
Having seen Nil's elexir approach I had another go at this problem.

I wanted a solution which is usable from non Python tools accessing the database, so I came up with:

e.g. for countries:

- Country/countries - class and table with the default language values and everything else for countries - Country_L/countries_l - class and table with the localized column information - countries_lp - a stored procedure which does the localization/default value stuff (uses some Firebird SQL specific code, which could probably be changed to be more generic) - Country_LV/countries_lv - class and database view, the select of the view is using the stored procedure

Using it looks like this:
# set localization to "DE_de"
session.execute("select rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'LANG_CODE', 'DE_de')from rdb$database").fetchone()

print '---- base table ----'
result = session.query(db.Country)

for item in result:
    print item.name

print '---- localize for "DE_de" ----'
result = session.query(db.Country_LV)

for item in result:
    print item.name

# set localization to "FR_fr"
session.execute("select rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'LANG_CODE', 'FR_fr')from rdb$database").fetchone()

print '---- localize for "FR_fr" - which is getting default value for e.g. "France" and "Germany" ----'
result = session.query(db.Country_LV)

for item in result:
    print item.name

which results in:
---- base table ----
---- localize for "DE_de" ----
---- localize for "FR_fr" - which is getting default value for e.g. "France" and "Germany" ----

The SA model for this looks like this:

class Country(Base, CreateUpdateMixin):
    __tablename__ = u'countries'

id = sa.Column(sa.BigInteger(), sa.Sequence('countries_id'), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
    name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30, convert_unicode=False))
    iso2 = sa.Column(sa.String(length=2, convert_unicode=False))
    iso3 = sa.Column(sa.String(length=3, convert_unicode=False))
    telcode = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger())

    __localize_columns__ = ['name', ]

class Country_L(Base):
__table__ = sautils.make_localize_table(Country(), 'countries_l', metadata)

class Country_LV(Base):
__table__ = sautils.make_localize_view(Country(), 'countries_lv', metadata)

I am sure that this could be done even nicer/better and that it could be done in a way that would be compatible with "meta.drop_all(engine) and meta.create_all(engine)", currently I need to create the "_LV" view and the stored procedure outside of sa.

The "make_localize_*" functions are inspired from code I have seen in "wiki/UsageRecipes".

If there is interest to further enhance this and get it to "SQLAlchemy" standard of code I would very much like to help but I am not good enough a coder to actually do the work or I would definitely need a lot of hand holding and coaching.


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