause must be
 modified.  This is comparable to appending FOR UPDATE to the entire
 query in other DBMSs.  For example, the following two queries have the
 same effect and show the difference between MySQL and MSSQL

 MySQL: SELECT id, name FROM employee WHERE id = 1 FOR UPDATE
 MSSQL: SELECT id, name FROM employee (UPDLOCK) WHERE id=1

 In SQLAlchemy 0.5.3, I've noticed that the 'for_update_clause(self,
 select)' function appears to simply append something for the languages
 where it is supported.  How/Where would I add the ability in MSSQL to
 modify the FROM clause to have '(UPDLOCK)'?

 At the moment the only way I've found to accomplish this is to hand
 write my queries and execute them all directly, as in session.execute
 (query).  I'd prefer not to do this since it's functionality that's
 available in MSSQL and appears to have a sensible insertion point in


 On May 11, 8:40 am, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can someone give me an idea about this?  Should this be submitted as a
 bug or feature request?


 On May 7, 3:50 pm, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:


  I have a transaction that involves a SELECT and subsequent UPDATE.  It
  is operating against MSSQL.  I need to make sure that the row locks so
  that other processes may not access it until I have completed my
  update, or that they at least fail when trying to UPDATE after the
  first transaction commits.

  I think that either FOR UPDATE or UPDLOCK would work, but I can't find
  a way to make either of them work.  In the mmsql.py file I find this
      def for_update_clause(self, select):
          # FOR UPDATE is only allowed on DECLARE CURSOR which
  SQLAlchemy doesn't use
          return ''

  This leads me to believe that FOR UPDATE will not work.

  I've also tried this
  s = select(table.c, table.c.field0, [text((UPDLOCK))])

  Rather than producing SELECT * FROM table (UPDLOCK) where field  0
  it instead produces  SELECT * FROM table, (UPDLOCK) where field  0

  That little comman throws the whole thing off.  Can anyone suggest a
  way for me to accomplish what I'm trying to do in sqlalchemy.

  Thanks in advance,

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[sqlalchemy] Re: FOR UPDATE or UPDLOCK

2009-05-11 Thread Daniel

A DECLARE CURSOR is required for the keywords 'FOR UPDATE, but I'm
not sure that they do the same thing as FOR UPDATE in MySQL.  On the
other hand, the (UPDLOCK) keyword attached to the FROM clause
doesn't require a DECLARE CURSOR.

On May 11, 9:34 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 but is the comment in the code correct ?  is DECLARE CURSOR required ?

 Daniel wrote:

  I mentioned this originally, but maybe it wasn't clear.  In order to
  have MSSQL perform a select for update the FROM clause must be
  modified.  This is comparable to appending FOR UPDATE to the entire
  query in other DBMSs.  For example, the following two queries have the
  same effect and show the difference between MySQL and MSSQL

  MySQL: SELECT id, name FROM employee WHERE id = 1 FOR UPDATE
  MSSQL: SELECT id, name FROM employee (UPDLOCK) WHERE id=1

  In SQLAlchemy 0.5.3, I've noticed that the 'for_update_clause(self,
  select)' function appears to simply append something for the languages
  where it is supported.  How/Where would I add the ability in MSSQL to
  modify the FROM clause to have '(UPDLOCK)'?

  At the moment the only way I've found to accomplish this is to hand
  write my queries and execute them all directly, as in session.execute
  (query).  I'd prefer not to do this since it's functionality that's
  available in MSSQL and appears to have a sensible insertion point in


  On May 11, 8:40 am, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:
  Can someone give me an idea about this?  Should this be submitted as a
  bug or feature request?


  On May 7, 3:50 pm, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:


   I have a transaction that involves a SELECT and subsequent UPDATE.  It
   is operating against MSSQL.  I need to make sure that the row locks so
   that other processes may not access it until I have completed my
   update, or that they at least fail when trying to UPDATE after the
   first transaction commits.

   I think that either FOR UPDATE or UPDLOCK would work, but I can't find
   a way to make either of them work.  In the mmsql.py file I find this
       def for_update_clause(self, select):
           # FOR UPDATE is only allowed on DECLARE CURSOR which
   SQLAlchemy doesn't use
           return ''

   This leads me to believe that FOR UPDATE will not work.

   I've also tried this
   s = select(table.c, table.c.field0, [text((UPDLOCK))])

   Rather than producing SELECT * FROM table (UPDLOCK) where field  0
   it instead produces  SELECT * FROM table, (UPDLOCK) where field  0

   That little comman throws the whole thing off.  Can anyone suggest a
   way for me to accomplish what I'm trying to do in sqlalchemy.

   Thanks in advance,
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Building an or_ filter in loop

2009-05-11 Thread polaar

this would even be easier (and correcter if the terms contain %)
written as:

cond = or_(*[Fruit.name.contains(term) for term in terms])

On 8 mei, 21:59, Kyle Schaffrick k...@raidi.us wrote:
 On Fri, 8 May 2009 12:52:09 -0700 (PDT)

 Bryan bryanv...@gmail.com wrote:

  I can't figure out a clean way of adding a bunch of filter terms to a
  query in a loop joined by an OR clause.  Successive calls to filter
  join the expressions by AND.  I would like to do something like the
  following, but have the expressions joined by OR

  terms = ['apple', 'orange', 'peach']
  q = Session.query(Fruit)
  for term in terms:
      q = q.filter(Fruit.name.like('%' + term + '%')

  Desired pseudo-sql:
  SELECT * FROM fruit WHERE name like '%apple%' OR name like '%orange%'
  OR name like '%peach%'

 I think this might do what you want:

   cond = or_(*[ Fruit.name.like('%' + term + '%') for term in terms ])
   q = Session.query(Fruit).filter(cond)

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[sqlalchemy] Possible documentation glitch?

2009-05-11 Thread klaus

The last example in the reference for Query.join (http://
seems to contain a few typos:

Articles.id should be Article.id

article_keywords.c (2x) does not exist anymore. (The .c should simply
be left out, I think.)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to run a stored procedure?

2009-05-11 Thread Daniel


I can execute a stored procedure from SQLAlchemy, but I can't get a
result set back out of SQLAlchemy.  I've verified that the SP executes
as expected and I know that it's returning a result set.  I'm
following what's been suggested on this forum
and http://www.mail-archive.com/sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com/msg08048.html.

What type of question do you think I should ask on the pyodbc forum?
It seems the issue is that a bug that was fixed in a previous version
of SQLAlchemy has crept back in.  I might be able to fix it with a
little help, but things have changed quite a bit since the changeset
that fixed it last time(see previous post on this thread) and I'm not
sure where to start.

On May 11, 9:32 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 Email on the pyodbc mailing list for instructions on how to execute a
 stored procedure.    The information there will guide how this is done
 with SQLAlchemy.

 Daniel wrote:

  Any reply on this?  Should I submit a new bug report?

  On May 8, 11:49 am, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:
  I've just been looking through the code in mssql.py and the change
  mentioned in the changeset I mentioned isn't there anymore.  I also
  can't see that's it's been abstracted to a parent class.  Is there a
  possibility that this bug has crept back in?

  If so, let me know where the sensible place would be to include the
  EXEC keyword in order to return result sets for MSSQL stored
  procedures, or if there would be a better approach.


  On May 8, 11:24 am, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:


   I just found this
   which corresponds to this

   It seems that this issue has come up in the past.  I've tried the
   following modified query:
   result = conn.execute('EXEC claim_highest_priority_work')
   which should satisfy the regexp, but it still produces the closed
   cursor error.

   Not sure if this helps you help me...

   On May 8, 11:09 am, Daniel daniel.watr...@gmail.com wrote:


I'm not sure if this helps, but I've noticed that if my stored
procedure returns all null values, then I can fetch them.  If they
non-null values I get an error:

[Dbg] result = conn.execute('claim_highest_priority_work')
[Dbg] print result.fetchone()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in module
  File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py,
1668, in fetchone
    self.connection._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None,
self.cursor, self.context)
  File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py,
931, in _handle_dbapi_exception
    raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e,
ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) Attempt to use a closed cursor.
None None
[Dbg] result = conn.execute('claim_highest_priority_work')
[Dbg] print result.fetchone()
(None, None, None, None, None)

Any idea why this would be?

On May 8, 10:46 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com

 Daniel wrote:

  Thanks Michael,

  When I try that it produces this SQL
  SELECT claim_highest_priority_work() AS

  and this error
  'claim_highest_priority_work' is not a recognized built-in

 this is more of an MSSQL how to issue then.   on most databases,
 a function and returning results looks like SELECT function().
 oracle, its SELECT function() FROM DUAL.   What is it on MSSQL ?

  On May 8, 10:20 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com
  Daniel wrote:


   I've created a stored procedure in MSSQL.  I'm not sure how
  to use it
   in SQLAlchemy.  The stored procedure is called
   'claim_highest_priority_work' and I can call it directly as

   result = conn.execute('claim_highest_priority_work')

   I know it runs because I see the result in the database, but
  I'm not
   sure how to access the return values?  They exactly match one
  of the
   tables I've defined.

   What's the right way to map/execute a stored procedure and
   subsequently access what it returns?

  you probably want to select from it.  an expression construct
  achieves this would be:

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Building an or_ filter in loop

2009-05-11 Thread Kyle Schaffrick

On Mon, 11 May 2009 09:01:06 -0700 (PDT)
polaar steven.vereec...@gmail.com wrote:

 this would even be easier (and correcter if the terms contain %)
 written as:
 cond = or_(*[Fruit.name.contains(term) for term in terms])

Indeed, good catch. I was so interested in the apply or_ logic that I
missed the escaping bug :)


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Basic Search Engine

2009-05-11 Thread Paul McGuire

On May 11, 6:20 am, fluence ndudfi...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have been having a play with [py]parsing. What a nifty little

 I read those 2 free tutes and liked what I saw so bought a
 subscription to safari just so I could read your short cut.

Glad to hear that pyparsing is giving you a jump start!  I downloaded
sqlalchemy, and eventually got the parameters straight to call your
code (passing the search string, the c attribute of a Table,
followed by a list of column names).  Here's what I got:

from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, MetaData,

metadata = MetaData()
prod_table = Table('product', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String),
Column('color', String),
Column('size', String),
Column('material', String),

print search_fields_like(RED OR GREEN AND NOT BLUE, prod_table.c,
color size.split())


product.color LIKE :color_1 ESCAPE '\\' OR product.size LIKE :size_1
ESCAPE '\\' OR (product.color LIKE :color_2 ESCAPE '\\' OR
product.size LIKE :size_2 ESCAPE '\\') AND NOT (product.color
LIKE :color_3 ESCAPE '\\' OR product.size LIKE :size_3 ESCAPE '\\')

(Where do the parsed values, like RED, GREEN, and BLUE go?

You may at some point need to go beyond just Word(alphas) for search
terms, such as Word(alphanums) (words made up of alphas or letters),
or Word(alphas, alphanums) (words made up of alphas or letters, but
must start with an alpha).

Since your search string just takes search values, this is what makes
it necessary for you to qualify the call with a list of potential
search columns.  This is okay if you are searching fields of an
article (like say, title, subject, abstract, and/or body).  But if the
columns are dissimilar, such as fields of the products in a catalog,
then you'll be searching fields like size and color with impossible or
even misleading options (size like '%RED%' is a wasted search, but
color like '%L%' will return YELLOW items, whether they are Large or
not).  For an application like the product catalog, then you could
recast your query grammar to search for boolean combinations of
conditional expressions like field like value.  Then you wouldn't
need the additional parameter listing the fields to search, you can
parse them out of the query string itself.  This would also support
conditional tests other than like, such as price  200.

In any event, I hope pyparsing will help support your experimenting,
and let you try some different application ideas while pyparsing
offloads some of the dull parsing stuff.

-- Paul
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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy and unit tests

2009-05-11 Thread Michael Bayer

clear out the session (or make a new one) between tests.   while the  
session attempts to weak reference its contents, it usually ends up  
holding onto a lot of stuff due to a particular reference cycle  
created by backrefs (I'm thinking of ways to eliminate that behavior).

On May 11, 2009, at 10:54 PM, James wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm trying to track down an error where running a full TurboGears unit
 test suite fails with a SQLAlchemy error, while running the single
 (failing) unit test passes OK.

 The SA error is of the form:
 FlushError: New instance terms...@0x2b15590 with identity key (class
 'yel.model.select_source.TermSite', (1, 1), None) conflicts with
 persistent instance terms...@0x2b8ad50

 TermSite is an association table for a many-to-many relationship,
 which has a multi-column primary key:
 term_site_table = Table('term_site', metadata,
Column('term_id', Integer, ForeignKey(term.id,
 ondelete=CASCADE), primary_key=True),
Column('site_id', Integer, ForeignKey(site.id,
 ondelete=CASCADE), primary_key=True),
Column('weight', Integer, default=1, nullable=False),

 The error seems to signify that SA thinks there is already an object
 waiting to be flushed with the same term_id and site_id. The fact that
 the test only fails when a full test suite is run implies that there
 is some state left over in between unit test executions.

 Abbreviated setUp and tearDown methods:
def setUp(self):
cherrypy.root = root.Root()
def tearDown(self):

 TurboGears provides a sqlalchemy_cleanup method (here:
 http://svn.turbogears.org/branches/1.0/turbogears/testutil.py), but
 that seemed to be too aggressive, producing errors of the form:
 InvalidRequestError: Class 'Visit' entity name 'None' has no mapper
 associated with it

 - what is the recommended database initialisation / cleanup strategy
 for unit tests involving SA?
 - can anyone suggest how ORM state could be hanging around between
 unit tests (I'm using an in-memory DB)?
 - is there a convenient way to check on objects in the ORM, waiting to
 be flushed?

 This is SA 0.4.3 and TG 1.0.8 running against an in-memory sqlite DB


 (Cross-posted to TG list)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Sequence start value not working with PostgreSQL

2009-05-11 Thread Chris Miles

Thanks Michael.

On 12/05/2009, at 12:34 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

 the start functionality is unimplemented at the moment.  instead,  

 t = Table(mytable, )

 DDL(CREATE SEQUENCE ).execute_at('before-create', t)

 Chris Miles wrote:

 I need to create an explicit Sequence with a specified start value.
 Looks simple, I tried Sequence('test_seq', start=5000) however the
 actual sequence created is left with the default start value.  The
 start parameter appears to have no effect.

 This is using PostgreSQL 8.2.4 and SQLAlchemy 0.5.3.

 Test code below demonstrates the problem.

 Am I misunderstanding the start parameter or is this a bug?

 import sqlalchemy as sa

 engine = sa.create_engine('postgres://localhost/test1', echo=True)
 meta = sa.MetaData()
 meta.bind = engine

 test_seq = sa.Sequence('test_seq', start=5000, metadata=meta)

 nextval = engine.execute(test_seq)

 assert nextval == 5000, nextval

 Chris Miles


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy and unit tests

2009-05-11 Thread James Brady
Perfect, thanks Michael - I'll pass this on to the TG list

2009/5/11 Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com

 clear out the session (or make a new one) between tests.   while the
 session attempts to weak reference its contents, it usually ends up
 holding onto a lot of stuff due to a particular reference cycle
 created by backrefs (I'm thinking of ways to eliminate that behavior).

 On May 11, 2009, at 10:54 PM, James wrote:

  Hi all,
  I'm trying to track down an error where running a full TurboGears unit
  test suite fails with a SQLAlchemy error, while running the single
  (failing) unit test passes OK.
  The SA error is of the form:
  FlushError: New instance terms...@0x2b15590 with identity key (class
  'yel.model.select_source.TermSite', (1, 1), None) conflicts with
  persistent instance terms...@0x2b8ad50
  TermSite is an association table for a many-to-many relationship,
  which has a multi-column primary key:
  term_site_table = Table('term_site', metadata,
 Column('term_id', Integer, ForeignKey(term.id,
  ondelete=CASCADE), primary_key=True),
 Column('site_id', Integer, ForeignKey(site.id,
  ondelete=CASCADE), primary_key=True),
 Column('weight', Integer, default=1, nullable=False),
  The error seems to signify that SA thinks there is already an object
  waiting to be flushed with the same term_id and site_id. The fact that
  the test only fails when a full test suite is run implies that there
  is some state left over in between unit test executions.
  Abbreviated setUp and tearDown methods:
 def setUp(self):
 cherrypy.root = root.Root()
 def tearDown(self):
  TurboGears provides a sqlalchemy_cleanup method (here:
  http://svn.turbogears.org/branches/1.0/turbogears/testutil.py), but
  that seemed to be too aggressive, producing errors of the form:
  InvalidRequestError: Class 'Visit' entity name 'None' has no mapper
  associated with it
  - what is the recommended database initialisation / cleanup strategy
  for unit tests involving SA?
  - can anyone suggest how ORM state could be hanging around between
  unit tests (I'm using an in-memory DB)?
  - is there a convenient way to check on objects in the ORM, waiting to
  be flushed?
  This is SA 0.4.3 and TG 1.0.8 running against an in-memory sqlite DB
  (Cross-posted to TG list)


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