[sqlalchemy] Setting language for a db session

2009-09-14 Thread gizli

Hi all,

I am just starting to think about this topic so please dont shoot me
if I missed the obvious :).

There are many varieties of database errors. So, sometimes in our
code, we need to let these errors be returned to the user. E.g. we
would like a french guy using this application to have a french
translation of these error messages. Ideally, a single application
should be able to return errors in multiple languages depending on
which language the database session was setup with.

From my understanding, some databases like MySQL does not support
setting language for a particular DB session. Some others, such as
Oracle, allows this. Is this ever considered in SA? or is our only
option to write SQL code to explicitly pass the language parameter to
a session? Do you guys have a better answer?

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[sqlalchemy] Self Join

2009-09-14 Thread Paulo Aquino
I have 2 tables 'Product' and 'ProductPrice'. I want to get all valid
products, a product is valid if it has both a valid 'Selling' and 'Buying'
ProductPrice type. A ProductPrice is valid if the valid_from date =
date.today() and valid_to = date.today().

Product Table:

 id |  sku  | principal
  1 | sku_1 | kraft
  2 | sku_2 | kraft
  3 | sku_3 | kraft
  4 | sku_4 | kraft

ProdutPrice Table:

 id |  type| sku| principal | price  | valid_from  |  valid_to
  1 | Buying | sku_1 | kraft  |   122 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
  2 | Buying | sku_1 | kraft  |   231 | 2010-01-01 | 2010-02-02
  3 | Selling | sku_1 | kraft  |   125 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
  4 | Buying | sku_2 | kraft  |   122 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
  5 | Buying | sku_2 | kraft  |   231 | 2010-01-01 | 2010-02-02
  6 | Selling | sku_2 | kraft  |   125 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
  7 | Buying | sku_3 | kraft  |   122 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
  8 | Selling | sku_4 | kraft  |   122 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12

Using Raw SQL here is how I did it:

1. SELECT product.id,
  valid_to INTO TEMP
FROM product
INNER JOIN product_price on
  product.principal = product_price.principal AND
  product.sku = product_price.sku
WHERE valid_from = current_date AND valid_to = current_date ;

WHERE a.type='Selling' AND b.type='Buying'
AND a.principal = b.principal
AND a.sku = b.sku;

From this two queries I now have distinct products that have a valid pair of
both 'Buying' and 'Selling' Price. (Those products with a valid 'Buying' or
'Selling price only and not have them both are dropped)

Using SQLAlchemy here is how I did it:

1. valid_price = and_(ProductPrice.sku == Product.sku,
   ProductPrice.valid_from = date.today(),
   ProductPrice.valid_to = date.today())

   valid_products =

2. Now I want to self join valid_products, same thing I did in my Raw SQL
solution no. 2 I've been trying but getting weird results.

If someone can please help me, here's is my test case


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[sqlalchemy] 0.55, orm, varying relation join on criteria

2009-09-14 Thread me

For certain orm queries with a 1-to-many relation i want to left outer
join and then update the on-clause for that relation. Since the
criteria changes between queries I cannot fix the join criteria when
specifying my object/table mappings.

For example:
tables: user, email
relation:  user.emails (1-many)

select *
from user
left outer join email on email.user_id = user.id and email.name
like '%hello%'

While this is easy to write as a one off query in my case I need to be
able to add variable filtering to the join on-clause and in a way that
hopefully works for more complex relations.

So e.g. if I have a query built like this:
query(user).outerjoin((email, emails))

Is there a general way to add to the primary/secondary join criteria
that is pulled from this emails relation? Or is there a better way to
express this in SA that I've missed?

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[sqlalchemy] many-to-one question on delete

2009-09-14 Thread Steve Zatz

I have a simple foreign key relationship between a Task class and a
Context class, where many Tasks can have the same Context.  The
default value for the Task foreign key context_id is 0.  When I delete
a Context, the Tasks with that context have their context_id
automatically set to None and I would like it to be set to 0.  (I
believe this is the default cascade behavior as I do not have any
cascade set on the mapper.)  Right now I then explicitly change each
affected Tasks context_id to 0.  Do I have to do this explicitly, or
is there a way on delete of a Context to have the task updated to a
context_id = 0.  Thanks for any advice.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: ORM and EXISTS?

2009-09-14 Thread Seppo11

On 11 Sep., 22:12, Conor conor.edward.da...@gmail.com wrote:
 This query will get you close to your desired SQL:
 q = session.query(ATable)
 q = q.filter(
         ((BTable.atable_id == ATable.id)
           (CTable.cval.in_([foo, bar]))),
         from_obj=orm.join(BTable, CTable)))

Great! Works like a charm!

Thank you!

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to instantiate objects of a class mapped against multiple tables?

2009-09-14 Thread bojanb

The root of the problem is inheritance. Let's say that I have a Person
class and an Employee class that inherits from it. I also have a
Meeting class that records meetings between two persons.

A query on Meeting will always lazy load Employee's attributes,
regardless of any lazy/eagerload settings. E.g. if I want to print the
list of names of all persons somebody had meetings with and also their
position if they are employees (null if they're not), it will always
be done lazily. This is bad when I have, let's say, 100.000 Meetings.

I guess I can build a custom join and work from that, but if I have
two levels of inheritance on one side and three levels on the other
side, I will have to write a six-way join, and this, I'm sure you'll
agree, sort of defeats the purpose of an object-relational mapper.

Using classes mapped against multiple tables would elegantly solve
this problem, if I could only instantiate them (see my original post).

Here's the code that shows attributes of inherited objects are loaded


from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, Column, Integer, String,
MetaData, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, sessionmaker, eagerload
from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import validates

DB_URI='postgres://postg...@localhost/postgres' #Replace this
db_engine=create_engine(DB_URI, echo=False)
metadata = MetaData()

class Person(object):

def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

persons = Table('persons',
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('type', String(1), nullable=False),
Column('name', String(100), nullable=False))

class Employee(Person):

def __init__(self, name, position):
Person.__init__(self, name)
self.position = position

employees = Table('employees',
  Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey('persons.id'),
  Column('position', String(50), nullable=False))

class Meeting(object):

def __init__(self, date, person_from, person_to):
self.date = date
self.person_from = person_from
self.person_to = person_to

meetings = Table('meetings',
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('date', String(8), nullable=False),
 Column('person_from_id', Integer, ForeignKey
('persons.id'), nullable=False),
 Column('person_to_id', Integer, ForeignKey
('persons.id'), nullable=False))

mapper(Person, persons, polymorphic_on=persons.c.type,
mapper(Employee, employees, inherits=Person, polymorphic_identity='E')
mapper(Meeting, meetings, properties={
'person_from': relation(Person, primaryjoin=
'person_to': relation(Person, primaryjoin=

if __name__ == '__main__':
john = Person('John')
peter = Employee('Peter', 'clerk')
jack = Employee('Jack', 'manager')
m1 = Meeting('20090914', peter, john)
m2 = Meeting('20090915', peter, jack)
s.add_all([john, peter, jack, m1, m2])

db_engine.echo = True
#We now want to print the names and positions of everyone
Peter has ever met with
peters_meetings = s.query(Meeting).options(eagerload
for meeting in peters_meetings:
if meeting.person_to.type == 'P':
print meeting.date, meeting.person_to.name, None
#Each print statement here will emit an SQL SELECT on
the employees table
print meeting.date, meeting.person_to.name,

db_engine.echo = False


On Sep 11, 7:52 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 have you tried using query + join() + contains_eager() ?  any query you
 like can be used to build the object graph of your choice along


  Here's something I've been struggling with recently. I'll include the
  description of steps that got me here, as I believe the context will
  make the question clearer.

  It all started because I needed to show data (eg. in a list form) from
  two related tables (classes). However, SQLAlchemy would emit one SQL
  query for getting the objects of the first class, then one query each
  for each access to attributes of the other class. It obviously loads
  the attributes lazily, which is fine most of the time but grossly
  inefficient in this case (as there can be thousands of records in the
  first table).

  Aha, I'll use eagerload! I thought. Alas, it doesn't seem to work
  for inherited classes. A message

[sqlalchemy] api.upgrade autocommit?

2009-09-14 Thread Suha Onay


I plan to use the migrate.versioning.api to manage the versions of the
But there are different repositories belonging to the modules of my
Each module has its own repository but will refer to the tables of
other modules. Is it possible?

I have 2 different repositories: say X and Y
The users table is created in repository X.
And the customers table in repository Y refers to the users table.

When api.upgrade is called for X, the users table is created.
But then, when api.upgrade is called soon after for Y, it gives an
error saying no users table.


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[sqlalchemy] getting data from primary keys

2009-09-14 Thread todd12

Hello SQLAlchemy Group,

I've been trying to work out a way I can get the data from a table
whose columns are primary keys.

The challenge is, I don't know before hand which columns are primary
keys since the code is to be run on different tables.

I've figured out how to get the primary keys from a table object:

cols = table.columns

primary_col_names = []
for col in cols:
if col.primary_key is True:

But how do I go about constructing an sql statement with the primary
column names in the list?

Or is there an easier way to do this?

I've found away to do this using where(), feeding it the column_name,
but if there were three names in the primary_col_names list I'd have
to append a where for each name, and I'm not entirely sure how that
would work.

Is there a way to give SQLAlchemy a string sql statement?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to instantiate objects of a class mapped against multiple tables?

2009-09-14 Thread Michael Bayer

bojanb wrote:

 Actually you can't use with_polymorphic() in the query because Meeting
 is not an inherited object (one would get an InvalidRequestError if
 one tried). But plugging:


 in the mapper for Person makes the eagerload work in the code above.

 However, we're off on a tangent. I still don't know how to instantiate
 objects of a class mapped against two tables when they contain both an
 autogenerated primary key from the first table and a mandatory foreign
 key from the second...

Just to clarify, the mapper on Employee with the with_polymorphic='*'
*is* a mapper that is mapped against two tables, in pretty much the same
way as a map against a plain join is represented.  So I'm assuming this is
unsuitable only because it's your observation that the joined tables in
your particular system are more of an implementation detail and you
don't really need to represent inheritance.

So, as far as synchronizing the foreign key with the primary key of the
two tables in a mapper that is mapped to a plain join, you just map two
columns to one attribute.  This is also in the docs, at
.   The tables are populated in order of foreign key dependency, and after
each primary key generation the value is synchronized to the mapped
attribute, where its then available for the insert into the second table.

Since I didn't read your initial (very long) email carefully enough, here
is your sample program using that style.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, Column, Integer,
String,MetaData, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, sessionmaker, eagerload
from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import validates

db_engine=create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)
metadata = MetaData()

persons = Table('persons',
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String(100), nullable=False))

class Employee(object):

def __init__(self, name, position):
self.name = name
self.position = position

employees = Table('employees',
  Column('id', Integer,
  Column('position', String(50), nullable=False))

class Meeting(object):

def __init__(self, date, person_from, person_to):
self.date = date
self.person_from = person_from
self.person_to = person_to

meetings = Table('meetings',
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('date', String(8), nullable=False),
 Column('person_from_id', Integer,
ForeignKey('persons.id'), nullable=False),
 Column('person_to_id', Integer, ForeignKey('persons.id'),

mapper(Employee, employees.join(persons), properties={
'id':[persons.c.id, employees.c.id]

mapper(Meeting, meetings, properties={
'person_from': relation(Employee,
'person_to': relation(Employee,

if __name__ == '__main__':

john = Employee('John', 'person')
peter = Employee('Peter', 'clerk')
jack = Employee('Jack', 'manager')
m1 = Meeting('20090914', peter, john)
m2 = Meeting('20090915', peter, jack)
s.add_all([john, peter, jack, m1, m2])

#We now want to print the names and positions of everyonePeter has
ever met with
peters_meetings =
for meeting in peters_meetings:
print meeting.date, meeting.person_to.name,meeting.person_to.position

 On Sep 14, 4:31 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 bojanb wrote:

  The root of the problem is inheritance. Let's say that I have a Person
  class and an Employee class that inherits from it. I also have a
  Meeting class that records meetings between two persons.

  A query on Meeting will always lazy load Employee's attributes,
  regardless of any lazy/eagerload settings. E.g. if I want to print the
  list of names of all persons somebody had meetings with and also their
  position if they are employees (null if they're not), it will always
  be done lazily. This is bad when I have, let's say, 100.000 Meetings.

  I guess I can build a custom join and work from that, but if I have
  two levels of inheritance on one side and three levels on the other
  side, I will have to write a six-way join, and this, I'm sure you'll
  agree, sort of defeats the purpose of an object-relational mapper.

  Using classes mapped against multiple tables would elegantly solve
  this problem, if I could only instantiate them (see my original post).

  Here's the code that shows attributes of inherited

[sqlalchemy] Re: getting data from primary keys

2009-09-14 Thread Mike Conley
If I understand this, you want to construct a query that returns the primary
keys in an arbitrary table?

Try this:

key_cols = [c for c in table.primary_key.columns]

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to instantiate objects of a class mapped against multiple tables?

2009-09-14 Thread bojanb

Actually you can't use with_polymorphic() in the query because Meeting
is not an inherited object (one would get an InvalidRequestError if
one tried). But plugging:


in the mapper for Person makes the eagerload work in the code above.

However, we're off on a tangent. I still don't know how to instantiate
objects of a class mapped against two tables when they contain both an
autogenerated primary key from the first table and a mandatory foreign
key from the second...

On Sep 14, 4:31 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 bojanb wrote:

  The root of the problem is inheritance. Let's say that I have a Person
  class and an Employee class that inherits from it. I also have a
  Meeting class that records meetings between two persons.

  A query on Meeting will always lazy load Employee's attributes,
  regardless of any lazy/eagerload settings. E.g. if I want to print the
  list of names of all persons somebody had meetings with and also their
  position if they are employees (null if they're not), it will always
  be done lazily. This is bad when I have, let's say, 100.000 Meetings.

  I guess I can build a custom join and work from that, but if I have
  two levels of inheritance on one side and three levels on the other
  side, I will have to write a six-way join, and this, I'm sure you'll
  agree, sort of defeats the purpose of an object-relational mapper.

  Using classes mapped against multiple tables would elegantly solve
  this problem, if I could only instantiate them (see my original post).

  Here's the code that shows attributes of inherited objects are loaded

 oh.  you want with_polymorphic() for this.



  from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, Column, Integer, String,
  MetaData, ForeignKey
  from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, sessionmaker, eagerload
  from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import validates

  DB_URI='postgres://postg...@localhost/postgres' #Replace this
  db_engine=create_engine(DB_URI, echo=False)
  metadata = MetaData()

  class Person(object):

      def __init__(self, name):
          self.name = name

  persons = Table('persons',
                  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
                  Column('type', String(1), nullable=False),
                  Column('name', String(100), nullable=False))

  class Employee(Person):

      def __init__(self, name, position):
          Person.__init__(self, name)
          self.position = position

  employees = Table('employees',
                    Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey('persons.id'),
                    Column('position', String(50), nullable=False))

  class Meeting(object):

      def __init__(self, date, person_from, person_to):
          self.date = date
          self.person_from = person_from
          self.person_to = person_to

  meetings = Table('meetings',
                   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
                   Column('date', String(8), nullable=False),
                   Column('person_from_id', Integer, ForeignKey
  ('persons.id'), nullable=False),
                   Column('person_to_id', Integer, ForeignKey
  ('persons.id'), nullable=False))

  mapper(Person, persons, polymorphic_on=persons.c.type,
  mapper(Employee, employees, inherits=Person, polymorphic_identity='E')
  mapper(Meeting, meetings, properties={
          'person_from': relation(Person, primaryjoin=
          'person_to': relation(Person, primaryjoin=

  if __name__ == '__main__':
          john = Person('John')
          peter = Employee('Peter', 'clerk')
          jack = Employee('Jack', 'manager')
          m1 = Meeting('20090914', peter, john)
          m2 = Meeting('20090915', peter, jack)
          s.add_all([john, peter, jack, m1, m2])

          db_engine.echo = True
          #We now want to print the names and positions of everyone
  Peter has ever met with
          peters_meetings = s.query(Meeting).options(eagerload
          for meeting in peters_meetings:
              if meeting.person_to.type == 'P':
                  print meeting.date, meeting.person_to.name, None
                  #Each print statement here will emit an SQL SELECT on
  the employees table
                  print meeting.date, meeting.person_to.name,

          db_engine.echo = False


  On Sep 11, 7:52 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote

[sqlalchemy] Re: How to instantiate objects of a class mapped against multiple tables?

2009-09-14 Thread Michael Bayer

bojanb wrote:

 The root of the problem is inheritance. Let's say that I have a Person
 class and an Employee class that inherits from it. I also have a
 Meeting class that records meetings between two persons.

 A query on Meeting will always lazy load Employee's attributes,
 regardless of any lazy/eagerload settings. E.g. if I want to print the
 list of names of all persons somebody had meetings with and also their
 position if they are employees (null if they're not), it will always
 be done lazily. This is bad when I have, let's say, 100.000 Meetings.

 I guess I can build a custom join and work from that, but if I have
 two levels of inheritance on one side and three levels on the other
 side, I will have to write a six-way join, and this, I'm sure you'll
 agree, sort of defeats the purpose of an object-relational mapper.

 Using classes mapped against multiple tables would elegantly solve
 this problem, if I could only instantiate them (see my original post).

 Here's the code that shows attributes of inherited objects are loaded

oh.  you want with_polymorphic() for this.



 from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, Column, Integer, String,
 MetaData, ForeignKey
 from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, sessionmaker, eagerload
 from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import validates

 DB_URI='postgres://postg...@localhost/postgres' #Replace this
 db_engine=create_engine(DB_URI, echo=False)
 metadata = MetaData()

 class Person(object):

 def __init__(self, name):
 self.name = name

 persons = Table('persons',
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('type', String(1), nullable=False),
 Column('name', String(100), nullable=False))

 class Employee(Person):

 def __init__(self, name, position):
 Person.__init__(self, name)
 self.position = position

 employees = Table('employees',
   Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey('persons.id'),
   Column('position', String(50), nullable=False))

 class Meeting(object):

 def __init__(self, date, person_from, person_to):
 self.date = date
 self.person_from = person_from
 self.person_to = person_to

 meetings = Table('meetings',
  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  Column('date', String(8), nullable=False),
  Column('person_from_id', Integer, ForeignKey
 ('persons.id'), nullable=False),
  Column('person_to_id', Integer, ForeignKey
 ('persons.id'), nullable=False))

 mapper(Person, persons, polymorphic_on=persons.c.type,
 mapper(Employee, employees, inherits=Person, polymorphic_identity='E')
 mapper(Meeting, meetings, properties={
 'person_from': relation(Person, primaryjoin=
 'person_to': relation(Person, primaryjoin=

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 john = Person('John')
 peter = Employee('Peter', 'clerk')
 jack = Employee('Jack', 'manager')
 m1 = Meeting('20090914', peter, john)
 m2 = Meeting('20090915', peter, jack)
 s.add_all([john, peter, jack, m1, m2])

 db_engine.echo = True
 #We now want to print the names and positions of everyone
 Peter has ever met with
 peters_meetings = s.query(Meeting).options(eagerload
 for meeting in peters_meetings:
 if meeting.person_to.type == 'P':
 print meeting.date, meeting.person_to.name, None
 #Each print statement here will emit an SQL SELECT on
 the employees table
 print meeting.date, meeting.person_to.name,

 db_engine.echo = False


 On Sep 11, 7:52 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 have you tried using query + join() + contains_eager() ?  any query you
 like can be used to build the object graph of your choice along


  Here's something I've been struggling with recently. I'll include the
  description of steps that got me here, as I believe the context will
  make the question clearer.

  It all started because I needed to show data (eg. in a list form) from
  two related tables (classes). However, SQLAlchemy would emit one SQL
  query for getting the objects of the first class, then one query each
  for each access to attributes of the other class. It obviously loads
  the attributes

[sqlalchemy] Self Join

2009-09-14 Thread Paulo Aquino
I have 2 tables 'Product' and 'ProductPrice'. I want to get all valid
products, a product is valid if it has both a valid 'Selling' and 'Buying'
ProductPrice type. A ProductPrice is valid if the valid_from date =
date.today() and valid_to = date.today().

Product Table:

 id |  sku  | principal
  1 | sku_1 | kraft
  2 | sku_2 | kraft
  3 | sku_3 | kraft
  4 | sku_4 | kraft

ProdutPrice Table:

 id |  type| sku| principal | price  | valid_from  |  valid_to
  1 | Buying | sku_1 | kraft  |   122 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
  2 | Buying | sku_1 | kraft  |   231 | 2010-01-01 | 2010-02-02
  3 | Selling | sku_1 | kraft  |   125 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
  4 | Buying | sku_2 | kraft  |   122 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
  5 | Buying | sku_2 | kraft  |   231 | 2010-01-01 | 2010-02-02
  6 | Selling | sku_2 | kraft  |   125 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
  7 | Buying | sku_3 | kraft  |   122 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
  8 | Selling | sku_4 | kraft  |   122 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12

Using Raw SQL here is how I did it:

1. SELECT product.id,
  valid_to INTO TEMP
FROM product
INNER JOIN product_price on
  product.principal = product_price.principal AND
  product.sku = product_price.sku
WHERE valid_from = current_date AND valid_to = current_date ;

WHERE a.type='Selling' AND b.type='Buying'
AND a.principal = b.principal
AND a.sku = b.sku;

From this two queries I now have distinct products that have a valid pair of
both 'Buying' and 'Selling' Price. (Those products with a valid 'Buying' or
'Selling price only and not have them both are dropped)

Using SQLAlchemy here is how I did it:

1. valid_price = and_(ProductPrice.sku == Product.sku,
   ProductPrice.valid_from = date.today(),
   ProductPrice.valid_to = date.today())

   valid_products =

2. Now I want to self join valid_products, same thing I did in my Raw SQL
solution no. 2 I've been trying but getting weird results.

If someone can please help me, here's my test case


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[sqlalchemy] Mapping select to Read-only reporting class

2009-09-14 Thread Bryan

I want to abstract some ugly reporting SQL strings into a read-only
object model.  I have created an empty class, and then I map it to a
select object that pulls some statistical information from the DB.
The mapper is complaining that it can't assemble a primary key.  I am
only using this object as a simplified way of querying the database,
and will never want to persist the object.  The object is read-only.
Is there a way to tell sqlalchemy not to worry about persisting this

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[sqlalchemy] Re: many-to-one question on delete

2009-09-14 Thread Michael Bayer

Steve Zatz wrote:

 I have a simple foreign key relationship between a Task class and a
 Context class, where many Tasks can have the same Context.  The
 default value for the Task foreign key context_id is 0.  When I delete
 a Context, the Tasks with that context have their context_id
 automatically set to None and I would like it to be set to 0.  (I
 believe this is the default cascade behavior as I do not have any
 cascade set on the mapper.)  Right now I then explicitly change each
 affected Tasks context_id to 0.  Do I have to do this explicitly, or
 is there a way on delete of a Context to have the task updated to a
 context_id = 0.  Thanks for any advice.

if you're using foreign keys correctly, that would imply there's an entity
with an id of 0, and you'd attach that Context to each Task, replacing
the old Context to be deleted.   Otherwise if 0 isn't a real ID, and I
guess you're using a non-consistent DB like sqlite or MyISAM (and you have
some great reason to be doing this in the first place), the rough
equivalent would be to detach the to-be-deleted context and then assign
0 to the context_id manually.

So yes SQLA's NULL setting behavior is a hardwired thing since we target
a certain model of persistence with regards to foreign keys - for other
arrangements you'd have to do that yourself.   It is easy enough to do
within a function that iterates through the list.   You can automate the
calling of this function by building a SessionExtension, implementing
before_flush(), and searching through the session.deleted collection for
Context objects to be processed.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: 0.55, orm, varying relation join on criteria

2009-09-14 Thread Michael Bayer

me wrote:

 For certain orm queries with a 1-to-many relation i want to left outer
 join and then update the on-clause for that relation. Since the
 criteria changes between queries I cannot fix the join criteria when
 specifying my object/table mappings.

 For example:
 tables: user, email
 relation:  user.emails (1-many)

 select *
 from user
 left outer join email on email.user_id = user.id and email.name
 like '%hello%'

 While this is easy to write as a one off query in my case I need to be
 able to add variable filtering to the join on-clause and in a way that
 hopefully works for more complex relations.

 So e.g. if I have a query built like this:
 query(user).outerjoin((email, emails))

 Is there a general way to add to the primary/secondary join criteria
 that is pulled from this emails relation? Or is there a better way to
 express this in SA that I've missed?

the contract of query.outerjoin(SomeClass.property) is that you're doing a
plain join from A to B along pre-established routes.   If you'd like the
criterion of the ON clause to be customized, the standard route is to
spell out the entire thing you want completely.   The only potential time
saver here would be if you held onto the primaryjoin aspect of the
relation and used it in an AND clause, which at first looks like:

query(User).outerjoin((Email, and_(email_primary_join, other criterion)))

the next level would be that you'd pull email_primary_join from the
mapping.  You can get at this via User.emails.property.primaryjoin.

at the moment that's as automated as it gets as far as what's built in.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Setting language for a db session

2009-09-14 Thread Michael Bayer

gizli wrote:

 From my understanding, some databases like MySQL does not support
 setting language for a particular DB session. Some others, such as
 Oracle, allows this. Is this ever considered in SA?

If you are looking for an application wide setting, there is an open-ended
API bywhich you can set up any per-connection activities desired within
the connection system - it is the PoolListener API which is described in
the API documentation.  For Oracle, you'd get access to each new
connection as its opened and you could establish whatever language
settings it allows.

If OTOH you are looking for something local to a web request or ORM
session, the same API also provides on connect events which you could in
theory configure based on a thread-local association with the context
you're working in, or you could ensure that a single Connection is
acquired for each context and configure it as needed at that level.  But
this advice all applies to the general question of setting attributes on

With regards to locale support for error messages, reimplementing an
equivalent feature to Oracle's locale support in pure python to simulate
the same feature on other databases which don't offer such a feature is
not feasible since every database offers hundreds of error messages which
change with each version, and are even reported differently depending on
the DBAPI in use to some degree.  It really becomes an extension of the
general issue of normalizing error messages, something which gets
requested occasionally but which again would be an enormously complex and
always buggy feature, requiring constant maintenance and releases on the
kind of scale and level that only a commercial entity with full time
employees could feasibly handle.

 or is our only
 option to write SQL code to explicitly pass the language parameter to
 a session? Do you guys have a better answer?

that would solve your problem for Oracle but not a database like MySQL
which doesn't offer such a feature.

The bigger issue is that IMO its poor form in most cases to expose
database errors to end users, unless your application is intended to
expose the database as fully as possible in a server admin application
such as phpMyAdmin.   Other than that case, you usually would express
communication with end user via a datamodel which has specific behaviors
and constraints, and a controller/business/service layer which allowed
only specific actions (and specific error conditions) to occur.  
Messaging is then handled using a locale-aware view system which allows
you to configure translations for all possible messages in as many
languages as you need to support.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Self Join

2009-09-14 Thread Michael Bayer

Paulo Aquino wrote:
 I have 2 tables 'Product' and 'ProductPrice'. I want to get all valid
 products, a product is valid if it has both a valid 'Selling' and 'Buying'
 ProductPrice type. A ProductPrice is valid if the valid_from date =
 date.today() and valid_to = date.today().

 Product Table:

  id |  sku  | principal
   1 | sku_1 | kraft
   2 | sku_2 | kraft
   3 | sku_3 | kraft
   4 | sku_4 | kraft

 ProdutPrice Table:

  id |  type| sku| principal | price  | valid_from  |  valid_to
   1 | Buying | sku_1 | kraft  |   122 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
   2 | Buying | sku_1 | kraft  |   231 | 2010-01-01 | 2010-02-02
   3 | Selling | sku_1 | kraft  |   125 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
   4 | Buying | sku_2 | kraft  |   122 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
   5 | Buying | sku_2 | kraft  |   231 | 2010-01-01 | 2010-02-02
   6 | Selling | sku_2 | kraft  |   125 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
   7 | Buying | sku_3 | kraft  |   122 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12
   8 | Selling | sku_4 | kraft  |   122 | 2009-05-05 | 2009-12-12

 Using Raw SQL here is how I did it:

 1. SELECT product.id,
   valid_to INTO TEMP
 FROM product
 INNER JOIN product_price on
   product.principal = product_price.principal AND
   product.sku = product_price.sku
 WHERE valid_from = current_date AND valid_to = current_date ;

 WHERE a.type='Selling' AND b.type='Buying'
 AND a.principal = b.principal
 AND a.sku = b.sku;

 From this two queries I now have distinct products that have a valid pair
 both 'Buying' and 'Selling' Price. (Those products with a valid 'Buying'
 'Selling price only and not have them both are dropped)

 Using SQLAlchemy here is how I did it:

 1. valid_price = and_(ProductPrice.sku == Product.sku,
ProductPrice.valid_from = date.today(),
ProductPrice.valid_to = date.today())

valid_products =

 2. Now I want to self join valid_products, same thing I did in my Raw SQL
 solution no. 2 I've been trying but getting weird results.

 If someone can please help me, here's my test case

you can say:

valid_products = session.query(Product,

a = valid_products.subquery()
b = valid_products.subquery()

PA = aliased(Product, a)
PB = aliased(Product, b)

q = session.query(PA, PB).\

print q.all()

if you just want the columns back you can do away with PA and PB and just
query(a, b).

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[sqlalchemy] Re: api.upgrade autocommit?

2009-09-14 Thread Michael Bayer

Suha Onay wrote:


 I plan to use the migrate.versioning.api to manage the versions of the
 But there are different repositories belonging to the modules of my
 Each module has its own repository but will refer to the tables of
 other modules. Is it possible?

 I have 2 different repositories: say X and Y
 The users table is created in repository X.
 And the customers table in repository Y refers to the users table.

 When api.upgrade is called for X, the users table is created.
 But then, when api.upgrade is called soon after for Y, it gives an
 error saying no users table.

this is more a question for the migrate list.   It sounds like you may
consider your two groups of tables as two different databases - if
Migrate offers options to set the name of the migrate table where the
version number is stored, or some other way to store multiple version
numbers in one database, that would be the way to go - each respository
would track the version in a different row and/or table.  You'd need to
ask on their list if this is possible.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Mapping select to Read-only reporting class

2009-09-14 Thread Michael Bayer

Bryan wrote:

 I want to abstract some ugly reporting SQL strings into a read-only
 object model.  I have created an empty class, and then I map it to a
 select object that pulls some statistical information from the DB.
 The mapper is complaining that it can't assemble a primary key.  I am
 only using this object as a simplified way of querying the database,
 and will never want to persist the object.  The object is read-only.
 Is there a way to tell sqlalchemy not to worry about persisting this

the primary key is for more than just persistence.  Pick whatever columns
on your select object you think are suitable, then configure them on the
mapper using the primary_key option:

mapper(MyClass, myselect, primary_key=[myselect.c.foo, myselect.c.bar])

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[sqlalchemy] Re: geoalchemy and reflected tables

2009-09-14 Thread Christoph Böhme


Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com schrieb:
 On Sep 13, 2009, at 7:01 AM, Christoph Böhme wrote:
  Hi all,
  I wonder if it is possible to reflect tables in a Postgres/PostGIS
  database with geoalchemy 0.1. The geoalchemy documentation only
  mentions delarative model definitions and my attempt to simply  
  import *
  from geoalchemy and then reflect on the tables resulted in a warning
  when sqlalchemy came across the geometry colunm:
  SAWarning: Did not recognize type 'geometry' of column 'coords'
  I had a look at the geoalchemy sources to see if I have to register
  geoalchemy with sqlalchemy to make it aware of the new column
  types but
  I could not find anything.
 currently, the only official hook we have to allow additional
 types into a reflected table is to do the regular reflection,
 specifying additional columns manually which you know to have
 particular types. this of course defeats the purpose of reflection to
 some degree.

thanks for the clarification. Since I need to set the comparator
factory for my geometry columns any way I will stick to the official
way and define the columns manually. That works fine now.


 The unofficial way to do it is to stick the descriptor and type
 into the dialect's ischema_names dictionary.in 0.5 this
 dictionary is at :
 from sqlalchemy.databases import postgres
 postgres.ischema_names['coords'] = Geometry
 and 0.6:
 from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import base as pg
 pg.ischema_names['coords'] = Geometry
 if the Geometry type has additional arguments, those don't get
 passed along in this method.
 There was at some point some proposals to allow the ischema_names  
 dictionary to have an official route to customization but it
 hasn't moved along.  the complexity there is once we make it
 official, now whatever that system does/does not do is carved in
 stone for awhile, so we wanted to consider it carefully.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: many-to-one question on delete

2009-09-14 Thread Steve Zatz

 if you're using foreign keys correctly, that would imply there's an entity
 with an id of 0, and you'd attach that Context to each Task, replacing
 the old Context to be deleted.

Michael, thanks for the usual thorough response.  Yes, there is a
Context entity with a unique (non-primary) id of zero, it is No
Context' but it is treated exactly the same as any other Context.  The
reason for this is that the local sqlite database being managed
through SQLA is kept in sync with a remote database that (for whatever
reason) explicitly sets the 'No Context context_id to zero and not
NULL.  As you indicate, it is possible to iterate through the list of
Tasks and explicitly set the context_id to zero, I just wanted to
confirm what you indicated that the setting of the foreign key to NULL
on the parent in a delete is hardwired and so I just need to work
around that.  Again, thanks for the help.


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