[sqlalchemy] Off Topic: Declarative-style for XML?

2009-12-18 Thread AF

I've become quite used to SQLAlchemy's Declarative style notation for
defining data to be stored in SQL.

Does anyone know of library that will do something similar for simple

Basically I need objects (and attributed collections of objects) that
are effectively records for groups of simple data types like strings,
dates, numbers, etc.

Googling the subject returns some libraries that will parse arbitrary
XML and return python objects, but I'd like to go the other way...
define a python object and strictly generate both a schema and an XML
representation of instances.

Any ideas?

Thank you,


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[sqlalchemy] UNION with SQLAlchemy: Some questions

2009-11-05 Thread AF


[Note: This is a revised edition of my previous post multi table

I have events logged to several diffeerent tables, and I need to get
the union of these different tables.  (The event types use different
tables for various reasons.)

Here is what I am doing now, and it seems to work:

# Note the static 'event_type' columns
stmt = 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT A AS event_type, user_id as user,
notes, time_created '
stmt = stmt + 'FROM events_a WHERE origin_mobile_number = :uid '
stmt = stmt + 'UNION ALL '
stmt = stmt + 'SELECT SELECT B AS event_type, user_id as user,
notes, time_created '
stmt = stmt + 'FROM events_b WHERE  user_id = :uid) as events_all '
stmt = stmt + 'ORDER BY events_all.time_created DESC'

res = DBSession.execute(stmt, dict(uid = uid))
records = res.fetchall()

So I have several questions:

1) Is the the raw SQL I am using sane?

2) How can I use SQLAlchemy to simply things?

3) How would I add tables events_c? events_d?

4) Since the events_x tables are already defined with
declarative_base, is there a reasonable way to make an SQLAlchemy
Events object that knows where to retrieve and insert event records
based on the event_type field?

Thank you,

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[sqlalchemy] [TYPO FIX] UNION with SQLAlchemy: Some questions

2009-11-05 Thread AF


[Note: This is a revised edition of my previous post multi table

I have events logged to several diffeerent tables, and I need to get
the union of these different tables.  (The event types use different
tables for various reasons.)

Here is what I am doing now, and it seems to work:

# Note the static 'event_type' columns
stmt = 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT A AS event_type, user_id as user,
notes, time_created '
stmt = stmt + 'FROM events_a WHERE user_id = :uid '
stmt = stmt + 'UNION ALL '
stmt = stmt + 'SELECT SELECT B AS event_type, user_id as user,
notes, time_created '
stmt = stmt + 'FROM events_b WHERE  user_id = :uid) as events_all '
stmt = stmt + 'ORDER BY events_all.time_created DESC'

res = DBSession.execute(stmt, dict(uid = uid))
records = res.fetchall()

So I have several questions:

1) Is the the raw SQL I am using sane?

2) How can I use SQLAlchemy to simply things?

3) How would I add tables events_c? events_d?

4) Since the events_x tables are already defined with
declarative_base, is there a reasonable way to make an SQLAlchemy
Events object that knows where to retrieve and insert event records
based on the event_type field?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Multi table select?

2009-11-04 Thread AF

On Oct 27, 8:03 am, Mike Conley mconl...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:09 PM, Bobby Impollonia bob...@gmail.com wrote:

 Let's say you have 2 mapped classes
 class Stuff1(Base):
      --- etc. 
 class Stuff2(Base)
      --- etc. 

 You can do something like this

 q1 = session.query(Stuff1.columnA,
 Stuff1.columnB, literal_column('S1').label('source'))
 q2 = session.query(Stuff2.columnA,
 Stuff2.columnB, literal_column('S2').label('source'))
 subq = session.query().from_statement(union_all(q1, q2)).subquery()
 qry = session.query(subq)

 Note: just in case your font makes the quotes hard to read,
            'S1' is double-quote,single-quote,S,1,single-quote,double-quote

Thank you for the help I've been playing with the code, but have
been unable to make it work.

Firstly, I'm not really clear on ideas behind, subquery vs. a regular
query, but I did figure out to change:

union_all(q1, q2) to union_all(q1.statement, q2.statement)

It seems to return results, but now I need to to do more things:

1) Sort the results by time_stamp (newest first)
2) Optionally, filter by specific user_id

For #1 tried doing q = DBSession.query(subq).order_by(desc
('time_stamp')), and while it seems to work, I don't understand the
SQL it generates:

SELECT anon_1.type AS anon_1_type,  anon_1.time AS anon_1_time
FROM ([]) AS anon_1 ORDER BY time_stamp DESC

Why AS anon_1 ORDER BY time_stamp DESC, and not AS anon_1 ORDER BY
anon_1_time_stamp DESC?

For #2, I am not sure where to best put the filter clause.  In q1/q2?
In subq?

Thank you,

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[sqlalchemy] Report generation?

2009-10-26 Thread AF


For instance if I have data tables for users, orders, and
order_line_items how would I generate a report that lists:

1) users,
2) and for each user, his/her orders,
3) and for each order, all the order_line_items

I guess I could do it in a loop in python, but I wonder of there is a
better way using SQLAlchemy.

Thank you,

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[sqlalchemy] Multi table select?

2009-10-26 Thread AF


I don't know if this is even possible is SQL, so please bear with
me :)

There are a couple a tables (say, a  b) that are used as logs for
two different processes.   They both have the same simple structure.
(id, time_stamp, user_id, message)

I would like to create a query that merges the data and returns
following results:

time_stamp, user_id, a_or_b, message

(where a_or_b is a value that indicates which table the data row came

Can this be done in SQL/SQLAlchemy.

Thank you,


Alternatively, the message columns do not need to be merged though
I guess time_stamp / user would still need to be.

That is:  time_stamp, user_id, message_a, message_b

I don't know if that makes any easier...

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Multi table select?

2009-10-26 Thread AF

On Oct 26, 8:48 pm, AF allen.fow...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I don't know if this is even possible is SQL, so please bear with
 me :)

 There are a couple a tables (say, a  b) that are used as logs for
 two different processes.   They both have the same simple structure.
 (id, time_stamp, user_id, message)

 I would like to create a query that merges the data and returns
 following results:

 time_stamp, user_id, a_or_b, message

 (where a_or_b is a value that indicates which table the data row came

 Can this be done in SQL/SQLAlchemy.

 Thank you,


 Alternatively, the message columns do not need to be merged though
 I guess time_stamp / user would still need to be.

 That is:  time_stamp, user_id, message_a, message_b

 I don't know if that makes any easier...


Doh.   OK, so now I have an SQL statement I wrote by hand that works
fine, but I still have two questions:

1) Can this be done via the SQA ORM?
2) If not, how should I I build this using non-ORM SQA?

Thank you,

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[sqlalchemy] Testing SQLAlchemy based app? (Tutorial?)

2009-08-13 Thread AF


I'm writing a basic SQLAlchemy application, and have started to
explore the concept of unit testing in general and specifically with

Since I am new to both SQLAlchey and nose, I do not know where to

Right now the app is at the point where:

1) The tables are defined with declarative base.

2) I've made a few functions to populate the database from a series of
source data files. (The data files are text, but are an odd almost
csv format.)

3) I've made a few functions to dump the database back to these data

So now, I would like to construct a series of tests to ensure the
database is really being populated correctly based on sample data
files.  (And that the database can be correctly saved back out to
these data files.)

Do you have any suggestions / tutorials you can point me towards?

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[sqlalchemy] VIEW alternative in SQLAlchemy

2009-08-07 Thread AF


I have a table of records in the database that I want to run read
queries against, but I do want to include all of them in the search.
(There are a couple of filtering parameters to exclude records from
the searched pool, including an aptly named is_active flag.)

Traditionally, I would think to put this in to a VIEW, and let the DB
optimise out all the non-active records.

Since SQLAlchemy does appear to support views, what is the correct way
to handle this?  (Or did i miss it?)

I am using declarative base.

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[sqlalchemy] Declarative Base: remote_side single_parent

2009-08-06 Thread AF


What is the correct way to use remote_side  single_parent relation
parameters under Declarative Base?

I'm trying to create an Adjacency List Relationship as suggested in
the docs, but I am not sure how to do this with Declarative Base.

I tried:

children = relation(Node, backref=backref(parent,

But got:

InvalidRequestError: When compiling mapper Mapper|Node|nodes,
expression 'nodes.id' failed to locate a name (name 'nodes' is not
defined). If this is a class name, consider adding this relation() to
the class 'db.Node' class after both dependent classes have been

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[sqlalchemy] Materialized Path for SQLAlchemy Declarative Base

2009-08-06 Thread AF

Hello all,

Has anyone here used the sqlamp: Materialized Path for SQLAlchemy

I am wondering:

1) Does it seem to work well?

2) Did you use it with Declarative Base, and if so, how did you
configure it?

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[sqlalchemy] Suggestions for db connect string configuration?

2009-08-05 Thread AF


Where do you folks recommend storing the database connection string in
my application.  Clearly not in the same file with my declaratively
defined model objects.

And more generally, how do you recommend laying out an SQLAlchemy
based application?  (In what files to define the engine, session,
other objects, etc..)

Sort of looking for best practices, I guess

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[sqlalchemy] Hierarchical data: Get all (sub-) children? Parents?

2009-07-27 Thread AF


Given hierarchical data similar to:

With out resorting to brute force recursive queries in my objects:

1) Is there any way to retrieve all a node's children / sub-children?

2) Is there a way to retrieve the list of a nodes parents?

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[sqlalchemy] CircularDependencyError? (Wrong approach?)

2009-07-17 Thread AF


I have tables: Users  Departments.  (SQlite)

Each User is assigned to one Department.  (User.dept_id =
Department.id )

Now, I want to make once User in each Dept the default user.

As in:
Department.default_user_id = User.id
i.,e. Column('default_user_id', ForeignKey('users.id'))

However I get a CircularDependencyError from SQLAlchemy.

Any ideas?

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[sqlalchemy] Showing only unused User Choices?

2009-06-25 Thread AF


Assuming a table of Users, Choices and UserChoices...  (many-to-many)

How can I generate a list for a user showing only the choices they
have _not_ opted in for?

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[sqlalchemy] Random value for field by default?

2009-06-21 Thread AF


Perhaps this is more of a Python question that SQLalchemy.. but...

How can I assign a random number to a DB field by default?

I tried:
default = random.randrange(1000,1) on the table definition, but I
get the same number each time?

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[sqlalchemy] Validators: Define at table / mapper level ?

2009-06-21 Thread AF


Can validators be defined at table / mapper level?   (Is it even a
good idea?)

I ask, since it's at the table definition layer that I define what
datatypes my columns have, so it seems natural to place the policing
function there as well.

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[sqlalchemy] filtered or computed version of an existing relation?

2009-06-18 Thread AF

OK, next question.

Well... two related questions.  :)

1)  In general, inside an object's method def, where I am doing
arbitrary calculations, how can I get access to the session the object
is bound to in order to run other queries?

2) More specifically, I want to make a filtered and computed
version of an existing relation, how should I do this?

See the code below.

Thank you,


users_table = Table('users', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String(50)),
Column('room', ForeignKey('rooms.id')),
Column('height', Numeric)
Column('gender', String(1))

rooms_table = Table('rooms', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String(50)),
Column('size', Integer)


class user(object):

class room(object):
def percent_men(self):
# How to code these?

# Must return the % of men vs. women
# in this room.

def  room.percent_of_all_users(self):
# % of users here vs. count of all users

def men(self):
# just the male users in this room

mapper(user, users_table, properties={'room' : relation('rooms.id',
backref = 'users')})
mapper(room, rooms_table)

# and here are the methods I wish to have:

percent_men = room.percent_men()
percent_of_population = room.percent_of_all_users()

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[sqlalchemy] relation error?

2009-06-17 Thread AF

I'm probably just missing something... here is my code:

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True,
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
metadata = MetaData()

users_table = Table('users', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String(50)),
Column('room', ForeignKey('rooms.id'))

rooms_table = Table('rooms', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String(50))


class user(object):

class room(object):

mapper(user, users_table)
mapper(room, rooms_table)

u = user()
r = room()

u.room = r
[ERROR: InterfaceError: (InterfaceError) Error binding parameter 0 -
probably unsupported type. u'UPDATE users SET room=? WHERE users.id
= ?' [__main__.room object at 0xa9a9b4c, 1] ]

Any ideas?  Am I doing this wrong?

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[sqlalchemy] Can I coerce strings into Unicode?

2009-06-03 Thread AF


I'm using sqlite and convert_unicode = True on the engine.

How can I force coerce string based object attributes in to unicode?
(I had thought convert_unicode = True would do this)

Here is what I am seeing...

Setup code:
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True,
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
metadata = MetaData()
m1 = message(u'message body 1')

Now, in ipython:

In [1]: session.add(m1)

In [2]: m1.body
Out[2]: u'message body 1'

In [3]: m1.body = u'new - unicode'

In [4]: m1.body
Out[4]: u'new - unicode'

In [5]: m1.body = 'new - NOT unicode'

In [6]: m1.body
Out[6]: 'new - NOT unicode'

In [7]: unicode(m1.body)
Out[7]: u'new - NOT unicode'

Output line 6 is the problem.

Ideally, I'd like to see output lines 6  7 be the same.

Am I doing something wrong?

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