[sqlalchemy] writing on db performances

2012-08-23 Thread andrea crotti
I'm doing some experiments to see what is the best approach to write a
lot of data on disk,

On file and running commit after every opoeration: Function in_file
took 64.531976 seconds to run

In memory and not dumping to file: Function in_memory took 0.242011
seconds to run

On file and committing only at the end: Function in_file_end took
0.633998 seconds to run

On file and using autocommit=True in the transaction: Function
in_file_auto took 0.259341 seconds to run

The most surprising result is definitively the last one, how can it be
almost as fast as the in memory version?
I guess it does some magic tricks behind the back, avoiding committing
all the time, is that correct?

Then probably if I want to have the file always updated the autocommit
sounds like the best option..

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Single Table Inheritance with mult-column keys

2012-08-23 Thread Rob
Hi Michael,

I have a similar (but subtly different) problem to this, trying to mix 
single- and joined-table inheritance.
Essentially my model looks as follows:


The Physical/NonPhysicalProduct use single table inheritance whilst objects 
inheriting from them use joined tables...  

I have a fully working model --- and there's no question that it works!! 
 But I can't help feeling that I've missed something relating to the 
__mapper_args__ which is then requiring explicit calls to __init__ objects 
higher up the tree.  (rather than bunging up this message, please see the 
attached file) 

I'd be really grateful if you could take a look and hopefully point me in 
the right direction.

Many thanks,

On Wednesday, 17 August 2011 00:42:28 UTC+1, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Aug 16, 2011, at 5:37 PM, Mike Gilligan wrote:

 I have a single table that looks similar to the following:

 class Equipment(Base):
 type = Column(CHAR(1), primary_key=True)
 sub_type = Column(CHAR(1), primary_key=True)
 code = Column(CHAR(5), primary_key=True)

 For historical purposes, I cannot modify this table. I would like to setup 
 multi-level inheritance similar to this, however it does not work:

 class Equipment(Base):
 type = Column(CHAR(1), primary_key=True)
 sub_type = Column(CHAR(1), primary_key=True)
 code = Column(CHAR(5), primary_key=True)
 __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': type}

 class Vehicle(Equipment):
  __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'V', 'polymorphic_on': 

 class Bus(Vehicle)
  __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'B'}

 class Rail(Vehicle)
  __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'R'}

 I can concatenate the multiple column values into a single discriminator 
 column_property but then I do not have an easy way to retrieve all 
 vehicles. Any ideas?

 The inheritance querying does handle multi-level inheritance so if your 
 discriminator was on a concatenation of both things would work just fine, 
 i.e. if you queried for Vehicle, etc.   Each object's 
 polymorphic_identity would need to include the concatenated value, of 

 Unfortunately we're just beginning to support inheritance discriminators 
 on a column_property(), and you need to use a very specific approach to 
 make this work right now.  There's some tickets in trac to allow this 
 functionality out of the box.Attached is an example script which 
 exercises the above mapping - it uses declarative to minimize the impact of 
 the workaround.

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mixed single and joined table inheritance.

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy import types
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base,  declared_attr

Base = declarative_base()

class Product(Base):
__tablename__ = 'products'
id   = Column(types.Integer, primary_key=True)
discriminator = Column('product_type', types.String(50), nullable=False)

__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': discriminator}

def price_history(self):
return []

class PhysicalProduct(Product):
p_discr = Column(types.String(50))

def __mapper_args__(cls):
return {'polymorphic_on': cls.p_discr,
'polymorphic_identity' : 'physical_product'}

def __init__(self, **kw):
print init PP kwargs:, kw
self.discriminator = 'physical_product'

def inventory(self):
return computed inventory

class NonPhysicalProduct(Product):
np_discr = Column(types.String(50))

def __mapper_args__(cls):
return {'polymorphic_on': cls.np_discr,
'polymorphic_identity' : 'nonphysical_product'}

def __init__(self, **kw):
print init NP kwargs:, kw
self.discriminator = 'nonphysical_product'

def somefunc(self):
return someval

class Newspaper(PhysicalProduct):
__tablename__ = 'newspapers'
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'newspaper'}

id = Column(types.Integer,
title = Column(types.String(50))

def __init__(self, title):
self.title = title
super(Newspaper, self).__init__()

class NewspaperDelivery(NonPhysicalProduct):
__tablename__ = 'deliveries'
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'delivery'}

id = Column(types.Integer,

Re: [sqlalchemy] NOT LIKE

2012-08-23 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 22, 2012, at 11:38 PM, Warwick Prince wrote:

 Thanks Michael
 I struggle sometimes to find examples of the simple things, so eventually 
 searched out the like_op as it was in the same place as eq() etc.
 So, on that subject - is it better to use query.where(eq(a, b)) or 
 query.where(a==b), or does it make no difference really?  

it makes no difference at all.   

The closest thing we have to a rundown of operators is here: 

I suppose having an exhaustive list, with lots of links pointing to it, over 
here: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/core/expression_api.html would be 

 not sure why the like_op and nolike_op have come into your normal 
 vocabulary here as they are usually just the ops used internally.
 LIKE is column.like(other) and NOT LIKE is ~column.like(other).
 On Aug 22, 2012, at 9:15 PM, Warwick Prince wrote:
 When creating a basic query, how does one code a NOT LIKE using SA?
 I can do this;
 query = table.select().where(like_op(table.c.name, 'fred%'))
 I can not find a NOT LIKE operator.  The ones there notlike_op and 
 notilike_op raise NotImplemented.
 I've placed it in as text('%s NOT LIKE %s') % (column, value) for now, 
 but I just KNOW that's going to blow up when I change databases down the 
 Is there another way?   I've been burnt badly recently changing from MySQL 
 to Postgres with text(), so I'm trying to avoid at all costs! :-)
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Re: [sqlalchemy] 0.6 - unexpected keyword argument 'transactional'

2012-08-23 Thread Bala from Boston
Sorry to bring back a dead thread, but assume others like myself may 
stumble here for help with this issue.

I added a hack to make sqlalchemy backwards with regards to the 
transactional keyword and thought it may be useful for future releases. 
While upgrading a project to avoid deprecated calls is ideal, my personal 
case involved porting an unfamiliar codebase to a new platform, with 
library dependencies that used the old methologies which couldn't be 
upgraded easily. The following code may be added to the beginning of the 
__init__ method in the Sess class which resides in 
 Allows sqlalchemy be backwards compatible wrt 
'transactional' keyword.
Removes transactional and sets autocommit based on 
documentation at 


if ('transactional' in kwargs):
if (not('autocommit' in kwargs)): #overwrite if not already 
kwargs['autocommit'] = not (kwargs['transactional'])
del kwargs['transactional']

Apologies in advance if this topic has already been vetted and I missed it, 
or for any inefficiencies with my code, as I only started looking at 
SQLAlchemy (and Python for that matter) yesterday. Please feel free to 
modify and distribute as you see fit.


On Monday, December 14, 2009 12:50:37 PM UTC-5, Michael Bayer wrote:

 mando wrote: 
  I'm trying to pass from sqlalchemy 0.5 to 0.6, but I found some 
  This code, that run correctly with 0.5: 
  def query(self, n): 
  class_name = n 
  #engine = self.connection() 
  Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine, autoflush=True, 
  session = Session() 
  query = session.query(class_name) 
  return query.all() 
  return me this error: 
  File /Users/mac/.qgis//python/plugins/pyarchinitus/modules/db/ 
  pyarchinit_db_manager.py, line 92, in query 
  session = Session() 
File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/ 
  python2.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py, line 180, in 
  super(Sess, self).__init__(**local_kwargs) 
  TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 
  def query(self, n): 
  class_name = n 
  #engine = self.connection() 
  Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine, autoflush=True, 
  session = Session() 
  query = session.query(class_name) 
  return query.all() 
  It's a change between 0.5 and 0.6? What part of the changelog I must 
  to read? 

 the first thing would be to look at the warnings your 0.5 app generates: 

  from sqlalchemy.orm import * 
  s = sessionmaker(transactional=True)() 
 __main__:1: SADeprecationWarning: The 'transactional' argument to 
 sessionmaker() is deprecated; use autocommit=True|False instead. 

 next we have a list of ORM elements removed in 0.6.  'transactional' is 
 first in the list: 


  Thanks a lot 
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Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy with Flask -- hybrid models?

2012-08-23 Thread David McKeone

On Thursday, August 23, 2012 3:01:50 AM UTC+1, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Aug 22, 2012, at 5:33 PM, David McKeone wrote: 

  I suppose I should be more clear.  This is really a long term question, 
 I was just looking for some kind of answer now because I don't want to code 
 myself into a corner in the short term.  Currently I can make requests 
 outside of a flask request context by using the app.test_request_context() 
 context manager, and it seems to do the right thing.   
  In the long term I'm looking for 2 (maybe 3) things that I already get 
 from Flask-SQLAlchemy: 
  1) Session teardown for every request (looks like that is done with a 
 call to session.remove() in the request teardown) 

 you can use the Session provided by flask-sqlalchemy, which has the nice 
 quality that it aligns itself with the current request. 

 He can make that feature more open-ended though.   I should be able to say 
 flask_sqlalchemy.request_scope(some_sessionmaker) to set that up with any 
 sessionmaker of my choosing. 

  2) Debug query tracking for use with Flask-DebugToolbar  (Plus 
 compatibility with other plug-ins that may expect Flask-SQLAlchemy) 

 the logic i see in flask-sqlalchemy related to debug tracking has no 
 connection to the db.Model class at all.   its just some connection 
 events which are ultimately established via the SQLAlchemy class.  Your 
 existing non-flask SQLA models will participate in the Session/Engine used 
 by Flask without impacting this functionaltiy. 

  3) The Model.query behaviour (it's nice, but I could live without it, 
 since its really just syntactic) 

 scoped_session has a query_property available, so you can pull that from 
 Flask's scoped_session using SQLAlchemy public APIs like this: 

 sa = SQLAlchemy(db) 

 # API: 
 Base.query = sa.session.query_property 

 or to get exactly flask's, which appears to add three methods get_or_404, 
 first_or_404, paginate: 

 Base.query = flask_sqlalchemy._QueryProperty(sa) 

  Didn't say this explicitly; for now I will do what you say and forge 
 ahead with things.  I think I see the path, but I'll make sure to let you 
 (the list) know if I run into trouble. 

 good luck ! 

Slugged it out today and got this working, hooray!  Thanks again for your 
help Mike (and for the time you probably put in to parse the 
Flask-SQLAlchemy code).  If you are at PyCon this year I WILL find you and 
I WILL buy you beer, unless you don't drink, in which case I WILL buy you 
soda or coffee.

I haven't done the Base.query part, and I may never do it (more below), but 
everything else works great and all my tests pass after switching to the 
new method.

The more I use the new system the more I wish I would have started with it. 
 Perhaps I can get it documented as an option, because I find it makes it 
far more clear where the models belong in the grand scheme of things.  Now, 
not everyone has 93 tables, a boat-load of relationships and requirements 
for doing things outside of HTTP like I do, so I can understand why it's 
been done the way that it's been done, but having to pass the db instance 
into all of my model definitions (and the resulting project structure 
issues I had) just wasn't worth it.  I've also found that having to use the 
session directly makes it far more clear which session is being used, and 
how.  Not to mention the benefits from being able to decouple my models 
from Flask completely.

So, in the name of Google search completeness,  here is the solution that I 
ultimately ended up with, adapted for the simple User model from above, for 
those like me who want/need it.  (It's quite simple, and I'm amazed that it 
hadn't occurred to me to try it like this)

from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

app =  Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:tmp/test.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

Base = declarative_base()

class User(Base):
__tablename__ = 'users'

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String(50), unique=True)
email = Column(String(120), unique=True)

def __init__(self, name=None, email=None):
self.name = name
self.email = email

def __repr__(self):
return 'User %r' % (self.name)

def setup():
# Recreate database each time for demo
db.session.add(User('Bob Jones', 'b...@gmail.com'))
db.session.add(User('Joe Quimby', 'e...@joes.com'))

def root():
users = db.session.query(User).all()
return ubr.join([u{0}: {1}.format(user.name, user.email) for user 
in users])

if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run('', 5000)

Re: [sqlalchemy] NOT LIKE

2012-08-23 Thread Warwick Prince
OK - cool.

I had looked at the first ORM tutorial, but I guess I had glossed over it, as 
it was talking about session.query, and I believed I was looking for something 
lower level than that for the direct table.select.  Obviously not. :-)  Makes 
sense that it would all follow suit, but I was expecting to have to use lower 
level constructs - I'm pleasantly surprised.

Thanks for your seemingly infinite patients!

 On Aug 22, 2012, at 11:38 PM, Warwick Prince wrote:
 Thanks Michael
 I struggle sometimes to find examples of the simple things, so eventually 
 searched out the like_op as it was in the same place as eq() etc.
 So, on that subject - is it better to use query.where(eq(a, b)) or 
 query.where(a==b), or does it make no difference really?  
 it makes no difference at all.   
 The closest thing we have to a rundown of operators is here: 
 I suppose having an exhaustive list, with lots of links pointing to it, over 
 here: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/core/expression_api.html would be 
 not sure why the like_op and nolike_op have come into your normal 
 vocabulary here as they are usually just the ops used internally.
 LIKE is column.like(other) and NOT LIKE is ~column.like(other).
 On Aug 22, 2012, at 9:15 PM, Warwick Prince wrote:
 When creating a basic query, how does one code a NOT LIKE using SA?
 I can do this;
 query = table.select().where(like_op(table.c.name, 'fred%'))
 I can not find a NOT LIKE operator.  The ones there notlike_op and 
 notilike_op raise NotImplemented.
 I've placed it in as text('%s NOT LIKE %s') % (column, value) for now, 
 but I just KNOW that's going to blow up when I change databases down the 
 Is there another way?   I've been burnt badly recently changing from MySQL 
 to Postgres with text(), so I'm trying to avoid at all costs! :-)
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