[sqlalchemy] Autoload, Oracle and unicode conversion

2009-09-24 Thread Ivo

When working with Oracle, we use the `convert_unicode` parameter, and
use Python unicode objects everywhere.  This works fabulously, and we
even set `assert_unicode` to 'error' to make sure that nothing else is
ever used.
However, when reflecting a table using the `autoload` keyword, these
properties are not set on the resulting columns.  This leads to
interesting errors such as:

sqlalchemy.exc.NotSupportedError: (NotSupportedError)
Variable_TypeByValue(): unhandled data type unicode 'INSERT INTO
testtable5 (id, b) VALUES (:id, :b)' {'b': u'test', 'id': None}

Is there a way to instrument the columns by telling the autoload
mechanism that I would like to use `convert_unicode` for the columns
where it makes sense, or by modifying the reflected columns after the
table has been loaded?

We're using SQLAlchemy 0.5.  For convenience, here is a piece of code
to test it with:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table, String,
Integer, CLOB, Column, Sequence

users_metadata = MetaData()

table_name = 'testtable'
testtable = Table(
table_name, users_metadata,
Column('id', Integer, Sequence(table_name + '_id_sequence',
start=1, increment=1), primary_key=True),
Column('b', CLOB(convert_unicode=True,

engine = create_engine('oracle://localhost/...', echo=True)
connection = engine.connect()
users_metadata.bind = connection

# works
connection.execute(testtable.insert(values={'b': u'test'}))

metadata = MetaData(bind=connection)
testtable = Table(table_name, metadata, autoload=True)

# fail
connection.execute(testtable.insert(values={'b': u'test'}))

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[sqlalchemy] Sprox 0.6.6 Released

2009-09-24 Thread percious

I lied, we found a few more ways to tweak sprox 0.6.  (www.sprox.org)

Thanks to
Alessandro Molina (amol) for providing a speed enhancement when
rendering dictionaries.

Thanks to Temmu Yli-Elsila for his help in debugging the preventCache
problem with DojoGrid in IE.  Sprox will now work properly with IE 7
for the grid, but you will need tw/tw.dojo 0.9.8, which I expect to
release tomorrow.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Want a custom implementation of get_bind that ignores metadata bindings

2009-09-24 Thread phrrn...@googlemail.com

Yup. We screwed up by using metadata.bind but I think we may be stuck
with it. Is it possible to bind a metadata collection within a
session? i.e would session.configure(binds={metadata_collection_1 :
e1, metadata_collection_2 : e2}) work? We would like to be able to
bind groups of tables at the same time rather than doing them
individually or having a single common bind for the session  ... a lot
of our applications access data across multiple data-servers and with


On Sep 24, 12:12 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Sep 23, 2009, at 6:36 PM, phrrn...@googlemail.com wrote:

  I have a hidden WriterSession which I am using behind the scenes to
  manage a number of API entries that write data in bulk e.g. upsert
  (MappedClass, iterator_that_returns_dicts). I want the session to only
  look at its own binds and to ignore any that are in place on the
  metadata collection. I wrote my own get_bind that does this
  (horrible!) hack:

         if self._Session__binds:
             b = self._Session__binds
             if c_mapper:
                 if c_mapper.base_mapper in b:
                     return b[c_mapper.base_mapper]
                 elif c_mapper.mapped_table in b:
                     return b[c_mapper.mapped_table]

         if self.bind:
             return self.bind

  I don't really understand how the double underscore stuff works in
  Python. Mike, how would you feel about exposing the session bind
  information with an interface that is more amenable to subclassing?

 The binds collection on Session is set via the binds argument, or  
 one at a time using bind_mapper() and bind_table().   get_bind() does  
 not consult the metadata's bind unless none of session.bind or or  
 __binds has been configured.    So there shouldn't be any need to  
 hack get_binds().

 Also I would strongly advise against using metadata.bind for any  
 application that uses more than one engine.    Here's what the 0.5  
   have to say:

 Note that the feature of binding engines is completely optional. All  
 of the operations which take advantage of “bound” MetaData also can be  
 given an Engine or Connection explicitly with which to perform the  

 Here's what 0.6 has to say 

 Binding the MetaData to the Engine is a completely optional feature.  
 The above operations can be achieved without the persistent bind using  
 parameters: (examples)

 Should you use bind ? It’s probably best to start without it. If you  
 find yourself constantly needing to specify the same Engine object  
 throughout the entire application, consider binding as a convenience  
 feature which is applicable to applications that don’t have multiple  
 engines in use and don’t have the need to reference connections  
 explicitly. It should also be noted that an application which is  
 focused on using the SQLAlchemy ORM will not be dealing explicitly  
 with Engine or Connection objects very much in any case, so it’s  
 probably less confusing and more “future proof” to not use the bind  
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[sqlalchemy] Re: unexpected chained relations and append behaviour

2009-09-24 Thread King Simon-NFHD78

 -Original Message-
 From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com 
 [mailto:sqlalch...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Crusty
 Sent: 24 September 2009 16:16
 To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [sqlalchemy] Re: unexpected chained relations and 
 append behaviour
 Hello Simon,
 thanks for your answer, I will have a look into that.
 By the way:  len(car.parts) does indeed work, try it ;)
 Greetings, Tom

len(car.parts) works with your current configuration, because accessing
car.parts loads the entire relation and returns it as a python list. But
if you change it to be a 'dynamic' relation, it will no longer be a list
but a Query instance, which no longer has a __len__ method.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Want a custom implementation of get_bind that ignores metadata bindings

2009-09-24 Thread Michael Bayer

phrrn...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Yup. We screwed up by using metadata.bind but I think we may be stuck
 with it.

why is that ?  just detach it.   Unless you have lots of
mytable.select().execute() types of statements going on, nothing will
really happen.

But also, if you are setting Session.bind/binds, it doesn't even matter.

Is it possible to bind a metadata collection within a
 session? i.e would session.configure(binds={metadata_collection_1 :
 e1, metadata_collection_2 : e2}) work? We would like to be able to
 bind groups of tables at the same time rather than doing them
 individually or having a single common bind for the session  ... a lot
 of our applications access data across multiple data-servers and with

sure !

def bind_metadata_to_engine_in_my_session(engine, session, metadata):
session.configure(binds=dict((table, engine) for table in

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[sqlalchemy] Text vs. PGText possible bug

2009-09-24 Thread David Gardner
Ran across something that I suspect might be a bug.  If I define my 
table like:

asset_table = Table('asset', metadata,
  Column('path', Text, primary_key=True,

Then anytime I query for an asset and eagerload a related table the 
backref on the related table isn't populated, causing a second query to 
the DB.
If instead I define that column of type PGText then the backrefs are 
populated properly. I attached a test which is a simplified version of 
my table mappings.

Attached is a test of this behavior.  The output when the column is 
defined as Text or String looks like:
2009-09-24 17:17:03,214 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...1f10 
SELECT asset.updated AS asset_updated, asset.name AS asset_name, 
asset.type AS asset_type, asset.path AS asset_path, asset.parent AS 
asset_parent, asset.is_file AS asset_is_file, asset.created_by AS 
FROM asset
WHERE asset.path = %(param_1)s
2009-09-24 17:17:03,214 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...1f10 
{'param_1': 'testshow/eps/201/s01/t01'}

When defined as PGText the output is:

David Gardner
Pipeline Tools Programmer
Jim Henson Creature Shop

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import sys
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.types import *
from sqlalchemy.databases.postgres import PGText

DB_HOST = 'localhost'
DB_NAME = 'test_db'
DB_USER = 'testuser'
DB_PASS = 'testpass'
db_uri = 'postgres://%s:%...@%s/%s' % (DB_USER,DB_PASS,DB_HOST,DB_NAME)

db = create_engine (db_uri)
metadata = MetaData(db)

class Asset(object):

class AssetRelation(object):

#asset_table = Table('asset', metadata,autoload=True)

#asset_table = Table('asset', metadata, 
#  Column('path', Text, primary_key=True,
# server_default=FetchedValue(), 
# server_onupdate=FetchedValue()),
#  autoload=True)

asset_table = Table('asset', metadata, 
  Column('path', PGText, primary_key=True,

relation_table = Table('relation',metadata, autoload=True)

asset_mapper = mapper(Asset, asset_table, 
properties = {
'Related' : relation(AssetRelation, backref='Source', primaryjoin=asset_table.c.path==relation_table.c.src_asset,order_by=relation_table.c.target_asset,lazy=True)

mapper(AssetRelation, relation_table, properties = {
'Target' : relation(Asset, backref='Relatee', primaryjoin=asset_table.c.path==relation_table.c.target_asset, viewonly=True,lazy=False)

print a.path
print r.target_asset
print b.path
