Hey guys,

Questions about the following code in which I'm trying to take a textqual 
query and join it to a query builder query.

1) What is the correct way to do the in for the list of ids in the first 
query? My current way doesn't work and I'm not able to find a real good 
2) How can I Join complicated query 2 with complicated query 1. Essentially 
join query 2 on sm.StufffModel.id == query1.id

Complicated query 1:

    image_res = db.session.query("id", "depth", "parent_id", "name", 
        WITH RECURSIVE graph(root_id, id, name, parent_id) AS (
            SELECT e.id, e.id, e.name, e.parent_id, 1 as depth FROM 
entities e
        UNION ALL
            SELECT graph.root_id, e.id, e.name, e.parent_id, depth + 1 FROM 
graph JOIN entities e ON e.parent_id=graph.id

        SELECT g.id,g.depth, g.parent_id, name, ii.s3_key
        FROM graph g
            JOIN entity_map em ON g.id=em.left_id
            JOIN stufff_images si ON em.right_id=si.id
            JOIN image_instance ii ON si.image_id=ii.image_id
        WHERE root_id in (:ids) AND ii.width=120 ORDER BY depth ASC LIMIT 1;
        """).params(ids=",".join([str(i) for i in ids])))

Complicated query 2:

    query = db.session.query(
        sm.StufffModel.id, sm.EntityTypesModel.type, 
sm.StufffModel.hotness, sm.StufffModel.created_at, sm.StufffModel.name)

    query = query.join(sm.EntityTypesModel)

    query = query.filter(sm.StufffModel.id.in_(ids))

    res = query.all()


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