[sqlalchemy] Using TWO PHASE commit with SQLite database? NotImplementedError?

2010-04-22 Thread Lynton Grice
Hi there,

I have seen some basic examples online showing that SQLAlchemy
supports twophase = True for some databases.

My question is I am needing to use this sort of functionality with 2
SQLite databases, does SQLAlchemy support SQLite two phase commits?

So here is some basic code

engine_1 = create_engine('sqlite:///queue_1.db')
engine_2 = create_engine('sqlite:///queue_2.db')

metadata_1 = MetaData(engine_1)
queue_one = Table('Queue_1', metadata_1, autoload=True)
mapper(Queue_1, queue_one)

metadata_2 = MetaData(engine_2)
queue_two = Table('Queue_2', metadata_2, autoload=True)
mapper(Queue_2, queue_two)

Session = sessionmaker(twophase=True)
session = Session()

#Work with the session...


Also, can someone please let me know how I can work with the session
properly here when using a two phase commit using SQLite? If I run the

message = session.query(Queue_1).filter(queue_one.c.ID ==

The above line works fine without a two phase commit, why when I run
it now does it raise a NotImplementedError in base.py?

def do_begin_twophase(self, connection, xid):
Begin a two phase transaction on the given connection.

raise NotImplementedError()

Any help will be greatly appreciated ;-)

Kind regards


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Re: [sqlalchemy] flush(), save(), delete()

2010-04-22 Thread jo

King Simon-NFHD78 wrote:

Jo wrote:


In [13]: aa=Anagrafica.get(111)

In [14]: aa.delete()

In [15]: aa.flush()


but in version 0.6 I can't find flush(), save(), delete(). 
Where are them?

thank you


These methods were added to your objects by the old assign_mapper
extension. This extension no longer exists, and the methods on the
Session should be used instead. For example, instead of aa.delete(), you
would say session.delete(aa).

If you want to preserve your old API, you could create a base class for
your mapped objects that implements each of the old methods. A delete
method might look like this (untested):

class Base(object):
def _get_session(self):
return sqlalchemy.orm.object_session(self)

def delete(self):
session = self._get_session()

The flush method would correspond to session.flush([self]), but you
should read the deprecation warning about passing a list of objects at

Assuming that the save() method adds the object to the current
contextual (scoped) session, it would be as simple as:

def save(self):
session = Session()

However, I personally wouldn't add that one, as it ties your class to
the scoped session mechanism which may not always be what you want.

Hope that helps,


thank you for your help, Simon.


Jose Soares
Sferacarta Net 
Via Bazzanese 69

40033 Casalecchio di Reno
Bologna - Italy
Ph  +39051591054
fax +390516131537

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Re: [sqlalchemy] flush() again

2010-04-22 Thread jo

Problems with flush() again...

I thougth I could avoid the use of flush() by nesting the  mappers,
I have two mappers:

   column_prefix = 'catalogazione_modulistica_',
   column_prefix = 'gestione_doc_file_',
   properties = dict(catalogazione =
fk = GestioneDocFile.numero_catalogo_catalogazione REFERENCES

I tried an INSERT in this way:

    catalogazione = CatalogazioneModulistica(
                   catalogazione_modulistica_numero_catalogo = 1,
                   catalogazione_modulistica_nome = 'pippo',
   catalogazione_modulistica_cod_tipologia = 'VB'


SQLError: (IntegrityError) insert or update on table
"gestione_doc_file" violates foreign key constraint "gestione_doc_file_numero_catalogo_catalogazione_fkey"
(numero_catalogo_catalogazione)=(1) is not present in table
 'INSERT INTO gestione_doc_file (id, nomefile, nome_visualizzato,
descrizione, protocollo, data_protocollo, tipo_file, id_operatore,
numero_catalogo_catalogazione, tipo_documento, nome_tabella_proven,
chiave_tabella_proven, id_unita_aziendale, cod_argomento, password)
VALUES (%(id)s, %(nomefile)s, %(nome_visualizzato)s, %(descrizione)s,
%(protocollo)s, %(data_protocollo)s, %(tipo_file)s, %(id_operatore)s,
%(numero_catalogo_catalogazione)s, %(tipo_documento)s,
%(nome_tabella_proven)s, %(chiave_tabella_proven)s,
%(id_unita_aziendale)s, %(cod_argomento)s, %(password)s)' {'password':
None, 'chiave_tabella_proven': None, 'nome_tabella_proven': None,
'cod_argomento': None, 'nomefile': 'nome', 'descrizione': None, 'id':
85L, 'id_operatore': 1, 'numero_catalogo_catalogazione': 1,
'id_unita_aziendale': None, 'nome_visualizzato': None,
'data_protocollo': None, 'protocollo': None, 'tipo_file': None,
'tipo_documento': 'M'}

How can I do this operation without insert before
CatalogazioneModulistica and flushing it
and then insert GestioneDocFile assigning
CatalogazioneModulistica.numero_catalogo to
GestioneDocFile.numero_catalogo_catalogazione ?


jo wrote:
Simon-NFHD78 wrote:
  Jo wrote:



In [13]: aa=Anagrafica.get(111)
In [14]: aa.delete()
In [15]: aa.flush()
but in version 0.6 I can't find flush(), save(), delete(). Where are
thank you

These methods were added to your objects by the old assign_mapper

extension. This extension no longer exists, and the methods on the

Session should be used instead. For example, instead of aa.delete(),

would say session.delete(aa).

If you want to preserve your old API, you could create a base class for

your mapped objects that implements each of the old methods. A delete

method might look like this (untested):

class Base(object):

    def _get_session(self):

    return sqlalchemy.orm.object_session(self)

    def delete(self):

    session = self._get_session()


The flush method would correspond to session.flush([self]), but you

should read the deprecation warning about passing a list of objects at



Assuming that the save() method adds the object to the current

contextual (scoped) session, it would be as simple as:

    def save(self):

    session = Session()


However, I personally wouldn't add that one, as it ties your class to

the scoped session mechanism which may not always be what you want.

Hope that helps,


thank you for your help, Simon.

Jose Soares
Sferacarta Net 
Via Bazzanese 69
40033 Casalecchio di Reno
Bologna - Italy
Ph  +39051591054
fax +390516131537

Le informazioni contenute nella presente mail ed in ogni eventuale file allegato sono riservate e, comunque, destinate esclusivamente alla persona o ente sopraindicati, ai sensi del decreto legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196. La diffusione, distribuzione e/o copiatura della mail trasmessa, da parte di qualsiasi soggetto diverso dal destinatario, sono vietate. La correttezza, l’integrità e la 

Re: [sqlalchemy] Using TWO PHASE commit with SQLite database? NotImplementedError?

2010-04-22 Thread Michael Bayer
Lynton Grice wrote:
 Hi there,

 I have seen some basic examples online showing that SQLAlchemy
 supports twophase = True for some databases.

 My question is I am needing to use this sort of functionality with 2
 SQLite databases, does SQLAlchemy support SQLite two phase commits?

SQLite does not support two phase commit.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Using TWO PHASE commit with SQLite database? NotImplementedError?

2010-04-22 Thread Lynton Grice
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

Seems I had to do some fancy foodwork using the Python SQLite3
library.and using the ATTACH DATABASEseems to work of for
what I need


  conn = sqlite3.connect('db_1.db')
  c = conn.cursor()
  result = c.execute(ATTACH DATABASE 'db_2.db' AS 'DB_2';)
  error = False
  result = c.execute(DELETE FROM DB_1 WHERE IDX = 3;)
  result = c.execute(DELETE FROM DB_2 WHERE IDX = 1;)
  #Check for errors

On Apr 22, 5:02 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 Lynton Grice wrote:
  Hi there,

  I have seen some basic examples online showing that SQLAlchemy
  supports twophase = True for some databases.

  My question is I am needing to use this sort of functionality with 2
  SQLite databases, does SQLAlchemy support SQLite two phase commits?

 SQLite does not support two phase commit.

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 sqlalchemy group.
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[sqlalchemy] Mysql dialects comparison

2010-04-22 Thread Pavel Skvazh
Hi, everybody!

Looks like mysql_python is getting some competition lately.
Not that there's a lot to complain about it, but having options never
heart anybody.

I'd be nice to get a grasp of what's the experience people had with
official connector and the our_sql (pure python sounds like not a good
way to go when we're talking speed, even SA is going C extentions).

If some of you guys have made any test/comparison between them, I'd be
just great. Speed of course being the main factor here.

Wiil appreciate any feedback, especially from Mike, since he's the one
to be dealing with them first hand. (Congrats on the new release by
the way! Moving to 0.6 shortly),

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