Re: [sqlalchemy] obtaining pid of forked process

2010-02-12 Thread Alex Brasetvik

On Feb 11, 2010, at 18:58 , Faheem Mitha wrote:

 sqlalchemy forks a process when it calls the db

No, it does not.

 The reason for this is that I want to plot a memory graph of the postgresql 
 process, so it is handy to have the pid for this. 

PostgreSQL forks a new backend process when a connection is established, 
however. It sounds like that's what you want. Do SELECT pg_backend_pid() to 
get the PID of the backend process serving your connection.

That and other stat functions are documented here:

Alex Brasetvik

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Re: [sqlalchemy] How to diagnose a transaction hang problem?

2010-01-29 Thread Alex Brasetvik

On Jan 29, 2010, at 15:01 , 一首诗 wrote:

 What might cause this kind of problem?

Possibly waiting on locks. Do you have any concurrent transactions modifying 
the same data?

When the problem appears, run `select * from pg_stat_activity` to see whether 
there are locking issues.

To see the locks involved, run `select * from pg_locks`.

Alex Brasetvik

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Expressing UPDATE...SET column = column + 1

2009-12-20 Thread Alex Brasetvik
On 12/20/09 13:31 , Igor Katson wrote:

 I want to increment a column by 1 with
 UPDATE table SET column = column + 1 WHERE id = %(id)s,

This is covered here:

 however, when writing instance.column += 1 in python, it translates it to
 UPDATE table SET column = OLD_VALUE + 1

That's because instance.column returns the integer value. If you do
table.c.column + 1, however, that will return a _BinaryExpression.

So, what you want, is something like

table.update(where_clause, dict(column=table.c.column + 1)

Hope this helps.

Alex Brasetvik


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Multi-column primary key with autoincrement?

2009-12-16 Thread Alex Brasetvik

On Dec 16, 2009, at 09:32 , Adrian von Bidder wrote:

 sqlite is convenient for development though

Except when it *adds* complexity? ;-)

Alex Brasetvik


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Re: [sqlalchemy] performance issues

2009-12-15 Thread Alex Brasetvik

On Dec 15, 2009, at 16:30 , Antoine Pitrou wrote:

 I've got some scripts which take quite a bit of time and I wanted to
 investigate why they were so long. 


 I should point out that this particular script doesn't manipulate that
 many objects (a few thousands of them perhaps), and the queries aren't
 complex at all. It would be good to know whether there are well known
 techniques to help reduce the overall overhead of SQLAlchemy [...]

It would probably help if you showed us your current approach first. :-)

Alex Brasetvik


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: how to make a transaction fail for testing?

2009-12-15 Thread Alex Brasetvik

On Dec 14, 2009, at 22:28 , iain duncan wrote:

 I guess for integration tests one could also monkey patch
 it to override the commit method?

Some of the mocking frameworks will help you with that as well. :-)

Alex Brasetvik


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Postgres INHERITS and concrete table inheritance

2009-12-15 Thread Alex Brasetvik

On Dec 15, 2009, at 17:59 , Michael Bayer wrote:

 My understanding is that INHERITS is usually used
 in practice to provide transparent sharding of table data and not
 necessarily to express class hierarchies, but this is strictly anecdotal


The PostgreSQL documentation[1] mentions many caveats with INHERITS, most 

A serious limitation of the inheritance feature is that indexes (including 
unique constraints) and foreign key constraints only apply to single tables, 
not to their inheritance children. This is true on both the referencing and 
referenced sides of a foreign key constraint.

For those reasons it is also actively *discouraged* for expressing class 

To put that into context, consider the following:

CREATE TABLE vehicle (
 id integer NOT NULL,
 owner_id integer,
 price integer,
 primary key (id) -- I added this

CREATE TABLE vehicle_bus (
 passengers integer
INHERITS (vehicle);

CREATE TABLE vehicle_whatever(
id integer primary key references vehicle(id),
whatever text

INSERT INTO vehicle_bus VALUES (1, 1, 42, 123);

SELECT * FROM vehicle;
 id | owner_id | price 
  1 |1 |42
(1 row)

SELECT * FROM vehicle_bus;
 id | owner_id | price | passengers 
  1 |1 |42 |123
(1 row)

INSERT INTO vehicle_whatever VALUES (1, 'but clearly this is in vehicle, no?');
ERROR:  insert or update on table vehicle_whatever violates foreign key 
constraint vehicle_whatever_id_fkey
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(1) is not present in table vehicle.



Alex Brasetvik


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Re: [sqlalchemy] how to make a transaction fail for testing?

2009-12-13 Thread Alex Brasetvik

On Dec 13, 2009, at 22:25 , iain duncan wrote:

 Hey folks, I'm wondering how I can make a transaction fail
 deliberately for testing how my transaction handling code is working.
 Is there some simple mechanism for making sure
 a section in a try block with session.commit() raises an exception
 without altering the code?

Mock the session/connection.

There are several mocking libraries for Python -

Personally, I prefer Mocker, which supports patching which is handy in this 
case ---

If you are unfamiliar with the technique, this looks like a decent 

Hope this helps. :-)

Alex Brasetvik



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Re: [sqlalchemy] why this script lead to memory error?

2009-12-09 Thread Alex Brasetvik

On Dec 10, 2009, at 05:50 , Feng wrote:

 Hi all, when I query into a big table, it lead to memory error.


 for record in al_records:  #there are 18 million records in the table

This is loading every record into memory before even starting processing the 
first one.

See the discussion at

With the new OurSQL-dialect and #1619 this should hopefully improve.

Alex Brasetvik


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Re: [sqlalchemy] how to change a database

2009-12-04 Thread Alex Brasetvik

On Dec 3, 2009, at 13:37 , Peter wrote:

 Lets suppose I created an engine on database 'foo' and I want to create 
 a database 'bar' and then do my work on 'bar'.
 What is the recommended way to do this ?

Establish a new connection to bar.

Alex Brasetvik


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