[sqlalchemy] Re: Why isn't this Json column type working?

2010-09-19 Thread Jason Baker
On Sep 18, 9:08 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
  You might after that also throw a pdb into the process_bind_param() method 
 and ensure that its being called

Sorry, I should have been more clear about this.  If I add a print
statement in process_bind_param it doesn't get executed.

 and as the ultimate sanity check info default.py do_execute().

Could you clarify what you mean by this?  Perhaps I'm being a bit
dense.  :-/

 I would also ensure you're on the latest production release of MySQLdb as 
 this error does seem faintly familiar, like there might have been issues with 
 the consumption of bind parameters on the MySQLdb side, or test with a 
 different DBAPI driver.

Yes, I'm presently running 1.2.3 which is the latest.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: internationalization of content

2010-09-19 Thread werner


Having seen Nil's elexir approach I had another go at this problem.

I wanted a solution which is usable from non Python tools accessing the 
database, so I came up with:

e.g. for countries:

- Country/countries -  class and table with the default language values 
and everything else for countries
- Country_L/countries_l - class and table with the localized column 
- countries_lp - a stored procedure which does the localization/default 
value stuff (uses some Firebird SQL specific code, which could probably 
be changed to be more generic)
- Country_LV/countries_lv - class and database view, the select of the 
view is using the stored procedure

Using it looks like this:
# set localization to DE_de
session.execute(select rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'LANG_CODE', 
'DE_de')from rdb$database).fetchone()


print ' base table '
result = session.query(db.Country)

for item in result:
print item.name

print ' localize for DE_de '
result = session.query(db.Country_LV)

for item in result:
print item.name

# set localization to FR_fr
session.execute(select rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'LANG_CODE', 
'FR_fr')from rdb$database).fetchone()


print ' localize for FR_fr - which is getting default value for 
e.g. France and Germany '

result = session.query(db.Country_LV)

for item in result:
print item.name

which results in:
 base table 
 localize for DE_de 
 localize for FR_fr - which is getting default value for e.g. 
France and Germany 


The SA model for this looks like this:

class Country(Base, CreateUpdateMixin):
__tablename__ = u'countries'

id = sa.Column(sa.BigInteger(), sa.Sequence('countries_id'), 
primary_key=True, nullable=False)

name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30, convert_unicode=False))
iso2 = sa.Column(sa.String(length=2, convert_unicode=False))
iso3 = sa.Column(sa.String(length=3, convert_unicode=False))
telcode = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger())

__localize_columns__ = ['name', ]

class Country_L(Base):
__table__ = sautils.make_localize_table(Country(), 'countries_l', 

class Country_LV(Base):
__table__ = sautils.make_localize_view(Country(), 'countries_lv', 

I am sure that this could be done even nicer/better and that it could be 
done in a way that would be compatible with meta.drop_all(engine) and 
meta.create_all(engine), currently I need to create the _LV view and 
the stored procedure outside of sa.

The make_localize_* functions are inspired from code I have seen in 

If there is interest to further enhance this and get it to SQLAlchemy 
standard of code I would very much like to help but I am not good enough 
a coder to actually do the work or I would definitely need a lot of hand 
holding and coaching.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: internationalization of content

2010-09-19 Thread NiL

I must admit that I discovered the test I wrote to assert my approach
works for polymorphic content is wrongly True.

I'm working at making it reallty work but it is not that easy.

Still for non polymorphic content it is quite ok

of course, it is completely elixir oriented, but I'm sure it could be
ported to pure sqla

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Serializable txns not useful on sqlite because do_begin() does nothing

2010-09-19 Thread Randall Nortman
On Sep 18, 11:59 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Sep 18, 2010, at 6:52 PM, Randall Nortman wrote:

  In testing my code for concurrency, I discovered that transactions are
  not properly isolated on sqlite, even with
  isolation_level='SERIALIZABLE'.  It turns out that on the sqlite
  dialect, do_begin() does nothing.  As a result, transactions are not
  isolated as expected.

 DBAPI works on an always-transactionalized model.  There is no begin() method 
 with DBAPI, only commit() and rollback().  By default, a DBAPI connection is 
 always in a transaction, so it is not appropriate to issue any kind of 
 BEGIN - the DBAPI does this transparently.   

 That said, SQLite has connection isolation options which modify how it 
 interprets the DBAPI connection, which affect whether or not there is 
 actually a transaction in progress.   The isolation_level pysqlite2 
 argument, which is not the same thing as SQLAlchemy's isolation_level 
 parameter to create_engine(), affects this behavior - you can set it via 
 create_engine using connect_args={'isolation_level':level}.

Unfortunately, the isolation_level parameter to pysqlite2 only
controls the type of BEGIN issued, not when it is issued (I just
tested to be sure).  It still waits until there is an INSERT/UPDATE/
DELETE to begin the transaction.  I expect the semantics of
serializable transactions to mean the transaction begins also with a
SELECT.  The vast majority of database operations, I'd wager, begin
with a SELECT.

Call this a bug in pysqlite2 if you like, though the DBAPI spec seems
to be silent on when transactions are started, so I think the
developers will defend their choice.  (I don't see where the spec says
that a DBAPI connection is always in a transaction.)  SA can provide
the behavior I want simply by implementing do_begin in SQLiteDialect
as a one-liner: connection.execute(BEGIN).  Some people may not want
that behavior, I recognize, so perhaps a check to see if serializable
transaction isolation was requested in the create_engine call, and if
so, then issue the BEGIN?

At the very least, I beg you, don't have the echo code output BEGIN if
no BEGIN is being issued.  That had me barking up the wrong tree for
many hours yesterday.  The echo feature is great for troubleshooting,
but only if it doesn't lie!

To answer your question in your second email, yes Process A and
Process B are two different processes in my setup, with nothing shared
other than the database itself.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Pulling objects out of SQLAlchemy object

2010-09-19 Thread cd34
On Sep 19, 12:36 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
  If I reference order_by=Block_element.sorttree, paster crashes with
  the same error.

 order_by='somestr' with declarative means the string is a Python eval.  So if 
 you wanted to put the name of the Table here, its m_block_element.c.sorttree. 
   Would be easier to just say order_by=Block_element.c.sorttree though.

Now I understand what the .c. is for.  Thank you.

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[sqlalchemy] polymorphic single table inheritance with __mapper_args__ automagically set

2010-09-19 Thread Eduardo Robles Elvira
Hello everyone:

I'm having some trouble with polymorphic single table inheritance. I
want my subclasses (Ferrari is a subclass of Car) to have the
__mapper_args__ automatically set. How could I do that. I've got this:

class Car(Base):
__tablename__ = 'car'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
class_name = Column(Unicode(128), nullable=False)
__mapper_args__ = {polymorphic_on:class_name,
polymorphic_identity:Car, with_polymorphic:*}

#def __mapper_args__(cls):
#if cls.__name__ == Car:
#return {polymorphic_on:cls.class_name,
polymorphic_identity:Car, with_polymorphic:*}
#return {polymorphic_identity:cls.__name__}

parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('car.id'))
children = relation(Car,  backref=backref('parent', remote_side=id))

def __init__(self):

def max_speed(self):
return 1000 km/h

class Ferrari(Car):
__mapper_args__ = {polymorphic_identity:Ferrari}
def __init__(self):

def max_speed(self):
return 320 km/h

I know that it doesn't make much sense for a car to have parent and
children cars, but that's what I need. So once the tables are created
in the db, I do something like:

parent_car = Car()
child_car = Ferrari()
child_car.parent = parent_car
print parent_car.children[0].max_speed()
print orm.query(Car).filter(Car.id ==

And it works fine (prints 320 km/h twice)... but if I comment out
the __mapper_args__ lines in Car and Ferrari and uncomment the
@classproperty, it doesn't work fine because class_type doesn't get
properly set (i.e. its value is None) and I get a class_type cannot
be NULL exception. How could I fix it?

Thanks in advance,

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[sqlalchemy] sqla 0.6.4, orm, problem with self-referring joins

2010-09-19 Thread me
when i apply multiple joins to orm query, one of them self-referring,
using (target, property) form sqla generates the wrong join criteria
by selecting aliased table for the left side of the join.

tried sqla 0.5.8 and 0.6.4, same result.

e.g. for sqla 0.6.4

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, MetaData, orm, Column,
Integer, ForeignKey, String
from sqlalchemy.interfaces import PoolListener

class Listener(PoolListener):
def connect(self, dbapi_con, con_record):
dbapi_con.execute(PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON)

engine = create_engine(

Session = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)

metadata = MetaData()

a_table = Table(
a, metadata,
Column(id, Integer, primary_key=True),
Column(a_data, String)

assoc_table = Table(
assoc, metadata,
Column(left_id, ForeignKey(a_table.c.id)),
Column(right_id, ForeignKey(a_table.c.id))

b_table = Table(
b, metadata,
Column(id, Integer, primary_key=True),
Column(a_id, ForeignKey(a_table.c.id)),
Column(b_data, String)

class B(object):
orm.mapper(B, b_table)

class A(object):
A, a_table,
some_a: orm.relation(
  primaryjoin=a_table.c.id ==
  secondaryjoin=assoc_table.c.right_id ==
some_b: orm.relation(
  primaryjoin=b_table.c.a_id == a_table.c.id)

sess = Session()
AliasedA = orm.aliased(A)
q = sess.query(A)
q = q.join((AliasedA, A.some_a)).options(orm.contains_eager(A.some_a,
q = q.join((B, A.some_b)).options(orm.contains_eager(A.some_b))
print q


b.id AS b_id, b.a_id AS b_a_id, b.b_data AS b_b_data,
a_1.id AS a_1_id, a_1.a_data AS a_1_a_data,
a.id AS a_id, a.a_data AS a_a_data
JOIN assoc AS assoc_1 ON a.id = assoc_1.left_id
JOIN a AS a_1 ON assoc_1.right_id = a_1.id
JOIN b ON b.a_id = a_1.id

here i expected JOIN b ON b.a_id = a.id not JOIN b ON b.a_id =

looks like the whole query is anaylzed for a_1 alias based on
join_to_left=True set in 0.6.4/orm/query.py, ln 1341.

i can change order that joins are applied to avoid this OR replace
property A.bs with explicit join condition (i.e. A.id = B.a_id) but
for generated queries this is not always easy/convenient to do.
perhaps weight relations so that those that introduce alias are
applied in right order?

is this a bug or expected? is there a way to avoid this behavior when
using multiple (target, property) joins?


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