Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy orm attribute post-update hook?

2013-11-28 Thread Amir Elaguizy
What do you think about the pattern I've implemented for this purpose using 

I've also pasted the code here but it's nicer to look at on github via the 
link above:

import logging
import sqlalchemy as sqla
import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative as decl

from .signals import signaler

log = logging.getLogger(ucratejoy)

class _hooked(object):
def __init__(self, validate_func, normalize_func, field_name, 
self.validate_func = validate_func
self.normalize_func = normalize_func
self.field_name = field_name
self.private_name = private_name

def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if not instance:
return getattr(owner, self.private_name)

val = getattr(instance, self.private_name)

return val

def __set__(self, instance, val):
namespace = instance.__class__.__name__ + . + self.field_name

if self.normalize_func:
val = self.normalize_func(val)

if self.validate_func:
assert self.validate_func(val)

old_value = None
if hasattr(instance, self.private_name):
old_value = getattr(instance, self.private_name)

signaler.signal(namespace + :before_update, instance=instance, 
new_value=val, old_value=old_value)
setattr(instance, self.private_name, val)
signaler.signal(namespace + :after_update, instance=instance, 
new_value=val, old_value=old_value)

class DispatchingModelMeta(decl.DeclarativeMeta):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
new_attrs = {}
for key, val in attrs.iteritems():
if isinstance(val, sqla.Column):
log.debug(u{} Column {} {}.format(name, key, val))
if not = key

val.key = key

validator_name = 'validate_' + key
normalize_name = 'normalize_' + key
private_name = '_' + key

validator_func = None
normalize_func = None

if validator_name in attrs:
validator_func = attrs[validator_name]

if normalize_name in attrs:
normalize_func = attrs[normalize_name]

new_attrs[private_name] = val
new_attrs[key] = _hooked(validate_func=validator_func, 
normalize_func=normalize_func, field_name=key, private_name=private_name)
new_attrs[key] = val

return super(DispatchingModelMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, 

On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 6:26:58 PM UTC-6, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Nov 27, 2013, at 12:48 PM, Amir Elaguizy aela...@gmail.comjavascript: 

  If I have a model like: 
  class Test(Base): 
  value = sqlalchemy.Column(db.String) 
  and I have a function like: 
  def on_value_change(model, oldValue): 
  # Do stuff 
  I'd like on_value_change called *after* Test.value has been changed 

 yeah there’s been a bit of discussion about that but it isn’t present in a 
 simple way.   attribute mechanics already take up a lot of overhead and add 
 lots of complexity so adding an “after” event isn’t something I’m in a 
 hurry to do. 

 In the rare occasions that I need this, sometimes what I will do is, just 
 set the value within the before event, then work with it - I haven’t done 
 this much so YMMV: 

 @event.listens_for(, set) 
 def set(target, value, oldvalue, initiator): 
 target.__dict__['data'] = value 
 return value 

 the reason __dict__ is used is otherwise you trigger an endless loop with 
 the event. The reason doing things in this way is dangerous (and why 
 it’s extra hard to make this work) is that if you pass around “target” to 
 other parts of your app, which are themselves doing things with attributes, 
 now you have a nesting pattern going on that can easily enter more endless 
 recursion types of issues.   

 usually what I’ll do is just stick to simple things and use a descriptor 
 like a synonym or a hybrid to set the value, which does what it needs after 
 the set event. that’s pretty much the normal Python way of doing this sort 
 of thing in any case.Attribute events are in particular tailored 
 towards validating / processing the immediate value given, not so much 
 calling out into the bigger ecosystem of the application, as it is already 
 occurring within a critical part of the attribute mechanics. 

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[sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy orm attribute post-update hook?

2013-11-27 Thread Amir Elaguizy
If I have a model like:

class Test(Base):
value = sqlalchemy.Column(db.String)

and I have a function like:

def on_value_change(model, oldValue):
# Do stuff

I'd like on_value_change called *after* Test.value has been changed

I know it's possible to do it *before* Test.value has changed and choose to 
accept or reject the change via an orm event.

However, the problem with that is that since the change has not been 
applied to Test yet I have to pass around the new value in addition to 
passing around the instance of Test.

Is it possible to do this?


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[sqlalchemy] Join textual query to SA query?

2013-08-13 Thread Amir Elaguizy
Hey guys,

Questions about the following code in which I'm trying to take a textqual 
query and join it to a query builder query.

1) What is the correct way to do the in for the list of ids in the first 
query? My current way doesn't work and I'm not able to find a real good 
2) How can I Join complicated query 2 with complicated query 1. Essentially 
join query 2 on ==

Complicated query 1:

image_res = db.session.query(id, depth, parent_id, name, 

WITH RECURSIVE graph(root_id, id, name, parent_id) AS (
SELECT,,, e.parent_id, 1 as depth FROM 
entities e
SELECT graph.root_id,,, e.parent_id, depth + 1 FROM 
graph JOIN entities e ON

SELECT,g.depth, g.parent_id, name, ii.s3_key
FROM graph g
JOIN entity_map em ON
JOIN stufff_images si ON
JOIN image_instance ii ON si.image_id=ii.image_id
WHERE root_id in (:ids) AND ii.width=120 ORDER BY depth ASC LIMIT 1;
).params(ids=,.join([str(i) for i in ids])))

Complicated query 2:

query = db.session.query(, sm.EntityTypesModel.type, 
sm.StufffModel.hotness, sm.StufffModel.created_at,

query = query.join(sm.EntityTypesModel)

query = query.filter(

res = query.all()


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[sqlalchemy] Query caching allows two objects representing same underlying data in session?

2013-07-15 Thread Amir Elaguizy
I'm having this weird problem using the query caching recipes in which two 
instances of a model representing the same underlying dataset will both get 
into the session. 

I know this is happening because I put all of the models in a set() and 
there are two instances with the same underlying database row id.

I was under the impression that the session itself would handle the case 
that an object coming from the query cache is already in the session, 
preventing duplication. Is this not the case?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Query compilation cost

2013-07-13 Thread Amir Elaguizy
Awesome Michael it has given a speedup actually outside of caching even, 
which is great.

How do I do the equivelant of this though?

compiled = stmt.compile()
params = compiled.params

# here we return the key as a long string.  our key mangler
# set up with the region will boil it down to an md5.
return  .join(
[str(compiled)] +
[str(params[k]) for k in sorted(params)])

I have the baked query context in the cache, and getting a string statement 
from that is easy. How do I get the parameters out, to use as unique 


On Friday, July 12, 2013 4:53:37 PM UTC-7, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Jul 12, 2013, at 7:03 PM, Amir Elaguizy aela...@gmail.comjavascript: 

  I'd like a way to avoid the cost of repeatedly compiling the same query, 
 especially in the context of relationship caching. 
  Specifically now that I have object caching in place, I have created my 
 own keys where it is possible. However there are still some cases where I 
 cannot. In these cases I'm falling back to the query based key mechanism: 
  stmt = query.with_labels().statement 
  compiled = stmt.compile() 
  params = compiled.params 
  However this is incredibly slow and what I'm finding is that I'm paying 
 the cost for compiling the same query with just the parameters themselves 
 changing. I'd like to create an in memory query cache in which the compiled 
 queries are stored and the parameters are switched out, or something like 

 See the recipe at which will 
 get you most of the way there, and there are plans at some point to make 
 this into a fully supported feature. 

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[sqlalchemy] Query compilation cost

2013-07-12 Thread Amir Elaguizy
I'd like a way to avoid the cost of repeatedly compiling the same query, 
especially in the context of relationship caching.

Specifically now that I have object caching in place, I have created my own 
keys where it is possible. However there are still some cases where I 
cannot. In these cases I'm falling back to the query based key mechanism:

stmt = query.with_labels().statement
compiled = stmt.compile()
params = compiled.params

However this is incredibly slow and what I'm finding is that I'm paying the 
cost for compiling the same query with just the parameters themselves 
changing. I'd like to create an in memory query cache in which the compiled 
queries are stored and the parameters are switched out, or something like 

Any thoughts?


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[sqlalchemy] Dogpile caching: can't pickle function objects

2013-07-11 Thread Amir Elaguizy
If I do a query like this:

return PcpPostModel.query.filter_by(id=post_id).options(

and then later I do another query like this:


Any models that were returned by the first query are now of type: class 

So then when the second query runs it will except with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 162, in _run_module_as_main
__main__, fname, loader, pkg_name)
line 72, in _run_code
exec code in run_globals
line 199, in module
line 192, in main
runctx(code, globs, None, options.outfile, options.sort)
line 49, in runctx
prof = prof.runctx(statement, globals, locals)
line 140, in runctx
exec cmd in globals, locals
  File scripts/, line 45, in module
for p in post.related_bouts(4):
  File stufff/post/, line 130, in related_bouts
posts = post_query.options(
line 2104, in all
return list(self)
  File stufff/base/, line 71, in __iter__
return self.get_value(createfunc=createfunc)
  File stufff/base/, line 117, in get_value
line 588, in get_or_create
async_creator) as value:
line 160, in __enter__
return self._enter()
line 100, in _enter
generated = self._enter_create(createdtime)
line 151, in _enter_create
created = self.creator()
line 570, in gen_value
self.backend.set(key, value)
line 168, in set
line 51, in set
returns.append(server.set(key, value, time))
line 382, in set
return self._set_add_replace('set', key, value, time)
line 358, in _set_add_replace
flags, value = self.serialize(value)
line 273, in serialize
value = dumps(value)
  File /Users/aelaguiz/workspace/stufff/venv/lib/python2.7/, 
line 70, in _reduce_ex
raise TypeError, can't pickle %s objects % base.__name__
TypeError: can't pickle function objects

Any idea what I can do about this?


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[sqlalchemy] Join order determinism

2013-07-11 Thread Amir Elaguizy
I noticed that between runs my cache hit rate using dogpile query caching 
could change without any of the underlying data structures changing, after 
digging in what I found was the join order on my polymorphic classes is not 
deterministic. Is there any way to ensure a deterministic join order on 
polymorphic loads?

Examples of the queries being generated:

Run 1:

SELECT AS entities_id, entities.parent_id AS 
entities_parent_id, entities.type_id AS entities_type_id, AS 
entities_name, entities.created_at AS entities_created_at, entities.hotness 
AS entities_hotness, entities.hotness_dirty AS entities_hotness_dirty, 
entities.modified_at AS entities_modified_at, entities.up_votes AS 
entities_up_votes, entities.down_votes AS entities_down_votes, AS categories_id, AS videos_id, 
videos.video_type_id AS videos_video_type_id, videos.poster_id AS 
videos_poster_id, videos.key AS videos_key, AS clubs_id, 
AS brands_id, AS pcp_points_id, pcp_points.poster_id AS 
pcp_points_poster_id, pcp_points.subject_id AS pcp_points_subject_id, 
pcp_points.is_point AS pcp_points_is_point, pcp_points.body AS 
pcp_points_body, pcp_points.origin_url AS pcp_points_origin_url, AS 
tags_id, AS pcp_vote_targets_id, AS 
stufff_images_id, stufff_images.image_id AS stufff_images_image_id, 
stufff_images.poster_id AS stufff_images_poster_id, stufff_images.source AS 
stufff_images_source, AS link_posts_id, link_posts.url AS 
link_posts_url, link_posts.edited_at AS link_posts_edited_at, 
link_posts.poster_id AS link_posts_poster_id, AS users_id, AS users_email, users.username AS users_username, 
users.first_name AS users_first_name, users.last_name AS users_last_name, 
users.picture AS users_picture, users.origin_url AS users_origin_url, AS users_city, users.state AS users_state, AS 
users_country, users.gender AS users_gender, users.password AS 
users_password, AS users_bio, users.email_verified AS 
users_email_verified, users.email_validation AS users_email_validation, 
users.temp_password AS users_temp_password, users.temp_password_expiry AS 
users_temp_password_expiry, AS users_active, users.admin AS 
users_admin, users.reputation AS users_reputation, AS 
text_posts_id, text_posts.body AS text_posts_body, text_posts.edited_at AS 
text_posts_edited_at, text_posts.poster_id AS text_posts_poster_id, AS products_id, AS pcp_posts_id, 
pcp_posts.poster_id AS pcp_posts_poster_id, pcp_posts.subject_id_1 AS 
pcp_posts_subject_id_1, pcp_posts.subject_id_2 AS pcp_posts_subject_id_2, 
pcp_posts.vote_id_1 AS pcp_posts_vote_id_1, pcp_posts.vote_id_2 AS 
pcp_posts_vote_id_2, pcp_posts.top_point_id AS pcp_posts_top_point_id, AS comments_id, comments.body AS comments_body, 
comments.poster_id AS comments_poster_id, anon_1.users_id AS 
anon_1_users_id, anon_1.entities_id AS anon_1_entities_id, 
anon_1.entities_parent_id AS anon_1_entities_parent_id, 
anon_1.entities_type_id AS anon_1_entities_type_id, anon_1.entities_name AS 
anon_1_entities_name, anon_1.entities_created_at AS 
anon_1_entities_created_at, anon_1.entities_hotness AS 
anon_1_entities_hotness, anon_1.entities_hotness_dirty AS 
anon_1_entities_hotness_dirty, anon_1.entities_modified_at AS 
anon_1_entities_modified_at, anon_1.entities_up_votes AS 
anon_1_entities_up_votes, anon_1.entities_down_votes AS 
anon_1_entities_down_votes, anon_1.users_email AS anon_1_users_email, 
anon_1.users_username AS anon_1_users_username, anon_1.users_first_name AS 
anon_1_users_first_name, anon_1.users_last_name AS anon_1_users_last_name, 
anon_1.users_picture AS anon_1_users_picture, anon_1.users_origin_url AS 
anon_1_users_origin_url, anon_1.users_city AS anon_1_users_city, 
anon_1.users_state AS anon_1_users_state, anon_1.users_country AS 
anon_1_users_country, anon_1.users_gender AS anon_1_users_gender, 
anon_1.users_password AS anon_1_users_password, anon_1.users_bio AS 
anon_1_users_bio, anon_1.users_email_verified AS 
anon_1_users_email_verified, anon_1.users_email_validation AS 
anon_1_users_email_validation, anon_1.users_temp_password AS 
anon_1_users_temp_password, anon_1.users_temp_password_expiry AS 
anon_1_users_temp_password_expiry, anon_1.users_active AS 
anon_1_users_active, anon_1.users_admin AS anon_1_users_admin, 
anon_1.users_reputation AS anon_1_users_reputation, anon_2.users_id AS 
anon_2_users_id, anon_2.entities_id AS anon_2_entities_id, 
anon_2.entities_parent_id AS anon_2_entities_parent_id, 
anon_2.entities_type_id AS anon_2_entities_type_id, anon_2.entities_name AS 
anon_2_entities_name, anon_2.entities_created_at AS 
anon_2_entities_created_at, anon_2.entities_hotness AS 
anon_2_entities_hotness, anon_2.entities_hotness_dirty AS 
anon_2_entities_hotness_dirty, anon_2.entities_modified_at AS 

Re: [sqlalchemy] Dogpile caching: can't pickle function objects

2013-07-11 Thread Amir Elaguizy

Thanks for the reply. I understand what you're saying and can go search for 
that. I wonder if you could take a look at my question about join order 
determinism in polymorphic queries?


On Thursday, July 11, 2013 11:09:50 AM UTC-7, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Jul 11, 2013, at 11:43 AM, Amir Elaguizy aela...@gmail.comjavascript: 

  If I do a query like this: 
  return PcpPostModel.query.filter_by(id=post_id).options( 
  and then later I do another query like this: 
  Any models that were returned by the first query are now of type: class 

 CachedValue is a tuple-based container that contains the actual result you 
 want to work with as well as the time that the value was placed in the 
 cache.   Take a look at the contents of CachedValue. 

  So then when the second query runs it will except with: 
 /Users/aelaguiz/workspace/stufff/venv/lib/python2.7/, line 70, 
 in _reduce_ex 
  raise TypeError, can't pickle %s objects % base.__name__ 
  TypeError: can't pickle function objects 
  Any idea what I can do about this? 

 something in your model class, or your mapping, or perhaps within some 
 SQLAlchemy construct in use, is a callable function that isn't picklable. 
  SQLAlchemy itself goes through a lot of trouble to not embed functions in 
 mapped instances, however in some cases it's difficult to avoid.  You'd 
 need to provide full detail on your classes/mappings, most preferably a 
 fully contained, runnable example, in order to determine where this 
 callable is present.   

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Join order determinism

2013-07-11 Thread Amir Elaguizy

That works!


On Thursday, July 11, 2013 11:17:27 AM UTC-7, Michael Bayer wrote:

 when you say between runs, you mean whole new processes with new 
 mappers, right?  there are some memoized sets involved in polymorphic 
 loading, those sets should not change order as the program runs but across 
 runs there may be some changes in improve this I'd need you to 
 provide a simple test case on a new trac ticket - here's kind of a guess as 
 to what might resolve it, if you want to try:

 --- a/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/
 +++ b/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/
 @@ -1798,7 +1798,7 @@ class Mapper(_InspectionAttr):
  while stack:
  item = stack.popleft()
 +stack.extend(sorted(item._inheriting_mappers, key=lambda m: 
  return util.WeakSequence(descendants)
  def polymorphic_iterator(self):

 On Jul 11, 2013, at 2:00 PM, Amir Elaguizy aela...@gmail.comjavascript: 

 I noticed that between runs my cache hit rate using dogpile query caching 
 could change without any of the underlying data structures changing, after 
 digging in what I found was the join order on my polymorphic classes is not 
 deterministic. Is there any way to ensure a deterministic join order on 
 polymorphic loads?

 Examples of the queries being generated:

 Run 1:

 SELECT AS entities_id, entities.parent_id AS 
 entities_parent_id, entities.type_id AS entities_type_id, entities.nameAS 
 entities_name, entities.created_at AS entities_created_at, 
 entities.hotness AS entities_hotness, entities.hotness_dirty AS 
 entities_hotness_dirty, entities.modified_at AS entities_modified_at, 
 entities.up_votes AS entities_up_votes, entities.down_votes AS 
 entities_down_votes, AS categories_id, AS 
 videos_id, videos.video_type_id AS videos_video_type_id, videos.poster_id 
 AS videos_poster_id, videos.key AS videos_key, AS clubs_id, AS brands_id, AS pcp_points_id, 
 pcp_points.poster_id AS pcp_points_poster_id, pcp_points.subject_id AS 
 pcp_points_subject_id, pcp_points.is_point AS pcp_points_is_point, 
 pcp_points.body AS pcp_points_body, pcp_points.origin_url AS 
 pcp_points_origin_url, AS tags_id, AS 
 pcp_vote_targets_id, AS stufff_images_id, 
 stufff_images.image_id AS stufff_images_image_id, stufff_images.poster_id 
 AS stufff_images_poster_id, stufff_images.source AS stufff_images_source, AS link_posts_id, link_posts.url AS link_posts_url, 
 link_posts.edited_at AS link_posts_edited_at, link_posts.poster_id AS 
 link_posts_poster_id, AS users_id, AS users_email, 
 users.username AS users_username, users.first_name AS users_first_name, 
 users.last_name AS users_last_name, users.picture AS users_picture, 
 users.origin_url AS users_origin_url, AS users_city, users.state 
 AS users_state, AS users_country, users.gender AS 
 users_gender, users.password AS users_password, AS users_bio, 
 users.email_verified AS users_email_verified, users.email_validation AS 
 users_email_validation, users.temp_password AS users_temp_password, 
 users.temp_password_expiry AS users_temp_password_expiry, AS 
 users_active, users.admin AS users_admin, users.reputation AS 
 users_reputation, AS text_posts_id, text_posts.body AS 
 text_posts_body, text_posts.edited_at AS text_posts_edited_at, 
 text_posts.poster_id AS text_posts_poster_id, AS products_id, AS pcp_posts_id, pcp_posts.poster_id AS pcp_posts_poster_id, 
 pcp_posts.subject_id_1 AS pcp_posts_subject_id_1, pcp_posts.subject_id_2 AS 
 pcp_posts_subject_id_2, pcp_posts.vote_id_1 AS pcp_posts_vote_id_1, 
 pcp_posts.vote_id_2 AS pcp_posts_vote_id_2, pcp_posts.top_point_id AS 
 pcp_posts_top_point_id, AS comments_id, comments.body AS 
 comments_body, comments.poster_id AS comments_poster_id, anon_1.users_id AS 
 anon_1_users_id, anon_1.entities_id AS anon_1_entities_id, 
 anon_1.entities_parent_id AS anon_1_entities_parent_id, 
 anon_1.entities_type_id AS anon_1_entities_type_id, anon_1.entities_name AS 
 anon_1_entities_name, anon_1.entities_created_at AS 
 anon_1_entities_created_at, anon_1.entities_hotness AS 
 anon_1_entities_hotness, anon_1.entities_hotness_dirty AS 
 anon_1_entities_hotness_dirty, anon_1.entities_modified_at AS 
 anon_1_entities_modified_at, anon_1.entities_up_votes AS 
 anon_1_entities_up_votes, anon_1.entities_down_votes AS 
 anon_1_entities_down_votes, anon_1.users_email AS anon_1_users_email, 
 anon_1.users_username AS anon_1_users_username, anon_1.users_first_name AS 
 anon_1_users_first_name, anon_1.users_last_name AS anon_1_users_last_name, 
 anon_1.users_picture AS anon_1_users_picture, anon_1.users_origin_url AS 

Re: [sqlalchemy] Join order determinism

2013-07-11 Thread Amir Elaguizy

On Thursday, July 11, 2013 11:23:32 AM UTC-7, Michael Bayer wrote:

 just that, huh.   the tricky thing is its difficult to ensure that a set() 
 doesn't find its way in there at some point and mess the order up again.   
  open up a ticket for this one I'd need to come up with a test.

 On Jul 11, 2013, at 2:19 PM, Amir Elaguizy aela...@gmail.comjavascript: 


 That works!


 On Thursday, July 11, 2013 11:17:27 AM UTC-7, Michael Bayer wrote:

 when you say between runs, you mean whole new processes with new 
 mappers, right?  there are some memoized sets involved in polymorphic 
 loading, those sets should not change order as the program runs but across 
 runs there may be some changes in improve this I'd need you to 
 provide a simple test case on a new trac ticket - here's kind of a guess as 
 to what might resolve it, if you want to try:

 --- a/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/
 +++ b/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/
 @@ -1798,7 +1798,7 @@ class Mapper(_InspectionAttr):
  while stack:
  item = stack.popleft()
 +stack.extend(sorted(item._inheriting_mappers, key=lambda m: 
  return util.WeakSequence(descendants)
  def polymorphic_iterator(self):

 On Jul 11, 2013, at 2:00 PM, Amir Elaguizy wrote:

 I noticed that between runs my cache hit rate using dogpile query caching 
 could change without any of the underlying data structures changing, after 
 digging in what I found was the join order on my polymorphic classes is not 
 deterministic. Is there any way to ensure a deterministic join order on 
 polymorphic loads?

 Examples of the queries being generated:

 Run 1:

 SELECT AS entities_id, entities.parent_id AS 
 entities_parent_id, entities.type_id AS entities_type_id, entities.nameAS 
 entities_name, entities.created_at AS entities_created_at, 
 entities.hotness AS entities_hotness, entities.hotness_dirty AS 
 entities_hotness_dirty, entities.modified_at AS entities_modified_at, 
 entities.up_votes AS entities_up_votes, entities.down_votes AS 
 entities_down_votes, AS categories_id, AS 
 videos_id, videos.video_type_id AS videos_video_type_id, videos.poster_id 
 AS videos_poster_id, videos.key AS videos_key, AS clubs_id, AS brands_id, AS pcp_points_id, 
 pcp_points.poster_id AS pcp_points_poster_id, pcp_points.subject_id AS 
 pcp_points_subject_id, pcp_points.is_point AS pcp_points_is_point, 
 pcp_points.body AS pcp_points_body, pcp_points.origin_url AS 
 pcp_points_origin_url, AS tags_id, AS 
 pcp_vote_targets_id, AS stufff_images_id, 
 stufff_images.image_id AS stufff_images_image_id, stufff_images.poster_id 
 AS stufff_images_poster_id, stufff_images.source AS stufff_images_source, AS link_posts_id, link_posts.url AS link_posts_url, 
 link_posts.edited_at AS link_posts_edited_at, link_posts.poster_id AS 
 link_posts_poster_id, AS users_id, AS users_email, 
 users.username AS users_username, users.first_name AS users_first_name, 
 users.last_name AS users_last_name, users.picture AS users_picture, 
 users.origin_url AS users_origin_url, AS users_city, users.state 
 AS users_state, AS users_country, users.gender AS 
 users_gender, users.password AS users_password, AS users_bio, 
 users.email_verified AS users_email_verified, users.email_validation AS 
 users_email_validation, users.temp_password AS users_temp_password, 
 users.temp_password_expiry AS users_temp_password_expiry, AS 
 users_active, users.admin AS users_admin, users.reputation AS 
 users_reputation, AS text_posts_id, text_posts.body AS 
 text_posts_body, text_posts.edited_at AS text_posts_edited_at, 
 text_posts.poster_id AS text_posts_poster_id, AS 
 products_id, AS pcp_posts_id, pcp_posts.poster_id AS 
 pcp_posts_poster_id, pcp_posts.subject_id_1 AS pcp_posts_subject_id_1, 
 pcp_posts.subject_id_2 AS pcp_posts_subject_id_2, pcp_posts.vote_id_1 AS 
 pcp_posts_vote_id_1, pcp_posts.vote_id_2 AS pcp_posts_vote_id_2, 
 pcp_posts.top_point_id AS pcp_posts_top_point_id, AS 
 comments_id, comments.body AS comments_body, comments.poster_id AS 
 comments_poster_id, anon_1.users_id AS anon_1_users_id, anon_1.entities_id 
 AS anon_1_entities_id, anon_1.entities_parent_id AS 
 anon_1_entities_parent_id, anon_1.entities_type_id AS 
 anon_1_entities_type_id, anon_1.entities_name AS anon_1_entities_name, 
 anon_1.entities_created_at AS anon_1_entities_created_at, 
 anon_1.entities_hotness AS anon_1_entities_hotness, 
 anon_1.entities_hotness_dirty AS anon_1_entities_hotness_dirty, 
 anon_1.entities_modified_at AS anon_1_entities_modified_at

[sqlalchemy] YCombinator startup seeks SQLAlchemy performance contract engineer

2013-07-08 Thread Amir Elaguizy - Toutpost Founder
Hey guys,

I'm Amir - Founder of Toutpost. We're a YCombinator 2013 company.

We're growing very fast but are having performance issues. We have never 
scaled an application on SQLAlchemy before so we think that our usage of 
relationships is suboptimal. It's preventing us from implementing a decent 
caching strategy as well. Technical overview is below my sig.

We're all engineers, we built the stack ourselves. You wouldn't be working 
with non-technical people - just coders working with coders (Two ex-Zynga 
CTOs running the company). We're looking for help on an immediate basis and 
can pay fairly well.

We really need someone who is available immediately. If interested please 
e-mail me:

Amir Elaguizy
Founder of Toutpost

*Technical overview of the issue:*

We're paying massive costs in CPU time building the models, even though our 
actual time in pgsql is not significant. We've tried out the dogpile 
caching strategy but because of the number of relationships and polymorphic 
models in use - caching a single model or relationship doesn't give solid 

The biggest gains we were able to get were when we pickle'd the entire 
objects to memcache, but then we have a problem of not being able to use 
relationships due to them being detached from the session when 
deserializing from memcache.  But in order to get those relationships into 
memcache, we would essentially have to joinedload in every relationship on 
the model - which is prohibitively expensive.

So we'd like someone who can optimize our usage of SQLAlchemy, which 
probably means working on our schema some. Then we'd like them to implement 
a caching strategy as well. The goal would be to have surprisingly fast 
page loads, right now we're seeing about 1 request/second locally, less on 
heroku. We'd like to be able to handle 5-8 requests per second per worker 
thread in order to have a seriously performant site.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] nested inheritance / polymorphic relationships

2013-06-04 Thread Amir Elaguizy
I didn't intend to use the word reflected in the Programming sense, I meant
in the traditional sense: is represented by.

That sentence was confusing, sorry!

I was saying class B,  C, and D are all defined using that same pattern.
They each have their own class.


On Tuesday, June 4, 2013, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Jun 4, 2013, at 1:55 AM, Amir Elaguizy aelag...@gmail.comjavascript:;

  Hi there,
  I have a tree that looks like this, reflected via polymorphic

 what do we mean reflected here, are you reflecting tables from the
 database, that is,

  That works great, like:
  class BaseModel(db.Model): # Table A in diagram
  __tablename__ = entities
  id = db.Column(db.BigInteger, primary_key=True, nullable=False,
  type_id = db.Column(db.SmallInteger,
  __mapper_args__ = {

 this is why I question the word reflected because I don't see you using
 reflection there.

  class BrandModel(BaseModel):   # Table B, C, D in diagram
  __tablename__ = 'brands'
  id = db.Column(db.BigInteger, db.ForeignKey(,
 primary_key=True, nullable=False)
  name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
  __mapper_args__ = {

 Im confused by this as well - are you saying that you map the same class
 to B, C, and D rows?   That would be unusual.  It wouldn't work at all on
 the persistence side as SQLAlchemy could not know which of B, C, or D you
 wish for a particular BrandModel to be persisted towards.

  The problem is I need to reflect something more like this:
/   |   \
  B   C   D
   /   \
  Where D is not only a polymorphic child of A but also the polymorphic
 parents of E  F.
  It seems like I have to choose, D can either be a polymorphic child or
 it can be a parent - it can't be both.
  Do I have any options here?

 SQLAlchemy can represent inheritance hierarchies of any depth.However,
 because you are assigning a single subclass to all of B, C, and D that
 might be why there's an issue here, you'd need to assign a distinct
 subclass of BaseModel to at least D, and then another subclass of D_Model
 to handle E and F.

 Preferably, you'd produce distinct classes for all six tables.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: nested inheritance / polymorphic relationships

2013-06-04 Thread Amir Elaguizy
Just to tie this off, I ended up flattening the tree so it looks like:

  /   |  \\
B   C E  F

D is now gone  and the functionality it provided is in the children (E  
F). I'll probably make the common parts a mixin or something.

Unfortunate but I couldn't spend more time on this particular issue.

On Monday, June 3, 2013 10:55:15 PM UTC-7, Amir Elaguizy wrote:

 Hi there,

 I have a tree that looks like this, reflected via polymorphic inheritance:

   /   |   \
 B   C   D

 That works great, like:

 class BaseModel(db.Model): # Table A in diagram
 __tablename__ = entities

 id = db.Column(db.BigInteger, primary_key=True, nullable=False, 
 type_id = db.Column(db.SmallInteger, 

 __mapper_args__ = {

 class BrandModel(BaseModel):   # Table B, C, D in diagram
 __tablename__ = 'brands'

 id = db.Column(db.BigInteger, db.ForeignKey(, 
 primary_key=True, nullable=False)
 name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)

 __mapper_args__ = {

 The problem is I need to reflect something more like this:

   /   |   \
 B   C   D
  /   \

 Where D is not only a polymorphic child of A but also the polymorphic 
 parents of E  F.

 It seems like I have to choose, D can either be a polymorphic child or it 
 can be a parent - it can't be both.

 Do I have any options here?

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