Re: [sqlalchemy] [Q][0.7.9] How to issue apply_labels() on an ORM query?

2013-05-31 Thread Andrija Zarić
On Friday, May 31, 2013 11:46:46 AM UTC+2, Ladislav Lenart wrote:

 Glad I could help, but I don't understand what is going on. Neither ticket 
 description nor the patch itself helped me. Sorry. 

 What is select_from() good for when it generates a cartesian query? 

 What MIGHT help ME (a lot infact) is a couple of DOs and DONTs examples in 
 place for all these three constructs 


 A 'highlevel user-friendly step-by-step description' about what each 
 does, so that I can see where they differ. 

Hi, Lenart!

In the patch you can find doc for the new method Query.select_entity_from. 
As I read it, it replaces Query.select_from.

Have you tried simply replacing old method with the new one (after applying 
the patch)?

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Re: [sqlalchemy] [Q][0.7.9] How to issue apply_labels() on an ORM query?

2013-05-31 Thread Andrija Zarić
On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Ladislav Lenart lenart...@volny.czwrote:


 I've read the patch and the new documentation and i've learned about the
 existence of select_entity_from(). I was trying to say that the new
 documentation does not help me to understand the meaning / preferred usage
 these constructs (i.e. select_from, select_entity_from and aliased). I
 don't understand when should I use which and why.

 I have already solved my original problem by replacing select_from() with
 add_entity() and join(). Take a look at older posts in this thread for more
 details if you're interested, though the original query is a bit more
 than the supplied regression.

 Ladislav Lenart

Sorry I rushed with the reply! I haven't carefully read your original post,
but concentrated on the patch as I was hoping it was relevant to my issue.
More importantly, I was misleading and wrong in trying to 'summarize' the
docs, stating there are new and old methods.

The examples in the patch say those two cases:

select_stmt = select([User]).where( == 7)

q = session.query(User).select_entity_from(select_stmt)
user_from_select = aliased(User, select_stmt.alias())

should produce similar result, i.e. give you User entity from different
mapping then usual; whether select_from() should work as intended -
resulting cartesian product in docs example should be 'eliminated' by
further join.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] object has no attribute 'delete'

2010-04-13 Thread Andrija Zarić

On 13 April 2010 11:12, jo wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm trying migrate from 0.3 to 0.6
 I don't know how to delete an object

 in the old version it was:


 in 0.6:


 AttributeError: 'My' object has no attribute 'delete'

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: Cannot delete SQLite '.db' using os.remove

2010-03-09 Thread Andrija Zarić
Your example runs fine on Ubuntu 9.04, with python 2.6.2 and

On 9 March 2010 05:49, Lynton Grice wrote:

 Hi Michael,

 Can you paste the following code into your editor and try it out? Can
 you tell me what I would need to do to close the connections in this

 Any help would be greatly appreciated ;-)

 from sqlalchemy import *
 from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
 from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper
 from sqlalchemy.pool import StaticPool
 import os

 class Message(object):

 if __name__ == '__main__':
  db_conn = 'sqlite:///foo.db'
   db = create_engine(db_conn,echo=False, poolclass=StaticPool)
  metadata = MetaData(db)
   queueName = 'foo'
   queue = Table(queueName, metadata,
Column('IDX', Integer, primary_key=True,
 autoincrement = True ),
Column('ID', String(64)),
Column('CORRELATIONID', String(64)),)
   session_maker = sessionmaker(bind=db)
  session = session_maker()
  mapper(Message, queue)

  msg = Message()
  msg.ID = '1234'
  msg.CORRELATIONID = '111'

  print Message count:  + str(session.query(Message).count())

  print Done...



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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to order_by relation by another join?

2010-02-11 Thread Andrija Zarić
Thanks, Mike!

Your example indeed works, but unfortunately when I add inheritance,
mapper fails to generate proper (inherited) class:
(I've changed code a little, so it represents more what I'm trying to

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

engine = create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)
Base = declarative_base()

class Detail(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'detail'
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   sort = Column(Integer)

class Order(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'order'
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

class Item(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'item'
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   order_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
   detail_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))

   detail = relation(Detail, uselist=False, lazy=False)
   order = relation(Order, uselist=False)
   type = Column(String(20))
   __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_on' : type}

class ValueItem(Item):
   __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity' : 'quantity' }
   value = Column('quantity_value', Numeric(15, 4))

class ErrorItem(Item):
   __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity' : 'error' }
   value = Column('error_value', String(15, 4))

Order.items  = relation(Item)
j = Item.__table__.join(Detail.__table__)
itemdetail = mapper(Item, j, non_primary=True)
Order.sorteditems = relation(itemdetail,
order_by=Detail.__table__.c.sort, viewonly=True)

metadata = Base.metadata
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))

order = Order(id=1)
detail = Detail(id=1, sort=1)
order.items.append(ValueItem(id=1, detail=detail))


for order in Session.query(Order).all():
for item in order.sorteditems:
print item
for item in order.items:
print item

__main__.Item object at 0x881ddac

__main__.ValueItem object at 0x960da6c

Am I making a obvious mistake somewhere here?

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: How to order_by relation by another join?

2010-02-11 Thread Andrija Zarić
On 11 February 2010 14:26, Michael Bayer wrote:
 I'm assuming these are single-table inheritance mappers (I forgot about that 
 add the column trick..)

 So yeah my solution was a quick hack and to continue in this way you'd have 
 to build non-primary mappers for each of ValueItem, ErrorItem that state 
 inherits for the original non-primary mapper, using the polymorphic 
 identities as well.   It would still work.

Thanks again!

It's obvious now, of course. When I added other non-primary mappers,
inheritance is working. I suppose declarative extension spoiled me...

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[sqlalchemy] How to order_by relation by another join?

2010-02-10 Thread Andrija Zarić
Let's say I've got simple structure Order--Item--Detail.

class Detail(Base):

class Order(Base):

class Item(Base):
  detail = relation(Detail, uselist=False, lazy=False)
  order = relation(Order, uselist=False, backref='items')

Of course I can specify order_by for Order.items by any columns from
Item, but is there a way I can order_by a column defined in Detail?

I've naively tried something as backref('items',,
but because Detail is anonymously joined to Item as e.g. 'details_1',
I've received ProgrammingError:  invalid reference to FROM-clause
entry for table details.

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