[sqlalchemy] with_polymorphic query and parent attribute filtering

2012-11-13 Thread tonthon

I'm using polymorphism for some of my models and I'm wondering how I
should use the with_polymorphic query method.

Consider the following:

class A(Base):
   type_ = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
   arg = Column(String(20))
  __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': type_, 'polymorphic_identity': 0}

class B(A):
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 1}

class C(A):
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 2}

class D(A):
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 3}

When I query :

session.query(A).with_polymorphic([B,C]).filter(A.arg == 'test')

I get D elements in my result.
I've tried :


But it doesn't work neither.

Could somebody explain me what I did wrong and how I should do ?



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Re: [sqlalchemy] All column names renames: best practice?

2012-11-13 Thread Petr Blahos

 the company I worked for has decided to change a RDBMS behind our ERP.
 The side effect of this is that the columns will no longer be prefixed
 with *t$*
 but with* t_* instead. I do not want to change all the occurences of
 names in my code. I should also mention, that I use only selects, and no


 But I'd probably not be using that approach either.Column objects
 support a key field so that they need not be referenced in code in the
 same way the relational database does; one of the primary purposes of
 Column is to allow symbolic names to prevent the issue of needing to
  change all occurrences of any schema-related name in code:

 my_table = Table('some_name', metadata, Column('t$somename', Integer,

Thanks for the pointers Mike. Just to clarify: The first argument to Column
the real name of the column in the database, while key is an alternative
under which I can access it, right?

I have been unlucky with mssql, where the first part - the table definition
and making queries worked, but not accessing data in RowProxy using the
key. I guess there is a bug in dialects/mssql/base.py
in MSSQLCompiler.visit_column:

 if result_map is not None:
 result_map[column.name.lower()] = \
-(column.name, (column, ),
+(column.name, (column, column.name,

 return super(MSSQLCompiler, self).\
(also attaching...)

Thanks again.

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Description: Binary data

Re: [sqlalchemy] [Q] Move elements in one-to-many relationship to a new owner

2012-11-13 Thread Ladislav Lenart

I was unable to reproduce the problem on your test example. I THINK it does
exactly what my problematic code does. It seems that either the problem is more
elaborate (but I don't see it) or I have a bug somewhere in my code. However my
simple workaround works, so I consider the problem solved, at least for now. I
will try to dig deeper when I have more time.

Ladislav Lenart

On 9.11.2012 23:22, Michael Bayer wrote:
 there's no mapping or code example provided here, which makes a condition 
 like this extremely difficult to diagnose, however I've prepared a test 
 script that takes its best guess as to configuration, that is, a 
 client_products collection with a client backref, and a cascade of all, 
 delete-orphan on the one-to-many which maximizes the conditions under which 
 a ClientProduct might be deleted.   The test case below does not exhibit this 
 behavior; please alter it such that it reproduces the condition you are 
 seeing so that we can diagnose this fully and ensure you aren't coming across 
 any new SQLAlchemy bugs:
 from sqlalchemy import *
 from sqlalchemy.orm import *
 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
 Base = declarative_base()
 class Client(Base):
 __tablename__ = a
 id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
 data = Column(String)
 client_products = relationship(ClientProduct,
 cascade=all, delete-orphan)
 class ClientProduct(Base):
 __tablename__ = b
 id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
 data = Column(String)
 a_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('a.id'))
 e = create_engine(sqlite://, echo=True)
 s = Session(e)
 Client(data='c1', client_products=[
 Client(data='c2', client_products=[
 c1 = s.query(Client).filter_by(data='c1').one()
 c2 = s.query(Client).filter_by(data='c2').one()
 cp1, cp2 = c1.client_products[0:2]
 cp1.client = c2
 cp2.client = c2
 assert s.query(Client.data).all() == [('c2',)]
 assert s.query(ClientProduct.data).all() == [('cp1', ), ('cp2', ), ('cp4', ), 
 ('cp5', ), ('cp6', )]
 On Nov 8, 2012, at 11:30 AM, Ladislav Lenart wrote:

 I have a client which has a collection of ClientProduct-s (ClientProduct has 
 FK to Client). The following code:

# Move some client products from a duplicate to the original.
# Remove duplicate clients afterwards (in cascade).
# Note that client_map is a dict from a duplicate to its original.
for each_duplicate, each_client in client_map.iteritems():
for each_cp in each_duplicate.client_products:
if some_condition(each_cp):
each_cp.client = each_client

 deletes a client product that was moved from each_duplicate to each_client in
 the inner loop. Why? What can I do to prevent it?

 Thank you in advance,

 Ladislav Lenart

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Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy sending a rollback after each commit

2012-11-13 Thread ckv
Thanks, I will stick to the default as it is not causing too much trouble.

One more thing I have been noticing in the last couple of days is that a 
row I'm querying in the database using filter_by() on three predicates and 
limited by first() is being returned as None. I turned on mysql query logs 
and then replayed the query printed for that exact attempt on my database 
and the query returns one row fine. There is no apparent pattern to this 
happening, as most of the times the query works fine and returns the result 

Any idea why this would happen? It leads to some conditions of my daemon 
failing and thereby freezing it. Any idea why this would happen?

On Sunday, November 11, 2012 2:12:44 AM UTC+5:30, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Nov 10, 2012, at 3:04 PM, ckv wrote: 

  I am using SQLAlchemy for a multi-threaded daemon. MySQL is my backend. 
 I use it in declarative mode with scoped_session and auto_commit set to 
 False. Each thread requests for a scoped_session when it is spawned inside 
 of the thread and then closes it when it is supposed to die. 
  I see in my mysql query logs that there is a commit and then it is 
 immediately followed by a rollback. 

  Is this normal? 

 yes, the connection pool has the behavior that a connection will have 
 .rollback() called on it before returning it to the pool, in the event that 
 any lingering state is left on the connection.  If your Sessions are 
 unconditionally calling commit() at the very end, and nothing else, then 
 technically this rollback() isn't necessary.  However, if you were to 
 close() a Session, or otherwise lose references to it before commit() or 
 rollback() were called, this rollback() makes sure that the connection is 
 definitely rolled back before going back to the pool. 

  Will this affect my performance in the long run? 

 maybe.   There is an option to disable this behavior, and specifically 
 it's handy if you're using MySQL MyISAM tables, which don't support 
 transactions anyway.   We have had users report that this rollback() causes 
 a little bit of latency on MySQL, which is unfortunate since a transaction 
 that is essentially stateless shouldn't be having this issue. 

  I have been perf testing the daemon locally before pushing it to prod 
 and wanted to get some pointers as to why this is happening. 

 you can turn it off, or even have it do a commit() instead, using the 
 reset_on_return flag described at 
 http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/core/engines.html;.  But if you set 
 it to None you really have to make sure your Sessions are closed cleanly, 
 if you're using InnoDB. 

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[sqlalchemy] automatically casting a class to a subclass via polymorphic discriminator?

2012-11-13 Thread Gerald Thibault
I have a base class which has two subclasses specified via a polymorphic 
discriminator, and I'm wondering how to set things up so the returned 
results are instances of the subclass, when I create an instance of the 
base class and assign the relevant value to the discriminator column. 
Here's my example code:

import sys
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import instance_dict
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, backref, class_mapper, create_session

e = create_engine('sqlite:tmp/foo.db', echo=True)
Base = declarative_base(bind=e)

class Test(Base):
__tablename__ = 'test'

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
type = Column(String(12))
name = Column(String(50))

__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'base',
'polymorphic_on': type,
'with_polymorphic': '*',

class TestOne(Test):
__tablename__ = 'test1'

id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('test.id'), primary_key=True)
value1 = Column(String(16))

__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'one',

class TestTwo(Test):
__tablename__ = 'test2'

id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('test.id'), primary_key=True)
value2 = Column(String(16))

__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'two',

if __name__ == '__main__':
session = create_session(bind=e, autocommit=False)

test1 = Test(type='one', name='a test')
print test1

This returns an instance of Test, not Test1, despite the discriminator 
indicating that it should be cast as Test1.

Is it possible to handle this in a way which will yield an instance of 

Also, if i create test1, and then do session.expunge_all, then immediately 
requery for session.query(Site).get(1), the returned instance is of type 
Test1, but trying to set the value for value1 yields 'Can't update table 
using NULL for primary key value'. Is there a way to fix this, so the 
necessary table row is created with the same primary key, instead of 
leaving it blank? It seems that all the info needed to handle the 
auto-creation of the sub-table is present, but it just fails.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] All column names renames: best practice?

2012-11-13 Thread Michael Bayer

On Nov 13, 2012, at 5:18 AM, Petr Blahos wrote:
 I have been unlucky with mssql, where the first part - the table definition 
 and making queries worked, but not accessing data in RowProxy using the
 key. I guess there is a bug in dialects/mssql/base.py 
 in MSSQLCompiler.visit_column:
  if result_map is not None:
  result_map[column.name.lower()] = \
 -(column.name, (column, ),
 +(column.name, (column, column.name, 
  return super(MSSQLCompiler, self).\

thanks, this is http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/2607 in rcd9988751479 
r0fe9fa12d4db (0.7) , you can get the tar.gz from Development Versions in :


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Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy sending a rollback after each commit

2012-11-13 Thread Michael Bayer

On Nov 13, 2012, at 12:28 PM, ckv wrote:

 Thanks, I will stick to the default as it is not causing too much trouble.
 One more thing I have been noticing in the last couple of days is that a row 
 I'm querying in the database using filter_by() on three predicates and 
 limited by first() is being returned as None. I turned on mysql query logs 
 and then replayed the query printed for that exact attempt on my database and 
 the query returns one row fine. There is no apparent pattern to this 
 happening, as most of the times the query works fine and returns the result 
 Any idea why this would happen? It leads to some conditions of my daemon 
 failing and thereby freezing it. Any idea why this would happen?

there may be a MySQL bug.   a row not being returned under some circumstances 
sounds familiar but you'd have to search through http://bugs.mysql.com/ to see 
what it might be.or maybe the row isn't actually there yet due to some 
concurrency situation on your end, you'd have to keep investigating.

 On Sunday, November 11, 2012 2:12:44 AM UTC+5:30, Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Nov 10, 2012, at 3:04 PM, ckv wrote: 
  I am using SQLAlchemy for a multi-threaded daemon. MySQL is my backend. I 
  use it in declarative mode with scoped_session and auto_commit set to 
  False. Each thread requests for a scoped_session when it is spawned inside 
  of the thread and then closes it when it is supposed to die. 
  I see in my mysql query logs that there is a commit and then it is 
  immediately followed by a rollback. 
  Is this normal? 
 yes, the connection pool has the behavior that a connection will have 
 .rollback() called on it before returning it to the pool, in the event that 
 any lingering state is left on the connection.  If your Sessions are 
 unconditionally calling commit() at the very end, and nothing else, then 
 technically this rollback() isn't necessary.  However, if you were to close() 
 a Session, or otherwise lose references to it before commit() or rollback() 
 were called, this rollback() makes sure that the connection is definitely 
 rolled back before going back to the pool. 
  Will this affect my performance in the long run? 
 maybe.   There is an option to disable this behavior, and specifically it's 
 handy if you're using MySQL MyISAM tables, which don't support transactions 
 anyway.   We have had users report that this rollback() causes a little bit 
 of latency on MySQL, which is unfortunate since a transaction that is 
 essentially stateless shouldn't be having this issue. 
  I have been perf testing the daemon locally before pushing it to prod and 
  wanted to get some pointers as to why this is happening. 
 you can turn it off, or even have it do a commit() instead, using the 
 reset_on_return flag described at 
 http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/core/engines.html;.  But if you set it 
 to None you really have to make sure your Sessions are closed cleanly, if 
 you're using InnoDB. 
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Re: [sqlalchemy] automatically casting a class to a subclass via polymorphic discriminator?

2012-11-13 Thread Michael Bayer

On Nov 13, 2012, at 7:59 PM, Gerald Thibault wrote:

 I have a base class which has two subclasses specified via a polymorphic 
 discriminator, and I'm wondering how to set things up so the returned results 
 are instances of the subclass, when I create an instance of the base class 
 and assign the relevant value to the discriminator column. Here's my example 

that's not how it usually works.  You'd create instances of the subclasses, and 
leave the discriminator column alone; SQLAlchemy assigns that.

 test1 = Test(type='one', name='a test')
 print test1
 This returns an instance of Test, not Test1, despite the discriminator 
 indicating that it should be cast as Test1.

OK here, you've said test = Test().  That is now the Python version of the 
class, SQLAlchemy has nothing to do with changing __class__ on your Test object 
or anything like that.   That object is going to stay just like it is, except 
for it getting a new primary key value.   SQLAlchemy's job here is to persist 
your row in the database and return it back for you later.  Here, the session 
hasn't even flushed any data, and you can see in your echo there's not any 
INSERT.   If you were to allow the row to go out to the database and come back, 
you'd see your class:

test1 = Test(type='one', name='a test')
session.commit()  # flush + commit transaction
session.close() # expunge the Test() object totally so we get a new one 

print session.query(Test).one()

above, it's important that test1 is removed from the Session totally, so that 
when we query again for that row, the Test object isn't returned; otherwise, it 
still points to that row.

However, the way it's supposed to work is, just use the classes as designed 
(note also, we use Session, or sessionmaker() - not create_session() which is a 
legacy function used for internal testing - see 
http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/orm/session.html for recommended usage 

from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
session = Session(e)

test1 = TestOne(name='a test')
print session.query(Test).one()   # autoflushes, then gets our TestOne back

 Also, if i create test1, and then do session.expunge_all, then immediately 
 requery for session.query(Site).get(1), the returned instance is of type 
 Test1, but trying to set the value for value1 yields 'Can't update table 
 using NULL for primary key value'.

works for me:

test1 = TestOne(name='a test')
print session.query(Test).one()

t = session.query(Test).one()
t.value1 = value1


BEGIN (implicit)
INSERT INTO test (type, name) VALUES (?, ?)
('one', 'a test')
INSERT INTO test1 (id, value1) VALUES (?, ?)
(1, None)
SELECT test.id AS test_id, test.type AS test_type, test.name AS test_name, 
test1.id AS test1_id, test1.value1 AS test1_value1, test2.id AS test2_id, 
test2.value2 AS test2_value2 
FROM test LEFT OUTER JOIN test1 ON test.id = test1.id LEFT OUTER JOIN test2 ON 
test.id = test2.id
__main__.TestOne object at 0x1014d7910
SELECT test.id AS test_id, test.type AS test_type, test.name AS test_name, 
test1.id AS test1_id, test1.value1 AS test1_value1, test2.id AS test2_id, 
test2.value2 AS test2_value2 
FROM test LEFT OUTER JOIN test1 ON test.id = test1.id LEFT OUTER JOIN test2 ON 
test.id = test2.id
UPDATE test1 SET value1=? WHERE test1.id = ?
('value1', 1)

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Backref confusion

2012-11-13 Thread Michael Bayer

On Nov 13, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Bobby Impollonia wrote:

 I have constructed a sample program consisting of two mapped classes (using 
 sqlalchemy.ext.declarative) that have a relationship/ backref between them. 
 At runtime the program does the following:
 1) Print whether the parent class has an attribute for its relationship to 
 the child (declared as the backref)
 2) Construct a child object
 3) Repeat step 1
 The result (with SQLA 0.7.9) is that it prints 'False' during step 1 and then 
 'True' during step 3. I would expect True to be printed both times.
 Here is the full source of the program:
 Why does the property not exist when the first print statement executes?

addresses is generated on the Person class when the mappers enter the 
configuration step, which is an automatically invoked process which occurs 
when a mapping is first used.   this process is deferred until a point at which 
it's safe to assume all mappings are present, so that relationship() 
directives, which refer to other mappings, can proceed to reconcile the 
mappings they point to - otherwise by definition one of the mappings/classes 
(if using declarative) doesn't exist yet for relationship/backref.

the process can be manually invoked via configure_mappers():

if __name__ == '__main__':
from sqlalchemy.orm import configure_mappers
print hasattr(Person, 'addresses')
print hasattr(Person, 'addresses')

 Thanks for any guidance.
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Re: [sqlalchemy] with_polymorphic query and parent attribute filtering

2012-11-13 Thread Michael Bayer

On Nov 13, 2012, at 3:34 AM, tonthon wrote:

 I'm using polymorphism for some of my models and I'm wondering how I
 should use the with_polymorphic query method.
 Consider the following:
 class A(Base):
   type_ = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
   arg = Column(String(20))
  __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': type_, 'polymorphic_identity': 0}
 class B(A):
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 1}
 class C(A):
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 2}
 class D(A):
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 3}
 When I query :
 session.query(A).with_polymorphic([B,C]).filter(A.arg == 'test')
 I get D elements in my result.
 I've tried :
 But it doesn't work neither.
 Could somebody explain me what I did wrong and how I should do ?

with_polymorphic() is generally only useful with joined table inheritance (note 
this is single table inheritance), and is used to add those subclass tables to 
the Query so that you can filter() on their criterion, as well as to allow more 
columns to be pulled in via a single query rather than needing to invoke 
additional queries for subclass tables.  It does not indicate a subset of 
subclasses to be included.

If you want to load A's of type B, C, but not D, you'd need to do this manually 
via the discriminator - since B, C and D are all As you normally will get back 
all three as the rows determine.

session.query(A).filter(A.type_.in(0, 1, 2))

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Re: [sqlalchemy] (SQLite) Outside auto-locking based on SQLAlchemy Events

2012-11-13 Thread Michael Bayer

On Nov 12, 2012, at 9:37 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Nov 12, 2012, at 5:33 PM, Torsten Landschoff wrote:
 BTW, I found one offender that breaks running database upgrades with my
 locking schemes:
 from sqlalchemy import *
 from sqlalchemy.pool import *
 engine = create_engine(sqlite:home/torsten/some.db,
 conn = engine.connect()
 metadata = MetaData(conn, reflect=True)
 This results in the following backtrace here:
   raise AssertionError(connection is already checked out + suffix)
 AssertionError: connection is already checked out at:
 File demo.py, line 5, in module
   conn = engine.connect()
 I would have expected it to reflect using the connection passed to the
 MetaData constructor.
 if so then that's a bug, added http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/2604 to 
 take a look at that.

I've no idea how that silly API got in there, but seems a bit late to remove 
it.  I'm going to deprecate it though, for now use this form:

m = MetaData()

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Backref confusion

2012-11-13 Thread Bobby Impollonia
Thank you! That is exactly the function I needed.

On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:16:47 PM UTC-8, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Nov 13, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Bobby Impollonia wrote:

 I have constructed a sample program consisting of two mapped classes 
 (using sqlalchemy.ext.declarative) that have a relationship/ backref 
 between them. At runtime the program does the following:
 1) Print whether the parent class has an attribute for its relationship to 
 the child (declared as the backref)
 2) Construct a child object
 3) Repeat step 1

 The result (with SQLA 0.7.9) is that it prints 'False' during step 1 and 
 then 'True' during step 3. I would expect True to be printed both times.

 Here is the full source of the program:

 Why does the property not exist when the first print statement executes?

 addresses is generated on the Person class when the mappers enter the 
 configuration step, which is an automatically invoked process which 
 occurs when a mapping is first used.   this process is deferred until a 
 point at which it's safe to assume all mappings are present, so that 
 relationship() directives, which refer to other mappings, can proceed to 
 reconcile the mappings they point to - otherwise by definition one of the 
 mappings/classes (if using declarative) doesn't exist yet for 

 the process can be manually invoked via configure_mappers():

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 from sqlalchemy.orm import configure_mappers
 print hasattr(Person, 'addresses')
 print hasattr(Person, 'addresses')

 Thanks for any guidance.

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